8 research outputs found


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    Wheat is one of the agricultural crops that is subjected to temperature stress during ontogenesis and it is especially sensitive to action of the stress at the initial stages of wheat development. High temperatures restrict of growth, development and plant productivity. However, plants can to acclimate to temperature stress and have the adaptive mechanisms at the cellular and molecular levels. One of this adaptive mechanism is an increase of the synthesis of the heat shock proteins (HSPs), which functions are very important and various.The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different heat treatments (37 and 39 ºC for 1, 3, 6, 24 h and 50 ºC for 1, 3, 5 h) on the heat tolerance in spring wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.) and synthesis of the HSPs (101, 70, 60 and 16.9 kDa) in shoots of the 4-day-old seedlings and leaves of the 8-day-old seedlings.Based on the findings, it is concluded that the 4-day-old and 8-day-old spring wheat seedlings are characterized by a similar response to heat stress at 50 ºC, however, 4-day-old seedlings are more resistant in the initial period of stress influence. The exposures at 37 and 39 ºC are suitable for acclimation of spring wheat at the initial stages of development (the 4-day and 8-day-old seedlings). These temperatures lead to a similar trend in the heat resistance of seedlings and the synthesis of HSPs in shoots and leaves. At the same time the content of HSP16.9 depends on the developmental stage of wheat. It is noted the synthesis of HSP16.9 in shoots, but not in leaves under normal conditions. It is concluded that the heat acclimation of the 8-day-old seedlings is a longer process (6-24 h of exposure at 37 and 39 ºC) compared with the 4-day-old seedlings (3-6 h of exposure at 37 and 39 ºC).Пшеница одна из сельскохозяйственных культур, которая подвергается действию температурного стресса в течение онтогенеза и особенно чувствительна к действию стресса на начальных стадиях её развития. Высокие температуры ограничивают рост, развитие и продуктивность растений. Однако, растения могут адаптироваться к температурному стрессу и имеют адаптивные механизмы на клеточном и молекулярном уровнях. Одним из таких адаптивных механизмов является увеличение синтеза белков теплового шока (БТШ), функции которых очень важны и разнообразны.Целью данной работы было изучить влияние различных тепловых обработок (37 и 39 ºC в течение 1, 3, 6, 24 ч и 50 ºC в течение 1, 3, 5 ч) на теплоустойчивость проростков яровой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) и синтез БТШ (101, 70, 60 и 16.9 кДа) в побегах 4-х суточных и листьях 8-ми суточных проростков.На основании полученных данных сделан вывод, что 4-х суточные и 8-ми суточные проростки яровой пшеницы характеризуются схожей реакцией на тепловой стресс при 50 ºC, однако 4-х суточные проростки более устойчивы в начальный период стрессового воздействия. Воздействие температурами 37 и 39 ºC подходят для адаптации яровой пшеницы на начальных стадиях её развития (4-х суточные и 8-ми суточные проростки). Эти температуры приводят к схожей тенденции в синтезе БТШ в побегах и листьях. В тоже время, содержание БТШ16.9 зависит от стадии развития пшеницы. В нормальных условиях был отмечен синтез БТШ16.9 в побегах, но не в листьях. Сделано заключение, что адаптация 8-ми суточных проростков более длительный процесс (6-24 ч воздействия 37 и 39 ºC) по сравнению с 4-х суточными проростками (3-6 ч воздействия 37 и 39 ºC)

    Pro-Arrhythmic Potential of Accumulated Uremic Toxins Is Mediated via Vulnerability of Action Potential Repolarization

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is represented by a diminished filtration capacity of the kidneys. End-stage renal disease patients need dialysis treatment to remove waste and toxins from the circulation. However, endogenously produced uremic toxins (UTs) cannot always be filtered during dialysis. UTs are among the CKD-related factors that have been linked to maladaptive and pathophysiological remodeling of the heart. Importantly, 50% of the deaths in dialysis patients are cardiovascular related, with sudden cardiac death predominating. However, the mechanisms responsible remain poorly understood. The current study aimed to assess the vulnerability of action potential repolarization caused by exposure to pre-identified UTs at clinically relevant concentrations. We exposed human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) and HEK293 chronically (48 h) to the UTs indoxyl sulfate, kynurenine, or kynurenic acid. We used optical and manual electrophysiological techniques to assess action potential duration (APD) in the hiPSC-CMs and recorded I Kr currents in stably transfected HEK293 cells (HEK-hERG). Molecular analysis of K V11.1, the ion channel responsible for I Kr, was performed to further understand the potential mechanism underlying the effects of the UTs. Chronic exposure to the UTs resulted in significant APD prolongation. Subsequent assessment of the repolarization current I Kr, often most sensitive and responsible for APD alterations, showed decreased current densities after chronic exposure to the UTs. This outcome was supported by lowered protein levels of K V11.1. Finally, treatment with an activator of the I Kr current, LUF7244, could reverse the APD prolongation, indicating the potential modulation of electrophysiological effects caused by these UTs. This study highlights the pro-arrhythmogenic potential of UTs and reveals a mode of action by which they affect cardiac repolarization

    L2 virtual exchanges and laboratory experiments in engineering education: new horizons for sustainable, transversal and linguistic development

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    [EN] The progress of meaningful learning within virtual environments that prioritise sustainability, capacity building and interculturality has been a challenge despite extensive research efforts. Engineering and foreign language educators recognise the importance of combining Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), transversal competences, and second language (L2) acquisition through laboratory experiments. To address these targets, a cooperative training scenario can be employed. This Sustainable Active Virtual Learning - SAVL - model adaptation not only complies with the provisions of the university curriculum but also generates quality instruction opportunities. Therefore, by following this approach in the first term of 2023, we conducted a quantitative and qualitative study on seven inter-university virtual collaborations, each related to a specific material science laboratory task. 25 engineering students from the third year of the Aerospace Engineering Degree at the Spanish Technical University of Valencia /"Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)" and 5 counterparts from the second and third year of Material Science at the Ukrainian Dnipro University of Technology (DUT) actively participated in collaboration via online meetings retransmitted from UPV laboratory facilities. Small groups of 5-6 international learners performed technical tasks and delivered reports while communicating in English. Their feedback and task assessment created a favourable background for enhancing curricular settings in both polytechnic institutions. The experimental findings support collaborative interactions for achieving the central pillars of Agenda 2030 - people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership - and bringing new meaningful training opportunities to future engineers. Additionally, as internet-based educational exchanges continue to grow, our research can benefit instructors, students and universities by overcoming geopolitical disadvantages and conflicts.This project has been completed with the support of the Institute of Education Sciences of the Universitat Politècnica de València under the Didactic Innovation Programme PIME/23-24/380 "SostenibleEdu".Polyakova, O.; Klyatskina, E. (2024). L2 virtual exchanges and laboratory experiments in engineering education: new horizons for sustainable, transversal and linguistic development. IATED. 959-964. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2024.031595996

    Holocene Paleoenvironmental Implications of Diatom, Non-Pollen Palynomorph, and Organic Carbon Records from the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea (European Arctic)

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    Variations in sea surface conditions and sea level through the Holocene in the Kandalaksha Bay, the White Sea, were reconstructed based on the study of core sediments from the outer Kandalaksha Bay, using the modern analog technique applied to dinocysts in addition to diatoms, TOC, δ13Corg, CaCO3, and grain size data. The chronostratigraphy of the core sediments was defined from accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates on mollusk shells. The results indicated an increase in water depth in the outer Kandalaksha Bay and in the central Dvina Bay until the late Holocene. From about 9.5 to 7.5 cal kyr BP, the data suggested a general trend of increasing sea surface temperatures (up to 14 °C), at least in areas with inflow of Atlantic waters. The last 2.5 kyr were characterized by increased freshwater runoff to the White Sea

    Fluoride-Ion-Responsive Sol–Gel Transition in an L-Cysteine/AgNO<sub>3</sub> System: Self-Assembly Peculiarities and Anticancer Activity

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    Supramolecular hydrogels based on low-molecular-weight compounds are a unique class of so-called “soft” materials, formed by weak non-covalent interactions between precursors at their millimolar concentrations. Due to the variety of structures that can be formed using different low-molecular-weight gelators, they are widely used in various fields of technology and medicine. In this study, we report for the first time an unusual self-assembly process of mixing a hydrosol obtained from L-cysteine and silver nitrate (cysteine–silver sol—CSS) with sodium halides. Modern instrumental techniques such as viscosimetry, UV spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, zeta potential measurements, SEM and EDS identified that adding fluoride anions to CSS is able to form stable hydrogels of a thixotropic nature, while Cl−, Br− and I− lead to precipitation. The self-assembly process proceeds using a narrow concentration range of F−. An increase in the fluoride anion content in the system leads to a change in the gel network morphology from elongated structures to spherical ones. This fact is reflected in a decrease in the gel viscosity and a number of gel–sol–gel transition cycles. The mechanism of F−’s interaction with hydrosol includes the condensation of anions on the positive surface of the CSS nanoparticles, their binding via electrostatic forces and the formation of a resulting gel carcass. In vitro analysis showed that the hydrogels suppressed human squamous carcinoma cells at a micromolar sample concentration. The obtained soft gels could have potential applications against cutaneous malignancy and as carriers for fluoride anion and other bioactive substance delivery

    Human sympathetic and parasympathetic neuron differentiation strategies for in vitro disease modelling: a systematic review protocol

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    A systematic review protocol about the in vitro derivation of human sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic neurons for cardiac arrhythmia modelling. The protocol can be found in the 'Files' section