362 research outputs found

    Assessment of the efficiency in trapping North American mink (Neovison vison) for population control in Patagonia

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.BACKGROUND: Introduced species can have a major negative impact on biodiversity; an example is the American mink, which was introduced in the 1930s in Patagonia. While there is a consensus that reversing alien mustelids continental scale invasions remains unfeasible, there is little consensus, given a maximum cost or investment, on the feasibility and efficiency of region-wide control or eradication. Thus, our goal was to provide information about efficiency for mink control in Patagonia METHODS: Between January 2009 and February 2013 this study was conducted in ten study sites (4 km to 15 km long) between 39°S to 45°S latitude. Minks were trapped using cage traps operated by two trappers. We estimated the population density at each study site assuming they were close populations, exhibit intrasexual territoriality and the home range of females were smaller than those of males. We obtained a theoretical population and a modeled population from our trapping results. Sixty five minks were trapped over 2190 trap nights (0.03 mink/trap night). Mink captures were higher in the first six days and in the first trapping campaigns. A two person team was able to control a maximum distance of approximately 6 km of river shore by foot and 15 km of sea and lake shores by boat. There was an over linear increase of operational costs as time passed. Our modeled population was 91% of the theoretical population CONCLUSIONS: We believe that to trap and remove a minimum of 70% of the mink population in a region under ideal circumstances, traps should be deployed every 200 m and after the sixth day should be moved to another new transect. We suggest an annual repetition of this strategy as the more efficient for controlling mink populations in terms of trapping success and reduced costs. The number of traps will depend on the number of trappers participating and also on habitat characteristicshttp://ref.scielo.org/qcr5j

    Cocrystals Based on 4,4'-bipyridine: Influence of Crystal Packing on Melting Point

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    The reactions of piperonylic acid (HPip) and cinnamic acid (HCinn) with 4,4'-bipyridine (4,4'-bipy) have been assayed using the same synthetic methodology, yielding two binary cocrystals with different acid:4,4'-bipy molar ratios, (HPip)(4,4'-bipy) (1) and (HCinn)2(4,4'-bipy) (2). The melting point (m.p.) of these cocrystals have been measured and a remarkable difference (DT 78 C) between them was observed. Moreover, the two cocrystals have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), elemental analysis (EA), FTIR-ATR, 1H NMR spectroscopies, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The study of their structural packings via Hirshfeld surface analysis and energy frameworks revealed the important contribution of the pi..pi and C-H...pi interactions to the formation of different structural packing motifs, this being the main reason for the difference of m.p. between them. Moreover, it has been observed that 1 and 2 presented the same packing motifs as the crystal structure of their corresponding carboxylic acids, but 1 and 2 showed lower m.p. than those of the carboxylic acids, which could be related to the lower strength of the acid-pyridine heterosynthons respect to the acid-acid homosynthons in the crystal structures

    Diverse Structures and Dimensionalities in Zn(II), Cd(II), and Hg(II) Metal Complexes with Piperonylic Acid

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    Reaction of M(MeCO2)2 (M = Zn(II), Cd(II), and Hg(II)) with 1,3-benzodioxole-5-carboxylic acid (HPip) in methanol (MeOH) yields four piperonylate compounds, one of Zn(II) ([Zn(Pip)2(H2O)2] (1c)), two of Cd(II) ([Cd(μ-Pip)2(H2O)]n (2) and [Cd3(μ-Pip)6(MeOH)2]n (3)), and one of Hg(II) ([Hg(μ-Pip)2]n (4)). The obtention of compounds 1c and 4 was independent of the M/L ratio. These four compounds were characterized by analytical and spectroscopic techniques. In addition, the thermal stability of 1c, 2, and 4 has been studied, and the structure of all the complexes has been determined by the single crystal X-ray diffraction method. The Zn(II) compound displayed a monomeric structure, while Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes exhibited three polymeric arrays. The Zn(II) (1c) and Hg(II) (4) centers are four- and eight-coordinated in a tetrahedral or squareantiprism geometry, respectively. Furthermore, the Cd(II) ions are either six- (2) or six- and seven- (3) coordinated in a octahedral or both octahedral and pentagonal bipyramid geometries, respectively. In these compounds, the Pip ligand presents different coordination modes: μ1-η1 (1c); μ2-η1:η1 and μ2-η2:η1 (2); μ2-η1:η1, μ2-η2:η1 and μ3-η2:η1:η1 (3); μ1-η2 and μ2-η2:η1 (4). The extended structures were also analyzed. Their photoluminescence properties have been examined, and the quantum yields have been calculated

    Isonicotinamide-Based Compounds: From Cocrystal to Polymer

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    The reaction between [Cu(μ-OAc)(μ-Pip)(MeOH)]2 (1) (OAc = acetate; Pip = 1,3-benzodioxole-5-carboxylate) and isonicotinamide (Isn) in MeOH as solvent yielded two mixture pairs of three compounds: {(HPip)2(Isn) (2), [Cu(Pip)2(Isn)2] (3)} and {(3), {[Cu3(Pip)2(OAc)2(μ-Isn)2(Isn)2(μ-OCH3)2(MeOH)2]·2MeOH}n (4)}. Modifying the reaction conditions (t, T, molar ratio), 2 and 3 have been successfully isolated, whereas 3 and 4 had to be mechanically separated. The recrystallization of 3 in pentanol yielded single crystals of compound [Cu(Pip)2(Isn)2]·C5H11OH (3a). The X-ray crystal structure of 2, 3a, and 4 has been elucidated showing a cocrystal, a monomer, and an unusual coordination polymer, respectively. The Pip ligand exhibited a chelate (3a) or a monodentate (4) coordination mode, but the Isonicotinamide (Isn) ligand is the one that promoted the arrangement of different structures and also mainly directs the formation of the 2D and 3D supramolecular assemblies. All the structures have been analyzed by Hirshfeld surface. In addition, the energy frameworks and lattice energy values of 2 and 3a have been calculated

    Ecology and Geography of Transmission of Two Bat-Borne Rabies Lineages in Chile

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    Rabies was known to humans as a disease thousands of years ago. In America, insectivorous bats are natural reservoirs of rabies virus. The bat species Tadarida brasiliensis and Lasiurus cinereus, with their respective, host-specific rabies virus variants AgV4 and AgV6, are the principal rabies reservoirs in Chile. However, little is known about the roles of bat species in the ecology and geographic distribution of the virus. This contribution aims to address a series of questions regarding the ecology of rabies transmission in Chile. Analyzing records from 1985–2011 at the Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile (ISP) and using ecological niche modeling, we address these questions to help in understanding rabies-bat ecological dynamics in South America. We found ecological niche identity between both hosts and both viral variants, indicating that niches of all actors in the system are undifferentiated, although the viruses do not necessarily occupy the full geographic distributions of their hosts. Bat species and rabies viruses share similar niches, and our models had significant predictive power even across unsampled regions; results thus suggest that outbreaks may occur under consistent, stable, and predictable circumstances.Universidad Andres Bello supported the PhD scholarship and provided an international internship grant at the University of Kansas for LEE

    Haptic Transparency and Interaction Force Control for a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton

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    Controlling the interaction forces between a human and an exoskeleton is crucial for providing transparency or adjusting assistance or resistance levels. However, it is an open problem to control the interaction forces of lower-limb exoskeletons designed for unrestricted overground walking. For these types of exoskeletons, it is challenging to implement force/torque sensors at every contact between the user and the exoskeleton for direct force measurement. Moreover, it is important to compensate for the exoskeleton's whole-body gravitational and dynamical forces, especially for heavy lower-limb exoskeletons. Previous works either simplified the dynamic model by treating the legs as independent double pendulums, or they did not close the loop with interaction force feedback. The proposed whole-exoskeleton closed-loop compensation (WECC) method calculates the interaction torques during the complete gait cycle by using whole-body dynamics and joint torque measurements on a hip-knee exoskeleton. Furthermore, it uses a constrained optimization scheme to track desired interaction torques in a closed loop while considering physical and safety constraints. We evaluated the haptic transparency and dynamic interaction torque tracking of WECC control on three subjects. We also compared the performance of WECC with a controller based on a simplified dynamic model and a passive version of the exoskeleton. The WECC controller results in a consistently low absolute interaction torque error during the whole gait cycle for both zero and nonzero desired interaction torques. In contrast, the simplified controller yields poor performance in tracking desired interaction torques during the stance phase.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Domestic dog and alien North American mink as reservoirs of infectious diseases in the endangered Southern river otter

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    Introduced alien carnivores are host to infectious diseases that may become an important threat for native carnivore species conservation. Canine distemper virus (CDV) is thought to be transmitted among individuals by direct contact and to present viral dynamics associated with a density-dependent multi-host carnivore community. In contrast, Canine Parvovirus (CPV) is mostly transmitted by indirect contact and does not depend only on the density, but also on the social behaviour of infected as well as susceptible hosts. The objective of this study was to assess how introduced American mink (Neovison vison) can act as a bridge-host between domestic dog (Canis familiaris) and Southern river otter (Lontra provocax) in different dog and mink population density scenarios. Our data show that otters are seropositive to both CDV and PV, as well as a molecular identity to Parvovirus in dogs and minks. Furthermore, a strong positive correlation between dog population density and observed seroprevalence of CDV in dogs, minks, and otters was recorded. For Parvovirus, the observed seroprevalence in mink and otters was not correlated to a higher dog population density, but instead a relationship between dog and mink population densities and social behaviour. Our results suggest that introduced American mink and domestic dogs are reservoirs of CDV and PV, both being diseases of major importance for the conservation of native endangered carnivores in Patagonia
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