1,174 research outputs found

    The process of irreversible nucleation in multilayer growth. II. Exact results in one and two dimensions

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    We study irreversible dimer nucleation on top of terraces during epitaxial growth in one and two dimensions, for all values of the step-edge barrier. The problem is solved exactly by transforming it into a first passage problem for a random walker in a higher-dimensional space. The spatial distribution of nucleation events is shown to differ markedly from the mean-field estimate except in the limit of very weak step-edge barriers. The nucleation rate is computed exactly, including numerical prefactors.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Energy diffusion in hard-point systems

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    We investigate the diffusive properties of energy fluctuations in a one-dimensional diatomic chain of hard-point particles interacting through a square--well potential. The evolution of initially localized infinitesimal and finite perturbations is numerically investigated for different density values. All cases belong to the same universality class which can be also interpreted as a Levy walk of the energy with scaling exponent 3/5. The zero-pressure limit is nevertheless exceptional in that normal diffusion is found in tangent space and yet anomalous diffusion with a different rate for perturbations of finite amplitude. The different behaviour of the two classes of perturbations is traced back to the "stable chaos" type of dynamics exhibited by this model. Finally, the effect of an additional internal degree of freedom is investigated, finding that it does not modify the overall scenarioComment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    A new approach to partial synchronization in globally coupled rotators

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    We develop a formalism to analyze the behaviour of pulse--coupled identical phase oscillators with a specific attention devoted to the onset of partial synchronization. The method, which allows describing the dynamics both at the microscopic and macroscopic level, is introduced in a general context, but then the application to the dynamics of leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neurons is analysed. As a result, we derive a set of delayed equations describing exactly the LIF behaviour in the thermodynamic limit. We also investigate the weak coupling regime by means of a perturbative analysis, which reveals that the evolution rule reduces to a set of ordinary differential equations. Robustness and generality of the partial synchronization regime is finally tested both by adding noise and considering different force fields.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figure

    The process of irreversible nucleation in multilayer growth. I. Failure of the mean-field approach

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    The formation of stable dimers on top of terraces during epitaxial growth is investigated in detail. In this paper we focus on mean-field theory, the standard approach to study nucleation. Such theory is shown to be unsuitable for the present problem, because it is equivalent to considering adatoms as independent diffusing particles. This leads to an overestimate of the correct nucleation rate by a factor N, which has a direct physical meaning: in average, a visited lattice site is visited N times by a diffusing adatom. The dependence of N on the size of the terrace and on the strength of step-edge barriers is derived from well known results for random walks. The spatial distribution of nucleation events is shown to be different from the mean-field prediction, for the same physical reason. In the following paper we develop an exact treatment of the problem.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Irreversible nucleation in molecular beam epitaxy: From theory to experiments

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    Recently, the nucleation rate on top of a terrace during the irreversible growth of a crystal surface by MBE has been determined exactly. In this paper we go beyond the standard model usually employed to study the nucleation process, and we analyze the qualitative and quantitative consequences of two important additional physical ingredients: the nonuniformity of the Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier at the step-edge, because of the existence of kinks, and the steering effects, due to the interaction between the atoms of the flux and the substrate. We apply our results to typical experiments of second layer nucleation.Comment: 11 pages. Table I corrected and one appendix added. To be published in Phys. Rev. B (scheduled issue: 15 February 2003

    Island nucleation in the presence of step edge barriers: Theory and applications

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    We develop a theory of nucleation on top of two-dimensional islands bordered by steps with an additional energy barrier ΔES\Delta E_S for descending atoms. The theory is based on the concept of the residence time of an adatom on the island,and yields an expression for the nucleation rate which becomes exact in the limit of strong step edge barriers. This expression differs qualitatively and quantitatively from that obtained using the conventional rate equation approach to nucleation [J. Tersoff et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.72, 266 (1994)]. We argue that rate equation theory fails because nucleation is dominated by the rare instances when two atoms are present on the island simultaneously. The theory is applied to two distinct problems: The onset of second layer nucleation in submonolayer growth, and the distribution of the sizes of top terraces of multilayer mounds under conditions of strong step edge barriers. Application to homoepitaxial growth on Pt(111) yields the estimate ΔES≥0.33\Delta E_S \geq 0.33 eV for the additional energy barrier at CO-decorated steps.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure


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    A strong analogy is found between the evolution of localized disturbances in extended chaotic systems and the propagation of fronts separating different phases. A condition for the evolution to be controlled by nonlinear mechanisms is derived on the basis of this relationship. An approximate expression for the nonlinear velocity is also determined by extending the concept of Lyapunov exponent to growth rate of finite perturbations.Comment: Tex file without figures- Figures and text in post-script available via anonymous ftp at ftp://wpts0.physik.uni-wuppertal.de/pub/torcini/jpa_le

    Absence of stable collinear configurations in Ni(001)ultrathin films: canted domain structure as ground state

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    Brillouin light scattering (BLS) measurements were performed for (17-120) Angstrom thick Cu/Ni/Cu/Si(001) films. A monotonic dependence of the frequency of the uniform mode on an in-plane magnetic field H was observed both on increasing and on decreasing H in the range (2-14) kOe, suggesting the absence of a metastable collinear perpendicular ground state. Further investigation by magneto-optical vector magnetometry (MOKE-VM) in an unconventional canted-field geometry provided evidence for a domain structure where the magnetization is canted with respect to the perpendicular to the film. Spin wave calculations confirm the absence of stable collinear configurations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures (text, appendix and 1 figure added

    Quantum walks of correlated particles

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    Quantum walks of correlated particles offer the possibility to study large-scale quantum interference, simulate biological, chemical and physical systems, and a route to universal quantum computation. Here we demonstrate quantum walks of two identical photons in an array of 21 continuously evanescently-coupled waveguides in a SiOxNy chip. We observe quantum correlations, violating a classical limit by 76 standard deviations, and find that they depend critically on the input state of the quantum walk. These results open the way to a powerful approach to quantum walks using correlated particles to encode information in an exponentially larger state space

    Coherent Time Evolution and Boundary Conditions of Two-Photon Quantum Walks

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    Multi-photon quantum walks in integrated optics are an attractive controlled quantum system, that can mimic less readily accessible quantum systems and exhibit behavior that cannot in general be accurately replicated by classical light without an exponential overhead in resources. The ability to observe time evolution of such systems is important for characterising multi-particle quantum dynamics---notably this includes the effects of boundary conditions for walks in spaces of finite size. Here we demonstrate the coherent evolution of quantum walks of two indistinguishable photons using planar arrays of 21 evanescently coupled waveguides fabricated in silicon oxynitride technology. We compare three time evolutions, that follow closely a model assuming unitary evolution, corresponding to three different lengths of the array---in each case we observe quantum interference features that violate classical predictions. The longest array includes reflecting boundary conditions.Comment: 7 pages,7 figure
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