
Vegetable oils are a very important component in human and animal nutrition. Furthermore, they represent potential fuels for engines as well. These fuels named as biofuels are renewable energy sources which must gradually replace today’s conventional fuels made from crude oil. The higher energy demands in production and problems which arise during their combustion are the main disadvantages of biofuels. Vegetable oils made from rape seeds belong to the most used biofuels for diesel engines in the Czech Republic. The article describes use of rapeseed oil, methyl esters of rapeseed oil (RME) and their mixture with diesel fuel (B30) in diesel engines, their ecological benefits in combustion and necessary modification of some elements in engines. Data used for evaluation were obtained from measurements in the vehicle laboratory. The results were compared with the diesel fuel. As results show, evaluated biofuels have a positive impact on exhaust emissions of engines but at higher consumption.Biljna su ulja vrlo važan sastojak u prehrani ljudi i životinja. Osim toga, predstavljaju i potencijalna goriva za motore. Ta su goriva, zvana biogoriva, obnovljivi izvori energije što mogu postepeno nadomjestiti današnja uobičajena goriva iz sirove nafte. Potrebe za više energije u proizvodnji i problemi koji nastaju za vrijeme izgaranja glavni su nedostaci biogoriva. Biljna ulja iz uljne repice pripadaju među najviše upotrebljavana biljna ulja za dizel motore u Češkoj Republici. Članak opisuje upotrebu repičinog ulja, metil estera iz repičinog ulja (RME) i njihovu mješavinu s dizel gorivom (B30) u dizel motoru, njihove dobre ekološke strane pri izgaranju i potrebno modificiranje nekih elemenata u motoru. Podaci korišteni u istraživanju dobiveni su kod mjerenja u laboratoriju za vozila. Rezultati su uspoređeni s dizel gorivom. Rezultati pokazuju da istraživana biogoriva pozitivno utječu na ispušne emisije motora ali uz veću potrošnju

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