444 research outputs found


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    Fenomena menurunnya kedisiplinan guru dalam mengajar merupakan momok yang mencoreng citra pendidikan di Indonesia. Fenomena serupa juga terjadi di SMP NEGERI 5 MACANG PACAR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari solusi alternatif pemecahan masalah sebagai upaya meningkatkan disiplin guru dalam kehadiran mengajar di kelas melalui pola penerapan reward and punishment. Penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 21 guru di SMP NEGERI 5 MACANG PACAR ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2023. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan sekolah dengan tiga siklus dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, pengamatan, dan wawancara. Penerapan pola reward and punishment untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan guru dalam mengajar dinyatakan efektif apabila mencapai 75 %. Data penelitian dianalisis dan hasil yang diperoleh ditemukan sejumlah guru yang terlambat kurang dari 10 menit atau tidak terlambat lebih dari 10 menit masuk di kelas untuk pembelajaran yakni siklus pertama terdapat 2 guru atau 9,52 %, pada siklus kedua terdapat 10 guru atau 47,61% dan siklus ketiga terdapat 20 guru atau 95,23 % yang masuk di kelas untuk pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pola reward and punishment untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan guru di SMP NEGERI 5 MACANG PACAR dalam kehadiran di kelas pada kegiatan belajar mengajar dinilai cukup efektif

    Modulation Translation Procedure in Translating English Content Words

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor linguistik yang menentukan prosedur terjemahan secara modulasi. Penelitian ini juga membahas mengenai cara menerapkan prosedur terjemahan secara modulasi dalam hal menerjemahkan content words dari Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode qualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian adalah buku ekonomi keuangan yang berjudul Managing Risk and Creating Value with Microfinance ditulis oleh Mike Goldberg dan Eric Palladini serta terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya yang diterjemahkan oleh M. Ramdhan Adhi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semantik merupakan faktor utama dalam menentukan terjadinya prosedur terjemahan secara modulasi untuk menerjemahkan Content Words Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu, cara menerapkan prosedur modulasi dalam menerjemahkan Content Words adalah dengan cara memperhatikan Point of View atau makna yang tersirat dalam dua struktur kalimat yang berbeda (baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun dalam bahasa Indonesia)

    An Analysis of Time's Involuntariness in Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology Through Habits and Their Constructive Interruption

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    Phenomenological accounts of temporal awareness are distinctive because they highlight the way time is radically involuntary. When attending to the progression or transitions of phenomena, we find that the temporal relations between moments are immediately given as a whole, without our participation. This paper explores how Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception accounts for this involuntariness. An exegesis of Al-Saji’s work on racist vision, A Phenomenology of Hesitation, contextualizes this discussion by demonstrating what is at stake in accounting for time’s involuntariness. Al-Saji uses a language of affect to describe why racist vision is problematic. Al-Saji uses affect as a framework for describing the involuntary temporal relations implicit within perception. By focusing on how time is structured at an affective level, Al-Saji accounts for how racist vision can be changed. In this course of this account, Al-Saji criticizes Phenomenology of Perception because it fails to provide the conceptual tools for giving an explicit account of time’s radical involuntariness. Using insights from Al-Saji’s critique, I argue that Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology can generate a nuanced account of time’s involuntariness without an explicit account of affect. Building on the readings of Sallis, Kelly, and Casey, I investigate the connections between time, subjectivity, and habits made in the Phenomenology. I argue that Merleau-Ponty posits an impersonal time as the condition of subjectivity. That premise has consequences for how we should understand the Phenomenology’s account of habit. The upshot of this reading is that the Phenomenology’s account of habit is consistent with Al-Saji’s account of racist vision

    Pollinators in life cycle assessment: towards a framework for impact assessment

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    Abstract Human activities are threatening biodiversity at an unprecedented scale and pace, thus potentially affecting also the provision of critical ecosystem services, including insect pollination. Insect pollinators play an essential functional role in terrestrial ecosystems, supporting ecological stability and food security worldwide. Therefore, assessing impact on pollinators is fundamental in any effort aiming at enhancing the environmental sustainability of human production and consumption, especially in the agri-food supply chains. Different drivers are leading to pollinator populations' declines. Improving a supply-chain oriented assessment of the occurrence of pressure and impacts on pollinators is needed. However, current methodologies assessing impact along supply chains, such as life cycle assessment (LCA), miss to assess impact on pollinators. In fact, none of the existing life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) models effectively accounts for pollinators. Some LCIA models have mentioned pollination, but none has presented key drivers of impact and a proposal for integrating pollinators as target group for biodiversity protection within an LCIA framework. In order to devise a pathway towards the inclusion of impacts on pollinators in LCIA, we conducted a literature review of environmental and anthropogenic pressures acting on insect pollinators, potentially threatening pollination services. Based on the evidence in literature, we identified and described eight potential impact drivers, primarily deriving from industrial development and intensive agricultural practice: 1) intensified land use as a result of uncontrolled expansion of urban areas and modern agricultural practices; 2) use of pesticides; 3) presence of invasive alien plants; 4) competition with invasive alien pollinator species; 5) global and local climate change; 6) spread of pests and pathogens; 7) electro-magnetic pollution and 8) genetically modified crops. To account for these drivers in LCIA, there are specific modeling needs. Hence, the current study provides recommendation on how future research should be oriented to improve the current models and how novel indicators should be developed in order to cover the existing conceptual and methodological gaps

    Paul's Table of Sacrifice in 1 Corinthians: An Intertextual Reading of 1 Corinthians 10-11

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    Thesis advisor: Matthew MonnigThesis advisor: Thomas StegmanEarly Christian meal making practices have received considerable attention in recent decades, especially considering recent sociological discoveries around the Greco-Roman Banquet structure in first century Mediterranean cultures. Biblical meal making, such as St. Paul's account of the Lord's Supper in 1 Cor 11:23-35, have garnered new attention considering these insights. In current scholarship, the dominant model for analyzing meal practices - such as the Lord's Supper in 1 Corinthians - is through the sociological model which reads Christian meals almost exclusively in conversation with this Greco-Roman banquet culture. Paul's meaning and understanding of the meal is understood through what would be intelligible within this wider first century meal making culture. Too often, Paul's Jewish background is not given propper attention in explicating his meaning of the Lord's Supper. This thesis argues that it is Paul's Jewish background and theological worldview that are the primary sites of meaning to discern his understanding of the Lord's Supper. Thus, the methodology best suited to "decode" Paul's meaning is the theory intertexuality, especially as developed by Richard Hays. Using this methodology of intertextuality, this thesis reads Paul's language in 1 Cor 10-11 through the conversation that develops from these OT echoes. What is heard, regarding the Lord's Supper, is that Paul understands it to be a cultic act of worship and sacrifice. As a cultic act, the elements of the meal - the bread and wine - are sacred in themselves and mediate the divine presence to the community. The community themselves shares in the divine presence through the meal, and thus the Lord's Supper ought to be understood as an act of cultic theosis in Paul's Corinthian Community.Thesis (STL) — Boston College, 2022.Submitted to: Boston College. School of Theology and Ministry.Discipline: Sacred Theology

    Large variability in response to projected climate and land‐use changes among European bumblebee species

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    Bumblebees (Bombus ssp.) are among the most important wild pollinators, but many species have suffered from range declines. Land-use change, agricultural intensification, and the associated loss of habitat have been identified as drivers of the observed dynamics, amplifying pressures from a changing climate. However, these drivers are still underrepresented in continental-scale species distribution modeling. Here, we project the potential distribution of 47 European bumblebee species in 2050 and 2080 from existing European-scale distribution maps, based on a set of climate and land-use futures simulated through a regional integrated assessment model and consistent with the RCP–SSP scenario framework. We compare projections including (1) dynamic climate and constant land use (CLIM); (2) constant climate and dynamic land use (LU); and (3) dynamic climate and dynamic land use (COMB) to disentangle the effects of land use and climate change on future habitat suitability, providing the first rigorous continental-scale assessment of linked climate–land-use futures for bumblebees. We find that direct climate impacts, although variable across species, dominate responses for most species, especially under high-end climate change scenarios (up to 99% range loss). Land-use impacts are highly variable across species and scenarios, ranging from severe losses (up to 75% loss) to considerable gains (up to 68% gain) of suitable habitat extent. Rare species thereby tend to be disproportionally affected by both climate and land-use change. COMB projections reveal that land use may amplify, attenuate, or offset changes to suitable habitat extent expected from climate impact depending on species and scenario. Especially in low-end climate change scenarios, land use has the potential to become a game changer in determining the direction and magnitude of range changes, indicating substantial potential for targeted conservation management


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    Pendahuluan :Perilaku caring dari seorang perawat dapat memberikan kepuasan bagi pasiennya. Perilaku caring yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan sesuai dengan Theory OfCaring dari Kristen Swanson yang meliputi 5 komponen yaitu, maintaining belief, knowing, being with, doing for dan enabling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peluang perilaku caring perawat dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien di ruang rawat inap Garuda RSUD S. K. Lerik Kupang. Metode :rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional.Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien diruang rawat inap Garuda RSUD S. K. Lerik Kota Kupang yang berjumlah 36 orang yang dipilih dengan teknik purposivesampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur tentang perilaku caring perawat dan tingkat kepuasan pasien. Analisa data menggunakan uji regresi logistik berganda dengan metode backward. Hasil :Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara perilaku caring perawat dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien. Variabel knowing, doing for, enabling yang paling berhubungan dengan kepuasan pasien dengan rumus persamaan regresi (Y = konstanta +/- a1x1 +/- a2x2 +/- a3x3). Dengan menerapkan perilaku caring knowing, doing for, enablingdalam menjalankan asuhan keperawatan, perawat sudah memberikan peluang untuk pasien merasa puas terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Kesimpulan :Perilaku caring diterapkan perawat dalam pelayanan asuhan keperawatan yang komprehensif sebagai indikator yang menentukan kepuasan pasien

    The downside of tobacco control? Smoking and self-stigma: a systematic review

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    Objective Little is known about the consequences of tobacco smoking stigma on smokers and how smokers may internalize smoking-related stigma. This review summarizes existing literature on tobacco smoking self-stigma, investigating to what extent smokers are aware of negative stereotypes, agree with them and apply them to themselves. Methods We carried out a systematic search of Pubmed/Web of Science/PsycInfo databases for articles related to smoking self-stigma through June 2013. Reference lists and citations of included studies were also checked and experts were contacted. After screening articles for inclusion/exclusion criteria we performed a quality assessment and summarized findings according to the stages of self-stigma as conceptualized in Corrigan's progressive model of self-stigma (aware, agree, apply and harm). Initial searches yielded 570 articles. Results Thirty of these articles (18 qualitative and 12 quantitative studies) met criteria for our review. Awareness of smoking stigma was virtually universal across studies. Coping strategies for smoking stigma and the degree to which individuals who smoke internalized this stigma varied both within and across studies. There was considerable variation in positive, negative, and non-significant consequences associated with smoking self-stigma. Limited evidence was found for subgroup differences in smoking-related stigma. Conclusion While there is some evidence that smoking self-stigma leads to reductions in smoking, this review also identified significant negative consequences of smoking self-stigma. Future research should assess the factors related to differences in how individuals respond to smoking stigma. Public health strategies which limit the stigmatization of smokers may be warranted

    Ecosystem services accounting: Part I - Outdoor recreation and crop pollination

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    The Knowledge Innovation Project on an Integrated system of Natural Capital and ecosystem services Accounting (KIP INCA) aims to develop the first ecosystem accounts at EU level, following the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting- Experimental Ecosystem Accounts (SEEA-EEA). The application of the SEEA-EEA framework is useful to illustrate ecosystem accounts with clear examples and contribute to further develop to methodology and give guidance for Natural Capital Accounting. The aim of this study is to assess and account for two ecosystem services: outdoor recreation and crop pollination. Each service was assessed biophysically within the ESTIMAP toolbox, allowing us to quantify different service components: the service potential that the ecosystems can deliver; the demand for each service; and the actual flow of the service used based on the spatial relationship between the service potential and demand. The results of the biophysical assessment were then translated into monetary units using valuation methods consistent with the System of National Accounts. Valuation methods require the integration of the key variables of the biophysical model to quantify the actual flow. In this way, changes in the value of the service are strictly linked to changes in biophysical assessment, which includes potential, demand and their spatial relationship determining the actual flow. Accounting of outdoor recreation shows that at EU level, forest ecosystems have the highest value for outdoor recreation, although this varies among countries. Households are the users of the service, with Germany being the country with the largest share of population whose demand for daily recreation is covered. As demonstrated, countries with a larger share of population living within 4 km of recreational areas present higher level of life satisfaction. EU accounting shows an overall increase in the use of the service between 2000 and 2012 (26%), mainly due to the enhancement of the recreation potential, and, to a lesser extent, to an increase in the demand (population). These results are useful to support policy decisions related to land planning, aiming at guaranteeing the equitable accessibility to outdoor recreation opportunities (citizen rights): 38% of the population at the EU have limited accessibility to recreational areas (unmet demand). We estimated for 2012 an actual flow of 40 million potential visits to recreational areas per year (daily use), with a total value of 31 billion euro. At this stage, the full accounting cannot be given for crop pollination due to the lack of connection between the available valuation methods and the biophysical model assessing the service flow. In this sense, further research is needed to develop suitable methods to link the valuation technique with the biophysical model. In spite of these limitations, the crop pollination assessment provides useful results for the EU Pollinators Initiative. The work presented in this report highlights the importance of the spatial relationship between ecosystem service potential and demand. The changes in the use of the service quite often cannot be explained solely by changes in the potential and the demand, but also by their spatial relationship. When dealing with ecosystem services the spatial component is a key driver that needs to be integrated within the accounting framework for a consistent assessment. The spatial relationship between potential and demand is different for each service. Crop pollination requires the spatial overlap between potential and demand, whereas proximity is the key spatial feature for outdoor recreation. As shown by the two examples presented here, ecosystem service accounts significantly differ depending on the service being assessed, both conceptually and methodologically. Hence, further examples of ecosystem service accounting are needed to produce accounting tables for a representative number of service. Ultimately, the availability of this information represents a key input for the analysis of synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services.JRC.D.3-Land Resource