15 research outputs found

    NTA 8080 analysis of the JaLo pellet chain

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    JaLo Biopellets Twente intends to harvest biomass from landscape elements and turn that into pellets for energy purposes. The sustainability of these future operations was assessed through a specially developed sustainability framework consisting of several tools. This NTA 8080 study takes the JaLo chain sustainability assessment one step further. It tests the chain set-up for compliance with a series of formal sustainability requirements, as documented in the Dutch 8080 standard. In addition, the project framework tools are validated against this standard; it is analysed to what extend they cover each of the NTA 8080 sustainability requirements

    Bamboo : Analyzing the potential of bamboo feedstock for the biobased economy

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    Bamboos are a large group of rapidly growing woody grasses, that can be sustainably managed in short-cycled harvesting schemes in many parts of the world. Bamboo stands can be managed by individual producers and its production does not require large investments. This makes bamboo an ideal crop for rural development, especially in developing countries. Bamboo plants are among the most versatile and widely utilized plants, with applications varying from edible shoots to soil protection and construction. Bamboo technical properties are also favorable for biobased applications, such as paper, bio-chemicals and bio-energy

    Methods to improve biomass quality for thermal conversion

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    The utilisation of biomass for thermal conversion present limitations in terms of the content of ash and inorganic minerals producing different problems in the combustion systems. Implementing some methods at the growing, harvesting and pre-processing phases upstream in the production chain, increases the fuel value of biomass that will be used for the energy and heat generation. The methods/technologies include: selection of the plant type (species and variety) and plant fraction (leaf, stem, node, panicle), influences growing conditions (soil characteristics, use of fertilizers), harvest (time and method), handling and storage, pre-processing and conversion systems. This document presents a review of these methods, based on literature review, interviews with experts and case studies. Also in cases where is applicable some of the technologies are analysed considering their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) : a perennial biomass grass for efficient production of feedstock for the biobased economy

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    Teelthandleiding van Switchgrass. Er wordt ingegaan op het huidige gebruik als biomassagewas, teeltmanagement, oogst en logistiek, toepassingen, economie en duurzaamheid

    Rice Straw and Wheat Straw - Potential feedstocks for the Biobased Economy

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    Dit rapport zet de mogelijkheden voor het gebruik van rijststro en tarwestro in de biobased economy op een rij. Er is gekeken naar beschikbaarheid, kosten (vooral van inzameling en logistiek) en duurzaamheidsaspecten

    Market potential of Ukrainian herbaceous biomass : analyzing market obstacles and promoting business strategies

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    The Pellets for Power project, funded by Agentschap NL under the Sustainable Biomass Import program, is defining ways for sustainable biomass production in Ukraine. It is focused on three biomass sources: straw, switchgrass and reed. However, so far commercialization of Ukrainian non-wood biomass has not been successful. This report addresses the obstacles for successful commercialization, as experienced by project partner Tuzetka, focusing on biomass for energy (mostly heating and cooling) conversion

    Reed harvesting from wetlands for bioenergy : technical aspects, sustainability and economic viability of reed harvesting in Ukraine

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    In this report the different aspects of reed and reed lands are discussed related to sustainable harvesting of biomass. This is based on a pilot project for Poltava Oblast, funded by Agency NL of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Within the ‘Pellets for Power project’ several areas were identified, to test the approach and criteria applied for NTA8080. This report shows that ILUC free reed harvesting is possible. Reed in the project area is harvested on land not used currently for agricultural purposes. The wetland should be maintained as much as possible in its natural state, and protected against fires. Based on this, it is concluded that the requirements for NTA8080 can be met. Biomass harvesting is in support of wetland protection, and can result in increased biodiversity, provided that the necessary precautions are taken, as described in the ‘best practices’. In this way reed harvesting for biofuels also contribute to social wellbeing, increase income for local communities, and at the same time decrease greenhouse gas emissions

    Pellets for Power: sustainable biomass import from Ukraine : public final report

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    This project responds to the mismatch between on the one hand a growing demand for biomass on the Dutch and EU energy markets with a limited biomass potential and on the other hand large amounts of biomass and biomass potential currently underutilised in Ukraine. Ukraine itself is seen as a very promising location for sustainable biomass production but is also plagued by economic depression, land degradation, depopulation and high cost for natural gas. The Ukrainian company Phytofuel and the Belgian company Tuzetka recognized the opportunity. Together with Wageningen UR in The Netherlands they started the first experiments with switchgrass and also initiated pelletisation of straw and assessed the opportunity to use available reed stands in the Poltava region. The project aimed to: develop a sustainable business model for pelletizing biomass residues and biomass crops in Ukraine for domestic and NL energy markets; test sustainability of underutilized biomass use and energy crop production on marginal land while avoiding indirect Land Use Changes (iLUC)

    Switchgrass Ukraine : overview of switchgrass research and guidelines

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    Between 2008 and 2013 switchgrass experiments have been conducted in Ukraine which have showed what varieties are locally adapted, how switchgrass can be established, what yields may be expected, what row space should be used, what seeding rate is optimal, etc. In the experiments the Ukrainian experts have gained much experience in establishing switchgrass and in management of switchgrass. This has made it possible to make a description of switchgrass management in Ukraine and to establish with success large fields. Further information is still needed, especially with respect to efficient harvesting on a larger scale and storage and conversion into pellets and conversion to energy

    Ukrainian biomass sustainability : assessing the feasibility of sustainability standard implementation and producer compliance in Ukraine

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    One of the objectives of the Pellets for Power project was to align biomass operations with the NTA 8080 standard. With no functional supply chains developed during the course of the project, a complete conformity assessment, covering all NTA 8080 provisions, was not possible. For the remaining provisions, the project has had to rely on assumptions based on fictional but realistic supply chains as planned by the project partners. Also, the emphasis was on the reed chain. With project partners successfully obtaining reed harvesting permits, reed became the most realistic resource for development in the short term and conformity of the proposed reed chain set-up was analysed against NTA 8080 certification system. Generally, the analysis results show that NTA 8080 certification for reed based pellets under our set-up should in principle be possible in Ukraine