1,305 research outputs found

    A rereading of Duchamp through "Genre Allegory" (1943)

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    La presente investigación explora las tensiones entre intimidad y política a partir del collage Alegoría de Género (1943) de Marcel Duchamp1. Se revisa el uso de la alegoría y se analizan estrategias propias de la praxis del artista como el empleo de la metonimia y del chiste, es decir, de deslizamientos y desplazamientos de sentido entre significantes y significados. Se aborda también el cuestionamiento de las construcciones identitarias en su obra, en concreto el solapamiento que aquí se realiza entre identidad de género y nacional. Finalmente se especula sobre los guiños al tema de la conquista, habitual en su producción, desde diferentes enfoques alguno inéditoThis article explores the tension between intimacy and politics in Marcel Duchamp´s collage Genre Allegory (1943). I focus on the use of allegory and other common strategies in his praxis, such as metonymy and jokes, and the concomitant process of displacement and the sliding of meaning between the signifier and the signified. The questioning of identity constructions in his work is also addressed, in particular the overlap found here between gender and national identity. Finally, I speculate on the well-known way in which Duchamp typically engages with the issue of conquest by using different perspectives, including some that are unpublishe

    Polarization-Based Security: Safeguarding Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer

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    Physical layer security is a field of study that continues to gain importance over time. It encompasses a range of algorithms applicable to various aspects of communication systems. While research in the physical layer has predominantly focused on secrecy capacity, which involves logical and digital manipulations to achieve secure communication, there is limited exploration of directly manipulating electromagnetic fields to enhance security against eavesdroppers. In this paper, we propose a novel system that utilizes the Mueller calculation to establish a theoretical framework for manipulating electromagnetic fields in the context of physical layer security. We develop fundamental expressions and introduce new metrics to analyze the system's performance analytically. Additionally, we present three techniques that leverage polarization to enhance physical layer security

    3D polarized modulation: system analysis and performance

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper we present a novel modulation technique for dual polarization communication systems, which reduces the error rate compared with the existent schemes. This modulation places the symbols in a 3D constellation, rather than the classic approach of 2D. Adjusting the phase of these symbols depending on the information bits, we are able to increase the bit rate. Hence, the proposed scheme conveys information by selecting both polarization state and the phase of radiated electromagnetic wave. We also analyse the performance of 3D Polarized Modulation (PMod) for different constellation sizes and we obtain a curve of rate adaptation. Finally, we compare the proposed 3D PMod with other existing schemes such as single polarization Phase Shift Keying (PSK) and double polarization Vertical Bell Laboratories Layer Space-Time (V-BLAST), both carrying the same number of information bits. The results show that 3D PMod always outperforms all other schemes, except for low order modulation. Therefore, we can conclude that 3D PMod is an excellent candidate for medium and high modulation order transmissions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (updated version

    A cross-layer scheduling strategy for the downlink of a MIMO-OFDMA system with heterogeneous traffic

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    in this paper we propose and investigate a cross-layer multiuser scheduling strategy for the support of heterogeneous traffic in the downlink of a MIMO-OFDMA system. It jointly considers different objectives: maximize the sum-rate on the radio channel, ensure a fair allocation of resources among users belonging to the same traffic class, consider the dynamics of traffic sources by looking at the delay of data packets in the queues, contribute to maximize quality of service figures at the application level. To exploit temporal diversity and to reduce complexity, the ergodic weighted sum-rate is maximized and dual optimization with stochastic approximation is applied to derive on-line algorithms. The numerical results show the capability of the scheduler to allocate physical layer resources according to rate constraints imposed for each different traffic class and with fairness inside each class, even in presence of different channels conditions and different network loads.Postprint (published version

    Espacios textuales para la memoria del trauma: la corporalidad dictada en Dictée

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    Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951-1982 ) published in 1981 Dictée, a textual project that explores the limits of autobiography. This incatalogable experiment especially focuses on the issues that afect writng and image as tools to develop memory. Located in the gap that certain trauma poetcs open, Cha calls into queston the implicatons of gender, ethnicity, exile and diaspora from the positon of being in-between, stressing dichotomous approaches.This work analyzes some aspects of Dictée in relaton to other autobiographical projects developed by women who queston the possibilites of writng oneself, assuming the positon of a subject who is “in-between”. The “in-between” is understood as an heterotopic space belonging to the conditons of diaspora and the culture of trauma. For Cha, dictaton works as a paradigm of a language, a culture and a memory that is imposed and afects the constructon of subjectvity. From this we consider the relatonship between writng and corporality, and the importance of voice and orality concurring in textual praxis, in discrepancy with the narratve modes of scriptural regimes.Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951-1982) publica en 1981 Dictée, un proyecto textual que explora los límites de la autobiografa. Este incatalogable experimento ronda de manera especial las problemátcas que afectan a la escritura y la imagen como herramientas para elaborar la memoria. Situado en la brecha que abren ciertas poétcas elaboradas desde el trauma, en él Cha pone en cuestón las implicaciones de género, etnicidad y de exilio y diáspora desde la posición del estar entre, habitando un in-between que consigue tensionar los enfoques dicotómicos. Aquí se trata, por tanto, de exponer aspectos de interés del proyecto textual Dictée en relación con otros proyectos autobiográfcos elaborados por mujeres que cuestonan las posibilidades de la escritura para contarse, asumiendo esa posición de ser un sujeto que está “entre”. El “entre” puede entenderse como un espacio heterotópico propio de las condiciones de diáspora y de las culturas del trauma. Para Cha el dictado funcionará como paradigma de un lenguaje, una cultura y una memoria que se imponen y que afectan a la construcción de la subjetvidad. A partr de ello se trazan las relaciones entre escritura y corporalidad; asimismo la importancia de la voz y la oralidad que concurren en muchas de estas praxis textuales, en discrepancia con los modos narratvos de los regímenes escriturarios