168 research outputs found

    Transformación mecánica de especies nativas en un aserradero de Salta: relevamiento parcial del proceso y propuesta preliminar de mejora

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    En Tartagal, Salta y zonas aledañas, la foresto-industria constituye un sector con más de 100 años de historia en la producción y transformación de maderas duras de especies nativas de la región de las Yungas y Parque Chaqueño. Los años de experiencia productiva han permitido la generación de un vasto conocimiento empírico local, pero la casi nula participación de expertos y profesionales generó una retracción en el proceso de innovación tecnológica, especialmente respecto de tecnología de proceso y organización. El objetivo del trabajo fue realizar un análisis crítico del proceso de transformación mecánica en el aserradero Santa Clara Maderas SRL de Tartagal, caracterizando las especies maderables aserradas (año 2017), describiendo los aspectos más relevantes del proceso industrial y su tecnología, determinando rendimientos y eficiencia en aserrado por especie. Las especies estudiadas fueron: cebil (Anadenantera macrocarpa), cedro (Cedrela spp), quina (Myroxylon peruiferum) y urundel (Astronium urundeuva). Mediante la puesta en común con los ingenieros encargados del proyecto, el propietario, el encargado de contabilidad y el capataz del aserradero se analizaron los resultados del estudio, y luego en gabinete se formularon posibles soluciones para aumentar los rendimientos y la eficiencia, que en algunas especies se mostraron muy por debajo de la bibliografía consultada e incluso con datos que manejaban en el propio aserradero. Como principales limitantes se identificaron: la tecnología, con maquinaria de 40-50 años; la organización de tareas y la falta de mantenimiento periódico de los equipos. Por otro lado, la calidad de las trozas, en rectitud y sanidad, fue muy baja respecto a las que suelen usar en otras épocas del año, ya que en la época del estudio se estaba procesando el remanente del aprovechamiento del año anterior, influyendo fuertemente la baja de rendimientos.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Box counting dimension of red blood cells samples when filtered with wavelet transform

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    Automatic recognizing of different populations of several millions of red blood cells (RBCs) is a useful tool in Hematology and Clinical Diagnosis. In this work we studied samples of several millions of RBCs: on one hand healthy control RBCs and on the other hand control RBCs incubated with Trichinella spiralis larval parasites. The alteration on the cells membrane with the parasite can be studied with box-counting dimension on both samples. Previously we applied wavelet transform to all the samples in order to improve the results. The procedure to remove noise from an image is based on the decomposition of the observed signal in a set of wavelets and taking threshold values to select the appropriate coefficients through which the signal can be reconstructed. In our work we compared the results obtained when analyzing the raw signals and the ones obtained after applying wavelet transform, and the results were different and more clearly characterized when the signal were treated with wavelet transform. Finally, the present method using wavelet transform is suitable to optimize the characterization of the RBCs damage when incubated with the larval parasites.Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV, no. 43Facultad de Ingenierí

    Las TIC como recurso para trabajar el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en el aula

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    La utilización de las TIC como recurso para el tratamiento de las manifestaciones patrimoniales en el aula representa un avance en cuanto al aprovechamiento de la potencialidad del patrimonio como recurso educativo y, sin duda, propicia una mayor accesibilidad al mismo. En esta línea, el trabajo que aquí se presenta se centra en la utilización de las TIC para trabajar el patrimonio inmaterial en el aula a partir de una innovación didáctica en el marco de la formación inicial del profesorado, en la que participaron un total de 54 estudiantes de la asignatura de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales: Historia del grado de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria de la Universitat d’Alacant/ Universidad de Alicante. Dicha innovación consistió en la elaboración de un museo virtual centrado en diversas manifestaciones del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, contribuyendo de este modo desde el ámbito educativo a su difusión y promoción, tal como recoge la Ley 10/2015 para la salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (, 2015). Así pues, a partir de la creación de este museo virtual de aula, y de las propuestas realizadas por el alumnado para trabajar este tipo de contenidos patrimoniales, se analiza el uso de las TIC como herramienta para la elaboración de recursos y propuestas didácticas centradas en el tratamiento de manifestaciones del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en la etapa de Educación Primaria. De este modo el trabajo entronca, a su vez, con la formación del futuro profesorado en lo que respecta a las competencias digitales docentes, poniéndose de manifiesto, a la luz de los resultados, una divergencia entre el uso manipulativo de los recursos digitales y su aplicabilidad a la hora de trabajar con ellos en el aula, ya que las personas participantes muestran un alto grado de competencias digitales a la hora de elaborar sus propias creaciones, lo que se contrapone a la escasa presencia de tecnologías educativas en el diseño de propuestas didácticas concretas

    Unique Features of HLA-Mediated HIV Evolution in a Mexican Cohort: A Comparative Study

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    Background: Mounting evidence indicates that HLA-mediated HIV evolution follows highlystereotypic pathways that result in HLA-associated footprints in HIV at the population level.However, it is not known whether characteristic HLA frequency distributions in differentpopulations have resulted in additional unique footprints. Methods: The phylogenetic dependency network model was applied to assess HLA-mediatedevolution in datasets of HIV pol sequences from free plasma viruses and peripheral bloodmononuclear cell (PBMC)-integrated proviruses in an immunogenetically unique cohort of Mexicanindividuals. Our data were compared with data from the IHAC cohort, a large multi-center cohortof individuals from Canada, Australia and the USA.Results: Forty three different HLA-HIV codon associations representing 30 HLA-HIV codon pairswere observed in the Mexican cohort (q < 0.2). Strikingly, 23 (53%) of these associations differedfrom those observed in the well-powered IHAC cohort, strongly suggesting the existence of uniquecharacteristics in HLA-mediated HIV evolution in the Mexican cohort. Furthermore, 17 of the 23novel associations involved HLA alleles whose frequencies were not significantly different fromthose in IHAC, suggesting that their detection was not due to increased statistical power but todifferences in patterns of epitope targeting. Interestingly, the consensus differed in four positionsbetween the two cohorts and three of these positions could be explained by HLA-associated selection. Additionally, different HLA-HIV codon associations were seen when comparing HLAmediatedselection in plasma viruses and PBMC archived proviruses at the population level, with asignificantly lower number of associations in the proviral dataset. Conclusion: Our data support universal HLA-mediated HIV evolution at the population level,resulting in detectable HLA-associated footprints in the circulating virus. However, it also stronglysuggests that unique genetic backgrounds in different HIV-infected populations may influence HIVevolution in a particular direction as particular HLA-HIV codon associations are determined byspecific HLA frequency distributions. Our analysis also suggests a dynamic HLA-associatedevolution in HIV with fewer HLA-HIV codon associations observed in the proviral compartment,which is likely enriched in early archived HIV sequences, compared to the plasma viruscompartment. These results highlight the importance of comparative HIV evolutionary studies inimmunologically different populations worldwide

    Intangible cultural heritage in the initial training of Primary Education teachers

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    La presente investigación parte de una experiencia educativa desarrollada en el marco de la formación inicial docente y tiene como principales objetivos conocer las ideas del futuro profesorado sobre el patrimonio inmaterial y la integración de sus diferentes manifestaciones en las programaciones didácticas de aula. En este sentido se utilizó una metodología de corte semi experimental con un diseño pretest y postest a partir de una acción educativa que permitió reflexionar sobre el potencial de este tipo de patrimonio y su aplicación en la etapa de Educación Primaria a través de tecnologías educativas. El programa formativo fue desarrollado en el grado de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria de la Universitat d’Alacant con 52 participantes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la importancia que se confiere a esta tipología patrimonial y la necesidad de implementar programas educativos específicos para la formación del futuro profesorado.This research is based on an educational experience developed within the framework of initial teacher training and its main objectives are to find out the notions of future teachers concerning intangible heritage and the integration of its different manifestations in classroom teaching programs. In this sense, a semi-experimental methodology was used with a pretest and posttest design based on an educational action that allowed us to reflect on the potential of this type of heritage and its application in the Primary Education stage through educational technologies. The training program was carried out in the Degree in Primary Education Teaching at the University of Alicante with 52 participants. The results show the importance given to this type of heritage and the need to implement specific educational programs for the training of future teachers.Este trabajo es resultado del proyecto de investigación ``El patrimonio como recurso educativo para la construcción identitaria y la formación ciudadana en la etapa de Educación Primaria. Aplicaciones didácticas para la formación del futuro profesorado''(CIGE/2021/178). Proyecto financiado a través de la convocatoria de Subvenciones para grupos de investigación emergentes dentro del Programa para la promoción de la Investigación Científica, el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación en la Comunitat Valenciana de la Conselleria d'Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana. Este trabajo es también parte del proyecto I+D+i “Patrimonios controversiales para la formación ecosocial de la ciudadanía. Una investigación de educación patrimonial en la enseñanza reglada (EPITEC2)” (PID2020-116662GB-100), financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    New insights into the analysis of red blood cells from leukemia and anemia patients: Nonlinear quantifiers, fractal mathematics, and Wavelet Transform

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    The alterations of red blood cells (RBCs) membrane in many hematological diseases prevent blood to accomplish its functions, but how these alterations occur is not completely understood. Hence, the development of a simple and accurate methodology for the characterization of different populations of RBCs is necessary for hematology and clinical diagnosis. In this work, we focus on different pathologies that affect the hemorheological properties of human beings blood. The results were obtained by studying healthy individuals, anemia and leukemia patient samples. Data analysis involved the use of non-linear methods, based on two different analytical strategies. On one hand, we used nonlinear mathematical quantifiers (False Nearest Neighbors, Embedding Dimension, May–Sugihara Correlation, and Hurst Exponent) on ektacytometrically recorded time series measuring the elongation of re-suspended RBCs subjected to well-defined shear stress. On the other hand, we developed an analytical methodology to aid in the diagnosis of those pathologies, based on the box-counting dimension from digital images of cells suspensions that were denoised standardly by application of Wavelet Transform. The results allowed preliminary discrimination of different populations studied and a correlation with its membrane damage.Fil: Bortolato, Santiago Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Química Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Química Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Mancilla Canales, Manuel Arturo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Riquelme, Bibiana Doris. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Raviola, Mariana Paula. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Leguto, Alcides José. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Rebechi, Juan Pablo. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Ponce de León, Patricia Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Korol, Ana María. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Mast Cell Changes the Phenotype of Microglia via Histamine and ATP

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    Background/Aims: Microglia are the dynamic motile phagocytes of the brain considered the first line of defense against threats or disturbances to the Central Nervous System (CNS). Microglia help orchestrate the immunological response by interacting with others immune cells. Mast cells (MCs) are effector cells of the innate immune system distributed in all organs and vascularized tissues, brain included. Several molecular mechanisms for potential interactions between MCs and microglia have been determined. However, the effect of MCs on regulated exocytosis and phagocytic clearance in microglia has not been explored. Methods: Cocktails of MCs mediators (MCM) obtained at 37°C and 53°C were used to induce microglia activation. Changes in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i and ATP release were studied by calcium and quinacrine fluorescence imaging. Fluorescent latex beads were used to assay phagocytosis in microglia after MCM treatment and compared to that measured in the presence of histamine, ATP and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Iba-1 expression and area were quantified by immunofluorescence and histamine levels evaluated by ELISA techniques. Results: Local application onto microglia of the MC mediator cocktail elicited Ca2+ transients and exocytotic release associated with quinacrine dye de-staining. Ca2+ signals were mimicked by histamine and blocked by the H1 receptor (H1R) antagonist, cetirizine. Hydrolysis of ATP by apyrase also affected Ca2+ transients to a lesser extent. Iba-1 fluorescence, cell area and phagocytosis were enhanced by histamine through H1R. However, ATP prevented iba-1 expression and microglial phagocytosis. MCM showed combined effects of histamine and ATP, increasing the number of internalized microbeads per cell and area without raising iba1 expression. Conclusion: Our results highlight the relevance of MC-derived histamine and ATP in the modulation of secretory and phagocytic activities that would explain the heterogeneity of microglial responses in different pathological contexts.Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ProyectoJunta de Andalucí

    ROS-Scavenging Enzymes as an Antioxidant Response to High Concentration of Anthracene in the Liverwort <i>Marchantia polymorpha</i> L.

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    Marchantia polymorpha L. responds to environmental changes using a myriad set of physiological responses, some unique to the lineage related to the lack of a vascular- and root-system. This study investigates the physiological response of M. polymorpha to high doses of anthracene analysing the antioxidant enzymes and their relationship with the photosynthetic processes, as well as their transcriptomic response. We found an anthracene dose-dependent response reducing plant biomass and associated to an alteration of the ultrastructure of a 23.6% of chloroplasts. Despite a reduction in total thallus-chlorophyll of 31.6% of Chl a and 38.4% of Chl b, this was not accompanied by a significant change in the net photosynthesis rate and maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm). However, we found an increase in the activity of main ROS-detoxifying enzymes of 34.09% of peroxidase and 692% of ascorbate peroxidase, supported at transcriptional level with the upregulation of ROS-related detoxifying responses. Finally, we found that M. polymorpha tolerated anthracene-stress under the lowest concentration used and can suffer physiological alterations under higher concentrations tested related to the accumulation of anthracene within plant tissues. Our results show that M. polymorpha under PAH stress condition activated two complementary physiological responses including the activation of antioxidant mechanisms and the accumulation of the pollutant within plant tissues to mitigate the damage to the photosynthetic apparatus

    nab-paclitaxel plus durvalumab in patients with previously treated advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer (ABOUND.2L+)

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    Background: The standard therapy for advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with no actionable gene alterations is a platinum-based chemotherapy doublet and immune checkpoint blocker (ICB), either concurrently or sequentially, followed by docetaxel at the time of tumor progression. However, more effective treatments are needed. We evaluated the nab-paclitaxel and durvalumab combination in patients with previously treated advanced stage NSCLC. Methods: Patients with advanced stage NSCLC previously treated with one line of platinum-based doublet with or without an ICB and no activating EGFR mutations or ALK translocations received nab-paclitaxel 100 mg/m2 (days 1 and 8) plus durvalumab 1,125 mg (day 15) every 21 days. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). Key secondary endpoints included overall survival (OS) and safety. Results: Between February 2016 and December 2016, 79 patients were enrolled. The median age was 63 years. Most patients were males (68.4%), had non-squamous histology (69.6%), and had no prior ICB treatment (88.6%). The median PFS was 4.5 months; median OS was 10.1 months. A post hoc analysis of survival by prior ICB treatment revealed a median PFS and OS of 4.4 and 9.9 months, respectively, in ICB-naive patients and 6.9 months and not estimable, respectively, in patients previously treated with ICB. The most common treatment-emergent adverse events were asthenia (46.2%) and diarrhea (34.6%); four treatment-related deaths (5.1%) occurred. Conclusions: The nab-paclitaxel and durvalumab combination is feasible and demonstrated antitumor activity without new safety signals. Additional studies using taxanes and ICB in patients with previously treated NSCLC are warranted. Clinical Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov registration (NCT02250326). EudraCT number: 2014-001105-41.This work was supported by Bristol Myers Squibb Company, Princeton, New Jersey. The sponsor was involved in the design of the study as well as in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data. The sponsor agreed to the decision to submit the article for publication.Ye