28 research outputs found

    Evaluating visitor experiences with interactive art

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    The Music Room is an interactive installation that allows visitor to compose classical music by moving throughout a space. The distance between them and their average speed maps the emotionality of music: in particular, distance influences the pleasantness of the music, while speed influences its intensity. This paper focuses on the evaluation of visitors' experience with The Music Room by examining log-data, video footages, interviews, and questionnaires, as collected in two public exhibitions of the installation. We examined this data to the identify the factors that fostered the engagement and to understand how players appropriated the original design idea. Reconsidering our design assumptions against behavioural data, we noticed a number of unexpected behaviours, which induced us to make some considerations on design and evaluation of interactive art

    Meaningful engagement: computer-based interactive media art in public space.

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    Interactive technologies, including electronic devices are increasingly being utilized as a medium for artistic expression and have been placed in freely accessible public environments with mixed results. When audiences encounter computer-based interactive media arts in a public space they are drawn by various interactivities, to play and experiment with them. However, whether the audience is able to gain a meaningful experience through those physical interactivities has remained an issue of both theoretical and practical debate. This paper will focus on these aspects, most specifically through the study of interactive art in freely accessible public space. The author proposes four new conceptual/analytical tools for examining the subject. It is anticipated that this paper will provide possible alternative strategies for both artists and art researchers in this field with a purpose to enhance intellectual engagement with their audiences, so as to succeed in leading interactors to obtain meaningful experience and rewards

    Thinking with a New Purpose: Lessons Learned from Teaching Design Thinking Skills to Creative Technology Students

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    This paper reports on the insights gained from introducing design thinking into the final year of a UK university course where students created positive behavior change interventions. The rationale for the course design and teaching process are outlined, with a focus on design as engineering versus innovation process. The students took a design thinking journey using Stanford University d.school's 5-step approach of Empathize-Define-Ideate-Prototype-Test, and their journey is described in detail. We found that at first students found the Design Thinking approach counter-intuitive and confusing, yet throughout the process they recognized the strengths and opportunities it offers. On the whole, students reflected positively on their learning and on their re-evaluation of the role of a (service) designer. Lessons learned from a teaching point of view are also outlined, the most poignant being the realization that it was necessary to 'un-teach' design practices students had come to take for granted, in particular the view of design as a self-inspired, linear and carefully managed process

    Problemscapes and hybrid water security systems in Central Ethiopia

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    Water management has followed a basin unit paradigm for several decades. This framing often inherits a pre-defined spatial and institutional boundary of analysis, one that largely fails to account for various externalities influencing water security beyond the hydrological unit. Moving away from this established basin-scale analysis, we present the concept of problemscapes, a systems approach for understanding how multiple physical and social drivers surrounding (and as part of) contextual water systems determine how they work and, ultimately, the outcomes in terms of the water security they provide. By first discussing the concept of boundaries for water paradigms, we argue that problemscapes can help us understand water security as a more dynamic and hybrid system by adapting these boundaries; enabling a clearer understanding of leverage points, interconnections and possible strategic solutions to longer-term water security challenges. We apply the method for establishing and utilizing a problemscape analysis across the Central Rift Valley, Upper Awash, and Abbay basins, as well as the capital city of Addis Ababa. The interactions in this part of Central Ethiopia are notoriously complex, with sets of critical water management issues at national and international scale, hybrid water security challenges across user communities, and contested management at different scales amidst multiple, and sometimes competing, ideologies. We show that problemscaping as an approach could support future planning decisions for long-term water security by enabling a systems perspective to emerge where complexity and connectivity between actors, institutions, and physical and social entities is considered

    Systems thinking for water security

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    Outplacement: Client Characteristics and Outcomes

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    Outplacement firms developed in response to corporate downsizings to assist former upper-level employees in seeking reemployment. An important question for practitioners who assist clients in outplacement is how the personal characteristics that clients bring to the situation influence their success in finding a new job. The present archival study examined demographic variables, previous job history, and personality characteristics as predictors of outplacement outcomes. Outplacement duration was predicted by previous income, and new earnings were predicted by previous earnings, sex, and years with previous employer. The need for prospective, longitudinal research that examines the coping process in outplacement is discussed. © 1998 Educational Publishing Foundation and the Division of Consulting Psychology

    Outplacement: Client Characteristics and Outcomes

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    Outplacement firms developed in response to corporate downsizings to assist former upper-level employees in seeking reemployment. An important question for practitioners who assist clients in outplacement is how the personal characteristics that clients bring to the situation influence their success in finding a new job. The present archival study examined demographic variables, previous job history, and personality characteristics as predictors of outplacement outcomes. Outplacement duration was predicted by previous income, and new earnings were predicted by previous earnings, sex, and years with previous employer. The need for prospective, longitudinal research that examines the coping process in outplacement is discussed. © 1998 Educational Publishing Foundation and the Division of Consulting Psychology