Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of three memory tests for early Alzheimer's disease (pe-2013-02356465) : a preliminary report


Aims: The main aim of this multicentric longitudinal project is to investigate the specificity and sensitivity of three memory tests (FCSRT, STMBT, DMS48) proposed as cognitive marker for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we report preliminary baseline data on healthy controls, people with MCI and patients with AD. Subjects and methods: Data collected on 13 AD, 16 MCI, 16 healthy older (HO) and 16 healthy younger (HY) adults were analysed. All participants underwent the three experimental tests along with a standard neuropsychological evaluation in one single session. Results: For the FCSRT, a three-way ANOVA with GROUP as the between-subjects factor and TASK (free, cued) and TIME (immediate, delayed) as within-subjects measures revealed a significant effect of GROUP (HY = HO > MCI > AD; p free, ; p delayed; p MCI > AD; p paired = abstract; p HO > MCI > AD; p 3; p binding; p< .001) and a significant interaction between STIMULUS and GROUP (p= .003). Discussion: The present report study shows reports for the first time a comparison across Controls, MCI and AD on three memory tests proposed as cognitive markers for AD. For the FCSRT both the timing of recall and the presence of a cue are relevant factors to influence patient performances. For the DMS48 the most sensitive indexes to differentiate between controls and patients are the unpaired and abstract items, while for the STMBT the binding condition is more affected in patients are regardless of the number of items presented are. These preliminary data are encouraging in confirming that these tests may offer an aid to diagnosis of early AD, but a larger sample and longitudinal data are needed to address the main research question of this planned study. *** References: Barbeau, E, Didic, M, Tramoni, E, Felician, O, Joubert, S, Sontheimer, A, Ceccaldi, M, Poncet, M. (2004). Evaluation of visual recognition memory in MCI patients. Neurology 62, 1317-1322. Frasson P, Ghiretti R, Catricala E, Pomati S, Marcone A, Parisi L, Rossini PM, Cappa SF, Mariani C, Vanacore N, Clerici F (2011) Free and cued selective reminding test: an Italian normative study. Neurological Sciences 32:1057-1062 Parra MA, Abrahams S, Fabi K, Logie R, Luzzi S, Della Sala S (2009) Short-term memory binding deficits in Alzheimer's disease. Brain 132:1057-106

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