696 research outputs found

    Modelling the U.S. sovereign credit rating

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    This paper proposes a new methodology for generating sovereign credit ratings. These are determined by mapping the probability that the debt-GDP ratio might exceed a maximum debt limit at some point in the future into a credit rating. The debt limit can be either ad hoc or based on the financial ability of a government to change fiscal policy in the future to meet its outstanding obligations. When applied to quarterly U.S. data from 1970 to 2011, two clear instances are found in which the U.S. sovereign credit rating would have been downgraded on this basis: during the 1970s oil crisis and in the aftermath of the Lehman collapse in 2008. This result is robust to several alternative views on the maximum borrowing capacity of the U.S. economy

    Multi-instrument observations of a failed flare eruption associated with MHD waves in a loop bundle

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    Context. We present observations of a B7.9 class flare that occurred on January 24th, 2015, using SDO/AIA, Hinode/EIS and XRT. The flare triggers an eruption of a dense cool plasma blob as seen in AIA 171Å which is unable to completely break out and remains confined within a local bundle of active region loops. During this process, transverse oscillations of the threads are observed. The cool plasma is then observed to descend back to the chromosphere along each loop strand. At the same time, a larger diffuse co-spatial loop observed in the hot wavebands of SDO/AIA and Hinode/XRT is formed, exhibiting periodic intensity variations along its lenght. Aims. The formation and evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves depend upon the values of the local plasma parameters (e.g., density, temperature, magnetic field) which can hence be inferred by coronal seismology. In this study we aim to assess how the observed MHD modes are affected by the variation of density and temperature. Methods. We combine analysis of EUV/X-ray imaging and spectroscopy using SDO/AIA, Hinode/EIS and XRT. Results. The transverse oscillations of the cool loop threads are interpreted in terms of vertically polarised kink oscillations. The fitting procedure provides estimates for the period of about 3.5–4 min, and the amplitude of ∼ 5 Mm. The oscillations are strongly damped showing very low quality factor (1.5–2), which is defined as the ratio of the damping time and the oscillation period. The weak variation of the period of the kink wave, which is estimated from the fitting analysis, is in agreement with the density variations due to the presence of the plasma blob inferred from the intensity light curve at 171Å. The coexisting intensity oscillations along the hot loop are interpreted as a slow MHD wave with the period of 10 min and phase speed of about 436 km s−1 . Comparison between the fast and slow modes allows for the determination of the Alfvén speed, and consequently magnetic field values. The plasma-β inferred from the analysis is estimated to be around 0.1–0.3. Conclusions. We show that the evolution of the detected waves is determined by the temporal variations of the local plasma parameters, caused by the flare heating and the consequent cooling. We apply coronal seismology to both waves obtaining estimations of the background plasma parameter

    Pension systems (un)sustainability and fiscal constraints: a comparative analysis

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    Using an overlapping generations model, two new indicators of public pension system sustainability are proposed: the pension space, which measures the capacity to pay for pension expenditures out of labour taxation, and the pension space exhaustion probability reflecting demographic uncertainties. These measures reveal that the pension spaces of advanced economies are strikingly different. Most nations have little scope to further finance pensions out of labour income taxation over the next thirty years. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Risk-equivalent pension reforms enhance welfare in the long run, particularly for rapidly ageing nations, but also entail non-negligible transitional costs

    Infrared nanospectroscopy of individual extracellular microvesicles

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    Extracellular vesicles are membrane-delimited structures, involved in several inter-cellular communication processes, both physiological and pathological, since they deliver complex biological cargo. Extracellular vesicles have been identified as possible biomarkers of several pathological diseases; thus, their characterization is fundamental in order to gain a deep understanding of their function and of the related processes. Traditional approaches for the characterization of the molecular content of the vesicles require a large quantity of sample, thereby providing an average molecular profile, while their heterogeneity is typically probed by non-optical microscopies that, however, lack the chemical sensitivity to provide information of the molecular cargo. Here, we perform a study of individual microvesicles, a subclass of extracellular vesicles generated by the outward budding of the plasma membrane, released by two cultures of glial cells under different stimuli, by applying a state-of-the-art infrared nanospectroscopy technique based on the coupling of an atomic force microscope and a pulsed laser, which combines the label-free chemical sensitivity of infrared spectroscopy with the nanometric resolution of atomic force microscopy. By correlating topographic, mechanical and spectroscopic information of individual microvesicles, we identified two main populations in both families of vesicles released by the two cell cultures. Subtle differences in terms of nucleic acid content among the two families of vesicles have been found by performing a fitting procedure of the main nucleic acid vibrational peaks in the 1000–1250 cm-1 frequency range

    Anti-persistence in the global temperature anomaly field

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    In this study, low-frequency variations in temperature anomaly are investigated by mapping temperature anomaly records onto random walks. We show evidence that global overturns in trends of temperature anomalies occur on decadal time-scales as part of the natural variability of the climate system. Paleoclimatic summer records in Europe and New-Zealand provide further support for these findings as they indicate that anti-persistence of temperature anomalies on decadal time-scale have occurred in the last 226 yrs. Atmospheric processes in the subtropics and mid-latitudes of the SH and interactions with the Southern Oceans seem to play an important role to moderate global variations of temperature on decadal time-scales

    Early Response to the Plant Toxin Stenodactylin in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Involves Inflammatory and Apoptotic Signaling

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    Stenodactylin, a highly toxic type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein purified from the caudex of Adenia stenodactyla Harms, is a potential anticancer drug candidate. Previous studies demonstrated that stenodactylin induces apoptosis and necroptosis in treated cells, involving the production of reactive oxygen species. We analyzed the effect of stenodactylin on Raji and Ramos (Human Burkitt’s lymphoma cells) and MOLM-13 (acute myeloid leukemia cells). Moreover, we focused on the early events in MOLM-13 cells that characterize the cellular response to the toxin by whole-genome microarray analysis of gene expression. Treatment with stenodactylin induced the depurination of 28S rRNA within 4 h and increased the phosphorylation of p38 and JNK. A time-dependent activation of caspase 1, 2, 8, 9, 3/7 was also observed. Genome-wide gene expression microarray analysis revealed early changes in the expression of genes involved in the regulation of cell death, inflammation and stress response. After 4 h, a significant increase of transcript level was detectable for ATF3, BTG2, DUSP1, EGR1, and JUN. Increased upstream JUN signaling was also confirmed at protein level. The early response to stenodactylin treatment involves inflammatory and apoptotic signaling compatible with the activation of multiple cell death pathways. Because of the above described properties toward acute myeloid leukemia cells, stenodactylin may be a promising candidate for the design of new immunoconjugates for experimental cancer treatment

    The muscles of the athletes to learn surface anatomy - The Influence of classical statues on anatomy teaching

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    Gross anatomy classes are still regarded as an integral part of human biomedical education worldwide. The first documentary evidence of the practice of anatomical dissection for teaching purposes dates back to the 13th century AD, although this practice seems to have originated in Ancient Greece, if not in earlier times. Dissection of the human body is practiced in most anatomy institutions worldwide despite increasing pressure to reduce material and staff costs, regardless the ongoing debate concerning the suitability of body donors for medical education. Moreover, anatomical teaching skills are also evolving and need to be tailored for the different areas of anatomical expertise students have to acquire: therefore, anatomic dissection goes probably beyond the scope of anatomy teaching in some classes such as sports sciences. However, there is no doubt that a practical approach to the study and teaching of anatomy is surely preferable to basic ex cathedra anatomy lectures. Here, we propose a new teaching method for sports sciences and fine arts students by training their surface anatomy skills through the study of ancient statues

    Chromospheric emission from nanoflare heating in RADYN simulations

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    Heating signatures from small-scale magnetic reconnection events in the solar atmosphere have proven to be difficult to detect through observations. Numerical models that reproduce flaring conditions are essential in the understanding of how nanoflares may act as a heating mechanism of the corona. We study the effects of non-thermal electrons in synthetic spectra from 1D hydrodynamic RADYN simulations of nanoflare heated loops to investigate the diagnostic potential of chromospheric emission from small-scale events. The Mg II h and k, Ca II H and K, Ca II 854.2 nm, H-alpha and H-beta chromospheric lines were synthesised from various RADYN models of coronal loops subject to electron beams of nanoflare energies. The contribution function to the line intensity was computed to better understand how the atmospheric response to the non-thermal electrons affects the formation of spectral lines and the detailed shape of their spectral profiles. The spectral line signatures arising from the electron beams highly depend on the density of the loop and the lower cutoff energy of the electrons. Low-energy (5 keV) electrons deposit their energy in the corona and transition region, producing strong plasma flows that cause both redshifts and blueshifts of the chromospheric spectra. Higher-energy (10 and 15 keV) electrons deposit their energy in the lower transition region and chromosphere, resulting in increased emission from local heating. Our results indicate that effects from small-scale events can be observed with ground-based telescopes, expanding the list of possible diagnostics for the presence and properties of nanoflares

    Slipping magnetic reconnection, chromospheric evaporation, implosion, and precursors in the 2014 September 10 X1.6-class solar flare

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    © 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.. We investigate the occurrence of slipping magnetic reconnection, chromospheric evaporation, and coronal loop dynamics in the 2014 September 10 X-class flare. Slipping reconnection is found to be present throughout the flare from its early phase. Flare loops are seen to slip in opposite directions toward both ends of the ribbons. Velocities of 20-40 km s-1 are found within time windows where the slipping is well resolved. The warm coronal loops exhibit expanding and contracting motions that are interpreted as displacements due to the growing flux rope that subsequently erupts. This flux rope existed and erupted before the onset of apparent coronal implosion. This indicates that the energy release proceeds by slipping reconnection and not via coronal implosion. The slipping reconnection leads to changes in the geometry of the observed structures at the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph slit position, from flare loop top to the footpoints in the ribbons. This results in variations of the observed velocities of chromospheric evaporation in the early flare phase. Finally, it is found that the precursor signatures, including localized EUV brightenings as well as nonthermal X-ray emission, are signatures of the flare itself, progressing from the early phase toward the impulsive phase, with the tether-cutting being provided by the slipping reconnection. The dynamics of both the flare and outlying coronal loops is found to be consistent with the predictions of the standard solar flare model in three dimensions

    Meditation and auditory attention: An ERP study of meditators and non-meditators

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    The findings of a study by Cahn and Polich (2009) suggests that there is an effect of a meditative state on three event-related potential (ERP) brain markers of “low-level” auditory attention (i.e., acoustic representations in sensory memory) in expert meditators: the N1, the P2, and the P3a. The current study built on these findings by examining trait and state effects of meditation on the passive auditory mismatch negativity (MMN), N1, and P2 ERPs. We found that the MMN was significantly larger in meditators than non-meditators regardless of whether they were meditating or not (a trait effect), and that N1 amplitude was significantly attenuated during meditation in non-meditators but not expert meditators (an interaction between trait and state). These outcomes suggest that low-level attention is superior in long-term meditators in general. In contrast, low-level attention is reduced in non-meditators when they are asked to meditate for the first time, possibly due to auditory fatigue or cognitive overload