164 research outputs found

    Impact of comorbidities and body mass index in patients with myelofibrosis treated with ruxolitinib.

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    La presenza di comorbidità definite con il Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) e l'indice di massa corporea (BMI) hanno significato prognostico nei pazienti che ricevono trattamento continuo con inibitori delle tirosino-chinasi. In questo lavoro abbiamo valutato l'impatto del CCI e del BMI sulle risposte cliniche, le tossicità e l'outcome di una coorte di 402 pazienti affetti da Mielofibrosi trattati con ruxolitinib in 23 centri ematologici europei. L’età mediana della coorte era 64 anni (range, 39-89), con prevalenza del sesso maschile (52.4%). In tutto 198 pazienti (49.2%) non avevano comorbidità, 128 (31.8%) avevano un CCI di 1-2 e 76 pazienti (40.7%) avevano un CCI maggiore o uguale a 3. Le più comuni comorbidità erano rappresentate da malattia vascolare periferica (14%), precedente tumore (13.5%), diabete (10%) e epatopatia (9.6%). Secondo il BMI, il 3.2% dei pazienti era sottopeso (BMI 30). Per quanto riguarda l’efficacia del trattamento, un CCI superiore o uguale a 3 non comportava una minore risposta in termini di riduzione della splenomegalia, (p=0.68) o dei sintomi (p=0.11). Tuttavia, i pazienti con comorbidità presentavano più frequentemente anemia durante il trattamento (p=0.03). Il BMI non si associava a differenze statisticamente significative in termini di risposte su milza (p=0.57) e sintomi (p=0.49) o di tossicità (p=0.95). La presenza di comorbidità e il sottopeso (BMI <21.9), correlavano invece significativamente con una ridotta sopravvivenza (p<0.001 e p=0.02, rispettivamente). L’ottenimento della risposta sulla splenomegalia a 6 mesi sembrava annullare il significato prognosticamente sfavorevole delle comorbidità sull’outcome. In conclusione, nei pazienti affetti da Mielofibrosi trattati con ruxolitinib, il BMI e il CCI, non influenzavano l’ottenimento di risposte cliniche su splenomegalia e sintomi costituzionali; tuttavia, contribuivano a identificare un gruppo di pazienti che necessita di un più attento monitoraggio.Comorbidities defined by the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) and body mass index (BMI) are significantly associated with outcome in patients who receive continuous treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. We evaluated the impact of CCI and BMI on responses, drug-related toxicities, and outcome in a cohort of 402 patients with myelofibrosis (MF) treated with ruxolitinib in 23 European Hematology Centers. Comorbidities were evaluable in all 402 patients. A higher (≥ 3) CCI did not correlate with a lower spleen reduction at any time (p = 0.68) or symptoms' response (p = 0.11), but influenced the onset of anemia during the first 3 months of treatment and later (p = 0.02 and p = 0.03, respectively) in patients without anemia baseline. BMI was evaluable in 380 patients and did not correlate with differences in spleen and symptoms response (p = 0.57 and p = 0.49, respectively). A higher CCI and a lower BMI correlated also with a reduced overall survival (p < 0.001 and p = 0.02, respectively). The achievement of a spleen response at 6 months could counterbalance the negative impact of comorbidities, while patients who were underweight when starting ruxolitinib and did not achieve a spleen response at 6 months were projected to the worse outcome. In MF patients treated with ruxolitinib, BMI and comorbidities did not influence the achievement of spleen/symptom responses, but they contributed to the early identification of patients who deserve a strict monitoring during treatment

    Nutritional intervention with TGF-beta enriched food for special medical purposes (TGF-FSMP) is associated with a reduction of malnutrition, acute GVHD, pneumonia and may improve overall survival in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem transplantation

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    : Malnutrition in allogeneic stem cell transplant (allo-SCT) is associated with poor outcomes. Supplementation with Foods for Special Medical Purposes may be a valid alternative to enteral nutrition or total parental nutrition to reduce malnutrition in allo-SCT. In this study, 133 patients consecutively allo-transplanted were assessed for nutritional status by Patient- Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) and supplemented with TGF-beta enriched Food for Special Medical Purposes (TGF-FSMP). PG-SGA, gold standard for nutritional assessment in oncologic patients, was assessed at admission and on day 0, +7, +14, +21, and + 28 from transplant and categorized as follows: A = good nutritional status; B = moderate malnutrition; C = severe malnutrition. TGF-FSMP (Modulen-IBD) is currently used in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) as primary nutritional support and in this study the dose was calculated according to BMI and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). The patients assuming ≥50% of the prescribed TGF-FSMP dose were classified in Group A; the patients who received < 50% were included in Group B per protocol. The primary endpoint of the study was the assessment of the malnourished patients in Group A and B at day+28 after transplantation, according to the criteria of PG-SGA C categorization. At day +28 after transplant: i) patients in Group A were significantly less severely malnourished than patients in the Group B (21/76,28% vs 42/53, 79% respectively, OR 2.86 - CI 1.94-4.23 -, p = 0.000); ii) the incidence of severe (MAGIC II-IV) aGVHD and of any grade gastrointestinal (GI) aGVHD was higher in Group B than in Group A, (43% vs 21% p = 0.003) and (34.5% vs 9.2% p = 0.001); iii) Pneumonia was more frequent in the malnourished patients of Group B than in well/moderate nourished patients of Group A (52.7% vs 27.6% p = 0.002). In group A parenteral nutrition was avoided more frequently than in group B (67.5% vs 33.3% p = 0.000) and a median hospital stay of 27 days in comparison to 32 was reported (p = 0.006). The estimated median overall survival (OS) of the population was 33 months in Group A and 25.1 months in group B (p = 0.03). By multivariate and ANN analysis, TGF-FSMP TR < 50% assumption was significantly correlated with malnutrition, severe and GI aGVHD, pneumonia and reduced OS

    Sequential monitoring of lymphocyte subsets and of T-and-B cell neogenesis indexes to identify time-varying immunologic profiles in relation to graft-versus-host disease and relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    T and B lymphocyte subsets have been not univocally associated to Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and relapse of hematological alignancies after stem cell transplantation (SCT). Their sequential assessment together with B and T cell neogenesis indexes has been not thoroughly analysed in relation to these changing and interrelated immunologic/clinic events yet. Lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood (PB) and B and T cell neogenesis indexes were analysed together at different time points in a prospective study of 50 patients. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used as first step of multivariate analysis to address issues related to a high number of variables versus a relatively low number of patients. Multivariate analysis was completed by Fine-Gray proportional hazard regression model. PCA identified 3 clusters of variables (PC1-3), which correlated with acute GVHD: PC1 (pre-SCT: KRECs 656608/ml, unswitched memory B 44%, CD8+TCM cells>4%; HR 1.9, p = 0.01), and PC3 (at aGVHD onset: CD4+TEMRA69%, switched memory CD19+ = 0 cells and KRECs<6614/ml at +90; HR 0.1, p = 0.008). All these immunologic parameters were independent indicators of chronic GVHD and relapse, also considering the possible effect of previous steroid-therapy for acute GVHD. Specific time-varying immunologic profiles were associated to GVHD and relapse. Pre-SCT host immune-microenvironment and changes of B cell homeostasis could influence GVH- and Graft-versus-Tumor reactions. The paradoxical increase of EM Treg in PB of patients with GVHD could be explained by their compartmentalization outside lymphoid tissues, which are of critical relevance for regulation of GVH reactions

    Digital PCR improves the quantitation of DMR and the selection of CML candidates to TKIs discontinuation

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    Treatment-free remission (TFR) by tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) discontinuation in patients with deep molecular response (DMR) is a paramount goal in the current chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) therapeutic strategy. The best DMR level by real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) for TKI discontinuation is still a matter of debate. To compare the accuracy of digital PCR (dPCR) and RT-qPCR for BCR-ABL1 transcript levels detection, 142 CML patients were monitored for a median time of 24\ua0months. Digital PCR detected BCR-ABL1 transcripts in the RT-qPCR undetectable cases. The dPCR analysis of the samples, grouped by the MR classes, revealed a significant difference between MR4.0 and MR4.5 (P\ua0=\ua00.0104) or MR5.0 (P\ua0=\ua00.0032). The clinical and hematological characteristics of the patients grouped according to DMR classes (MR4.0 vs MR4.5-5.0 ) were superimposable. Conversely, patients with dPCR values <0.468 BCR-ABL1 copies/\ub5L (as we previously described) showed a longer DMR duration (P\ua0=\ua00.0220) and mainly belonged to MR4.5-5.0 (P\ua0=\ua00.0442) classes compared to patients with higher dPCR values. Among the 142 patients, 111 (78%) discontinued the TKI treatment; among the 111 patients, 24 (22%) lost the MR3.0 or MR4.0 . RT-qPCR was not able to discriminate patients with higher risk of MR loss after discontinuation (P\ua0=\ua00.8100). On the contrary, according to dPCR, 12/25 (48%) patients with BCR-ABL1 values 650.468 and 12/86 (14%) patients with BCR-ABL1 values <0.468 lost DMR in this cohort, respectively (P\ua0=\ua00.0003). Treatment-free remission of patients who discontinued TKI with a dPCR <0.468 was significantly higher compared to patients with dPCR\ua0 65\ua00.468 (TFR at 2\ua0years 83% vs 52% P\ua0=\ua00.0017, respectively). In conclusion, dPCR resulted in an improved recognition of stable DMR and of candidates to TKI discontinuation

    Prednisone vs high-dose dexamethasone in newly diagnosed adult primary immune thrombocytopenia: a randomized trial

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    A debate exists regarding which type of corticosteroids (standard-dose prednisone [PDN] or high-dose dexamethasone [HD-DXM]) is the best first-line treatment for adult patients with newly diagnosed untreated primary immune thrombocytopenia (pITP). An ad hoc study compared PDN with HD-DXM in newly diagnosed untreated patients with pITP (aged &gt;= 18 but &lt;= 80 years, platelet count of &lt;= 20 or &gt;20 but &lt;50 x 10(9)/L, and bleeding score of &gt;= 8). Patients were randomised to receive PDN 1 mg/kg per day from days 0 to 28 (Arm A) or HD-DXM 40 mg per day for 4 days, every 14 days, for 3 consecutive courses (Arm B). Fifty-nine of 113 patients (52.2%) were randomized to Arm A and 54 of 113 (47.8%) to Arm B. In evaluable patients, total initial responses (complete response [CR], partial response [PR], minimal response [MR]) were 44 of 56 (78.57%) in Arm A and 46 of 49 (93.88%) in Arm B at days 42 and 46, respectively (P = 0.0284). Total final responses (at day 180 from initial response) were 26 of 43 (60.47%) in Arm A and 23 of 39 (58.97%) in Arm B (P = 0.8907). Total persistent responses (at 12 months from initial response) were 25 of 31 (80.65%) in Arm A and 20 of 36 (55.56%) in Arm B (P = 0.0292). Seven relapses occurred. Median follow-up was 44.4 months. Overall survival was 100% at 48 months, overall disease-free survival was 81.11% at 48 months from day 180. PDN and pulsed HD-DXM were well tolerated; HD-DXM allows effective initial responses but less long lasting than PDN. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00657410

    Ruxolitinib rechallenge in resistant or intolerant patients with myelofibrosis: Frequency, therapeutic effects, and impact on outcome

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    BACKGROUND After ruxolitinib discontinuation, the outcome of patients with myelofibrosis (MF) is poor with scarce therapeutic possibilities. METHODS The authors performed a subanalysis of an observational, retrospective study (RUX-MF) that included 703 MF patients treated with ruxolitinib to investigate 1) the frequency and reasons for ruxolitinib rechallenge, 2) its therapeutic effects, and 3) its impact on overall survival. RESULTS A total of 219 patients (31.2%) discontinued ruxolitinib for &gt;= 14 days and survived for &gt;= 30 days. In 60 patients (27.4%), ruxolitinib was rechallenged for &gt;= 14 days (RUX-again patients), whereas 159 patients (72.6%) discontinued it permanently (RUX-stop patients). The baseline characteristics of the 2 cohorts were comparable, but discontinuation due to a lack/loss of spleen response was lower in RUX-again patients (P = .004). In comparison with the disease status at the first ruxolitinib stop, at its restart, there was a significant increase in patients with large splenomegaly (P &lt; .001) and a high Total Symptom Score (TSS; P &lt; .001). During the rechallenge, 44.6% and 48.3% of the patients had spleen and symptom improvements, respectively, with a significant increase in the number of patients with a TSS reduction (P = .01). Although the use of a ruxolitinib dose &gt; 10 mg twice daily predicted better spleen (P = .05) and symptom improvements (P = .02), the reasons for/duration of ruxolitinib discontinuation and the use of other therapies before rechallenge were not associated with rechallenge efficacy. At 1 and 2 years, 33.3% and 48.3% of RUX-again patients, respectively, had permanently discontinued ruxolitinib. The median overall survival was 27.9 months, and it was significantly longer for RUX-again patients (P = .004). CONCLUSIONS Ruxolitinib rechallenge was mainly used in intolerant patients; there were clinical improvements and a possible survival advantage in many cases, but there was a substantial rate of permanent discontinuation. Ruxolitinib rechallenge should be balanced against newer therapeutic possibilities

    Predictors of Response to Hydroxyurea and Switch to Ruxolitinib in HU-Resistant Polycythaemia VERA Patients: A Real-World PV-NET Study

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    In polycythemia vera (PV), the prognostic relevance of an ELN-defined complete response (CR) to hydroxyurea (HU), the predictors of response, and patients' triggers for switching to ruxolitinib are uncertain. In a real-world analysis, we evaluated the predictors of response, their impact on the clinical outcomes of CR to HU, and the correlations between partial or no response (PR/NR) and a patient switching to ruxolitinib. Among 563 PV patients receiving HU for ≥12 months, 166 (29.5%) achieved CR, 264 achieved PR, and 133 achieved NR. In a multivariate analysis, the absence of splenomegaly (p = 0.03), pruritus (p = 0.002), and a median HU dose of ≥1 g/day (p &lt; 0.001) remained associated with CR. Adverse events were more frequent with a median HU dose of ≥1 g/day. Overall, 283 PR/NR patients (71.3%) continued HU, and 114 switched to ruxolitinib. In the 449 patients receiving only HU, rates of thrombosis, hemorrhages, progression, and overall survival were comparable among the CR, PR, and NR groups. Many PV patients received underdosed HU, leading to lower CR and toxicity rates. In addition, many patients continued HU despite a PR/NR; however, splenomegaly and other symptoms were the main drivers of an early switch. Better HU management, standardization of the criteria for and timing of responses to HU, and adequate intervention in poor responders should be advised

    A Prognostic Model to Predict Ruxolitinib Discontinuation and Death in Patients with Myelofibrosis

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    Most patients with myelofibrosis (MF) discontinue ruxolitinib (JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor) in the first 5 years of therapy due to therapy failure. As the therapeutic possibilities of MF are expanding, it is critical to identify patients predisposed to early ruxolitinib monotherapy failure and worse outcomes. We investigated predictors of early ruxolitinib discontinuation and death on therapy in 889 patients included in the "RUX-MF" retrospective study. Overall, 172 patients were alive on ruxolitinib after ≥5 years (long-term ruxolitinib, LTR), 115 patients were alive but off ruxolitinib after ≥5 yrs (short-term RUX, STR), and 123 patients died while on ruxolitinib after &lt;5 yrs (early death on ruxolitinib, EDR). The cumulative incidence of the blast phase was similar in LTR and STR patients (p = 0.08). Overall survival (OS) was significantly longer in LTR pts (p = 0.002). In multivariate analysis, PLT &lt; 100 × 109/L, Hb &lt; 10 g/dL, primary MF, absence of spleen response at 3 months and ruxolitinib starting dose &lt;10 mg BID were associated with higher probability of STR. Assigning one point to each significant variable, a prognostic model for STR (STR-PM) was built, and three groups were identified: low (score 0-1), intermediate (score 2), and high risk (score ≥ 3). The STR-PM may identify patients at higher risk of failure with ruxolitinib monotherapy who should be considered for alternative frontline strategies
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