99 research outputs found

    Dust-to-gas ratio resurgence in circumstellar disks due to the formation of giant planets: the case of HD 163296

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    The amount of dust present in circumstellar disks is expected to steadily decrease with age due to the growth from micron-sized particles to planetesimals and planets. Mature circumstellar disks, however, can be observed to contain significant amounts of dust and possess high dust-to-gas ratios. Using HD 163296 as our case study, we explore how the formation of giant planets in disks can create the conditions for collisionally rejuvenating the dust population, halting or reversing the expected trend. We combine N-body simulations with statistical methods and impact scaling laws to estimate the dynamical and collisional excitation of the planetesimals due to the formation of HD 163296's giant planets. We show that this process creates a violent collisional environment across the disk that can inject collisionally produced second-generation dust into it, significantly contributing to the observed dust-to-gas ratio. The spatial distribution of the dust production can explain the observed local enrichments in HD 163296's inner regions. The results obtained for HD 163296 can be extended to any disk with embedded forming giant planets and may indicate a common evolutionary stage in the life of such circumstellar disks. Furthermore, the dynamical excitation of the planetesimals could result in the release of transient, non-equilibrium gas species like H2O, CO2, NH3 and CO in the disk due to ice sublimation during impacts and, due to the excited planetesimals being supersonic with respect to the gas, could produce bow shocks in the latter that could heat it and cause a broadening of its emission lines.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journa

    Two Mass Distributions in the L 1641 Molecular Clouds: The Herschel Connection of Dense Cores and Filaments in Orion A

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    We present Herschel survey maps of the L 1641 molecular clouds in Orion A. We extracted both the filaments and dense cores in the region. We identified which of the dense sources are proto- or pre-stellar, and studied their association with the identified filaments. We find that although most (71%) of the pre-stellar sources are located on filaments there, is still a significant fraction of sources not associated with such structures. We find that these two populations (on and off the identified filaments) have distinctly different mass distributions. The mass distribution of the sources on the filaments is found to peak at 4 M_☉ and drives the shape of the core mass function (CMF) at higher masses, which we fit with a power law of the form dN/dlogM∝M^(–1.4 ± 0.4). The mass distribution of the sources off the filaments, on the other hand, peaks at 0.8 M_☉ and leads to a flattening of the CMF at masses lower than ~4 M_☉. We postulate that this difference between the mass distributions is due to the higher proportion of gas that is available in the filaments, rather than in the diffuse cloud

    Oxygen depletion in giant planets with different formation histories

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    The atmospheric C/O ratio of exoplanets is widely used to constrain their formation. To guarantee that the C/O ratio provides robust information, we need to accurately quantify the amount of C and O in exoplanetary atmospheres. In the case of O, water and carbon monoxide are generally studied as the two key carriers. However, oxygen is a very reactive element and does not bind with carbon; depending on the temperature, it also binds to refractory elements. Estimating the amount of oxygen bound to refractory elements is therefore critical for unbiased estimates of the C/O ratio. In this work, we investigate the oxygen deficit due to refractory elements and its effects on the atmospheric C/O ratio of giant exoplanets as a function of their metallicity and equilibrium temperature. We model the composition of planetary atmospheres assuming chemical equilibrium and using as input physically justified elemental mixtures arising from detailed planet formation simulations. Our results show how the interplay between the atmospheric temperature and non-solar abundances of oxygen and refractory elements can sequester large fractions of oxygen, introducing significant biases in evaluating the C/O ratio when this effect is not accounted for. We apply our results to the case of Jupiter in the Solar System and show how the currently estimated water abundance points to a true oxygen abundance that is four times the solar one

    <i>Herschel</i> observations of B1-bS and B1-bN: two first hydrostatic core candidates in the Perseus star-forming cloud

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    We report far-infrared Herschel observations obtained between 70 μm and 500 μm of two star-forming dusty condensations, [HKM99] B1-bS and [HKM99] B1-bN, in the B1 region of the Perseus star-forming cloud. In the western part of the Perseus cloud, B1-bS is the only source detected in all six PACS and SPIRE photometric bands, but it is not visible in the Spitzer map at 24 μm. B1-bN is clearly detected between 100 μm and 250 μm. We have fitted the spectral energy distributions of these sources to derive their physical properties, and find that a simple greybody model fails to reproduce the observed spectral energy distributions. At least a two-component model is required, consisting of a central source surrounded by a dusty envelope. The properties derived from the fit, however, suggest that the central source is not a Class 0 object. We then conclude that while B1-bS and B1-bN appear to be more evolved than a pre-stellar core, the best-fit models suggest that their central objects are younger than a Class 0 source. Hence, they may be good candidates to be examples of the first hydrostatic core phase. The projected distance between B1-bS and B1-bN is a few Jeans lengths. If their physical separation is close to this value, this pair would allow studying the mutual interactions between two forming stars at a very early stage of their evolution

    The Herschel view of the on-going star formation in the Vela-C molecular cloud

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    As part of the Herschel guaranteed time key program 'HOBYS', we present the photometric survey of the star forming region Vela-C, one of the nearest sites of low-to-high-mass star formation in the Galactic plane. Vela-C has been observed with PACS and SPIRE in parallel mode between 70 um and 500 um over an area of about 3 square degrees. A photometric catalogue has been extracted from the detections in each band, using a threshold of 5 sigma over the local background. Out of this catalogue we have selected a robust sub-sample of 268 sources, of which 75% are cloud clumps and 25% are cores. Their Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) have been fitted with a modified black body function. We classify 48 sources as protostellar and 218 as starless. For two further sources, we do not provide a secure classification, but suggest they are Class 0 protostars. From SED fitting we have derived key physical parameters. Protostellar sources are in general warmer and more compact than starless sources. Both these evidences can be ascribed to the presence of an internal source(s) of moderate heating, which also causes a temperature gradient and hence a more peaked intensity distribution. Moreover, the reduced dimensions of protostellar sources may indicate that they will not fragment further. A virial analysis of the starless sources gives an upper limit of 90% for the sources gravitationally bound and therefore prestellar. We fit a power law N(logM) prop M^-1.1 to the linear portion of the mass distribution of prestellar sources. This is in between that typical of CO clumps and those of cores in nearby star-forming regions. We interpret this as a result of the inhomogeneity of our sample, which is composed of comparable fractions of clumps and cores.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&

    Orbital obliquity of the young planet TOI-5398 b and the evolutionary history of the system

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    Multi-planet systems exhibit remarkable architectural diversity. However, short-period giant planets are typically isolated. Compact systems like TOI-5398, with an outer close-orbit giant and an inner small-size planet, are rare among systems containing short-period giants. TOI-5398's unusual architecture coupled with its young age (650 +/- 150 Myr) make it a promising system for measuring the original obliquity between the orbital axis of the giant and the stellar spin axis in order to gain insight into its formation and orbital migration. We collected in-transit (plus suitable off-transit) observations of TOI-5398 b with HARPS-N at TNG on March 25, 2023, obtaining high-precision radial velocity time series that allowed us to measure the Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect. By modelling the RM effect, we obtained a sky-projected obliquity of lambda = 3.0(-4.2)(+6.8) deg for TOI-5398 b, consistent with the planet being aligned. With knowledge of the stellar rotation period, we estimated the true 3D obliquity, finding psi = (13.2 +/- 8.2) deg. Based on theoretical considerations, the orientation we measure is unaffected by tidal effects, offering a direct diagnostic for understanding the formation path of this planetary system. The orbital characteristics of TOI-5398, with its compact architecture, eccentricity consistent with circular orbits, and hints of orbital alignment, appear more compatible with the disc-driven migration scenario. TOI-5398, with its relative youth (compared with similar compact systems) and exceptional suitability for transmission spectroscopy studies, presents an outstanding opportunity to establish a benchmark for exploring the disc-driven migration model

    The First Hi-GAL Observations of the Outer Galaxy: A Look at Star Formation in the Third Galactic Quadrant in the Longitude Range 216.º5 ≾ ℓ ≾ 225.º5

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    We present the first Herschel PACS and SPIRE photometric observations in a portion of the outer Galaxy (216.º5≾ℓ≾ 225.º5 and –2°≾b≾0°) as a part of the Hi-GAL survey. The maps between 70 and 500 μm, the derived column density and temperature maps, and the compact source catalog are presented. NANTEN CO(1-0) line observations are used to derive cloud kinematics and distances so that we can estimate distance-dependent physical parameters of the compact sources (cores and clumps) having a reliable spectral energy distribution that we separate into 255 proto-stellar and 688 starless sources. Both typologies are found in association with all the distance components observed in the field, up to ~5.8 kpc, testifying to the presence of star formation beyond the Perseus arm at these longitudes. Selecting the starless gravitationally bound sources, we identify 590 pre-stellar candidates. Several sources of both proto- and pre-stellar nature are found to exceed the minimum requirement for being compatible with massive star formation based on the mass-radius relation. For the pre-stellar sources belonging to the Local arm (d ≾ 1.5 kpc) we study the mass function whose high-mass end shows a power law N(log M)∝M^(–1.0 ± 0.2). Finally, we use a luminosity versus mass diagram to infer the evolutionary status of the sources, finding that most of the proto-stellar sources are in the early accretion phase (with some cases compatible with a Class I stage), while for pre-stellar sources, in general, accretion has not yet started

    The Identification of Filaments on Far-Infrared and Submillimiter Images: Morphology, Physical Conditions and Relation with Star Formation of Filamentary Structure

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    Observations of molecular clouds reveal a complex structure, with gas and dust often arranged in filamentary, rather than spherical geometries. The association of pre- and proto-stellar cores with the filaments suggests a direct link with the process of star formation. Any study of the properties of such filaments requires representative samples from different environments for an unbiased detection method. We developed such an approach using the Hessian matrix of a surface-brightness distribution to identify filaments and determine their physical and morphological properties. After testing the method on simulated, but realistic, filaments, we apply the algorithms to column-density maps computed from Herschel observations of the Galactic plane obtained by the Hi-GAL project. We identified ~500 filaments, in the longitude range of l = 216fdg5 to l = 225fdg5, with lengths from ~1 pc up to ~30 pc and widths between 0.1 pc and 2.5 pc. Average column densities are between 1020 cm–2 and 1022 cm–2. Filaments include the majority of dense material with NH2N_{\rm H_{2}} > 6 × 1021 cm–2. We find that the pre- and proto-stellar compact sources already identified in the same region are mostly associated with filaments. However, surface densities in excess of the expected critical values for high-mass star formation are only found on the filaments, indicating that these structures are necessary to channel material into the clumps. Furthermore, we analyze the gravitational stability of filaments and discuss their relationship with star formation

    The M16 molecular complex under the influence of NGC6611. Herschel's perspective of the heating effect on the Eagle Nebula

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    We present Herschel images from the HOBYS key program of the Eagle Nebula (M16) in the far-infrared and sub-millimetre, using the PACS and SPIRE cameras at 70{\mu}m, 160{\mu}m, 250{\mu}m, 350{\mu}m, 500{\mu}m. M16, home to the Pillars of Creation, is largely under the influence of the nearby NGC6611 high-mass star cluster. The Herschel images reveal a clear dust temperature gradient running away from the centre of the cavity carved by the OB cluster. We investigate the heating effect of NGC6611 on the entire M16 star-forming complex seen by Herschel including the diffuse cloud environment and the dense filamentary structures identified in this region. In addition, we interpret the three-dimensional geometry of M16 with respect to the nebula, its surrounding environment, and the NGC6611 cavity. The dust temperature and column density maps reveal a prominent eastern filament running north-south and away from the high-mass star-forming central region and the NGC6611 cluster, as well as a northern filament which extends around and away from the cluster. The dust temperature in each of these filaments decreases with increasing distance from the NGC6611 cluster, indicating a heating penetration depth of \sim 10 pc in each direction in 3 - 6 \times 10^{22} cm-2 column density filaments. We show that in high-mass star-forming regions OB clusters impact the temperature of future star-forming sites, modifying the initial conditions for collapse and effecting the evolutionary criteria of protostars developed from spectral energy distributions. Possible scenarios for the origin of the morphology seen in this region are discussed, including a western equivalent to the eastern filament, which was destroyed by the creation of the OB cluster and its subsequent winds and radiation.Comment: 12 pages, including 3 appendix, 9 figures, accepted by A&