286 research outputs found

    On breathers in affine toda theories

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    Oscillating solitonic solutions, the breathers, of affine Toda theory are studied. These breather solutions are constructed from two solitons of the same mass with velocity opposite of each other; by analytically continuing its velocity or rapidity to a complex value, the resulting solution becomes a periodic solution. Generally, the parameters in the soliton solutions are restricted to a certain range of definition. In particular, it is shown for a(^(1))(_n) and d(^(1))(_4) cases, these restrictions can be calculated explicitly. To some cases of a(^(a))(_n) theories, one can show that there are sine-Gordon embedded solitons which give rise to a sine-Gordon breather. Furthermore, these breather solutions carry topological charges. These topological charges are calculated and it is found that they are exactly the same as the topological charges of some single soliton cases. Moreover, for the non-zero topological charges, one can show they belong to the irreducible fundamental representation component of the tensor product of two fundamental representations associated with the constituent solitons. This Clebsch-Gordan decomposition property is in agreement with the fusing rule of soliton which in turn is similar to the fusing rule of the fundamental Toda particles. One can also make a conjecture that the zero topological charge is always carried by a breather whose constituent solitons are associated with either conjugate or self-conjugate fundamental representations. Although it is not possible to know the individual topological charge carried by the constituent solitons in a breather, nevertheless using the crossing symmetry similar to that of the crossing symmetry of the S'-matrix, one can perform a superficial calculation to determine the constituent soliton's topological charges. Attempts to understand the exact scattering matrices of the sine-Gordon solitons and breathers from a root space point of . view is also discussed. This study tries to mimic the exact S-matrix construction of the real coupling regime affine Toda theory from the root space by Dorey. In this study, one replaces the ordinary Coxeter element, which plays an important role in the real coupling regime, with other transformations to incorporate the infinite product nature of the sine-Gordon soliton scattering matrix. However, the desired consistent construction seems to elude the author in this study

    Organizational Resistance to EIS Development: A Multiple Case Study

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    Executive Information Systems (EIS) implementations are political because they offer an opportunity to change the organizational power structure. EIS developers who ignore this issue when implementing an EIS are bound to fail. After all, these systems are targeted at the organization\u27s most influential executives, and thus have profound commercial, organizational and political implications. The change in information availability brought about by an EIS implementation can, in turn, lead to feelings of resentment, concern and resistance among other members of the organization. Therefore, an important issue in EIS implementation is the organization’s receptiveness to the changes which are likely to be effected by the EIS. This paper reports on the failure of two organizations to successfully implement an EIS against organizational resistance. What makes these cases interesting is not the issue of organizational resistance, but the fact that they failed against the will of its top executives, apparently brought about by the information systems’ contradicting the prevailing management systems


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    The study aims to determine the influence of price and process on customer satisfaction at Instamie Cafe in Bandung either simultaneously or partially. The research method used is descriptive and verificative with sample size of 100 respondents. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview and questionnaire distribution. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression, multiple correlation and coefficient of determination. The result shows that price of Instamie Cafe was too expensive and less service process and customer did not satisfy. Price and service process contribute to consumer satisfaction at Instamie Cafe. Based on the coefficient of partial determination, this study shows that the process gives greater influence on customer satisfaction than price

    Preparing Individuals for Employment in Virtual Organizations

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    The Gray-headed Dove (Leptotila plumbeiceps) is a neotropical bird distributed from northeastern Mexico to eastern Colombia; its breeding biology is virtually unknown. In May 2020, we found a pair of these doves nesting in a shade-grown coffee plantation, in central-western Veracruz, Mexico. The nest was a circular plataform (20 cm in diameter), made of sticks, leaves, and artificial materials. The clutch consisted of two eggs that were incubated for 14 days, and the nestlings remaining in the nest 12 days after hatching. To our knowledge, this work is the first to study the breeding of the Gray-headed Dove. Although we evidence the plasticity of this dove by incorporating artificial materials in its nests, these can be a hazard for adults and chicks

    Sustaining Carbon Sink Potentials in Tropical Forest

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    Forests are major carbon sinks and providers of environmental services which are currently not paid for. Despite the increasing awareness in recent years of the unique and crucial role that forests play in climate stabilization, not to mention their capacity to protect water, soil, and biodiversity, deforestation continues at an alarming rate. Deforestation is by far the leading contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries.Reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and degradation in developing countries is of central importance in efforts to combat climate change. In order to solve the climate change problem, there is need to reduce atmospheric concentration of green gases to a safe level.This paper examines the measures of sustaining carbon sink potentials in tropical forest

    Peranan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Produksi Dalam Usaha Meningkatkan Efektifitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT.Barisan Baru Medan

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    Ditengah dinamika perkembangan dunia pengetahuan dan teknologi yang telah melahirkan ' pergescran-pergeseran nilai dan prilaku yang sangat problematik masalah produksi mutlak mendapat penanganan manajemen seperti penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen. Perkembangan era informasi yang tidak terhempang ini telah mendesak penerapan pola-pola manajemen dalam mengendalikan sistem mekanisme informasi bagi kepentingan pengambilan keputusan yang efektif dan akurat. PT.Barisan Baru Medan adalah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dalam bidang usaha penerbitan pers. Adapun masala h : yang dihadapi dan dibahas dalam tulisan ini adalah masalah penerapan sistem informasi manajemen pada bagian produksi sehingga dapat meningkatkan efektifitas kerja karyawan dapat tercapai sesuai dengan yang diingin kan yang mengakibatkan peningkatan terhadap jumlah produksi yang harus terpenuhi
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