3,015 research outputs found

    Effects of microplastic and microglass particles on soil microbial community structure in an arable soil (Chernozem)

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    Microplastic and microglass particles from different sources enter aquatic and terrestrial environments. The complexity of their environmental impact is difficult to capture, and the consequences for ecosystem components, for example, the soil microorganisms, are virtually unknown. To address this issue, we performed an incubation experiment by adding 1 % of five different types of impurities (<= 100 mu m) to an agriculturally used soil (Chernozem) and simulating a worst-case scenario of contamination The impurities were made of polypropylene (PP), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polystyrene (PS), polyamide 12 (PA12) and microglass. After 80 d of incubation at 20 degrees C, we examined the soil microbial community structure by using phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) as markers for bacteria, fungi and protozoa. The results showed that soil microorganisms were not significantly affected by the presence of microplastic and microglass. However, PLFAs tend to increase with LDPE (28 %), PP (19 %) and microglass (11 %) in treated soil in comparison with untreated soil, whereas PLFAs in PA12 (32 %) and PS (11 %) in treated soil decreased. Interestingly, PLFAs revealed significant differences in PA12 (-89 %) and PS (-43 %) in comparison with LDPE. Furthermore, variability of bacterial PLFAs was much higher after microplastic incubation, while fungi seemed to be unaffected from different impurities after 80 d of incubation Similar results were shown for protozoa, which were also more or less unaffected by microplastic treatment as indicated by the minor reduction in PLFA contents compared to the control group. In contrast, microglass seems to have an inhibiting effect on protozoa because PLFAs were under the limit of determination. Our study indicated that high amounts of different microplastics may have contrary effects on soil microbiology. Microglass might have a toxic effect for protozoa

    Analýza dvoujetových případů v difrakčních ep interakcích s detekovanýmprotonem na experimentu H1

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    Název práce: Analýza dvoujetových případů v difrakčních ep interakcích s detekovaným protonem na experimentu H1 Autor: Richard Polifka Katedra (ústav): Ústav částicové a jaderné fyziky Vedoucí dizertační práce: RNDr. Alice Valkárová, DrSc. e-mail vedoucího: [email protected] Abstrakt: V této práci jsou měřeny inkluzivní dvoujetové koncové stavy v nepružných difrakčních případech s detekovaným rozptýleným protonem. Tento proton je měřen v dopředném detektoru Forward Proton Spectrometer. Vysoká statistika těchto případů v období HERA II s integrovanou celkovou luminositou 156.7 pb−1 umožňuje první měření tohoto druhu za celou dobu provozu experimentu HERA. Data pokrývají kinematickou oblast xIP &lt; 0.1, |t| ≤ 1.0 GeV2 a 4 ≤ Q2 ≤ 110 GeV2 . Naměřená dvoujetová data jsou porovnána s předpovědmi poruchové kvantové chromodynamiky ve druhém řádu rozvoje vazbové konstanty αs. Tyto předpovědi jsou založené na difrakčních partonových distribučních funkcích získaných z předchozích měření inkluzivních difrakčních případů. Fázový prostor pro případy s difrakčními dijety byl rozšířen oproti předchozím měřením třikrát. Případy, kdy jeden z jetů směřuje do přední oblasti detektoru H1 by měly...Title: Analysis of dijet events in diffractive ep interactions with tagged leading proton at the H1 experiment Author: Richard Polifka Department: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Alice Valkárová, DrSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: [email protected] Abstract: An inclusive dijet production in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering is measured. The diffractive selection is based on tagging of the leading proton in the Forward Proton Spectrometer. The statistics of events obtained during the HERA II running period (integrated luminosity of 156.7 pb−1 ) enables the measurement of jet final states with leading proton for the first time. The data cover the phase space of xIP &lt; 0.1, |t| ≤ 1.0 GeV2 and 4 ≤ Q2 ≤ 110 GeV2 . The dijet data are compared with the next to leading order predictions of the quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The phase space of diffractive dijets is in this analysis by factor of 3 in xIP larger than in previous measurements. The QCD predictions based on the DGLAP parton evolution describe the measured data well even in a non-DGLAP enriched phase space where one on the jets goes into the region close to the direction of the outgoing proton. The measured single-differential cross sections are compared to several Monte Carlo models with different treatment of...Ústav částicové a jaderné fyzikyInstitute of Particle and Nuclear PhysicsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    The importance of catchments to mine-pit lakes: Implications for closure

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    Despite the large body of riparian literature for rivers and lakes, there are few studies on the catchments of mine pit lakes. Therefore, the broad objective of this research was to determine if catchment characteristics were related to pit lake nutrient concentrations. We hypothesised that: (1) catchment characteristics would vary among pit lakes, (2) pit lake catchments would differ from co-occurring naturally-forested catchments, and (3) connecting a pit lake (Kepwari) to a naturally-forested catchment via a river flow-through would increase C accumulation in the lake. The research was conducted in pit lakes of the Collie lake district in Western Australia and examined catchment characteristics (soil nutrients, litter biomass, vegetation, and biomass), carbon and sedimentation rates in pelagic and benthic materials, and establishment of a simple nutrient budget for Lake Kepwari. Broadly, results indicated that catchment vegetation differed significantly among pit lakes (although parts were similar to co-occurring natural forest), with differences largely driven by catchment age. None of the pit lake catchments had true riparian species surrounding the pit lakes. The hypothesis that connecting a pit lake to a watercourse would increase carbon concentrations and sedimentation was not supported. Most (87%) of the water that entered the lake was from the river, and river outflow was slightly greater than river inflow. However, the lake acted like a nutrient sink, with more N, P, and TOC calculated in the inflows than the outflow. We found that it took 10–15 years of growth for actively rehabilitated pit lake catchments to approximate natural forest and 60 years for unrehabilitated pit lake catchments. Active rehabilitation that includes riparian-specific planting would likely lead to better outcomes for pit lake catchment vegetation. Connecting a pit lake to a river substantially increased catchment size and large amounts of river-derived carbon were deposited in the lake. However, carbon concentrations were relatively low compared to the size of the lake. Our results suggest that active intervention is required if stakeholders are unwilling to wait decades for the biological development of pit lakes

    Einfluss von Pflanzenkohle in Verbindung mit Wirtschaftsdüngern auf die CO2-Freisetzung unter Freilandbedingungen im Wendland, Norddeutschland

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    Die Anwendung von Pflanzenkohle als Düngemitteladditiv dient als vielversprechende Variante der Kohlenstoffsequestrierung in landwirtschlaft genutzten Böden. Jedoch sind die wenigen verfügbaren Studien unter Freilandbedingungen noch nicht in der Lage, den Einfluss von Pflanzenkohle in Verbindung mit Wirtschaftsdüngern auf die CO2-Freisetzung darzustellen. Im Rahmen des ClimaCarbo Projektes (BMBF-FKZ: 01LY1110B) wurden die CO2-Emissionen von fünf verschiedenen Wirtschaftsdüngern mit und ohne Pflanzenkohle (0, 3, 10, 40 Mg ha-1) unter Freilandbedingungen untersucht. Insgesamt wurden zehn Varianten in fünffacher Wiederholung auf einer sandigen Braunerde untersucht. Die verwendete Pflanzenkohle wurde mit einem PYREG-Reaktor (≈ 650 °C) aus regional verfügbaren Grünschnitten produziert. Während der Vegetationsperiode 2014 von Blauer Lupine (Lupinus angustifolius) wurden in zweiwöchigen Abständen Gasproben mittels statischer Messkammern entnommen. Die CO2-Konzentration und deren d13C-Isotopensignatur wurden mittels Gaschromatographie-Isotopenverhältnis-Massenspektrometrie gemessen. Hohe Pflanzenkohle­applikationen steigerten die CO2-Freisetzung um 30-60 % in Abhängigkeit vom Wirtschaftsdünger. Dabei lag der Emissionsanteil der organischen Bodensubstanz inklusive der applizierten Pflanzenkohle durchschnittlich bei rund 59 %. Der direkte Vergleich mit den Kontrollvarianten zeigt dagegen keine Steigerung des bodenbürtigen Emissionsanteils nach Pflanzenkohleapplikation, was auf eine vermehrte Mineralisierung des Düngemittels hinweist und die Langzeitstabilität von Pflanzenkohle unterstreicht. Durch die Mischung von organisch-biologischen Flüssigdünger und 40 Mg Pflanzenkohle ha-1 konnte sogar eine Reduktion der bodenbürtigen Emissionen erreicht werden. Die erhöhten CO2-Emissionen könnten auf eine intensivierte Mineralisierungsrate nach Pflanzenkohlezugabe hinweisen, die durch eine gesteigerte mikrobielle Aktivität zu erklären wäre. Die erhöhten CO2-Emissionsraten und -mengen der Düngungsvarianten mit 40 Mg Pflanzenkohle ha-1 werden vor dem Hintergrund der wirksamen Kohlenstoffsequestrierung durch langzeitstabilisierten Pflanzenkohle relativiert

    Outcome Following Hemorrhage From Cranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae Analysis of the Multicenter International CONDOR Registry:Analysis of the Multicenter International CONDOR Registry

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Dural arteriovenous fistulae can present with hemorrhage, but there remains a paucity of data regarding subsequent outcomes. We sought to use the CONDOR (Consortium for Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Outcomes Research), a multi-institutional registry, to characterize the morbidity and mortality of dural arteriovenous fistula-related hemorrhage.METHODS: A retrospective review of patients in CONDOR who presented with dural arteriovenous fistula-related hemorrhage was performed. Patient characteristics, clinical follow-up, and radiographic details were analyzed for associations with poor outcome (defined as modified Rankin Scale score ≥3).RESULTS: The CONDOR dataset yielded 262 patients with incident hemorrhage, with median follow-up of 1.4 years. Poor outcome was observed in 17.0% (95% CI, 12.3%-21.7%) at follow-up, including a 3.6% (95% CI, 1.3%-6.0%) mortality. Age and anticoagulant use were associated with poor outcome on multivariable analysis (odds ratio, 1.04, odds ratio, 5.1 respectively). Subtype of hemorrhage and venous shunting pattern of the lesion did not affect outcome significantly.CONCLUSIONS: Within the CONDOR registry, dural arteriovenous fistula-related hemorrhage was associated with a relatively lower morbidity and mortality than published outcomes from other arterialized cerebrovascular lesions but still at clinically consequential rates.</p