187 research outputs found

    State-dependent effective interactions in oscillator networks through coupling functions with dead zones

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    This is the final version. Available from The Royal Society via the DOI in this record. The dynamics of networks of interacting dynamical systems depend on the nature of the coupling between individual units. We explore networks of oscillatory units with coupling functions that have "dead zones", that is, the coupling functions are zero on sets with interior. For such networks, it is convenient to look at the effective interactions between units rather than the (fixed) structural connectivity to understand the network dynamics. For example, oscillators may effectively decouple in particular phase configurations. Along trajectories the effective interactions are not necessarily static, but the effective coupling may evolve in time. Here, we formalize the concepts of dead zones and effective interactions. We elucidate how the coupling function shapes the possible effective interaction schemes and how they evolve in time.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Dead zones and phase reduction of coupled oscillators

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Institute of Physics via the DOI in this recordThe MATLAB code that generates the data in support the findings of this study is openly available in https://github.com in the repository /peterashwin/dead-zone-reduction-2021.A dead zone in the interaction between two dynamical systems is a region of their joint phase space where one system is insensitive to the changes in the other. These can arise in a number of contexts, and their presence in phase interaction functions has interesting dynamical consequences for the emergent dynamics. In this paper, we consider dead zones in the interaction of general coupled dynamical systems. For weakly coupled limit cycle oscillators, we investigate criteria that give rise to dead zones in the phase interaction functions. We give applications to coupled multiscale oscillators where coupling on only one branch of a relaxation oscillation can lead to the appearance of dead zones in a phase description of their interaction.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    A gp41 MPER-specific llama VHH requires a hydrophobic CDR3 for neutralization but not for antigen recognition

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    The membrane proximal external region (MPER) of the HIV-1 glycoprotein gp41 is targeted by the broadly neutralizing antibodies 2F5 and 4E10. To date, no immunization regimen in animals or humans has produced HIV-1 neutralizing MPER-specific antibodies. We immunized llamas with gp41-MPER proteoliposomes and selected a MPER-specific single chain antibody (VHH), 2H10, whose epitope overlaps with that of mAb 2F5. Bi-2H10, a bivalent form of 2H10, which displayed an approximately 20-fold increased affinity compared to the monovalent 2H10, neutralized various sensitive and resistant HIV-1 strains, as well as SHIV strains in TZM-bl cells. X-ray and NMR analyses combined with mutagenesis and modeling revealed that 2H10 recognizes its gp41 epitope in a helical conformation. Notably, tryptophan 100 at the tip of the long CDR3 is not required for gp41 interaction but essential for neutralization. Thus bi-2H10 is an anti-MPER antibody generated by immunization that requires hydrophobic CDR3 determinants in addition to epitope recognition for neutralization similar to the mode of neutralization employed by mAbs 2F5 and 4E10

    Adaptation of HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein gp120 to Humoral Immunity over the Course of the Epidemic

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    Since 2009, a large panel of broad and potent monoclonal neutralizing antibodies (MoNAbs) against HIV-1 have been isolated. These MoNAbs can protect from lllV-1 infection and suppress established infection in animal models. Because their efficacy should be evaluated in human clinical trials, it is of importance to define the sensitivity of the most contemporary transmitted variants to these MoNAbs. We, and others previously, reported that HIV-1 has become more resistant to neutralization over the course of the epidemic (Bunnik et al., Nature Med 2010, Bouvin-Pley et al., PloS Pathog 2013). Methods: Here we extended the analyses to the most potent MoNAbs described since then, either more recently isolated or improved by structure-based gene modifications. Results: We fully confirmed the first observations showing an increasing resistance of HIV-1 clade B over time to MoNAbs targeting the major gp l20 epitopes but not to MoNAbs targeting the gp41 MPER. Despite this evolution, some MoNAbs still were able to neutralize efficiently the most recently transmitted HIV-1 variants (2006-2010). The most potent MoNAbs were the bi-specific PG9- and PG16-iMab that alone were able to neutralize an variants at less than 0.4 mg/mL. The sensitivity to iMAb remained similar over time, suggesting that the trend of increasing resistance to PG9-/PG16-iMAb may be attributed only to die antigen binding domain of PG9/PG16. NIH45-46m2 (and -m7), 10-1074 and 10E8 were also highly potent and, if combined, reached the potency of PG9-/PG16-iMAb. We also observed that 3BNC 117 was almost as potent as the modified NIH45-46 antibodies, and that the lama-derived JM4IgG2b was the most potent Ab among those that do not target the major gp 120 neutralizing epitopes. Conclusions: These data clearly suggest a continuous drift of the env gene of HIV-1 elude B over the epidemic, and that not a single epitope is concerned but the entire gp120 as a whole. The consequences of this adaptation on the envelope functionality are being explored

    A gp41 MPER-specific Llama VHH Requires a Hydrophobic CDR3 for Neutralization but not for Antigen Recognition

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    The membrane proximal external region (MPER) of the HIV-1 glycoprotein gp41 is targeted by the broadly neutralizing antibodies 2F5 and 4E10. To date, no immunization regimen in animals or humans has produced HIV-1 neutralizing MPER-specific antibodies. We immunized llamas with gp41-MPER proteoliposomes and selected a MPER-specific single chain antibody (VHH), 2H10, whose epitope overlaps with that of mAb 2F5. Bi-2H10, a bivalent form of 2H10, which displayed an approximately 20-fold increased affinity compared to the monovalent 2H10, neutralized various sensitive and resistant HIV-1 strains, as well as SHIV strains in TZM-bl cells. X-ray and NMR analyses combined with mutagenesis and modeling revealed that 2H10 recognizes its gp41 epitope in a helical conformation. Notably, tryptophan 100 at the tip of the long CDR3 is not required for gp41 interaction but essential for neutralization. Thus bi-2H10 is an anti-MPER antibody generated by immunization that requires hydrophobic CDR3 determinants in addition to epitope recognition for neutralization similar to the mode of neutralization employed by mAbs 2F5 and 4E10

    Sequence and Structural Convergence of Broad and Potent HIV Antibodies That Mimic CD4 Binding

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    Passive transfer of broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies can prevent infection, which suggests that vaccines that elicit such antibodies would be protective. Thus far, however, few broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies that occur naturally have been characterized. To determine whether these antibodies are part of a larger group of related molecules, we cloned 576 new HIV antibodies from four unrelated individuals. All four individuals produced expanded clones of potent broadly neutralizing CD4-binding-site antibodies that mimic binding to CD4. Despite extensive hypermutation, the new antibodies shared a consensus sequence of 68 immunoglobulin H (IgH) chain amino acids and arise independently from two related IgH genes. Comparison of the crystal structure of one of the antibodies to the broadly neutralizing antibody VRC01 revealed conservation of the contacts to the HIV spike

    Therapeutic efficacy of potent neutralizing HIV-1-specific monoclonal antibodies in SHIV-infected rhesus monkeys

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific monoclonal antibodies with extraordinary potency and breadth have recently been described. In humanized mice, combinations of monoclonal antibodies have been shown to suppress viraemia, but the therapeutic potential of these monoclonal antibodies has not yet been evaluated in primates with an intact immune system. Here we show that administration of a cocktail of HIV-1-specific monoclonal antibodies, as well as the single glycan-dependent monoclonal antibody PGT121, resulted in a rapid and precipitous decline of plasma viraemia to undetectable levels in rhesus monkeys chronically infected with the pathogenic simian–human immunodeficiency virus SHIV-SF162P3. A single monoclonal antibody infusion afforded up to a 3.1 log decline of plasma viral RNA in 7 days and also reduced proviral DNA in peripheral blood, gastrointestinal mucosa and lymph nodes without the development of viral resistance. Moreover, after monoclonal antibody administration, host Gag-specific T-lymphocyte responses showed improved functionality. Virus rebounded in most animals after a median of 56 days when serum monoclonal antibody titres had declined to undetectable levels, although, notably, a subset of animals maintained long-term virological control in the absence of further monoclonal antibody infusions. These data demonstrate a profound therapeutic effect of potent neutralizing HIV-1-specific monoclonal antibodies in SHIV-infected rhesus monkeys as well as an impact on host immune responses. Our findings strongly encourage the investigation of monoclonal antibody therapy for HIV-1 in humans.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI055332)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI060354)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI078526)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI084794)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI095985)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI096040)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI100148)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (AI10063)Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1033091)Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1033115)Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1040741)Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1040753)Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and HarvardStavros S. Niarchos FoundationHoward Hughes Medical Institute (Investigator

    Broadly Neutralizing Human Anti-HIV Antibody 2G12 Is Effective in Protection against Mucosal SHIV Challenge Even at Low Serum Neutralizing Titers

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    Developing an immunogen that elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) is an elusive but important goal of HIV vaccine research, especially after the recent failure of the leading T cell based HIV vaccine in human efficacy trials. Even if such an immunogen can be developed, most animal model studies indicate that high serum neutralizing concentrations of bNAbs are required to provide significant benefit in typical protection experiments. One possible exception is provided by the anti-glycan bNAb 2G12, which has been reported to protect macaques against CXCR4-using SHIV challenge at relatively low serum neutralizing titers. Here, we investigated the ability of 2G12 administered intravenously (i.v.) to protect against vaginal challenge of rhesus macaques with the CCR5-using SHIVSF162P3. The results show that, at 2G12 serum neutralizing titers of the order of 1∶1 (IC90), 3/5 antibody-treated animals were protected with sterilizing immunity, i.e. no detectable virus replication following challenge; one animal showed a delayed and lowered primary viremia and the other animal showed a course of infection similar to 4 control animals. This result contrasts strongly with the typically high titers observed for protection by other neutralizing antibodies, including the bNAb b12. We compared b12 and 2G12 for characteristics that might explain the differences in protective ability relative to neutralizing activity. We found no evidence to suggest that 2G12 transudation to the vaginal surface was significantly superior to b12. We also observed that the ability of 2G12 to inhibit virus replication in target cells through antibody-mediated effector cell activity in vitro was equivalent or inferior to b12. The results raise the possibility that some epitopes on HIV may be better vaccine targets than others and support targeting the glycan shield of the envelope

    Vectored immunoprophylaxis protects humanized mice from mucosal HIV transmission

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    The vast majority of new HIV infections result from relatively inefficient transmission of the virus across mucosal surfaces during sexual intercourse. A consequence of this inefficiency is that small numbers of transmitted founder viruses initiate most heterosexual infections. This natural bottleneck to transmission has stimulated efforts to develop interventions that are aimed at blocking this step of the infection process. Despite the promise of this strategy, clinical trials of preexposure prophylaxis have had limited degrees of success in humans, in part because of lack of adherence to the recommended preexposure treatment regimens. In contrast, a number of existing vaccines elicit systemic immunity that protects against mucosal infections, such as the vaccines for influenza and human papilloma virus. We recently demonstrated the ability of vectored immunoprophylaxis (VIP) to prevent intravenous transmission of HIV in humanized mice using broadly neutralizing antibodies. Here we demonstrate that VIP is capable of protecting humanized mice from intravenous as well as vaginal challenge with diverse HIV strains despite repeated exposures. Moreover, animals receiving VIP that expresses a modified VRC07 antibody were completely resistant to repetitive intravaginal challenge by a heterosexually transmitted founder HIV strain, suggesting that VIP may be effective in preventing vaginal transmission of HIV between humans
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