1,712 research outputs found

    Dr Mulk Raj Anand: a critical bibliography

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    Among the Indian novelists writing in English, Mulk Raj Anand is pre-eminent for the seriousness and fullness of his commitment to bring about a new Indian society. He is a novelist with an idea of himself and a conception of life which have been evolved from many influences, mainly western European, but with Indian sanctions and traditions. His humanism, new termed Karuna Rasa or compassion, is the natural outcome of his searching and sufferings arising from the crises in his life. According to Anand, he writes because there is this compulsion to express his feelings, his inner convictions and beliefs that have made him accept life. His autobiographical novels, Seven Summers, Morning Face and Confession of a Lover, and the novels that developed from his 'Confessional' of two thousand pages, are distinguished by this Indian personality, the people that touched his life, and the events that constitute the rich history of India in pre-Independence days....

    Quorum sensing primes the oxidative stress response in the insect endosymbiont, Sodalis glossinidius

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    Journal ArticleSodalis glossinidius, a maternally transmitted bacterial endosymbiont of tsetse flies (Glossina spp.), uses an acylated homoserine lactone (AHL)-based quorum sensing system to modulate gene expression in accordance with bacterial cell density. The S. glossinidius quorum sensing system relies on the function of two regulatory proteins; SogI (aLuxI homolog) synthesizes a signaling molecule, characterized as N-(3-oxohexanoyl) homoserine lactone (OHHL), and SogR1 (a LuxR homolog) interacts with OHHL to modulate transcription of specific target genes

    Housing careers and dynamic activity-travel patterns:The mediating role of the built environment

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    This paper describes the contribution of a project on housing careers to the U4IA research program. Based on a critical literature review which suggests that the relationship between the built environment and activity-travel patterns is relatively weak, it is argued that to better understand and qualify the relationship between the built environment and activity-travel patterns a life trajectory perspective may offer some advantages. Such a life trajectory perspective will primarily view housing demand in function of life cycle stages. This broader perspective allows a more detailed analysis of the influence of the built environment on dynamic activity-travel patterns.</p

    Simulation of Oxy-combustion co-firing Coal and Biomass with ASU and Steam Turbine using Aspen Plus

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    Classe E Gênero Nos Palcos Da Metrópole

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    Dramaturgy in São Paulo in the 1960s was marked by a close articulation of culture and politics and by changes in the social composition of the stage. The article examines how playwrights Leilah Assumpção and Consuelo de Castro addressed the bewildering experiences of their female protagonists and the obstacles they faced - material, professional, sexual, ethical - and, instead of isolating their characters in the narrow frame of the so called "women's condition", how they sought to stage, in plays such as Fala baixo senão eu grito and À flor da pele, gender relations.97149166Schorskecf, C., (1993), p. 40. , Viena fin- -de-siècle. São Paulo: Companhia das LetrasPontescf, H., Miceli, S., "Memória e utopia na cena teatral" (2012), 2 (4), pp. 241-263. , Sociologia & Antropologia(2000), Para uma visão abrangente dessa articulação e suas implicações, ver de Marcelo Ridenti: Em busca do povo brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro: Record"Caleidoscópio da cultura brasileira: 1964-2000" In: Miceli, Sergio e Pontes, Heloisa (orgs.). Cultura e sociedade (Brasil e Argentina). São Paulo: Edusp (prelo)Schwarzcf, R., "Cultura e política, 1964-68" (1978), p. 81. , In: O pai de família e outros estudos. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra(1998), p. 114. , Uma das táticas usadas pelos autores para contornar os censores era colocar "muitos palavrões nas peças, para a hora da 'barganha'. E assim trocávamos, muitas vezes, sete palavrões da pesada e nove médios, que cortávamos, pela liberação de uma frase que considerávamos de real importância". Cf. Assumpção, Leilah. Na palma da minha mão. São Paulo: GloboAssumpçãocf, L., "Fala baixo senão eu grito" (2010), pp. 95-158. , In: Onze peças de Leilah Assumpção. Rio de Janeiro: Casa da PalavraCastrocf, C., "À flor da pele" (1989), pp. 119-183. , In: Urgência e ruptura. São Paulo: Perspectiva/Secretaria de Estado da CulturaVincenzocf, E., (1992), p. 92. , Um teatro da mulher: dramaturgia feminina palco brasileiro contemporâneo. São Paulo: Edusp/PerspectivaMarília Pera estreou palco aos quatro anos, em 1951, na companhia de Henriette Morineau, Os Artistas Unidos, onde trabalhavam os pais, o ator Manoel Pera e a atriz Dinorah Marzullo. Carioca, iniciou a carreira período em que o teatro brasileiro procurava "acertar os ponteiros" com as rotinas do teatro moderno, tal como estabelecidas na cena internacional. E, embora ela não tenha participado diretamente desse movimento de renovação, foi beneficiária dos seus efeitos, sob o ponto de vista das conquistas feitas plada dramaturgia e da concepção do espetáculo teatral(2004) Tempo Social, 16 (1), pp. 231-262. , Para um desenvolvimento dessa ideia, ver Pontes, Heloisa. "A burla do gênero: Cacilda Becker, a Mary Stuart de Pirassununga"Del Riocf, J., "Leilah e o tempo" (2007), p. 118. , In: Pace, Eliana. Leilah Assumpção: a consciência da mulher. São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial,, Coleção Aplauso(1999), p. 75. , Trechos do depoimento de Marília Pera transcritos livro Vissi d'arte (de Marília Pera e Flavio de Souza), São Paulo: EscriturasCandidocf, A., "Vereda da salvação" (1986), p. 631. , In: Andrade, Jorge. Marta, a árvore, o relógio. 2-a ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva(1189), Professor, ator e diretor russo radicado Brasil, com ampla atuação teatro paulista, Eugênio Kusnetatuou na Companhia Maria Dela Costa, tbc e Teatro de Arena, antes de integrar-se, em 1962, ao Teatro OficinaAs citações dessa frase são de Consuelo de Castro e foram retiradas da transcrição do depoimento audiovisual que ela concedeu, em 2006, aos sessenta anos, para Daisy Perelmutter e Luis Francisco de Carvalho, âmbito do projeto "Memória oral da Biblioteca Mário de Andrade", pp. 525-526. , Todas as citações do parágrafo são de Antonio Candido e encontram-se artigo citadoNos grupos e nos elencos, a figura da primeira atriz, remodelada pelas concepções do teatro moderno, continuou a ter grande centralidade, mesmo quando o nome dela não vinha estampado nome da companhia. Para a manutenção de tal centralidade, as mulheres fizeram valer a competência adquirida como atrizes, com a anuência e apoio de seus parceiros. Não aleatoriamente singularizaram ou mesclaram seus nomes artísticos aos de suas companhias, como procurei mostrar em Intérpretes da metrópoleAndrade, J., "A moratória" (1986), In: Marta, a árvore e o relógio. 2-a ed. São Paulo: PerspectivaSouzacf, G., "Teatro ao sul" (1980), p. 114. , In: Exercícios de leitura. São Paulo: Duas Cidade

    A Bacterial Virulence Protein Promotes Pathogenicity by Inhibiting the Bacterium’s Own F1Fo ATP Synthase

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    SummarySeveral intracellular pathogens, including Salmonella enterica and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, require the virulence protein MgtC to survive within macrophages and to cause a lethal infection in mice. We now report that, unlike secreted virulence factors that target the host vacuolar ATPase to withstand phagosomal acidity, the MgtC protein acts on Salmonella’s own F1Fo ATP synthase. This complex couples proton translocation to ATP synthesis/hydrolysis and is required for virulence. We establish that MgtC interacts with the a subunit of the F1Fo ATP synthase, hindering ATP-driven proton translocation and NADH-driven ATP synthesis in inverted vesicles. An mgtC null mutant displays heightened ATP levels and an acidic cytoplasm, whereas mgtC overexpression decreases ATP levels. A single amino acid substitution in MgtC that prevents binding to the F1Fo ATP synthase abolishes control of ATP levels and attenuates pathogenicity. MgtC provides a singular example of a virulence protein that promotes pathogenicity by interfering with another virulence protein

    Oxy-fuel Combustion for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) from a Coal/Biomass Power Plant: Experimental and Simulation Studies

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    Oxy-fuel combustion is a promising and relatively new technology to facilitate CO2 capture and sequestration (CCS) for power plants utilising hydrocarbon fuels. In this research experimental oxy-combustion trials and simulation are carried out by firing pulverised coal and biomass and co-firing a mixture of them in a 100 kW retrofitted oxy-combustor at Cranfield University. The parent fuels are coal (Daw Mill) and biomass cereal co-product (CCP) and experimental work was done for 100 % coal (w/w), 100 % biomass (w/w) and a blend of coal 50 % (w/w) and biomass 50 % (w/w). The recirculation flue gas (RFG) rate was set at 52 % of the total flue gas. The maximum percentage of CO2 observed was 56.7 % wet basis (73.6 % on a dry basis) when 100 % Daw Mill coal was fired. Major and minor emission species and gas temperature profiles were obtained and analysed for different fuel mixtures. A drop in the maximum temperature of more than 200 K was observed when changing the fuel from 100 % Daw Mill coal to 100 % cereal co-product biomass. Deposits formed on the ash deposition probes were also collected and analysed using the environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) technique. The high sulphur, potassium and chlorine contents detected in the ash generated using 100 % cereal co-product biomass are expected to increase the corrosion potential of these deposits. In addition, a rate-based simulation model has been developed using Aspen Plus® and experimentally validated. It is concluded that the model provides an adequate prediction for the gas composition of the flue gas

    Assessment of the Italian version of the Internet Disorder Scale (IDS-15)

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    Much research has focused on the validation of psychometric tools assessing Internet addiction. One of the newest measures is the Internet Disorder Scale (IDS-15) based on the modified IGD criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). This study aimed at investigating the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the IDS-15 by examining the construct and the concurrent and the criterion-related validity and by identifying the taxonomy and the patterns of Internet users. A sample of 471 participants (Mage = 24.72 years, SD = 8.66; 256 males) was recruited from secondary schools, universities, and gaming halls. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the four-dimensional second-order structure and the three levels of the measurement invariance across gender. The reliability and the validity of the scale were confirmed, and the LPAs provided four classes of Internet users on the basis of the scores obtained in all four dimensions of the scale. The psychometric robustness of the Italian version of the IDS-15 was clearly demonstrated. Cross-cultural research should expand and generalize the present findings

    Retrofitting Practice of a 100kWth Coal/Biomass Air-firing Combustor to the Oxy-firing Mode: Experiences and the Experimental Results

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    Air-firing of the fossil fuels results to relatively low concentration of CO2 in flue gases which make the capture of CO2 difficult and expensive. Oxy-firing combustion is a novel method of using enriched oxygen for coal/biomass combustion with Recycled Flue Gases (RFG) to control the adiabatic flame temperature and to increase the CO2 concentration of the off-gases up to a 60-70% oxy-firing mode (compared to air-fired mode, around 12-14%). This new technology is being applied at Cranfield University to retrofit an existing 100kWth air-firing combustor to the oxy-firing mode. This paper presents the procedure of the modifications applied on the combustor and the excellent results obtained for co-firing of pulverised coal and biomass in this rig
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