24 research outputs found

    Drawbar Pull and Its Effect on the Weight Distribution of a Tractor

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    This article aims to experimentally determine how the tractor's weight distribution changes during loading by drawbar pull, and how the tractor's weight affects its drawbar pull properties. Drive wheel ballasting has a significant effect on the drawbar pull and wheel slip of the tractor - travelling gear losses. To achieve these objectives, we conducted experimental measurements on the tractor Case IH Magnum 370 CVX. The results show that higher drawbar pull is achieved in tractors with a higher weight. The measured increase of drawbar pull was 15,8 kN between maximal and minimal weight (Δ 2320 kg). All variants show an equal percentage increase in the weight on the rear axle of the tractor (+ 6 %). Increasing the tractor's weight affected the drawbar pull as well as the wheel slip. As the tractor's weight increases, there is a smaller increase in wheel slip as the drawbar pull increases. The results confirmed that tractor ballasting is important in order to achieve optimum drawbar pull properties, but it is necessary to keep in mind that the higher the weight of the machine or equipment, the larger the effect on the soil.O

    Digital Factory and Virtual Reality: Teaching Virtual Reality Principles with Game Engines

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    Virtual reality (VR) is widely used in various industrial applications. All leading industrial manufacturing companies today have a strategy called the ‘concept of a digital factory’ where all aspects of manufacturing are digitally verified on digital mock-ups prior to physical manufacturing. Other than that, it is a rapidly developing new medium and further development of VR and IT will open up new possibilities. The new concept of Industry 4.0 is based on using approaches like the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Cyber-Physical Systems and Virtual Reality. With the decreasing cost of VR devices, even smaller businesses are able to implement such technologies. It is therefore crucial that mechanical engineering graduates are familiar with these new technologies and trends. We had to use unconventional methods to educate mechanical engineering students in the latest trends in IT and VR. Back in 2010, there were almost no tools available for teaching how to create industry-themed VR environments, which did not require complicated coding, so we decided to make our own. To simplify the development, we used Source Engine as the core and enhanced it with a library of textures, models and scripts we called DigiTov. Although Source Engine is a game engine, the master logic of VR development is the same as for professional SW products. In autumn 2015, a group of 10 students modified the DigiTov for Unity3D, forming a team made up of different roles


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    The paper is focused on point cloud data processing obtained by 3D laser scanning. The scanning devices are at a very advanced level and after reaching their possible maximum scanning speeds, manufacturers are now more focused on a minimization of the devices. However, there is still a lack of software solutions for a simple and successful model creation from point cloud data or data evaluation. This paper briefly describes the laser scanning principle and the process of production floor layout capturing. Furthermore, a newly developed algorithm for an extraction of specific areas of point cloud is introduced. The algorithm was tested and compared with other solutions for a production layout development. After testing, the standalone software application called CloudSlicer™ was programed and the user interface is also presented


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    Vegetable oils are a very important component in human and animal nutrition. Furthermore, they represent potential fuels for engines as well. These fuels named as biofuels are renewable energy sources which must gradually replace today’s conventional fuels made from crude oil. The higher energy demands in production and problems which arise during their combustion are the main disadvantages of biofuels. Vegetable oils made from rape seeds belong to the most used biofuels for diesel engines in the Czech Republic. The article describes use of rapeseed oil, methyl esters of rapeseed oil (RME) and their mixture with diesel fuel (B30) in diesel engines, their ecological benefits in combustion and necessary modification of some elements in engines. Data used for evaluation were obtained from measurements in the vehicle laboratory. The results were compared with the diesel fuel. As results show, evaluated biofuels have a positive impact on exhaust emissions of engines but at higher consumption.Biljna su ulja vrlo važan sastojak u prehrani ljudi i životinja. Osim toga, predstavljaju i potencijalna goriva za motore. Ta su goriva, zvana biogoriva, obnovljivi izvori energije što mogu postepeno nadomjestiti današnja uobičajena goriva iz sirove nafte. Potrebe za više energije u proizvodnji i problemi koji nastaju za vrijeme izgaranja glavni su nedostaci biogoriva. Biljna ulja iz uljne repice pripadaju među najviše upotrebljavana biljna ulja za dizel motore u Češkoj Republici. Članak opisuje upotrebu repičinog ulja, metil estera iz repičinog ulja (RME) i njihovu mješavinu s dizel gorivom (B30) u dizel motoru, njihove dobre ekološke strane pri izgaranju i potrebno modificiranje nekih elemenata u motoru. Podaci korišteni u istraživanju dobiveni su kod mjerenja u laboratoriju za vozila. Rezultati su uspoređeni s dizel gorivom. Rezultati pokazuju da istraživana biogoriva pozitivno utječu na ispušne emisije motora ali uz veću potrošnju

    Zajištění bezpečného čerpání hořlavých kapalin z prostoru požáru

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    Import 21/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut bezpečnostního inženýrství (547

    Use of the DIGITOV package for practical purposes

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    Diplomová práce popisuje historii a vývoj projektu, jehož výstupem je DIGITOV, balíček zdrojů pro Source Engine. Tento balíček upravuje Source Engine na unikátní vývojové prostředí pro tvorbu interaktivních podnikových layoutů. Práce analyzuje Source Engine za účelem jeho úprav a dále se zabývá rozšířením DIGITOVu pro praktické využití. Tímto rozšířením je vývoj prototypu konvertoru layoutů ze software VisTable Touch, nový instalátor a spouštěč a tvorba animací výrobních procesů za použití zmíněného vývojového prostředí.Katedra průmyslového inženýrství a managementuObhájenoThe diploma thesis describes the history and development of a project, whose output is the DIGITOV, a package of resource for Srouce Engine. This package modifies Source Engine as a development environment for interactive enterprise layouts creation. The paper analyses Source Engine in order to modify it and describes the DIGITOV's expansit for more practical purposes. These expansions are the development of a VisTable Touch layout converter, new installator and launcher and creation of manufacturing processes animations while using the described development environment

    Use of Source Engine for Visualization and Interaction in a Digital Factory Environment and Education Support Development

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je popsat tvorbu SW balíku zdrojů pro tvorbu modelů výrobních podniků za využití Source Engine (který je známý jako herní engine např. pro Half-Life 2) a výukových podkladů ve formě e-booku obsahujícího návod na použití tohoto balíku a poskytujícího kurz tvorby v Source SDK určený pro studenty předmětu KPV/DPVR - digitální podnik a virtuální realita.Katedra průmyslového inženýrství a managementuObhájenoGoal of the thesis is to describe development of a software package for making models of manufacturing companies using Source Engine (which is used for powering computer games, for instance Half-Life 2) and to create education materials in the form of an e-book including a manual for use of this package and providing a Source SDK editing course for students of the subject KPV/DPVR - Digital Factory and Virtual Reality

    Nový projekční algoritmus pro extrakci výrobního layoutu z bodových mračen

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    Příspěvek je zaměřen na zpracování dat z bodových mračen získaných 3D laserovým skenováním. Skenovací zařízení jsou na velmi pokročilé úrovni a po dosažení maximální rychlosti skenování se výrobci nyní více zaměřují na minimalizaci zařízení. Nicméně stále chybí softwarová řešení pro jednoduché a úspěšné vytváření modelů z bodových mračen dat nebo pro vyhodnocování dat. Tento článek stručně popisuje princip laserového skenování a proces zachycení dispozičního řešení výroby. Dále je představen nově vyvinutý algoritmus pro extrakci specifických oblastí z bodového mračna. Algoritmus byl testován a porovnán s dalšími způsoby pro zpracování dispozičního řešení výroby. Po testování byla naprogramována samostatná softwarová aplikace s názvem CloudSlicer™, jejíž uživatelské rozhraní je také představeno.The paper is focused on point cloud data processing obtained by 3D laser scanning. The scanning devices are at a very advanced level and after reaching their possible maximum scanning speeds, manufacturers are now more focused on a minimization of the devices. However, there is still a lack of software solutions for a simple and successful model creation from point cloud data or data evaluation. This paper briefly describes the laser scanning principle and the process of production floor layout capturing. Furthermore, a newly developed algorithm for an extraction of specific areas of point cloud is introduced. The algorithm was tested and compared with other solutions for a production layout development. After testing, the standalone software application called CloudSlicer™ was programed and the user interface is also presented

    Possibilities of Monitoring the Technical Condition of the Combustion Engine with Starter Load Current

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    This article deals with the verification of relations between the electric current of engine starter and tightness of the combustion chamber and the possibility of its use for the evaluation of the state in terms of engine wear. Engine wear is closely related to the quality of fuel combustion and also with the amount of produced harmful emissions. On this basis, it would be possible to extend the technical requirements of the protocol OBD to include the indirect control of engine wear. To meet the objectives set out above measurement was carried out by a petrol engine, which was located in the vehicle Škoda Felicia Combi GLX 1.3 The whole measurement was divided into several parts. The first measurement was carried out on the abovementioned motor without simulating leakage. The second measurement was performed when the leakage of one cylinder was simulated. Simulated leakage was conducted at removing the spark plugs. Other measurements simulated “mild” leak of the whole engine – all cylinders. Leakage was implemented by loosing all the spark plugs about 8 turns against full tightening with the appropriate torque. The last, fourth measurement simulates a “large” leaks of engine cylinders. This leakage was induced by removing all the spark plugs from all cylinders. As the measurement results showed leakage of one cylinder, and also the whole engine is reflected not only in the individual amplitude of the starter current, but also the shape of the entire curve