4,745 research outputs found

    Quantum simulations of the superfluid-insulator transition for two-dimensional, disordered, hard-core bosons

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    We introduce two novel quantum Monte Carlo methods and employ them to study the superfluid-insulator transition in a two-dimensional system of hard-core bosons. One of the methods is appropriate for zero temperature and is based upon Green's function Monte Carlo; the other is a finite-temperature world-line cluster algorithm. In each case we find that the dynamical exponent is consistent with the theoretical prediction of z=2z=2 by Fisher and co-workers.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages, 3 figures (postscript files attached at end, separated by %%%%%% Fig # %%%%%, where # is 1-3). LA-UR-94-270

    Multipole structure and coordinate systems

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    Multipole expansions depend on the coordinate system, so that coefficients of multipole moments can be set equal to zero by an appropriate choice of coordinates. Therefore, it is meaningless to say that a physical system has a nonvanishing quadrupole moment, say, without specifying which coordinate system is used. (Except if this moment is the lowest non-vanishing one.) This result is demonstrated for the case of two equal like electric charges. Specifically, an adapted coordinate system in which the potential is given by a monopole term only is explicitly found, the coefficients of all higher multipoles vanish identically. It is suggested that this result can be generalized to other potential problems, by making equal coordinate surfaces coincide with the potential problem's equipotential surfaces.Comment: 2 figure

    Imaging the Earth's Interior: the Angular Distribution of Terrestrial Neutrinos

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    Decays of radionuclides throughout the Earth's interior produce geothermal heat, but also are a source of antineutrinos. The (angle-integrated) geoneutrino flux places an integral constraint on the terrestrial radionuclide distribution. In this paper, we calculate the angular distribution of geoneutrinos, which opens a window on the differential radionuclide distribution. We develop the general formalism for the neutrino angular distribution, and we present the inverse transformation which recovers the terrestrial radioisotope distribution given a measurement of the neutrino angular distribution. Thus, geoneutrinos not only allow a means to image the Earth's interior, but offering a direct measure of the radioactive Earth, both (1) revealing the Earth's inner structure as probed by radionuclides, and (2) allowing for a complete determination of the radioactive heat generation as a function of radius. We present the geoneutrino angular distribution for the favored Earth model which has been used to calculate geoneutrino flux. In this model the neutrino generation is dominated by decays in the Earth's mantle and crust; this leads to a very ``peripheral'' angular distribution, in which 2/3 of the neutrinos come from angles > 60 degrees away from the downward vertical. We note the possibility of that the Earth's core contains potassium; different geophysical predictions lead to strongly varying, and hence distinguishable, central intensities (< 30 degrees from the downward vertical). Other uncertainties in the models, and prospects for observation of the geoneutrino angular distribution, are briefly discussed. We conclude by urging the development and construction of antineutrino experiments with angular sensitivity. (Abstract abridged.)Comment: 25 pages, RevTeX, 7 figures. Comments welcom

    Lower Bounds for Heights in Relative Galois Extensions

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    The goal of this paper is to obtain lower bounds on the height of an algebraic number in a relative setting, extending previous work of Amoroso and Masser. Specifically, in our first theorem we obtain an effective bound for the height of an algebraic number α\alpha when the base field K\mathbb{K} is a number field and K(α)/K\mathbb{K}(\alpha)/\mathbb{K} is Galois. Our second result establishes an explicit height bound for any non-zero element α\alpha which is not a root of unity in a Galois extension F/K\mathbb{F}/\mathbb{K}, depending on the degree of K/Q\mathbb{K}/\mathbb{Q} and the number of conjugates of α\alpha which are multiplicatively independent over K\mathbb{K}. As a consequence, we obtain a height bound for such α\alpha that is independent of the multiplicative independence condition

    Aluminum Oxide Layers as Possible Components for Layered Tunnel Barriers

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    We have studied transport properties of Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb tunnel junctions with ultrathin aluminum oxide layers formed by (i) thermal oxidation and (ii) plasma oxidation, before and after rapid thermal post-annealing of the completed structures at temperatures up to 550 deg C. Post-annealing at temperatures above 300 deg C results in a significant decrease of the tunneling conductance of thermally-grown barriers, while plasma-grown barriers start to change only at annealing temperatures above 450 deg C. Fitting the experimental I-V curves of the junctions using the results of the microscopic theory of direct tunneling shows that the annealing of thermally-grown oxides at temperatures above 300 deg C results in a substantial increase of their average tunnel barriers height, from ~1.8 eV to ~2.45 eV, versus the practically unchanged height of ~2.0 eV for plasma-grown layers. This difference, together with high endurance of annealed barriers under electric stress (breakdown field above 10 MV/cm) may enable all-AlOx and SiO2/AlOx layered "crested" barriers for advanced floating-gate memory applications.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The Troublesome Broadband Evolution of GRB 061126: Does a Grey Burst Imply Grey Dust?

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    We report on observations of a gamma-ray burst (GRB 061126) with an extremely bright (R ~ 12 mag at peak) early-time optical afterglow. The optical afterglow is already fading as a power law 22 seconds after the trigger, with no detectable prompt contribution in our first exposure, which was coincident with a large prompt-emission gamma-ray pulse. The optical--infrared photometric spectral energy distribution is an excellent fit to a power law, but it exhibits a moderate red-to-blue evolution in the spectral index at about 500 s after the burst. This color change is contemporaneous with a switch from a relatively fast decay to slower decay. The rapidly decaying early afterglow is broadly consistent with synchrotron emission from a reverse shock, but a bright forward-shock component predicted by the intermediate- to late-time X-ray observations under the assumptions of standard afterglow models is not observed. Indeed, despite its remarkable early-time brightness, this burst would qualify as a dark burst at later times on the basis of its nearly flat optical-to-X-ray spectral index. Our photometric spectral energy distribution provides no evidence of host-galaxy extinction, requiring either large quantities of grey dust in the host system (at redshift 1.1588 +/- 0.0006, based upon our late-time Keck spectroscopy) or separate physical origins for the X-ray and optical afterglows.Comment: Revised version submitted to ApJ. Contains significantly expanded discussion, an additional figure, and numerous other change

    Adsorption and two-body recombination of atomic hydrogen on 3^3He-4^4He mixture films

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    We present the first systematic measurement of the binding energy EaE_a of hydrogen atoms to the surface of saturated 3^3He-4^4He mixture films. EaE_a is found to decrease almost linearly from 1.14(1) K down to 0.39(1) K, when the population of the ground surface state of 3^3He grows from zero to 6×10146\times10^{14} cm2^{-2}, yielding the value 1.2(1)×10151.2(1)\times 10^{-15} K cm2^2 for the mean-field parameter of H-3^3He interaction in 2D. The experiments were carried out with overall 3^3He concentrations ranging from 0.1 ppm to 5 % as well as with commercial and isotopically purified 4^4He at temperatures 70...400 mK. Measuring by ESR the rate constants KaaK_{aa} and KabK_{ab} for second-order recombination of hydrogen atoms in hyperfine states aa and bb we find the ratio Kab/KaaK_{ab}/K_{aa} to be independent of the 3^3He content and to grow with temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, all zipped in a sigle file. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The glyoxal budget and its contribution to organic aerosol for Los Angeles, California, during CalNex 2010

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    Recent laboratory and field studies have indicated that glyoxal is a potentially large contributor to secondary organic aerosol mass. We present in situ glyoxal measurements acquired with a recently developed, high sensitivity spectroscopic instrument during the CalNex 2010 field campaign in Pasadena, California. We use three methods to quantify the production and loss of glyoxal in Los Angeles and its contribution to organic aerosol. First, we calculate the difference between steady state sources and sinks of glyoxal at the Pasadena site, assuming that the remainder is available for aerosol uptake. Second, we use the Master Chemical Mechanism to construct a two-dimensional model for gas-phase glyoxal chemistry in Los Angeles, assuming that the difference between the modeled and measured glyoxal concentration is available for aerosol uptake. Third, we examine the nighttime loss of glyoxal in the absence of its photochemical sources and sinks. Using these methods we constrain the glyoxal loss to aerosol to be 0-5 × 10-5 s-1 during clear days and (1 ± 0.3) × 10-5 s-1 at night. Between 07:00-15:00 local time, the diurnally averaged secondary organic aerosol mass increases from 3.2 μg m-3 to a maximum of 8.8 μg m -3. The constraints on the glyoxal budget from this analysis indicate that it contributes 0-0.2 μg m-3 or 0-4% of the secondary organic aerosol mass. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union