3,019 research outputs found

    Data sorting

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje jedno od rješenja problema sortiranja podataka u jednodimenzionalnom polju (nizu) elemenata. U praksi se često pojavljuje potreba za sortiranjem podataka te se zbog toga traži što efikasniji i brži algoritam. U ovom radu detaljno je prikazan jedan od najboljih - merge-sort algoritam. Napravljene su i praktične izvedbe algoritama za sortiranje koje su testirane na različitim skupovima podataka.In this paper one solution of the problem of sorting an one-dimensional vector (array) of data is shown in this paper. A need for data sorting very often arises in the practice and therefore we are constantly searching for more efficient and faster sorting algorithms. One of the best sorting algorithms -merge-sort is shown in this paper in detail. We made two of sorting algorithms and tested them on different types of data

    Renal Handling of Urate and Gout

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    We study the facial structure of the set {cal E_{ntimes n of correlation matrices (i.e., the positive semidefinite matrices with diagonal entries equal to 1). In particular, we determine the possible dimensions for a face, as well as for a polyhedral face of {cal E_{ntimes n. It turns out that the spectrum of face dimensions is lacunary and that {cal E_{ntimes n has polyhedral faces of dimension up to approx sqrt {2n. As an application, we describe in detail the faces of {cal E_{4times 4. We also discuss results related to optimization over {cal E_{ntimes n

    Colorings of complements of line graphs

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    Our purpose is to show that complements of line graphs enjoy nice coloring properties. We show that for all graphs in this class the local and usual chromatic numbers are equal. We also prove a sufficient condition for the chromatic number to be equal to a natural upper bound. A consequence of this latter condition is a complete characterization of all induced subgraphs of the Kneser graph KG(n,2)\operatorname{KG}(n,2) that have a chromatic number equal to its chromatic number, namely n2n-2. In addition to the upper bound, a lower bound is provided by Dol'nikov's theorem, a classical result of the topological method in graph theory. We prove the NP\operatorname{NP}-hardness of deciding the equality between the chromatic number and any of these bounds. The topological method is especially suitable for the study of coloring properties of complements of line graphs of hypergraphs. Nevertheless, all proofs in this paper are elementary and we also provide a short discussion on the ability for the topological methods to cover some of our results

    Breakdown Mechanism in Transformer Oil ITO 100

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    The DC breakdown characteristics of dielectric liquid – transformer oil were measured. The experimental results showed that the breakdown voltage in transformer oil increases with the external pressure. This pressure dependence indicated the involvement of gas phase process during the development of stage of the prebreakdown process. The initial state of breakdown development on the basis of bubble theory was explained. Using the Braginskii-Martin's analytical model parameters of breakdown channel were calcu-lated. Development of vapor channel after breakdown was recorded by high speed camera