1,047 research outputs found

    Caracterização de biótopos do intertidal rochoso e a sua aplicabilidade pedagógica

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Cidadania Ambiental e Participação apresentada à Universidade AbertaA relação com o mar e com os ecossistemas marinhos é algo intrínseco a qualquer açoriano, e que advém desde cedo, pelo constante contacto com o oceano e a sua biodiversidade marinha, tornado assim as ilhas num laboratório vivo pronto a ser descoberto e estudado. Os estudos, porém recentes da zonação do intertidal, nomeadamente dos seus biótopos no arquipélago dos Açores, realçam a distância biológica destas ilhas e dos seus habitats em relação ao continente português. No entanto, esta especificidade biológica não é destacada no ensino básico, verificando-se assim a lacuna de associação do Currículo Regional do Ensino básico com os seus pilares – Açorianidade e Insularidade. A educação ambiental assume um papel principal na formação dos estudantes não só na conversação do ambiente, mas consciencializando-os para os impactes da ação antropogénica nos ecossistemas costeiros. Pela aplicabilidade do caderno de campo, desenvolvido tendo em conta os conteúdos pedagógicos do 8º ano do 3º ciclo do ensino básico e realidade da fauna /flora marinha e da riqueza geológica e paleontológica, verificou-se um aumento, em 95 %, na aquisição de conhecimentos por parte dos alunos que realizaram a saída de campo. Conclui-se assim que, recursos pedagógicos com especificidade local, associado a saída de campo da disciplina de Ciências Naturais são uma vantagem para o ensino e para o interesse dos alunos deste nível de escolaridade, no arquipélago dos Açores.The relationship with the sea and the marine ecosystems is something intrinsic to any Azorean citizen, and it becomes from an early age, by constant contact with the ocean an its marine biodiversity, thereby making the islands a living laboratory ready to be discovered and studied. Recent studies on the intertidal zonation, and particular in biotopes in the Azores archipelago, highlight the biological distant between these islands and their habitats in relation to the Portuguese mainland coast. However, this biological specific is not highlighted in elementary education; therefore this is a gap on the Regional Curriculum of Elementary Education, and with its pillars – Azoreanity and Insularity. Environmental Education plays a major role in the training in student’s education not only in environmental conservation, but it raises awareness to the impacts of anthropogenic action on coastal ecosystems. Through the sampling made in Praia Formosa, the Biotope set to Santa Maria’s mediolittoral it’s different, with high abundance of Halopteris scoparia. The applicability of the field book, that was prepared taking into account the pedagogical content of the 8th grade and the present marine fauna and flora, and also the geological and paleontological history, has measured an increase, in 95%, the knowledge acquisition by the students who participate on the field trip. In conclusion, learning resources with local specify associated to field trip in Natural Science discipline are an advantage to teaching and for student’s interests in this level of education., in the Azores

    Spontaneous vectorization of electrically charged black holes

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    In this work, we generalise the spontaneous scalarization phenomena in Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar models to a higher spin field. The result is an Einstein-Maxwell-Vector model wherein a vector field is non-minimally coupled to the Maxwell invariant by an exponential coupling function. We show that the latter guarantees the circumvention of an associated no-hair theorem when the vector field has the form of an electric field. Different than its scalar counterpart, the new spontaneously vectorized ReissnerNordstr¨om (RN) black holes are, always, undercharged while being entropically preferable. The solution profile and domain of existence are presented and analysed.publishe

    Scalaroca stars: coupled scalar-Proca solitons

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    We construct and explore the physical properties of \textit{scalaroca stars}: spherically symmetric solitonic solutions made of a complex scalar field Φ\Phi and a complex Proca field AμA^\mu. We restrict our attention to configurations in which both fields are in the fundamental state and possess an equal mass, focusing on the cases when (ii) the scalar and Proca fields are (non--linearly) super--imposed and do not interact with each other; and (iiii) the scalar and Proca fields interact through the term αΦ2AμAμ\alpha |\Phi| ^2 A^\mu A_\mu. The solutions are found numerically for the non--interacting case (α=0\alpha=0) as well as for both signs of the interaction coupling constant α\alpha. While pure (i.e.i.e. single--field) Proca/scalar boson stars are the most/least massive for weakly--interacting fields, one can obtain more massive solutions for a sufficiently strong interaction. Besides, in the latter case, solutions can be either in a synchronized state -- in which both fields have the same frequency -- or in a non--synchronized state. In addition, we observe that the coupling between the two fields allows solitonic solutions with a real scalar field. We further comment on the possibility of spontaneous scalarization and vectorization of the interacting solitonic solution.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, this project was started before the recently published work ArXiv:2304.0801

    On the construction of explosive relation algebras

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    Fork algebras are an extension of relation algebras obtained by extending the set of logical symbols with a binary operator called fork. This class of algebras was introduced by Haeberer and Veloso in the early 90's aiming at enriching relation algebra, an already successful language for program specification, with the capability of expressing some form of parallel computation. The further study of this class of algebras led to many meaningful results linked to interesting properties of relation algebras such as representability and finite axiomatizability, among others. Also in the 90's, Veloso introduced a subclass of relation algebras that are expansible to fork algebras, admitting a large number of non-isomorphic expansions, referred to as explosive relation algebras. In this work we discuss some general techniques for constructing algebras of this type

    Report of the Second International Symposium on Molecular Epidemiology in Childhood Leukaemia and Embryonal Tumours, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    The recent International Symposium on Molecular epidemiology in Embryonal Tumours and Paediatric Leukaemia was held on 4–6 March 2008 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It proved a very productive meeting in which studies relating to genetics, therapeutical trials, identification of risk factors in acute leukaemia neuroblastoma and Wilms’ tumours were presented. Over 120 participants gathered for three days of fruitful discussions, including representatives of paediatrics, haematology, laboratory, epidemiology and pathology. Debates were held about strategies of applications of important biomarkers for clinical trials. Highlights of each of the scientific presentations are summarized below

    Nuestra experiencia con la enfermedad de Freiberg

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    Analizamos una serie de 34 pacientes, 9 varones y 25 mujeres, con enfermedad de Freiberg, detallando su localización y grado evolutivo en el momento del diagnóstico. Clínicamente la severidad del cuadro fue muy variable, y con frecuencia discordante con la imagen radiológica. Tan solo en 5 pacientes fue necesario el tratamiento quirúrgico. No se pudo detectar un factor etiológico claro y único, existiendo casos con y sin antecedentes traumáticos. Se describe la evolución radiológica de esta enfermedad. La RMN permite de forma precoz, detectar las anomalías óseas en las fases más iniciales.We analyze a series of 34 patients, 9 males and 25 females, with Freiberg's disease, detailing their location and severity at moment of the diagnosis. Clinically the severity of disease was variable, and frequently discordant with the radiological image. Only in 5 patients was necessary the surgical treatment. There was no etiologic factor clearly found in any of the cases, with and without traumatic precedents. We describe the radiological pattern of this disease. The MRI permits at early stage detection of bone anomalies