2 research outputs found

    Invariant subspaces of linear operators over R

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    V nalogi ločimo operatorje, ki s svojim delovanjem na vektorski prostor porodijo razpad prostora na premo vsoto samih, za izbrani operator minimalnih invariantnih podprostorov. Takšne operatorje imenujemo povsem reducibilni. V delu definiramo invariantne podprostore. Inducirane operatorje, ki delujejo nad njimi, preučimo vsaj do te mere, da lahko vpeljemo lastne ter korenske podprostore, za tem pa presodimo, v kakšnih primerih sta ta dva enaka in kakšne so posledice tega. S tem ločimo operatorje, ki porodijo razpad prostora na same enorazsežne, za dani operator invariantne podprostore, ter operatorje, katerih razpad prostora, na katere delujejo, ni tak. Ob tem vpeljemo vse potrebno orodje za opis takega razcepa.In the thesis, we separate operators which have an effect on a vector space in such a way that they cause a decomposition of that space into a direct sum of minimal invariant subspaces. These kinds of operators are completely reducible. Invariant subspaces are then defined. We define induced operators that affect them to such extent that we can introduce their eigenspaces and root subspaces (generalized eigenspaces) and judge in which cases these are the same and what the consequences of that fact are. By using this procedure, we can separate the operators on those which cause a decomposition of space on only one-dimensional invariant subspaces and on those of which the decomposition of the space they affect on is different. The end result of this thesis is a treatment of the tool used to describe that kind of decomposition


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    Varnost v cestnem prometu je ena ključnih dejavnikov kakovosti cestnega omrežja. Prevelike hitrosti v strnjenem naselju resno ogrožajo življenja prebivalcev, prav vsak si želi varnih prometnih poti. Celostno načrtovanje nove prometne ureditve bodisi mesta ali naselja, ki temelji na boljši varnosti ranljivih udeležencev v prometu kot so pešci in kolesarji, je odgovornost in obveznost, kot tudi privilegij vsake občine in je načrtovanje za boljši jutri. Na ta način soustvarjamo boljšo kakovost bivanja v urbanih naseljih za sedanje in vse prihodnje generacije. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena problematika umirjanja prometa v naselju Miklavž na Dravskem polju. Na osnovi analize obstoječega stanja umirjanja prometa, analiziranih cest / ulic, raziskanih dobrih praks umirjanja prometa v tujini in Sloveniji, kot tudi pridobljenih rezultatov analize, je podan predlog izboljšav obstoječega stanja. Podan je predlog umirjanja prometa v naselju z uvedbo območij omejene hitrosti, ter načrt nove ureditve.Road safety is one of the key determinants of the quality of the road network. Speeding inside settlements seriously threaten the lives of people, everyone wants a safe traffic routes. Overall design of the new traffic solutions - either inside city or settlement - which is based on better safety for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists, it is the responsibility and obligation, as well as the privilege of every municipality and the planning for a better tomorrow. In this way we co-create a better quality of life in urban areas for the current and all future generations. This thesis presents an issue of traffic calming in the settlement Miklavž na Dravskem polju. Based on the analysis of the current state of traffic calming, analyzed roads / streets, explored best practices of traffic calming in Slovenia and abroad, as well as analysis of the obtained results, it is suggested improvements to the existing situation. It is suggested traffic calming in the settlement with the introduction of limited speed zones and plan of the new regime