186 research outputs found

    Generating functions for canonical systems of fermions

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    The method proposed by Pratt to derive recursion relations for systems of degenerate fermions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4255 (2000), arXiv:nucl-th/9905055] relies on diagrammatic techniques. This efficient formalism assumes no explicit two-body interactions, makes possible the inclusion of conservation laws and requires low computational time. In this brief report, we show that such recursion relations can be obtained from generating functions, without any restriction as concerns the number of conservation laws (e.g. total energy or angular momentum).Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Cryptocurrencies for social change: The experience of MonedaPAR in Argentina

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    Recent technological progresses made it possible for complementary and community currencies to be increasingly transformed into digital currencies. An increasing number of them run on blockchain, a technology that allows for greater decentralization and trust-less systems. This fusion between social and cryptocurrencies opens a series of questionings: can social currencies maintain their values regarding the creation of community and a fuller citizenship? Is the total decentralization an important value for the communities that use social currencies? Can "trust", as defined for these monetary systems be replaced by a system that presupposes it? These comprehensive questions conform our current research project. With an inductive and multidisciplinary plan of demonstration in mind, this particular document tries to put in discussion the characteristics and potentialities, as well as the problems, limits and tensions generated by the circulation of digital currencies that run on Blockchain (cryptocurrencies), leaving for future research the in-depth discussion that this new mixture of technologies brings up. These issues will be addressed by studying the case of a digital social currency system running on blockchain, based on mutual credit, implemented in Argentina today: MonedaPAR, which was conceived as a defense mechanism against the economic crisis that plagues Argentina since 2016.Fil: Orzi, Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentina.Fil: Porcherot, Raphael. Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques de la Société et de l’Economie (IDHE.S); France.Fil: Valdecantos, Sebastián. Co-founder of MonedaPAR; Argentina

    A consistent approach for mixed detailed and statistical calculation of opacities in hot plasmas

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    Absorption and emission spectra of plasmas with multicharged-ions contain transition arrays with a huge number of coalescent electric-dipole (E1) lines, which are well suited for treatment by the unresolved transition array and derivative methods. But, some transition arrays show detailed features whose description requires diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix. We developed a hybrid opacity code, called SCORCG, which combines statistical approaches with fine-structure calculations consistently. Data required for the computation of detailed transition arrays (atomic configurations and atomic radial integrals) are calculated by the super-configuration code SCO (Super-Configuration Opacity), which provides an accurate description of the plasma screening effects on the wave-functions. Level energies as well as position and strength of spectral lines are computed by an adapted RCG routine of R. D. Cowan. The resulting code provides opacities for hot plasmas and can handle mid-Z elements. The code is also a powerful tool for the interpretation of recent laser and Z-pinch experimental spectra, as well as for validation of statistical methods.Comment: submitted to "High Energy Density Physics

    Influence of Workload on Auditory Evoked Potentials in a Single-stimulus Paradigm

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    Mental workload can be assessed via neurophysiological markers. Temporal features such as event related potentials (ERPs) are one of those which are very often described in the literature. However, most of the studies that evaluate their sensitivity to workload use secondary tasks. Yet potentials elicited by ignored stimuli could provide mental state monitoring systems with less intrusive probing methods. For instance, auditory probing systems could be used in adaptive driving or e-learning applications. This study evaluates how workload influences auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) elicited by a single-stimulus paradigm when probes are to be ignored. Ten participants performed a Sternberg memory task on a touchpad with three levels of difficulty plus a view-only condition. In addition, they performed two ecological tasks of their choice, one deemed easy (e.g. reading novels), and the other difficult (e.g. programming). AEPs were elicited thanks to pure tones presented during the memory task retention period, and during the whole extent of the external tasks. Performance and AEPs were recorded and analyzed. Participants’ accuracy decreased linearly with increasing workload, whereas the difference in amplitude between the P3 and its adjacent components, N2 and SW, increased. This reveals the relevance of this triphasic sequence for mental workload assessment

    Variability of Affective Responses to Odors: Culture, Gender, and Olfactory Knowledge

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    Emotion and odor scales (EOS) measuring odor-related affective feelings were recently developed for three different countries (Switzerland, United Kingdom, and Singapore). The first aim of this study was to investigate gender and cultural differences in verbal affective response to odors, measured with EOS and the usual pleasantness scale. To better understand this variability, the second aim was to investigate the link between affective reports and olfactory knowledge (familiarity and identification). Responses of 772 participants smelling 56-59 odors were collected in the three countries. Women rated odors as more intense and identified them better in all countries, but no reliable sex differences were found for verbal affective responses to odors. Disgust-related feelings revealed odor-dependent sex differences, due to sex differences in identification and categorization. Further, increased odor knowledge was related to more positive affects as reported with pleasantness and odor-related feeling evaluations, which can be related to top-down influences on odor representation. These top-down influences were thought, for example, to relate to beliefs about odor properties or to categorization (edible vs. nonedible). Finally, the link between odor knowledge and olfactory affect was generally asymmetrical and significant only for pleasant odors, not for unpleasant ones that seemed to be more resistant to cognitive influences. This study, for the first time using emotional scales that are appropriate to the olfactory domain, brings new insights into the variability of affective responses to odors and its relationship to odor knowledg

    Iron and Nickel spectral opacity calculations in conditions relevant for pulsating stellar envelopes and experiments

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    Seismology of stars is strongly developing. To address this question we have formed an international collaboration OPAC to perform specific experimental measurements, compare opacity calculations and improve the opacity calculations in the stellar codes [1]. We consider the following opacity codes: SCO, CASSANDRA, STA, OPAS, LEDCOP, OP, SCO-RCG. Their comparison has shown large differences for Fe and Ni in equivalent conditions of envelopes of type II supernova precursors, temperatures between 15 and 40 eV and densities of a few mg/cm3 [2, 3, 4]. LEDCOP, OPAS, SCO-RCG structure codes and STA give similar results and differ from OP ones for the lower temperatures and for spectral interval values [3]. In this work we discuss the role of Configuration Interaction (CI) and the influence of the number of used configurations. We present and include in the opacity code comparisons new HULLAC-v9 calculations [5, 6] that include full CI. To illustrate the importance of this effect we compare different CI approximations (modes) available in HULLAC-v9 [7]. These results are compared to previous predictions and to experimental data. Differences with OP results are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, Bordeaux, 12th to 16th September 2011; EPJ web of Conferences 201

    Affective semantic space of scents. Towards a universal scale to measure self-reported odor-related feelings

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    Measuring self-reported affective feelings to odors and odorous products is a recent challenge for the food and cosmetic field, requiring the development of suited instruments. This paper finalizes a line of studies aimed at developing Emotion and Odor Scales (EOSs) in several cultures. Previously available for Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Singapore, new EOSs are presented here for the United States, Brazil, and China. These scales, developed with 350-540 participants per country, have been conceived to allow the measurement of affective feelings (e.g., emotions, moods, attitudes) in response to a wide range of odors including pleasant and unpleasant, food and non-food ones. Several affective categories were recurrent in the countries examined here: Disgust/Irritation, Happiness/Well-being, Sensuality/Desire, Energy, but also Soothing/Peacefulness and Hunger/Thirst, indicating a potential link between emotion and adaptive universal functions of olfaction such as danger avoidance, ingestion and social communication. For these common categories, similarity in affective responses generally reflected geographic proximity indicating also a strong influence of cultural aspects. Exceptions to this pattern were Singapore and China, with affective responses of Singaporeans being closer to those of Europeans. This series of studies allows us to propose a universal scale (UniGEOS) that might be used in the future for examination of other cultures. This scale comprises affective categories that we found to be culturally shared, enclosing the most frequently shared affective terms, and several culture-specific aspects that may be relevant in other cultures. This tool can be used in its complete form (25 affective terms) or as a short version with nine categories entitled Unpleasant feelings, Happiness/Delight, Sensuality/Desire, Energy, Soothing/ Peacefulness, Hunger/Thirst, Interest, Nostalgia and Spirituality
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