78 research outputs found

    Simulator method and apparatus for practicing the mating of an observer-controlled object with a target

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    A servo controlled target replica, and a surface bearing a computer generated line drawing of an object are individually viewed by separate television cameras allowing a two-dimensional composite of the target replica and the object to be displayed on a monitor simulating what an observer would see through a window in a spacecraft. The target replica is coded along one self coordinate axis in such a way that the distance of an elemental area on the target along the axis is capable of being remotely readout by a television camera. A third television camera responsive to the code reads out this information by which the Z-coordinate, relative to the observer, can be calculated, on-line with the scan, for the contents of each picture element of the scene televised by the target camera

    On the Spin-Down of Intermittent Pulsars

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    Magnetospheres of pulsars are thought to be filled with plasma, and variations in plasma supply can affect both pulsar emission properties and spin-down rates. A number of recently discovered "intermittent" pulsars switch between two distinct states: an "on", radio-loud state, and an "off", radio-quiet state. Spin-down rates in the two states differ by a large factor, ∌1.5−2.5\sim 1.5-2.5, which is not easily understood in the context of current models. In this Letter we present self-consistent numerical solutions of "on" and "off" states of intermittent pulsar magnetospheres. We model the "on" state as a nearly ideal force-free magnetosphere with abundant magnetospheric plasma supply. The lack of radio emission in the "off" state is associated with plasma supply disruption that results in lower plasma density on the open field lines. We model the "off" state using nearly vacuum conditions on the open field lines and nearly ideal force-free conditions on the closed field lines, where plasma can remain trapped even in the absence of pair production. The toroidal advection of plasma in the closed zone in the "off" state causes spin-downs that are a factor of ∌2\sim 2 higher than vacuum values, and we naturally obtain a range of spin-down ratios between the "on" and "off" states, ∌1.2−2.9\sim 1.2-2.9, which corresponds to a likely range of pulsar inclination angles of 30−90∘30{-}90^\circ. We consider the implications of our model to a number of poorly understood but possibly related pulsar phenomena, including nulling, timing noise, and rotating radio transients.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    A stability property of a force-free surface bounding a vacuum gap

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    A force-free surface (FFS) S{\cal S} is a sharp boundary separating a void from a region occupied by a charge-separated force-free plasma. It is proven here under very general assumptions that there is on S{\cal S} a simple relation between the charge density Ό\mu on the plasma side and the derivative of \delta=\E\cdot\B along \B on the vacuum side (with \E denoting the electric field and \B the magnetic field). Combined with the condition Ύ=0\delta=0 on S{\cal S}, this relation implies that a FFS has a general stability property, already conjectured by Michel (1979, ApJ 227, 579): S{\cal S} turns out to attract charges placed on the vacuum side if they are of the same sign as Ό\mu. In the particular case of a FFS existing in the axisymmetric stationary magnetosphere of a "pulsar", the relation is given a most convenient form by using magnetic coordinates, and is shown to imply an interesting property of a gap. Also, a simple proof is given of the impossibility of a vacuum gap forming in a field \B which is either uniform or radial (monopolar)

    Electrodynamic Structure of an Outer Gap Accelerator: Location of the Gap and the Gamma-ray Emission from the Crab Pulsar

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    We investigate a stationary pair production cascade in the outer magnetosphere of a spinning neutron star. The charge depletion due to global flows of charged particles, causes a large electric field along the magnetic field lines. Migratory electrons and/or positrons are accelerated by this field to radiate curvature gamma-rays, some of which collide with the X-rays to materialize as pairs in the gap. The replenished charges partially screen the electric field, which is self-consistently solved together with the distribution functions of particles and gamma-rays. If no current is injected at neither of the boundaries of the accelerator, the gap is located around the conventional null surface, where the local Goldreich-Julian charge density vanishes. However, we first find that the gap position shifts outwards (or inwards) when particles are injected at the inner (or outer) boundary. Applying the theory to the Crab pulsar, we demonstrate that the pulsed TeV flux does not exceed the observational upper limit for moderate infrared photon density and that the gap should be located near to or outside of the conventional null surface so that the observed spectrum of pulsed GeV fluxes may be emitted via a curvature process. Some implications of the existence of a solution for a super Goldreich-Julian current are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Ap

    Large-Amplitude, Pair-Creating Oscillations in Pulsar and Black Hole Magnetospheres

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    A time-dependent model for pair creation in a pulsar magnetosphere is developed. It is argued that the parallel electric field that develops in a charge-starved region (a gap) of a pulsar magnetosphere oscillates with large amplitude. Electrons and positrons are accelerated periodically and the amplitude of the oscillations is assumed large enough to cause creation of upgoing and downgoing pairs at different phases of the oscillation. With a charge-starved initial condition, we find that the oscillations result in bursts of pair creation in which the pair density rises exponentially with time. The pair density saturates at N±≃E02/(8πmec2Γthr)N_\pm\simeq E_{0}^2/(8\pi m_ec^2\Gamma_{\rm thr}), where E0E_0 is the parallel electric field in the charge-starved initial state, and Γthr\Gamma_{\rm thr} is the Lorentz factor for effec tive pair creation. The frequency of oscillations following the pair creation burst is given roughly by ωosc=eE0/(8mecΓthr)\omega_{\rm osc}=eE_0/(8m_ec\Gamma_{\rm thr}). A positive feedback keeps the system stable, such that the average pair creation rate balances the loss rate due to pairs escaping the magnetosphere.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, ApJ submitte

    The diocotron instability in a pulsar cylindrical electrosphere

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    The physics of the pulsar inner magnetosphere remains poorly constrained by observations. Although about 2000 pulsars have been discovered to date, little is known about their emission mechanism. Large vacuum gaps probably exist and a non-neutral plasma made of electrons in some regions and of positrons in some other regions fills space to form an electrosphere. The purpose of this work is to study the stability properties of the differentially rotating equatorial disk in the pulsar's electrosphere for which the magnetic field is assumed to be dipolar. In contrast to previous studies, the magnetic field is not restricted to be uniform. A pseudo-spectral Galerkin method using Tchebyshev polynomials expansion is developed to compute the spectrum of the diocotron instability in a non-neutral plasma column confined between two cylindrically conducting walls. Moreover, the inner wall carries a given charge per unit length in order to account for the presence of a charged neutron star at the centre of the electrosphere. We show several eigenfunctions and eigenspectra obtained for different initial density profiles and electromagnetic field configurations useful for laboratory plasmas. The algorithm is very efficient in computing the fastest growing modes. Applications to a cylindrical electrosphere are also shown for several differential rotation profiles. It is found that the growth rates of the diocotron instability are of the same order of magnitude as the rotation rate.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Investigations of the magnetospheric plasma distribution in the vicinity of a pulsar - I Basic formulation

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    The magnetospheric plasma distribution in the vicinity of a pulsar at various inclination angles is investigated using a new relativistic, parallel 3D Particle-In-Cell (PIC) code DYMPHNA3D. DYMPHNA3D uses a superposition of the electromagnetic fields associated with a rotating magnetised conducting sphere in a vacuum (the pulsar fields) and the electromagnetic fields due to the presence of the magnetospheric plasma surrounding the pulsar (the plasma fields), as the total fields. The plasma is moved self-consistently through the magnetosphere using the PIC methodology. Our initial simulation results are presented here. These show similar solutions to those obtained from previous numerical simulations, which show the fundamental plasma distribution in the vicinity of an aligned rotating neutron star to consist of two polar domes and an equatorial torus of trapped non-neutral plasma of opposite sign. The aligned case being the case in which the inclination angle between the magnetic dipole moment and the rotation axis of the star is zero. Furthermore, our code allows for off-axis simulations and we have found that this plasma distribution collapses into a Quad-Lobe charge-separated non-neutral magnetospheric plasma distribution in the case of an orthogonal rotator, i.e., the case in which the magnetic dipole moment is oriented at right angles to the rotation axis of the neutron star, with the plasma remaining trapped close to the stellar surface by the force-free surfaces. We find that if initialised with a Goldreich-Julian type distribution, the system is seen to collapse rapidly into these stable Dome-Torus structures.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    The magnetron instability in a pulsar's cylindrical electrosphere

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    (abridged) The physics of the pulsar magnetosphere remains poorly constrained by observations. Little is known about their emission mechanism. Large vacuum gaps probably exist, and a non-neutral plasma partially fills the neutron star surroundings to form an electrosphere. We showed that the differentially rotating equatorial disk in the pulsar's electrosphere is diocotron unstable and that it tends to stabilise when relativistic effects are included. However, when approaching the light cylinder, particle inertia becomes significant and the electric drift approximation is violated. In this paper, we study the most general instability, i.e. by including particle inertia effects, as well as relativistic motions. This general non-neutral plasma instability is called the magnetron instability. We linearise the coupled relativistic cold-fluid and Maxwell equations. The non-linear eigenvalue problem for the perturbed azimuthal electric field component is solved numerically. The spectrum of the magnetron instability in a non-neutral plasma column confined between two cylindrically conducting walls is computed for several cylindrical configurations. For a pulsar electrosphere, no outer wall exists. In this case, we allow for electromagnetic wave emission propagating to infinity. When the self-field induced by the plasma becomes significant, it can first increase the growth rate of the magnetron instability. However, equilibrium solutions are only possible when the self-electric field, measured by the parameter ses_{\rm e} and tending to disrupt the plasma configuration, is bounded to an upper limit, se,maxs_{\rm e,max}. For ses_{\rm e} close to but smaller than this value se,maxs_{\rm e,max}, the instability becomes weaker or can be suppressed as was the case in the diocotron regime.Comment: Accepted by A&

    The Axisymmetric Pulsar Magnetosphere

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    We present, for the first time, the structure of the axisymmetric force-free magnetosphere of an aligned rotating magnetic dipole, in the case in which there exists a sufficiently large charge density (whose origin we do not question) to satisfy the ideal MHD condition, E⋅B=0{\bf E\cdot B}=0, everywhere. The unique distribution of electric current along the open magnetic field lines which is required for the solution to be continuous and smooth is obtained numerically. With the geometry of the field lines thus determined we compute the dynamics of the associated MHD wind. The main result is that the relativistic outflow contained in the magnetosphere is not accelerated to the extremely relativistic energies required for the flow to generate gamma rays. We expect that our solution will be useful as the starting point for detailed studies of pulsar magnetospheres under more general conditions, namely when either the force-free and/or the ideal MHD condition E⋅B=0{\bf E\cdot B}=0 are not valid in the entire magnetosphere. Based on our solution, we consider that the most likely positions of such an occurrence are the polar cap, the crossings of the zero space charge surface by open field lines, and the return current boundary, but not the light cylinder.Comment: 15 pages AAS Latex, 5 postscript figure

    A Particle Simulation for the Axisymmetric Pulsar Magnetosphere: II. the case of dipole field

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    The main issue of the pulsar magnetosphere is how the rotation power is converted into both particle beams which causes pulsed emissions, and a highly relativistic wind of electron-positron plasmas which forms surrounding nebulae shining in X-rays and TeV gamma-rays. As a sequel of the first paper (Wada & Shibata 2007), we carried out a three dimensional particle simulation for the axisymmetric global magnetosphere. We present the results of additional calculations, which are higher resolution model and higher pair creation rate cases, and a detailed analysis for the solution. We confined to demonstrate the cases of low pair creation rate, i.e., the magnetic field is fixed dipole. The radiation drag of the plasma is taken in a form with the curvature radius along the dipole magnetic field. The electrostatic interactions are calculated by a programmable special purpose computer, GRAPE-DR (Makino et al 2007). Once pair creation is onset in the outer gaps, the both signed particles begin to drift across the closed magnetic field due to radiation drag, and they create outflow. Eventually, the steady magnetosphere has outer gaps, both signed outflow of plasma and a region in which the electric field is dominant extending from the equator. In the steady state, the magnetic field made by magnetospheric current is comparable to the dipole magnetic field outside of several light radii from the star. In much more pair creation rate model, the effect of modification of the magnetic field will bring about modification of the outflow of the plasma, requiring further study with higher pair creation rate model in a subsequent paper.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
