29 research outputs found

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    Pilot scale microwave sorting of porphyry copper ores: Part 2: pilot plant trials

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    An experimental pilot plant was constructed, commissioned and operated at a major porphyry copper mine to understand the challenges of microwave infrared thermal (MW-IRT) sorting at scale and to compare batch laboratory performance with pilot-scale continuous sortability performance. A method was developed to define the 95% confidence intervals on pilot plant operating windows from experiments on 50 to 150 fragments performed in a laboratory based replica of the pilot scale microwave treatment system. It appeared that the laboratory testing methodology predicted the sortability of the ores fairly well. For the 11 ore types and three size classes (-76.2+50.8mm, -50.8+25.4mm and -25.4+12.7mm) tested over 233 pilot plant experiments, approximately 42% of the better optimised pilot plant runs predicted copper recovery to within ±5% copper recovery and approximately 84% of the runs to within ±10%. These figures were improved to approximately 50% predicted to within ±5% and approximately 90% to within ±10% if the -25.4+12.7mm size class was omitted. It was demonstrated that laboratory testing better predicted pilot plant sorting performance and provided a narrower operating window when a larger sample size (>50 fragments) was considered due to improved representivity. It is, therefore, fully expected that better predictions would result from larger laboratory sample sizes than those tested during any future testing campaigns. To date, approximately 15,500 tonnes of ore has been processed through the pilot-scale test facility, generating significant engineering know-how and demonstrating MW-IRT sorting at a scale in the order of that required by the mining industry

    Understanding microwave induced sorting of porphyry copper ores

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    Global demand for minerals and metals is increasing. It has been established that the impact of mining and mineral processing operations must be reduced to sustainably meet the demands of a low grade future. Successful incorporation of ore sorting in flow sheets has the potential to improve energy efficiency by rejecting non-economic material before grinding. Microwave heating combined with infra-red temperature measurement has been shown to distinguish low and high grade ore fragments from each other. In this work, experimentally validated 2-D finite difference models of a theoretical two phase ore, representing typical fragment textures and grades, are constructed. Microwave heating is applied at economically viable energy inputs and the resultant surface thermal profiles analysed up to 2 minutes after microwave heating. It is shown that the size and location of grains can dramatically alter surface temperature rise at short thermal measurement delay times and that the range of temperatures increases with increasing fragment grade. For the first time, it is suggested that increasing the delay time between microwave heating and thermal measurement can reduce the variation seen for fragments of the same grade but different textures, improving overall differentiation between high and low grade fragments

    Pilot scale microwave sorting of porphyry copper ores: Part 1: laboratory investigations

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    Microwave treatment followed by infrared thermal imaging (MW–IRT) has been proposed as a potential excitation-discrimination technique to facilitate sorting of porphyry copper ores. A continuous, high throughput (up to 100t/h), belt–based microwave cavity operating at up to 100kW has been designed to interface directly with commercially available sorters at industrially relevant scales. In this paper, the fragment-by-fragment thermal response of 16 porphyry copper ore samples following microwave treatment in the bespoke system is evaluated to elucidate key performance criteria and identify likely candidate ores for microwave sorting. Microwave treatment energy dose was found to be the driving force behind the ultimate average temperature fragments experience, with other process variables (e.g. belt speed, power, belt mass loading, thermal equilibration time) having little effect on sortability performance. While fragment mineralogical texture and ore textural heterogeneity were shown to influence the average temperature rise of the fragment surface presented to the thermal camera, in most cases this variability did not adversely affect sortability performance. An abundance of microwave-heating gangue minerals (e.g. iron sulphides, iron oxides and hydrated clays) was shown to be the dominant source of deviation from intrinsic sortability. However, low average moisture content and co-mineralisation of copper and iron sulphides (or bulk sulphide sorting) was found to mitigate the deviation and provide better sortability performance. An attractive separation could be proposed for many of the ores tested, either to remove a large proportion of barren fragments from ore-grade material or concentrate a large proportion of copper values from waste-grade material

    Sex and age differences and outcomes in acute coronary syndromes

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    Background: There is conflicting information about sex differences in presentation, treatment, and outcome after acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in the era of reperfusion therapy and percutaneous coronary intervention. The aim of this study was to examine presentation, acute therapy, and outcomes of men and women with ACS with special emphasis on their relationship with younger age ( lt = 65 years). Methods: From January 2010 to June 2015, we enrolled 5140 patients from 3 primary PCI capable hospitals. Patients were registered according to the International Survey of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Transitional Countries (ISACS-TC) registry protocol (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01218776). The primary outcome was the incidence of in-hospital mortality. Results: The study population was constituted by 2876 patients younger than 65 years and 2294 patients older. Women were older than men in both the young (56.2 +/- 6.6 vs. 54.1 +/- 7.4) and old (74.9 +/- 6.4 vs. 73.6 +/- 6.0) age groups. There were 3421 (66.2%) patients with ST elevation ACS (STE-ACS) and 1719 (33.8%) patients without ST elevation ACS (NSTE-ACS). In STE-ACS, the percentage of patients who failed to receive reperfusion was higher in women than in men either in the young (21.7% vs. 15.8%) than in the elderly (35.2% vs. 29.6%). There was a significant higher mortality in women in the younger age group (age-adjusted OR 1.52, 95% CI: 1.01-2.29), but there was no sex difference in the older group (age-adjusted OR 1.10, 95% CI: 0.87-1.41). Significantly sex differences in mortality were not seen in NSTE-ACS patients. Conclusions: In-hospital mortality from ACS is not different between older men and women. A higher short-term mortality can be seen only in women with STEMI and age of 65 or less

    An analysis of the product placements in the movie "The devil wears Prada"

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    Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit gibt einen Überblick über das Kommunikationsinstrument Product-Placement in Anwendung als Art, Integrationsgrad und Informationsvermittlung am Beispiel von dem Film „Der Teufel trägt Prada“. Dabei wurde der Begriff Kommunikation und die Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten in Werbungen, sowie die dazu nötigen Kommunikationsinstrumente untersucht. Aus den Kommunikationsinstrumenten wurde auf das, für die vorliegende Arbeit relevante Instrument, Product-Placement näher eingegangen. Es wurden ebenfalls die Nachteile und Vorteile eines Product-Placements untersucht. Anschließend wurde der genannte Film anhand der Arten und Grade in Placements analysiert. Dabei wurde der Film von etwa 104 Minuten auf DVD in Minuten und Sekunden – Abschnitten angeschaut, zu dem wurde ein Protokoll über das Placement – Erscheinungen aufgestellt. Das Protokoll, das über sechs Seiten beinhaltet kann in den Anlagen nachgeschlagen werden. In den Anlagen ist ebenfalls der Film als DVD von „Der Teufel trägt Prada“ zum Mitverfolgen der einzelnen Placements beigelegt. Das Ziel der Bachelorarbeit ist es, das Product-Placement nach den Arten und Formen zu hinterfragen und an den im Filmbeispiel erschienen Marken zu untersuchen. Im Film „Der Teufel trägt Prada“ aus dem Jahr 2006, erscheinen in etwa 86 verschiedene Marken, unter den 35 als Modemarken bezeichnet werden und 18 eine Geschäftsmarke darstellen, die gemeinsam das Filmerlebnis ergänzen. Aus der Ausarbeitung kann als Fazit festgestellt werden, dass manche der erschienen Marken, als Placement einen Nutzen aus dem Film gezogen hatten. Die Filmproduktion wurde durch Marken-Placementsignifikant unterstützt, da Produkte und Marken als Requisite zur Verfügung gestellt wurden, um Ihre Bekanntheit dadurch zu stärken