386 research outputs found

    High-resolultion reconstruction of Lena River discharge during the Late Holocene inferred from microalgae assemblages

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    On the basis of a detailed study of the diatom and aquatic palynomorph assemblages and a detailed radiocarbon chronology of sediment cores obtained from the south-eastern inner Laptev Sea shelf adjacent to the Lena Delta the spatial and temporal variability in the Lena River discharge during the last 6 cal. ka were reconstructed. It was shown that in the area adjacent to the Lena Delta variations in surface water salinities, reconstructed using freshwater diatoms as a proxy, were mainly caused by changes in the volume of the Lena River runoff through the major riverine channels Trofimovskaya, Bykovskaya and Tumatskaya. Several paleohydrological phases are recognized: (i) establishment of modern-like conditions within the eastern Lena River Valley occurred from 6-4.2 cal. ka; (ii) Lena River outflow increased in north-eastward direction via the Trofimovskaya or Bykovskaya channels from 4.2-2.7 cal. ka, coeval with a reduction of runoff toward the north via the Tumatskaya Channel; (iii) generally stable hydrological conditions northward of the Tumatskaya Channel and variations in riverine discharge north-eastward of the Trofimovskaya and Bykovskaya channels prevail since 2.7 cal. ka. Using indicator species of dinocysts as principle marine proxy, an influence of Atlantic water to the southeast inner Laptev Sea shelf could be inferred, possibly along the Eastern Lena paleovalley, brought into this area by winddriven reversed bottom currents. Zusammenfassung: Untersuchungen von Diatomeen- und aquatischen Palynomorphen-Vergesellschaftungen wurden an Radiokohlenstoff datierten Sedimentkernen aus der inneren südöstlichen Laptevsee nahe des Lenadeltas durchgeführt. Anhand dieser Daten wurde die zeitliche und räumliche Veränderlichkeit des Flusswasserausstromes der Lena für die letzten 6 ka (Kalenderjahre) rekonstruiert. Zeitliche Veränderungen in den Häufigkeiten von Süßwasserdiatomeen sind begründet durch Wechsel in der Menge des Lenaausflusses durch die drei großen Haupkanäle im Delta: Trofimovskaja, Bykovskja, sowie Tumatskaja. Darauf basierend konnten prinzipiell drei große paläohydrologische Phasen unterschieden werden: (1) heutigen Verhältnissen vergleichbare Bedingungen wurden östlich des Lenadeltas zwischen 6 und 4.2 ka etabliert; (2) Erhöhung des Flusswasseraustrags in nordöstliche Richtung über die Kanäle Trofimovskaja und/oder Bykovskaja zwischen 4.2 und 2.7 ka bei gleichzeitiger Reduzierung Richtung Norden via Tumatskaja; (3) Ausbildung relativ stabiler Bedingungen nördlich des Deltas sowie Auftreten wechselhafter Flusswasserausträgen in östliche Richtung nach 2.7 ka. Das Auftreten von marinen Dinocysten in den Sedimenkernen belegt den Einfluss von Wassermassen mit vermutlich atlantischem Ursprung. Es ist zu vermuten, dass diese durch windgetriebene Bodenströmungen entlang der alten versunkenen Flusstäler auf den östlichen inneren Schelf verfrachtet werden

    Assessment of psycho-emotional state of student with Mitral regurgitation and possible ways of its pharmacological correction

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    The article presents the results of psycho-emotional state assessment a person with Mitral regurgitation when he lies using the device for the physiological parameter record, and the possible ways of its pharmacological correction are offere

    Deviations in Reproductive Behaviour of Russian Peasant Women in the Middle Ural (19th – early 20th centuries)

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    The article explores the variants of Russian women’s reproductive behaviour, which were regarded in the peasant environment as deviations. The aim of the article is to examine the specific types of deviant behaviour and to reveal the factors that contributed to their emergence and persistent presence in the everyday life of Russian peasant women of the Middle Ural. The main sources represent certain unpublished materials (judicial investigation cases) and number of published sources (recordings of folklore). The study allowed the “tender points” in the reproductive culture that existed in the Russian peasant environment in the 19th – early 20th century: premarital intimate relations, subsequent out-of-wedlock pregnancy, the desire to conceal it using different methods (abortion, murder of the already-born child), deviant parenthood in the form of child abandonment. These phenomena were deemed to be deviations from the norm since the main accepted aim of women’s life was marital childbearing, when the wedlock was considered as the only birth controller in the traditional society. Women were expected to be punished in various ways for departure from the accepted norms, ranging from moral condemnation to real penal servitude. Despite of the above, the abovementioned deviations regularly took place in peasants’ everyday life. The authors conclude that the factors contributing to deviant reproductive behaviour of peasant women included psychological (dependence on public opinion, the concept of sin and crime), sociocultural (reproductive “purpose” of women, low level of women’s literacy), material (young woman’s inability to provide for her illegitimate child). Copyright © 2023 by Cherkas Global University

    Extralinguistic Conditions of Language Variability in National Languages

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    The article is aimed at studying the concept of the existence of socially motivated language variants.  They are explained by sociolinguistic differentiation and specific use of language in different situations of communication. The dialectical connection of the objective world, the society and a language gives the latter a special dynamic character. It is manifested in active language processes at all linguistic levels and in language usual innovations. Sociolinguistic variants do not only show different images of the world, but also reflect the changes of the world depending on the culture, which, in turn, is reflected in the specifics of linguistic phenomena. Language norms, in this case, correlate not only with communicative attitudes, but also with the cultural ones. In the context of linguistic variability, the speakers of codified standard language, who can switch from one sociocultural language to another one, in the official or informal communication can choose and use various sociolinguistic language variants in their everyday life. It explains the novelty of the research, which is closely related to the typological study of the paradigm of national language situations, determined by the presence of various social strata and groups in the United States, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Russia and other countries. The authors view the language situation as a socially-motivated model of speech behavior of a native speaker in the social language space

    Insilico test of functional role of rs8068318 polymorphism of arterial hypertension-associated TBX2 candidate gene

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    In the course of this study, the functional role of rs8068318 polymorphism of the TBX2 candidate gene associated with the development of arterial hypertension was studied. The selection of the polymorphic locus was based on the data of the catalog of genome-wide association study (GWAS) of the National Human Genome Research Institute. The functional role was evaluated using online software: HaploReg (v4.1), GTExportal, and PolyPhen-

    Вариантность фразеологизмов, воплощающих концепт «порицание», в национальных лингвокультурах

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    The study presents a conceptual analysis of the phraseological variation that arose as a result of reflecting the mental activity of people and the world language picture. It is vividly expressed in the phraseology of the language, which determines the state of the language and the conditions for its variability, which depend on the worldview and the cultural values of the speakers of national languages. The cognitive-linguistic study of phraseological corpus allows studying the variability of the French verbal phraseological units which represents the concept of blame as the component of the ethnic worldview. The concept of blame is a certain type of phraseological concept. It consists of verbal phraseological units of the French language. The verbal phraseological units which are the representatives of the given concept are included in the category of concept scenarios, as they objectify the semes of action, motion, and process. The aim of the study is via the example of the French verbal phraseological units-representatives of the concept of blame to demonstrate the ability of lexical and grammatical variation within a single language system, while maintaining the identity of their phraseological variants, and to prove the dynamics of the units at lexical and phraseological levels in synchronous level. This proves the novelty of the research, which results in the possibility of the existence of various phraseological features of the studied concept. They are a unified image, the same source of origin, a general denotative meaning, a partial or a complete coincidence of the structural meanings of the verbal lexical units when their grammatical structure does not coincide and vice versa. The variants of verbal phraseological units representatives of the concept of blame are being revealed. They are structured-grammatical, lexical-stylistic, lexical, and quantitative variants.    El estudio presenta un análisis conceptual de la variación fraseológica que surgió como resultado de reflejar la actividad mental de las personas y la imagen del lenguaje mundial. Se expresa vívidamente en la fraseología del idioma, que determina el estado del idioma y las condiciones para su variabilidad, que dependen de la cosmovisión y los valores culturales de los hablantes de los idiomas nacionales. El estudio cognitivo-lingüístico del corpus fraseológico permite estudiar la variabilidad de las unidades fraseológicas verbales francesas que representan el concepto de culpa como el componente de la cosmovisión étnica. El concepto de culpa es un cierto tipo de concepto fraseológico. Consiste en unidades fraseológicas verbales de la lengua francesa. Las unidades de fraseología verbal que son los representantes del concepto dado se incluyen en la categoría de escenarios conceptuales, ya que objetivan los semes de acción, movimiento y proceso. El objetivo del estudio es a través del ejemplo de las unidades fraseológicas verbales francesas-representantes del concepto de culpa para demostrar la capacidad de variación léxica y gramatical dentro de un sistema de lenguaje único, mientras se mantiene la identidad de sus variantes fraseológicas, y para demostrar la dinámica de las unidades a nivel léxico y fraseológico en nivel sincrónico. Esto demuestra la novedad de la investigación, que da como resultado la posibilidad de la existencia de varias características fraseológicas del concepto estudiado. Son una imagen unificada, la misma fuente de origen, un significado denotativo general, una coincidencia parcial o completa de los significados estructurales de las unidades léxicas verbales cuando su estructura gramatical no coincide y viceversa. Se están revelando las variantes de las unidades de fraseología verbal representativas del concepto de culpa. Son variantes estructuradas-gramaticales, léxico-estilísticas, léxicas y cuantitativas.В статье проводится концептуальный анализ фразеологической вариантности, возникшей как результат отражения ментальной деятельности людей и языковой картины мира. Ярко и экспрессивно она репрезентирована во фразеологическом языковом фонде, который определяет и состояние языка, и условия его варьирования в зависимости от мировосприятия и культурных ценностей носителей национальных языков. Когнитивно-лингвистическое исследование фразеологических корпусов позволяет изучить вариантность французских глагольных фразеологизмов-репрезентантов концепта «порицание» как одной из составляющей этнической картины мира. Вербализуемый глагольными фразеологизмами французского языка концепт «порицание» рассматривается как особый тип фразеологических концептов. Глагольные фразеологизмы-репрезентанты рассматриваемого концепта вписываются в разряд концептов-сценариев, так как предполагают объективирование сем действия, движения, процесса. Цель предпринятого аналитического изучения заключается в том, чтобы на примере французских глагольных фразеологизмов-репрезентантов концепта «порицание» показать их способность к лексико-грамматическому варьированию в пределах одной системы при сохранении тождества фразеологических вариантов, подтвердить проявление динамики единиц лексического и фразеологического уровней в синхронии. Сказанное определяет новизну исследования, которая вытекает из возможности существования разных вариантных фразеологических признаков изучаемого концепта: единый образ, один и тот же источник происхождения, общее денотативное значение, частичное или полное совпадение категориальных значений глагольных лексических единиц при несовпадении их грамматической структуры и наоборот. Выявлены типы вариантов глагольных фразеологизмов-репрезентантов концепта «порицание»: структурно-грамматические, лексико-стилистические, лексические и квантитативные варианты. Предназначается для широкого круга исследователей, интересующихся проблемами фразеологии, когнитивной семантики, лингвокультурологии

    Supplemental technologies of liver ultrasound investigation at the 1-st type tyrosinemia in pediatrics

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    Aim of investigation. To carry out objective estimation of liver parenchyma state in children with the 1-st type hereditary tyrosinemia (НТ-1) by ultrasound method with quantitative estimation of hepatic parenchyma pattern.Material and methods. Overall 14 children with the 1-st type tyrosinemia aged 3 months to 14 years (6 — with acute and subacute forms and 8 — with chronic form) were studied. Traditional ultrasound investigation and innovative non-invasive ultrasound technique of quantitative analysis of liver parenchyma acoustic pattern — Acoustic Structure Quantification (ASQ) were applied. Traditional US-investigation of hemodynamic parameters of portal system blood flow reveals early US-signs of portal hypertension. Color mapping (ASQ technique) allows visual estimation of fibrosis severity and amount of functioning parenchyma. Plotting of histograms and density probability functions of various zones of liver parenchyma allows to establish the stage of fibrosis. The density index provides quantitative characteristic of fibrosis stage.Results. Neither absence of fibrosis or minimal and moderately severe fibrosis was observed in children with НТ-1. The density index range at severe fibrosis stage was 2,62 (2,62-2,72) (2,62-2,72), at stage of liver cirrhosis — 3,37 (3,21–3,80) (3,00–4,58). In the areas of normal liver parenchyma no significant differences from the control group were found and the range was equal to 1,10–1,35.Conclusion. Obtained data may be used for objective estimation of the process stage in children with the 1-st type tyrosinemia when liver biopsy is contraindicated

    Diatom assemblages from Holocene sediments of the Kola Peninsula

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    The Kola Peninsula is one of the key areas for the study of postglacial development of northern Europe. The repeated formation of ice shields during the Pleistocene determined the peculiar features of the relief, structure of Quaternary sediments, and recent landscapes of the peninsula. The paleogeographic reconstructions available for the last 10–11 ka are based on results of the palynological analysis of lacustrine and boggy sediments [3–5, 9–11] and, to a lesser extent, on diatoms from the lacustrine sediments [7, 8]. In this communication, we present the first data on diatom assemblages from peat sections of the central Kola Peninsula and their detailed radiocarbon ages. The high sensitivity of lacustrine–boggy ecosystems to environmental changes made it possible to define several Holocene diatom assemblages and to correlate their succession with regional climatic events and variations in the local base level