69 research outputs found

    Caso de mano traumática con amputación y reimplante de dedos. Intervención fisioterápica para las complicaciones

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    Introducción: Dentro de las lesiones traumáticas laborales, la mano es la porción del cuerpo que se lesiona con mayor frecuencia. Las lesiones complejas de mano son especialmente problemáticas. Tras una lesión traumática o una intervención quirúrgica el mayor riesgo para la función de la mano está relacionado con la rigidez articular. El proceso de rehabilitación de la mano traumática es lento y costoso y conseguir resultados satisfactorios es complicado. En la rigidez digital, el éxito del tratamiento fisioterápico se basa en la movilización precoz y el uso de órtesis para evitar la formación de adherencias y contracturas articulares. Objetivo: Proponer un plan de intervención fisioterápica basado en la evidencia científica para el tratamiento de las complicaciones derivadas de la reparación de tendones del 2º y 3er dedo y reimplantación del 5º. Metodología: El paciente es un bombero de 52 años. Tras un accidente laboral en su mano izquierda (amputación, reimplante y reparación tendinosa) desarrolla una rigidez articular severa. El 21/01/2014 es sometido a una tenoartrolisis de 2º, 3er y 5º dedo y fijación interna de fractura en 5º. Se trataron las complicaciones en una intervención fisioterápica dividida en dos fases. La primera centrada en el tratamiento de cicatrices y la hipomovilidad articular y muscular. La segunda centrada en la hipomovilidad articular y muscular y la sensibilidad. Desarrollo: Con la aplicación del tratamiento se observan mejoras notables en las cicatrices, la sensibilidad y la fuerza muscular. La amplitud articular mejora en todas las articulaciones excepto en la IFP del 3er dedo. Conclusiones: La intervención fisioterápica ha resultado satisfactoria en la ganancia de la amplitud articular y la fuerza muscular y en la recuperación de la sensibilidad, favoreciendo la funcionalidad de la mano

    Proyecto de aprendizaje servicio en el CEIP La Almozara: Recreos lúdicos a través de los juegos tradicionales

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    Este trabajo consiste en la realización de un proyecto basado en la metodología de aprendizaje servicio. Más concretamente nos centraremos en realizarlo en el momento concreto del recreo dando respuesta a dos necesidades detectadas; fomentar la inclusión de ciertos colectivos y mejorar la comunicación oral y escrita. Los juegos tradicionales serán el hilo conductor del proyecto permitiéndonos ofrecerles a los alumnos una herramienta diferente como medio para la interacción y socialización. De esta forma también les haremos conocedores de valores y de diverso contenido cultural a través de dichos juegos. This paper is based on the realization of a project for the implementation of service-learning methodology. We will focus on doing it during playtime, responding to two detected needs, the inclusion of students and the oral/written communication. Traditional games will be the common thread of the project, allowing us to offer students a different tool of interaction and socialization. This way we will also make them aware of different values and diverse cultural contents through games.<br /

    Biomimetic cell-derived nanocarriers in cancer research

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    Nanoparticles have now long demonstrated capabilities that make them attractive to use in biology and medicine. Some of them, such as lipid nanoparticles (SARS-CoV-2 vaccines) or metallic nanoparticles (contrast agents) are already approved for their use in the clinic. However, considering the constantly growing body of different formulations and the huge research around nanomaterials the number of candidates reaching clinical trials or being commercialized is minimal. The reasons behind being related to the “synthetic” and “foreign” character of their surface. Typically, nanomaterials aiming to develop a function or deliver a cargo locally, fail by showing strong off-target accumulation and generation of adverse responses, which is connected to their strong recognition by immune phagocytes primarily. Therefore, rendering in negligible numbers of nanoparticles developing their intended function. While a wide range of coatings has been applied to avoid certain interactions with the surrounding milieu, the issues remained. Taking advantage of the natural cell membranes, in an approach that resembles a cell transfer, the use of cell-derived surfaces has risen as an alternative to artificial coatings or encapsulation methods. Biomimetic technologies are based on the use of isolated natural components to provide autologous properties to the nanoparticle or cargo being encapsulated, thus, improving their therapeutic behavior. The main goal is to replicate the (bio)-physical properties and functionalities of the source cell and tissue, not only providing a stealthy character to the core but also taking advantage of homotypic properties, that could prove relevant for targeted strategies. Such biomimetic formulations have the potential to overcome the main issues of approaches to provide specific features and identities synthetically. In this review, we provide insight into the challenges of nano-biointerfaces for drug delivery; and the main applications of biomimetic materials derived from specific cell types, focusing on the unique strengths of the fabrication of novel nanotherapeutics in cancer therapyThe authors thank the financial support of the European Research Council (starting grant #950421), the European Union (INTERREG V-A Spain–Portugal #0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E, NextGenerationEU/PRTR and ERDF), the MCIN/AEI (PID2020-119206RB-I00, PID2020-119479RA-I00, PID2019-111218RB-I00, RYC-2017-23457 and RYC-2019-028238-I), and the Xunta de Galicia (ED431F 2021/02, 2021-CP090, ED431C 2022/018, and Centro Singular De Investigación de Galicia Accreditation 2019–2022 #ED431G 2019/03)S

    Lactide and Ethylene Brassylate-Based Thermoplastic Elastomers and Their Nanocomposites with Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Mechanical Properties and Interaction with Astrocytes

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    Polylactide (PLA) is among the most commonly used polymers for biomedical applications thanks to its biodegradability and cytocompatibility. However, its inherent stiffness and brittleness are clearly inappropriate for the regeneration of soft tissues (e.g., neural tissue), which demands biomaterials with soft and elastomeric behavior capable of resembling the mechanical properties of the native tissue. In this work, both L- and D,L-lactide were copolymerized with ethylene brassylate, a macrolactone that represents a promising alternative to previously studied comonomers (e.g., caprolactone) due to its natural origin. The resulting copolymers showed an elastomeric behavior characterized by relatively low Young’s modulus, high elongation at break and high strain recovery capacity. The thermoplastic nature of the resulting copolymers allows the incorporation of nanofillers (i.e., carbon nanotubes) that further enable the modulation of their mechanical properties. Additionally, nanostructured scaffolds were easily fabricated through a thermo-pressing process with the aid of a commercially available silicon stamp, providing geometrical cues for the adhesion and elongation of cells representative of the nervous system (i.e., astrocytes). Accordingly, the lactide and ethylene brassylate-based copolymers synthesized herein represent an interesting formulation for the development of polymeric scaffolds intended to be used in the regeneration of soft tissues, thanks to their adjustable mechanical properties, thermoplastic nature and observed cytocompatibility.Grant PID2019-106236GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The authors are also thankful for funds from the Basque Government, Department of Education (IT-1766-22). C.B.-Á.: acknowledges the predoctoral grant funded by the UPV/EHU. Polimerbio and Y.P. have a Bikaintek Ph.D. grant (20-AF-W2-2018-00001)

    Nanosized metal–organic frameworks as unique platforms for bioapplications

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    Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are extremely versatile materials, which serve to create platforms with exceptional porosity and specific reactivities. The production of MOFs at the nanoscale (NMOFs) offers the possibility of creating innovative materials for bioapplications as long as they maintain the properties of their larger counterparts. Due to their inherent chemical versatility, synthetic methods to produce them at the nanoscale can be combined with inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) to create nanocomposites (NCs) with one-of-a-kind features. These systems can be remotely controlled and can catalyze abiotic reactions in living cells, which have the potential to stimulate further research on these nanocomposites as tools for advanced therapiesS

    Biosensor comprising metal nanoparticles

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    [ES] La presente invención se refiere a un biosensor donde la detección del analito se realiza de forma visual por el cambio de color en las zonas del soporte en que el analito esté presente producido por las nanopartículas al ser irradiadas con una fuente de luz externa[EN] The present invention discloses a biosensor for visual detection of an analyte, based on the light to heat conversion properties of metal nanoparticles: the analyte is visually detected by the colour change in the support areas (where the analyte is present), produced as a result of the heat generated by the metal nanoparticles where they are irradiated with an external light source. Use of said biosensor in a method for the detection of analytes is also claimed.Peer reviewedUniversidad de Zaragoza, Fundación Agencia Aragonesa para la Investigación y el Desarrollo, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)B1 Patente sin examen previ

    Una visión de la discapacidad intelectual desde la perspectiva familiar

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    La familia es uno de los principales motores que construyen el desarrollo de una persona, no sólo en la primera etapa de su vida con los cuidados que puedan proporcionarle, sino a lo largo de toda el proceso vital. Si todo esto es algo que se aprecia claramente en familias normalizadas, la importancia de este vínculo aumenta considerablemente cuando tenemos en cuenta que la familia se encuentra ante la situación de que uno de sus miembros tiene discapacidad intelectual. Vivimos en una época y sociedad en que es algo imprescindible valorar el futuro que nos depara, y más aún si se trata de personas con discapacidad intelectual, de las cuales, la mayoría dependen de otras personas para poder llevar a cabo las actividades básicas de la vida diaria

    New Approaches in Nanomedicine for Ischemic Stroke

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    Ischemic stroke, caused by the interruption of blood flow to the brain and subsequent neuronal death, represents one of the main causes of disability in developed countries. Therapeutic methods such as recanalization approaches, neuroprotective drugs, or recovery strategies have been widely developed to improve the patient’s outcome; however, important limitations such as a narrow therapeutic window, the ability to reach brain targets, or drug side effects constitute some of the main aspects that limit the clinical applicability of the current treatments. Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising tool to overcome many of these drug limitations and improve the efficacy of treatments for neurological diseases such as stroke. The use of nanoparticles as a contrast agent or as drug carriers to a specific target are some of the most common approaches developed in nanomedicine for stroke. Throughout this review, we have summarized our experience of using nanotechnology tools for the study of stroke and the search for novel therapiesThis project was supported by the FRQS, ISCIII (AC19/00031 and AC20/00041), and ANR under the framework of EuroNanoMed III_2020 (PLATMED_project); the European Union program FEDER and the European Regional Development Fund–ERDF; and the Xunta de Galicia (IN607D2020/03 and ED431G2019/03). E.P. and B.P acknowledge the AEI grants (PID2019-111218RB-I00 and RyC-2017-23457). Finally, F.C. thanks the ISCIII and Miguel Servet program (CPII19/00020)S

    High-yield halide-assisted synthesis of metal–organic framework UiO-based nanocarriers

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    The synthesis of nanosized metal–organic frameworks (NMOFs) is requisite for their application as injectable drug delivery systems (DDSs) and other biorelevant purposes. Herein, we have critically examined the role of different synthetic parameters leading to the production of UiO-66 crystals smaller than 100 nm. Of note, we demonstrate the co-modulator role conferred by halide ions, not only to produce NMOFs with precise morphology and size, but also to significantly improve the reaction yield. The resulting NMOFs are highly crystalline and exhibit sustained colloidal stability in different biologically relevant media. As a proof of concept, these NMOFs were loaded with Rhodamine 6G (R6G), which remained trapped in most common biologically relevant media. When incubated with living mammalian cells, the R6G-loaded NMOFs were efficiently internalized and did not impair cell viability even at relatively high doses.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the MCIN/AEI (PID2019-108624RB-I00, RYC-2017-23457, RYC-2019-028238-I), the Xunta de Galicia (ED431F 2017/02, ED431F 2020/11, 2021-CP090, Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia Accreditation 2019–2022, ED431G 2019/03), the European Union (European RegionalDevelopment Fund – ERDF; H2020-MSCA-ITN grant agreement no. 860942; H2020-FET-Open grant agreement no. 899612; H2020-ICT grant agreement no. 10101694 and INTERREG V-A Spain–Portugal, project 0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E), and the European Research Council (starting grant no. 950421). M.C.-M. thanks the AEI (FPU19/03155). The authors are grateful for the use of RIAIDT-USC analytical facilities.S

    Plasmonic-assisted thermocyclizations in living cells using metal−organic framework based nanoreactors

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    We describe a microporous plasmonic nanoreactor to carry out designed near-infrared (NIR)-driven photothermal cyclizations inside living cells. As a proof of concept, we chose an intramolecular cyclization that is based on the nucleophilic attack of a pyridine onto an electrophilic carbon, a process that requires high activation energies and is typically achieved in bulk solution by heating at ∼90 °C. The core–shell nanoreactor (NR) has been designed to include a gold nanostar core, which is embedded within a metal–organic framework (MOF) based on a polymer-stabilized zeolitic imidazole framework-8 (ZIF-8). Once accumulated inside living cells, the MOF-based cloak of NRs allows an efficient diffusion of reactants into the plasmonic chamber, where they undergo the transformation upon near-IR illumination. The photothermal-driven reaction enables the intracellular generation of cyclic fluorescent products that can be tracked using fluorescence microscopy. The strategy may find different type of applications, such as for the spatio-temporal activation of prodrugsThe authors thank the financial support of the MCIN/AEI (PID2020-119206RB-I00, PID2019-108624RB-I00, CTQ2017-84767-P, RYC-2017-23457, RYC-2019-028238-I, RTI2018-093813-J-I00), the Xunta de Galicia (ED431F 2017/02, 2021-CP054, ED431C-2021/25, Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia Accreditation 2019−2022, and ED431G 2019/03), the European Union (European Regional Development Fund − ERDF; H2020-MSCA-IF grant agreement no. 749667; H2020-MSCA-ITN grant agreement no. 860942; H2020-FET-Open grant agreement No. 899612; and INTERREG V-A Spain−Portugal, project 0624_2IQBIONEURO_6_E), and the European Research Council (starting grant no. 950421, advanced grant no. 340055). The support of the orfeo-cinqa network (CTQ2016-81797-REDC) is also kindly acknowledgedS