66 research outputs found

    Ion release and local effects of titanium metal particles from dental implants: an experimental study in rats

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    Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of ions in blood and organs caused by Ti metal particles in a mandibular defect in rats, together with a description of the local reaction of oral tissues to these titanium alloy debris. Methods: Twenty Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly distributed into three groups: an experimental group with a mandibular bone defect filled with metallic debris obtained by implantoplasty; a positive control group; and a negative control group. Thirty days after surgery, the rats were euthanized and perilesional tissue surrounding the mandibular defect was removed, together with the lungs, spleen, liver and brain. Two blood samples were collected: immediately before surgery and before euthanasia. The perilesional tissue was histologically analyzed using hematoxylin-eosin staining, and titanium, aluminum and vanadium ion concentrations in blood and organs were measured by TQ-ICP-MS. Descriptive and bivariate analyses of the data were performed. Results: All rats with implanted metal debris showed metal particles and a bone fracture callus on the osseous defect. The metal particles were surrounded by a foreign body reaction characterized by the presence of histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells. The experimental group had a significant higher concentration of Ti ions in all studied organs except lung tissue (p < 0.05). In addition, there were more V ions in the brain in the experimental group (p = 0.008). Conclusions: Although further studies are required to confirm the clinical relevance of these results, Ti metal particles in the jaw might increase the concentration of metal ions in vital organs and induce a foreign body reaction. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ion release; Ti6Al4V; implantoplasty; metal particles; peri-implantitis; titanium

    Introducción : marco conceptual, metodología y guía de lectura

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    En aquest capítol introductori presentem l'estructura de la recerca que ha donat origen al Llibre Blanc de la Mediació a Catalunya. Es tracta de situar el lector en les coordenades correctes per a la com-prensió dels conceptes i la metodologia utilitzats en el Llibre Blanc, i quin és el sentit dels resultats obtinguts. Aquesta Introducció delimita l'objecte de recerca, distingeix entre sistema de mediació i mediació, deꀀneix els indicadors utilitzats en la investigació empírica, ofereix una guia metodològica de lectura i descriu breument el contingut, disposició i estructura dels capítols

    D5.3 - RightsApp - Journal paper

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    Títol projecte: Mobile Technologies applied to protect victims of a crime within the EU Area of Justice: RightsApp for e-JusticeThis document lists the journal papers resulting from the RightsApp project. In addition to the dissemination activities already carried out, the RightsApp research team has included in this document the papers in which the research team is currently working on as a contribution from the project's outcomes and results

    D5.9 - RightsApp - Final International Workshop

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    Títol projecte: Mobile Technologies applied to protect victims of a crime within the EU Area of Justice: RightsApp for e-JusticeThis document compiles details and materials from the 2nd and final RightsApp Workshop that held on July 23rd, 2020 via Zoom. It shows: the agenda, list of participants, points out some conclusions, main presentation slides and materials distributed among participants