2,189 research outputs found

    Constraints on filament models deduced from dynamical analysis

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    The conclusions deduced from simultaneous observations with the Ultra-Violet Spectrometer and Polarimeter (UVSP) on the Solar Maximum Mission satellite, and the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass (MSPD) spectrographs at Meudon and Pic du Midi observatories are presented. The observations were obtained in 1980 and 1984. All instruments have almost the same field of view and provide intensity and velocity maps at two temperatures. The resolution is approx. 0.5 to 1.5" for H alpha line and 3" for C IV. The high resolution and simultaneity of the two types of observations allows a more accurate description of the flows in prominences as functions of temperature and position. The results put some contraints on the models and show that dynamical aspects must be taken into account

    The ethanolamide metabolite of DHA, docosahexaenoylethanolamine, shows immunomodulating effects in mouse peritoneal and RAW264.7 macrophages: evidence for a new link between fish oil and inflammation

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    Several mechanisms have been proposed for the positive health effects associated with dietary consumption of long-chain n-3 PUFA (n-3 LC-PUFA) including DHA (22 : 6n-3) and EPA (20 : 5n-3). After dietary intake, LC-PUFA are incorporated into membranes and can be converted to their corresponding N-acylethanolamines (NAE). However, little is known on the biological role of these metabolites. In the present study, we tested a series of unsaturated NAE on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced NO production in RAW264.7 macrophages. Among the compounds tested, docosahexaenoylethanolamine (DHEA), the ethanolamide of DHA, was found to be the most potent inhibitor, inducing a dose-dependent inhibition of NO release. Immune-modulating properties of DHEA were further studied in the same cell line, demonstrating that DHEA significantly suppressed the production of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), a cytokine playing a pivotal role in chronic inflammation. In LPS-stimulated mouse peritoneal macrophages, DHEA also reduced MCP-1 and NO production. Furthermore, inhibition was also found to take place at a transcriptional level, as gene expression of MCP-1 and inducible NO synthase was inhibited by DHEA. To summarise, in the present study, we showed that DHEA, a DHA-derived NAE metabolite, modulates inflammation by reducing MCP-1 and NO production and expression. These results provide new leads in molecular mechanisms by which DHA can modulate inflammatory processes

    Mean Field and the Single Homopolymer

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    We develop a statistical model for a confined chain molecule based on a monomer grand canonical ensemble. The molecule is subject to an external chemical potential, a backbone interaction, and an attractive interaction between all monomers. Using a Gaussian variable formalism and a mean field approximation, we analytically derive a minimum principle from which we can obtain relevant physical quantities, such as the monomer density, and we explore the limit in which the chain is subject to a tight confinement. Through a numerical implementation of the minimization process we show how we can obtain density profiles in three dimensions for arbitraty potentials, and we test the limits of validity of the theory.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Phase transition in a non-conserving driven diffusive system

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    An asymmetric exclusion process comprising positive particles, negative particles and vacancies is introduced. The model is defined on a ring and the dynamics does not conserve the number of particles. We solve the steady state exactly and show that it can exhibit a continuous phase transition in which the density of vacancies decreases to zero. The model has no absorbing state and furnishes an example of a one-dimensional phase transition in a homogeneous non-conserving system which does not belong to the absorbing state universality classes

    Influence of the structural modulations and the Chain-ladder interaction in the Sr_14−xCa_xCu_24O_41Sr\_{14-x}Ca\_{x}Cu\_{24}O\_{41} compounds

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    We studied the effects of the incommensurate structural modulations on the ladder subsystem of the Sr_14−xCa_xCu_24O_41Sr\_{14-x}Ca\_{x}Cu\_{24}O\_{41} family of compounds using ab-initio explicitly-correlated calculations. From these calculations we derived t−Jt-J model as a function of the fourth crystallographic coordinate τ\tau describing the incommensurate modulations. It was found that in the highly calcium-doped system, the on-site orbital energies are strongly modulated along the ladder legs. On the contrary the two sites of the ladder rungs are iso-energetic and the holes are thus expected to be delocalized on the rungs. Chain-ladder interactions were also evaluated and found to be very negligible. The ladder superconductivity model for these systems is discussed in the light of the present results.Comment: 8 octobre 200

    Continuous gravity measurementsr evealal ow-density lava lake at Kılauea Volcano, Hawai‘i

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    On 5 March 2011, the lava lake within the summit eruptive vent at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai‘i, began to drain as magma withdrew to feed a dike intrusion and fissure eruption on the volcano’s east rift zone. The draining was monitored by a variety of continuous geological and geophysical measurements, including deformation, thermal and visual imagery, and gravity. Over the first ~14 hours of the draining, the ground near the eruptive vent subsided by about 0.15 m, gravity dropped by more than 100 μGal, and the lava lake retreated by over 120 m. We used GPS data to correct the gravity signal for the effects of subsurface mass loss and vertical deformation in order to isolate the change in gravity due to draining of the lava lake alone. Using a model of the eruptive vent geometry based on visual observations and the lava level over time determined from thermal camera data, we calculated the best fit lava density to the observed gravity decrease—to our knowledge, the first geophysical determination of the density of a lava lake anywhere in the world. Our result, 950 ± 300 kg m-3, suggests a lava density less than that of water and indicates that Kīlauea’s lava lake is gas-rich, which can explain why rockfalls that impact the lake trigger small explosions. Knowledge of such a fundamental material property as density is also critical to investigations of lava-lake convection and degassing and can inform calculations of pressure change in the subsurface magma plumbing system

    Structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of a coarse-grained DNA model

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    We explore in detail the structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of a coarse-grained model of DNA similar to that introduced in Thomas E. Ouldridge, Ard A. Louis, Jonathan P.K. Doye, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 178101 (2010). Effective interactions are used to represent chain connectivity, excluded volume, base stacking and hydrogen bonding, naturally reproducing a range of DNA behaviour. We quantify the relation to experiment of the thermodynamics of single-stranded stacking, duplex hybridization and hairpin formation, as well as structural properties such as the persistence length of single strands and duplexes, and the torsional and stretching stiffness of double helices. We also explore the model's representation of more complex motifs involving dangling ends, bulged bases and internal loops, and the effect of stacking and fraying on the thermodynamics of the duplex formation transition.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figure

    Denaturation of Heterogeneous DNA

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    The effect of heterogeneous sequence composition on the denaturation of double stranded DNA is investigated. The resulting pair-binding energy variation is found to have a negligible effect on the critical properties of the smooth second order melting transition in the simplest (Peyrard-Bishop) model. However, sequence heterogeneity is dramatically amplified upon adopting a more realistic treatment of the backbone stiffness. The model yields features of ``multi-step melting'' similar to those observed in experiments.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, text and figures also available at http://matisse.ucsd.edu/~hw

    Maintaining Social Connections in Dementia: A Qualitative Synthesis

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    The clinical symptoms of dementia include difficulty with speech, poor short-term memory, and changes in behavior. These symptoms can affect how the person with dementia understands and performs in social interactions. This qualitative review investigated how people with mild to moderate dementia managed social connections. A systematic search of social science databases retrieved 13 articles; data were synthesized using thematic analysis. Results established the work undertaken by people with dementia to maintain and present a social persona seen as socially acceptable. Interpretations are contextualized within Goffman and Sabat's theories on "self." People with dementia were agentic in impression management: undertaking work to maintain recognized social roles, while being aware of when their illness led to others discrediting them. Wider recognition of strategies used to maintain a social self could inform interventions designed to increase capability and confidence in co-managing social connections following dementia diagnosis

    Thermal denaturation of fluctuating finite DNA chains: the role of bending rigidity in bubble nucleation

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    Statistical DNA models available in the literature are often effective models where the base-pair state only (unbroken or broken) is considered. Because of a decrease by a factor of 30 of the effective bending rigidity of a sequence of broken bonds, or bubble, compared to the double stranded state, the inclusion of the molecular conformational degrees of freedom in a more general mesoscopic model is needed. In this paper we do so by presenting a 1D Ising model, which describes the internal base pair states, coupled to a discrete worm like chain model describing the chain configurations [J. Palmeri, M. Manghi, and N. Destainville, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 088103 (2007)]. This coupled model is exactly solved using a transfer matrix technique that presents an analogy with the path integral treatment of a quantum two-state diatomic molecule. When the chain fluctuations are integrated out, the denaturation transition temperature and width emerge naturally as an explicit function of the model parameters of a well defined Hamiltonian, revealing that the transition is driven by the difference in bending (entropy dominated) free energy between bubble and double-stranded segments. The calculated melting curve (fraction of open base pairs) is in good agreement with the experimental melting profile of polydA-polydT. The predicted variation of the mean-square-radius as a function of temperature leads to a coherent novel explanation for the experimentally observed thermal viscosity transition. Finally, the influence of the DNA strand length is studied in detail, underlining the importance of finite size effects, even for DNA made of several thousand base pairs.Comment: Latex, 28 pages pdf, 9 figure
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