1,187 research outputs found

    Cutting coolants and lubricants and their use in grinding process

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    Tato práce popisuje úlohu procesních kapalin aplikovaných v oblasti technologie broušení. Jejím cílem je provést rozbor podmínek obrábění za sucha a s chlazením a na základě těchto hledisek zpracovat doporučení pro využití těchto kapalin ve výrobě.The thesis describes the function of procedural liquids applied in the field of technology grinding. The aim is to bring to effect analysis of dry machining and liquid cooled conditions and based on the result to work out recommedations for the use of these liquids in manufacture.

    Evolutionary computing

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo seznámit se s evolučními optimalizačními technikami, převážně pak s genetickým algoritmem a genetickým programováním. Následně byla popsána optimalizační úloha obchodního cestujícího řešená pomocí genetického algoritmu, v další kapitole řešení symbolické regrese za pomoci genetického programování. V praktické části byly tyto optimalizační úlohy vytvořeny v programovacím jazyce JAVA.The aim of this Bachelor's Thesis was to get acquainted with the Evolutionary Optimization Techniques, mainly with the Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Programming. It was subsequently described the role of optimization problem TSP solved using Genetic Algorithms and other Chapter solving Symbolic Regression using Genetic Programming. This optimalization problems were created in the programming JAVA and there are solved practical part of the thesis.

    Improving the accuracy of middle school students\u27 self-assessment, peer assessment, and mathematics achievement.

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    Despite the documented advantages of formative assessment (FA) strategies in elevating student achievement, much of the relevant research is dated and undermined by questionable design and inattention to K-12 settings. In order to fill these voids, this quantitative study tested the effect of a self- and peer-assessment-training instructional sequence, developed with recommendations from past research and employing explicitly described assessment measures and criteria, on middle school students’ assessment accuracy and subsequent mathematics achievement. The researcher hypothesized a correlation between measurable growth in assessment accuracy and gains in achievement, as well as a reciprocal effect of self- and peer-assessment ability. The subjects for this study were drawn from the population of 7th-grade students at a low-achieving urban middle school in a metropolitan area in the Midwest. The students were convenience- and purposive-selected and assigned to treatment and control groups; the treatment group contained 39 students and the control group contained 41 students. Data were collected before and after 10 hour-long self- and peer-assessment training sessions, which were conducted with the treatment group over a 3-week period. This study had an independent variable with two groups, treatment and no treatment, and three dependent variables, achievement, students’ ability to accurately self-assess, and students’ ability to accurately peer-assess. All variables were assessed numerically and analyzed using a multivariate statistical procedure. Statistical tests revealed a positive effect of peer- and self-assessment training on students’ mathematical achievement and ability to accurately self-assess. The intervention did not increase the accuracy of students’ peer assessments, contradicting the foundational conjecture that self- and peer-assessment ability would rise commensurately. Nevertheless, the gains in self-assessment accuracy and student achievement produced by the intervention indicate that teachers should adopt assessment training in classrooms. Ultimately, this study contributes a clear and demonstrably effective instructional sequence; exemplifies successful strategy implementation; and freshly affirms the connection between student assessment practices and achievement

    Appraisal of Company's Financial Situation and its Information System Support

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá hodnocením finanční situace podniku CSYSTEM Group, s.r.o. pomocí elementárních metod finanční analýzy. V práci jsou popsány a následně vypočteny jednotlivé ukazatele a na základě získaných výsledků jsou formulovány závěry a návrhy pro zlepšení dané situace podniku s použitím informačního systému.This bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of financial situation of the company CSYSTEM Group, Ltd. by using elementary method of financial analysis. At this thesis particular indicators are described after that calculated and suggestions for improving the company situation using the information system are made based on the obtained results.

    Service Messenger for Windows

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    V této práci je popsán proces komunikace v síti Ethernet založený na modelu TCP/IP. Na základě tohoto modelu byla navržena a realizována aplikace klient – server, která by mohla být využita pro zasílání servisních zpráv mezi skupinami lékařů a pracovištěm OKB ve FN Brno. Práce zmiňuje současné vybavení laboratoře a způsob komunikace jednotlivých zařízení s laboratorním informačním systémem pomocí protokolu ASTM. Tato komunikace pak může být využita k rozvoji dalších funkcí navržené aplikace.This thesis describes the process of communication in Ethernet based on TCP/IP model. Client – server application was designed and realized using this model. This application can be used to send service messages between groups of doctors and workplace of OKB in FN Brno. This thesis also describes current laboratory equipment and communication between them laboratory information system using the protocol ASTM. This communication can be later used to develop other features of the designed application.

    Pregled životinja prije klanja u okviru propisa EU

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    Inspection of the live animal prior to slaughter is an important step in the production of wholesome meat for human consumption. Only in the live animal can abnormalities of posture, movement and behaviour be detected. Ante-mortem inspection can improve the efficiency of the operation by screening out a number of animals that would be unfit for consumption. The responsibility lies primarily with the relevant public health authorities that are represented by veterinarians and meat inspectors at the abattoir stage. The primary aim in all inspections throughout the meat processing operation is the protection of the consumer from zoonotic or meat borne disease. Ante mortem inspection also increases the protection of slaughter personnel from disease, these people being the first in the chain to have direct contact with the animal and its products. A further aim is to protect animal health.Pregled životinja prije klanja važan je čimbenik za proizvodnju zdravstveno ispravnog mesa. Primarni cilj nadzora u svim fazama proizvodnje mesa jest zaštita potrošača od zoonoza i drugih bolesti. Pregledom životinja prije klanja također se zaštićuje i klaoničko osoblje koje je prvo u dodiru sa životinjama i njihovim proizvodima. Svrha pregleda prije klanja je utvrditi poštuju li se načela dobrobiti te utvrditi bilo kakve promjene i stanja koja ugrožavaju zdravlje ljudi ili životinja. Pregled se mora obaviti unutar 24 sata po prispijeću životinja u klaonicu, te manje od 24 sata prije klanja. Kod istovara se obavlja rutinski pregled. Osim rutinskih pregleda, veterinarski inspektor dužan je obaviti detaljnu kliničku pretragu životinja sumnjivih na oboljenje/zaraženje, a pri prosuđivanju važni su i podaci o prehrambenom lancu. Ni jedna životinja ne smije napustiti stočni depo radi klanja prije nego li bude pregledana, a pregled dokumentiran. Legislativa EU omogućuje pregled životinja namijenjenih klanju (svinja, peradi, dvojezubaca) na farmi. U tom slučaju provjerava se dokumentacija s farmi, uključujući podatke o prehrambenom lancu, te pregledavaju životinje radi utvrđivanja bolesti ili stanja koje se mesom mogu prenositi na ljude, bolesti koje bi meso mogle učiniti zdravstveno neispravnim, te radi sumnje na nalaz biorezidua iznad najviših dopuštenih količina ili zabranjenih tvari. Pregledom prije klanja životinje se svrstavaju u slijedeće skupine: 1. mogu se klati bez ikakvih odgađanja 2. mogu se klati nakon dodatnog pregleda, obično se radi o neodmorenim životinjama ili životinjama s privremenim fiziološkim ili metaboličkim poteškoćama 3. mogu se klati pod posebnim uvjetima – sumnjive životinje, odvojeno klanje, nakon klanja zdravih životinja 4. ne smiju se klati - zabrana - javno-zdravstveni razlozi 5. moraju se klati bez odgode - klanje iz nužd

    Podaci o prehrambenom lancu

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    Food chain information (FCI) introduces the official veterinarian whose task is to check and analyse the relevant information from the records of the provenance of animals intended for slaughter and to take into account the documented results of this check and analysis when carrying out ante and post mortem inspection. When carrying out inspection tasks, the official veterinarian should take into account the official certificates accompanying animals, and any declarations made by veterinarians carrying out controls at the level of primary production, including official veterinarians and approved veterinarians.The same applies to cases when food business operators in the food chain take additional measures to guarantee food safety by implementing integrated systems, private control systems, independent third party certification or by other means, and when these measures are documented.PROŠIRENI SAŽETAK Podaci o prehrambenom lancu (engl. Food Chain Information, FCI) omogućuju ovlaštenom veterinaru provjeru i analizu relevantnih podataka o životinjama namijenjenih klanju iz evidencija s farmi, te daju odgovarajuće smjernice u trenutku pregleda životinja prije klanja te pregleda mesa i organa nakon klanja. Pri obavljanju inspekcijskih pregleda, službeni veterinar mora uzeti u obzir službenu dokumentaciju koja prati životinju te sve podatke o veterinarskim pregledima i nalazima tijekom primarne proizvodnje. Podaci o prehrambenom lancu važan su čimbenik u konceptu “od farme do stola” za sigurnost hrane kao i za poboljšanje zdravlja i dobrobiti životinja. Podaci moraju obuhvatiti slijedeće: (d) status gospodarstva podrijetla ili status regije u pogledu zdravlja životinja (e) zdravstveno stanje životinja (f) veterinarske lijekove davane životinjama ili druga liječenja kojima su životinje bile podrvrgnute tijekom određenog razdoblja i čija je karencija veća od nule, zajedno s datumima davanja tih lijekova odnosno liječenja te karencijama (g) pojave bolesti koje mogu utjecati na zdravstvenu ispravnost mesa (h) rezultate, ako su bitni za zaštitu javnog zdravlja, svih analiza obavljenih na uzorcima uzetih od životinja ili drugim uzorcima uzetih u svrhu dijagnosticiranja bolesti koje mogu utjecati na zdravstvenu ispravnost mesa, uključujući uzorke uzete u okviru sustavnog praćenja i kontrole zoonoza i rezidua (i) izvješća o ranijim pregledima prije i poslije klanja obavljenih na životinjama s istog gospodarstva uključujući posebice izvješća službenog veterinara (g) podatke o proizvodnji, ako bi mogli ukazivati na prisutnost bolesti (h) ime i adresu privatnog veterinara koji obično vodi brigu o životinjama na gospodarstvu podrijetla Svrha podataka o prehrambenom lancu je upoznati subjekte u poslovanju hranom s relevantnim informacijama za sigurnost hrane dostupnih iz evidencija s farmi, odlukama o prihvaćanju životinja namijenjenih proizvodnji hrane, te obavijestiti ovlaštenog veterinara o zahtjevima inspekcijskog nadzora. Za sve životinje, osim slobodno živuće divljači, koje su poslane ili se namjeravaju poslati u klaonicu, subjekti u poslovanju hranom moraju tražiti, primiti i provjeriti podatke o prehrambenom lancu. Istu dokumentaciju mora predati ovlaštenom veterinaru najkasnije 24 sata prije dospijeća životinja u klaonicu. Podaci o prehrambenom lancu, ako to dopusti službeno tijelo, mogu dospijeti u klaonicu i zajedno sa životinjama na koju se odnose ako se radi o: e) domaćim kopitarima f) svinjama, peradi ili divljači iz uzgoja koja su pregledana na gospodarstvu podrijetla ako ih prati svjedodžba koju je potpisao veterinar kojom se dokazuje da su životinje pregledane i da su zdrave g) životinjama koje su prisilno zaklane h) životinjama koje se ne dopremaju izravno s gospodarstva podrijetla (s tržišta) Ukoliko podaci o prehrambenom lancu dostavljeni s pojedinog gospodarstva nisu istiniti, ovlašteni veterinar mora o tome obavijestiti nadležno tijelo. Poduzimaju se dodatne mjere prema farmeru i drugim uključenim osobama, u vidu dodatnih kontrola koje idu na trošak tih osoba. Subjekti u poslovanju s hranom koji vode klaonice moraju osigurati da su prispjele životinje pravilno označene, popraćene podacima o prehrambenom lancu, da ne dolaze sa zaraženog područja, da su pri dolasku u klaonicu u zadovoljavajućem stanju što se tiče dobrobiti, da su čiste, da su zdrave - koliko to subjekt može procijeniti. Pri primjećivanju bilo kakvih nepravilnosti subjekt koji vodi klaonicu mora o tome obavijestiti službenog veterinara. Navedena pravila izvadak su iz važeće europske legislative u području higijene hrane, posebno postupaka pri klanju životinja – Uredbe kojom se uređuju posebna pravila higijene hrane životinjskog podrijetla 853/2004, Uredbe kojom se uređuju pravila službenih kontrola proizvoda životinjskog podrijetla namijenjenih prehrani ljudi 854/2004, Uredbe o higijeni prehrambenih proizvoda 882/2004. Pravila koja moraju zadovoljiti subjekti u proizvodnji hranom važeći su za zemlje članice, a prijelazni period u kojem će se provoditi prilagodbe određen je do 31. 12. 2009. godine. Uspostavljanje sustava podataka o prehrambenom lancu novi je zahtjev za subjekte u proizvodnji hrane. Primjerice, njime će biti omogućena dostupnost podataka o životinjama namijenjenih klanju 24 sata prije njihova dospijeća u klaonicu

    Failure Analysis of Discrete Damaged Tailored Extension-Shear-Coupled Stiffened Composite Panels

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    The results of an analytical and experimental investigation of the failure of composite is tiffener panels with extension-shear coupling are presented. This tailored concept, when used in the cover skins of a tiltrotor aircraft wing has the potential for increasing the aeroelastic stability margins and improving the aircraft productivity. The extension-shear coupling is achieved by using unbalanced 45 plies in the skin. The failure analysis of two tailored panel configurations that have the center stringer and adjacent skin severed is presented. Finite element analysis of the damaged panels was conducted using STAGS (STructural Analysis of General Shells) general purpose finite element program that includes a progressive failure capability for laminated composite structures that is based on point-stress analysis, traditional failure criteria, and ply discounting for material degradation. The progressive failure predicted the path of the failure and maximum load capability. There is less than 12 percent difference between the predicted failure load and experimental failure load. There is a good match of the panel stiffness and strength between the progressive failure analysis and the experimental results. The results indicate that the tailored concept would be feasible to use in the wing skin of a tiltrotor aircraft

    Net present value analysis of an automated grain aeration system technology on stored corn

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    Master of AgribusinessAgricultural EconomicsAllen M. FeatherstoneThe purpose of this thesis is to analyze whether the use of automated aeration systems for reducing moisture in corn during storage provides sufficient net present value for Nebraska corn farmers. The objective is to examine if an automated aeration system provides sufficient energy savings, marketing opportunities and reduced drying costs before corn delivery to an elevator. On-the-farm corn storage has steadily increased and harvesting corn before the moisture has achieved the desired targets cost farmers in drying charges and shrink. Farmers are interested in whether automated aeration systems can remove enough moisture from grain, without over-drying the bin, without spending a large amount of time determining when to run their grain bin aeration fans. Data for this project were obtained from four privately owned 60,000 bushel grain bins outfitted with the IntelliAir™ BinManager™ automated aeration system. Moisture samples were taken from each of the trucks hauling grain to the bin and again after removal of the corn after the automated system had ran for 9 months. Energy usage, drying charges, and shrink were calculated for the initial corn moisture averages and the moisture at the time of removal. Each bin was examined using Net Present Value (NPV) analysis to determine whether the energy savings were enough to offset the initial installation cost and annual expenses of the project. After the NPV was estimated for each of the bins, a sensitivity analysis of how corn price changes and no aeration required would affect the NPV analysis. Finally, an analysis of the total costs savings of a continuously ran aeration system was compared to the automated aeration system. The conclusion of the NPV analysis was that adding an automated aeration system would be profitable under most scenarios. More studies are needed to determine the profitability of automated aeration systems in different regions, moisture inputs, and bin sizes

    Perceptual and emotional response to shape and color: A study for healthcare logo design

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    This research provides information to guide design decisions for healthcare identity systems based on the perception of and emotional response to visual stimuli. An initial analysis of logos from top ranked hospitals was completed. Focus group sessions were conducted to determine positive and negative emotional descriptors associated with hospital and healthcare environments. A literature word coding process was also used to help determine the descriptors. A semantic differential survey test was administered one on one to thirty-four participants between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. The test used five sets of shape variables: rectilinear vs. curvilinear, line vs. mass, symmetrical vs. asymmetrical, simple vs. complex, and vertical vs. horizontal vs. diagonal. The colors blue, green, red and yellow were used in all of the variable sets with the exception of vertical vs. horizontal vs. diagonal, which used only red and blue. Each of the five variables sets was tested using two pairs of bi-polar emotional descriptors, harsh/comforting and anxious/ relaxed . Results showed that participants were more likely to associate the colors blue and green and the shape variables of simple, curvilinear, mass, and horizontal with the emotional descriptors comforting and relaxed . They were also more likely to associate the colors red and yellow and the shape variables of complex, line, rectilinear and diagonal with the emotional descriptors harsh and anxious . There was very little difference in participants\u27 responses to the variables of symmetrical and asymmetrical