66 research outputs found

    Neuromodulation and neuroprotective effects of chlorogenic acids in excitatory synapses of mouse hippocampal slices

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    The increased healthspan afforded by coffee intake provides novel opportunities to identify new therapeutic strategies. Caffeine has been proposed to afford benefits through adenosine A2A receptors, which can control synaptic dysfunction underlying some brain disease. However, decaffeinated coffee and other main components of coffee such as chlorogenic acids, also attenuate brain dysfunction, although it is unknown if they control synaptic function. We now used electrophysiological recordings in mouse hippocampal slices to test if realistic concentrations of chlorogenic acids directly affect synaptic transmission and plasticity. 3-(3,4-dihydroxycinnamoyl)quinic acid (CA, 1–10 μM) and 5-O-(trans-3,4-dihydroxycinnamoyl)-D-quinic acid (NCA, 1–10 μM) were devoid of effect on synaptic transmission, paired-pulse facilitation or long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) in Schaffer collaterals-CA1 pyramidal synapses. However, CA and NCA increased the recovery of synaptic transmission upon re-oxygenation following 7 min of oxygen/glucose deprivation, an in vitro ischemia model. Also, CA and NCA attenuated the shift of LTD into LTP observed in hippocampal slices from animals with hippocampal-dependent memory deterioration after exposure to β-amyloid 1–42 (2 nmol, icv), in the context of Alzheimer’s disease. These findings show that chlorogenic acids do not directly affect synaptic transmission and plasticity but can indirectly affect other cellular targets to correct synaptic dysfunction. Unraveling the molecular mechanisms of action of chlorogenic acids will allow the design of hitherto unrecognized novel neuroprotective strategies

    O temperamento de ovelhas do grupo genético pantaneiro em sistemas de manejo distintos.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se determinar se o tipo de manejo influencia no temperamento medido no Teste de Arena de ovelhas do Grupo Genético Pantaneiro. O estudo foi realizado no Centro Tecnológico de Ovinocultura. Foram utilizadas 83 ovelhas prenhas pantaneiras com idade média de 3,49. As ovelhas foram divididas em dois tipos de manejo: 1) manejo aversivo e 2) manejo não aversivo. O temperamento foi avaliado pelo Teste de Arena. Os dados foram analisados com o uso do PROC FREQ e PROC MEANS. As ovelhas manejadas de forma aversiva percorreram maiores distâncias, tiveram vocalizações de alta intensidade e maior número de defecações totais, tanto no isolamento quanto na presença do observador enquanto que as ovelhas submetidas ao manejo não aversivo tiveram maior número de vocalizações de baixa intensidade na presença do observador e menor distância, demonstrando maior habituação à presença de seres humanos. Ovelhas submetidas a manejo aversivo são mais estressadas frente a situações de medo

    Teste de Arena para avaliação do temperamento de ovelhas pantaneiras.

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    Em ovinos, a motivação social muitas vezes é avaliada por testes comportamentais que testam a reatividade do animal frente a situações de medo e estresse. Estudar o temperamento de ovelhas do Grupo Genético Pantaneiro torna-se importante pois pode contribuir para diminuir o estresse durante as práticas de manejo, classificar os animais conforme sua reatividade e melhorar o sistema de produção. Neste contexto, objetivou-se avaliar se ovelhas com até três anos de idade eram mais estressada que ovelhas mais velhas (quatro anos o mais)

    Internet-based interventions for adults with hearing loss, tinnitus and vestibular disorders: protocol for a systematic review

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    Background: Internet-based interventions are emerging as an alternative way of delivering accessible healthcare for various conditions including hearing and balance disorders. A comprehensive review regarding the evidence-base of Internet-based interventions for auditory-related conditions is required to determine the existing evidence of their efficacy and effectiveness. The objective of the current protocol is to provide the methodology for a systematic review regarding the effects of Internet-based interventions for adults with hearing loss, tinnitus and vestibular disorders. Method: This protocol was developed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses for Protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 guidelines. Electronic database searches will include EBSCOhost, PubMed and Cochrane Central Register performed by two researchers. This will be complemented by searching other resources such as the reference lists for included studies to identify studies meeting the eligibility for inclusion with regard to study designs, participants, interventions, comparators and outcomes. The Cochrane risk of bias tool (RoB 2) for randomised trials will be used for the bias assessments in the included studies. Criteria for conducting meta-analyses were defined. Discussion: The result of this systematic review will be of value to establish the effects of Internet-based interventions for hearing loss, tinnitus and vestibular disorders. This will be of importance to guide future planning of auditory intervention research and clinical services by healthcare providers, researchers, consumers and stakeholders