217 research outputs found

    Challenges to recruitment of participants with MCI in a multicentric neuropsychological study

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    Background: Data on recruitment of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) samples are seldom reported and this issue can be an important source of research waste. Aim: To describe the recruitment challenges and reasons for non-eligibility faced during a bi-centre clinical study assessing the predictive value of a neuropsychological battery of the progression to dementia. Methods: Potential MCI participants were identified from databases of the two memory clinics based in Milan (Italy) and invited to the screening assessment. Results: About 50% of the cases initially identified were ineligible according to inclusion/exclusion criteria and the two sites took 22 months to recruit the planned 150 people. The main reasons for non-eligibility were the MMSE score (41%), age (14%), presence of cerebrovascular disorders (9%), perceptual deficits (6%), neurological (6%) or psychiatric (4%) comorbidities and low education (5%). Conclusion: Awareness of the reasons for exclusion and of the time needed to recruit the planned sample would provide hints for the planning of future studies on MCI

    Standard of care and promising new agents for the treatment of mesenchymal triple-negative breast cancer

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    The pathologic definition of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) relies on the absence of expression of estrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptors. However, this BC subgroup is distinguished by a wide biological, molecular and clinical heterogeneity. Among the intrinsic TNBC subtypes, the mesenchymal type is defined by the expression of genes involved in the epithelial to mesenchymal transition, stromal interaction and cell motility. Moreover, it shows a high expression of genes involved in proliferation and an immune-suppressive microenvironment. Several molecular alterations along different pathways activated during carcinogenesis and tumor progression have been outlined and could be involved in immune evasion mechanisms. Furthermore, reverting epithelial to mes-enchymal transition process could lead to the overcoming of immune-resistance. This paper reviews the current knowledge regarding the mesenchymal TNBC subtype and its response to conventional therapeutic strategies, as well as to some promising molecular target agents and immunotherapy. The final goal is a tailored combination of cytotoxic drugs, target agents and immunotherapy in order to restore immunocompetence in mesenchymal breast cancer patients

    Dementia Among Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Italy: Rationale and Study Protocol of the ImmiDem Project

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    Introduction: Due to the ongoing demographic and epidemiological transitions, estimating the phenomenon of dementia in migrants and minority groups, exploring its characteristics and challenges and implementing dedicated healthcare policies, constitute emerging and urgent matters for Western countries. In the present paper we describe the rationale and design of the 'Dementia in immigrants and ethnic minorities living in Italy: clinical-epidemiological aspects and public health perspectives" (ImmiDem) project. Methods and analysis: Three main aims will be pursued by the ImmiDem project. First, a survey of all Italian dementia services will be conducted with dedicated questionnaires in order to estimate and describe the proportion and characteristics of migrants seeking help for cognitive disturbances. The different clinical approaches for diagnosing dementia and the challenges encountered in the assessment of cognitive functioning and in the provision of care in these groups of individuals will also be investigated. Second, record linkage procedures of data routinely collected in regional Health Information Systems will be conducted in order to identify and monitor migrant individuals with dementia living in the Lazio region. Third, tailored national and local care-coordination pathways and/or good practices dedicated to migrants affected by dementia and cognitive disorders will be identified and promoted. Ethics and dissemination: The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Italian National Institute of Health (protocol 10749; 5 April 2018). The project was launched in November 2018 and will end in November 2021. The findings of the project will be disseminated through scientific peer-reviewed journals as well as to the public via the Dementia Observatory website (https://demenze.iss.it)

    Case Identification and Characterization of Migrants with Dementia in the Lazio Region Using Health Administrative Data

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    Background: A crucial step for planning effective public health policies for migrants with dementia is the collection of data on the local dimensions of the phenomenon and patients' characteristics.Objective: This study aimed to identify and characterize migrants with dementia in the Lazio region using health administrative databases.Methods: Residents with dementia aged 50 years or older, living in the Lazio region as of December 31, 2018, were identified using a validated algorithm based on hospital discharge(s), claims for antidementia drugs, and co-payment exemption for dementia. Migrants were defined as people born abroad and grouped in migrants from High Migratory Pressure Countries (HMPCs) and Highly Developed Countries (HDCs). Overall and age-specific prevalence rates were estimated in native- and foreign-born patients.Results: Dementia was ascertained in 38,460 residents. Among them, 37,280 (96.9%) were born in Italy, 337 (0.9%) were migrants from HDCs, and 843 (2.2%) from HMPCs. Dementia prevalence was higher among natives (1.15%, 95%CI 1.14-1.16) relative to migrants from HDCs (0.60%, 95%CI 0.54-0.67) and HMPCs (0.29%, 95%CI 0.27-0.31). The prevalence of comorbidities did not differ between groups. Migrants with dementia had a lower likelihood of receiving antidementia treatments compared with natives (51.6% in migrants from HDCs, 49.3% in migrants from HMPCs, and 53.5% among Italians).Conclusion: Routinely collected data in healthcare administrative databases can support the identification of migrants with dementia. Migrants exhibited a lower age-standardized prevalence of registered dementia and lower access to dedicated treatments than Italians. These findings are suggestive of underdiagnosis and undertreatment of dementia in migrants

    Primary squamous cell carcinoma of major salivary gland: “Sapienza Head and Neck Unit” clinical recommendations

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    Primary squamous cell carcinoma of salivary gland (SCG) is an extremely rare type of malignant salivary gland tumor, which in turn results in scarcity of data available regarding both its treatment and associated genetic alterations. A retrospective analysis of 12 patients with primary SCG was conducted, along with analysis of the association between treatment, clinical/pathological characteristics, and outcomes. Most patients (8) were staged IVa, with the majority of them (10) having G3 fast growing cancer. Local and systemic recurrence were reported in only three out of nine parotid cases (0 out of 2 submandibular SCGs). In two out of eight patients local relapse occurred after integrated treatment, while recurrence occurred in two out of three patients undergoing exclusive surgery. Five patients eventually died. Treatment of resectable disease must be aggressive and multimodal, with achievement of loco-regional control in order to reduce rate of recurrence and improve outcomes. Metastatic disease would require a therapeutic strategy tailored to the molecular profile in order to improve the currently disappointing results

    Nutritional status and body composition by bioelectrical impedance vector analysis : a cross sectional study in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease

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    Aims Analysis of nutritional status and body composition in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Methods A cross-sectional study was performed in a University-Hospital setting, recruiting 59 patients with AD, 34 subjects with MCI and 58 elderly healthy controls (HC). Nutritional status was assessed by anthropometric parameters (body mass index; calf, upper arm and waist circumferences), Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and body composition by bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA). Variables were analyzed by analysis of variance and subjects were grouped by cognitive status and gender. Results Sociodemographic variables did not differ among the three groups (AD, MCI and HC), except for females' age, which was therefore used as covariate in a general linear multivariate model. MNA score was significantly lower in AD patients than in HC; MCI subjects achieved intermediate scores. AD patients (both sexes) had significantly (p<0.05) higher height-normalized impedance values and lower phase angles (body cell mass) compared with HC; a higher ratio of impedance to height was found in men with MCI with respect to HC. With BIVA method, MCI subjects showed a significant displacement on the RXc graph on the right side indicating lower soft tissues (Hotelling's T2 test: men = 10.6; women = 7.9;p < 0,05) just like AD patients (Hotelling's T2 test: men = 18.2; women = 16.9; p<0,001). Conclusion Bioelectrical parameters significantly differ from MCI and AD to HC; MCI showed an intermediate pattern between AD and HC. Longitudinal studies are required to investigate if BIVA could reflect early AD-changes in body composition in subjects with MCI

    Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in Europe: Position statement of the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN)

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    Over the past decades European societies have become increasingly diverse. This diversity in culture, education, and language significantly impacts neuropsychological assessment. Although several initiatives are under way to overcome these barriers - e.g. newly developed and validated test batteries - there is a need for more collaboration in the development and implementation of neuropsychological tests, such as in the domains of social cognition and language. To address these gaps in cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in Europe, the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN) was established in 2019. ECCroN recommends taking a broad range of variables into account, such as linguistic factors, literacy, education, migration history, acculturation and other cultural factors. We advocate against race-based norms as a solution to the challenging interpretation of group differences on neuropsychological tests, and instead support the development, validation, and standardization of more widely applicable/cross-culturally applicable tests that take into account interindividual variability. Last, ECCroN advocates for an improvement in the clinical training of neuropsychologists in culturally sensitive neuropsychological assessment, and the development and implementation of guidelines for interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessment in diverse populations in Europe. ECCroN may impact research and clinical practice by contributing to existing theoretical frameworks and by improving the assessment of diverse individuals across Europe through collaborations on test development, collection of normative data, cross-cultural clinical training, and interpreter-mediated assessment

    Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of three memory tests for early Alzheimer's disease (pe-2013-02356465) : a preliminary report

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    Aims: The main aim of this multicentric longitudinal project is to investigate the specificity and sensitivity of three memory tests (FCSRT, STMBT, DMS48) proposed as cognitive marker for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we report preliminary baseline data on healthy controls, people with MCI and patients with AD. Subjects and methods: Data collected on 13 AD, 16 MCI, 16 healthy older (HO) and 16 healthy younger (HY) adults were analysed. All participants underwent the three experimental tests along with a standard neuropsychological evaluation in one single session. Results: For the FCSRT, a three-way ANOVA with GROUP as the between-subjects factor and TASK (free, cued) and TIME (immediate, delayed) as within-subjects measures revealed a significant effect of GROUP (HY = HO > MCI > AD; p free, ; p delayed; p MCI > AD; p paired = abstract; p HO > MCI > AD; p 3; p binding; p< .001) and a significant interaction between STIMULUS and GROUP (p= .003). Discussion: The present report study shows reports for the first time a comparison across Controls, MCI and AD on three memory tests proposed as cognitive markers for AD. For the FCSRT both the timing of recall and the presence of a cue are relevant factors to influence patient performances. For the DMS48 the most sensitive indexes to differentiate between controls and patients are the unpaired and abstract items, while for the STMBT the binding condition is more affected in patients are regardless of the number of items presented are. These preliminary data are encouraging in confirming that these tests may offer an aid to diagnosis of early AD, but a larger sample and longitudinal data are needed to address the main research question of this planned study. *** References: Barbeau, E, Didic, M, Tramoni, E, Felician, O, Joubert, S, Sontheimer, A, Ceccaldi, M, Poncet, M. (2004). Evaluation of visual recognition memory in MCI patients. Neurology 62, 1317-1322. Frasson P, Ghiretti R, Catricala E, Pomati S, Marcone A, Parisi L, Rossini PM, Cappa SF, Mariani C, Vanacore N, Clerici F (2011) Free and cued selective reminding test: an Italian normative study. Neurological Sciences 32:1057-1062 Parra MA, Abrahams S, Fabi K, Logie R, Luzzi S, Della Sala S (2009) Short-term memory binding deficits in Alzheimer's disease. Brain 132:1057-106
