6 research outputs found
Programmed death-ligand 1 and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) â low TIL density may predict poorer long-term prognosis in T1 laryngeal cancer
We evaluated the prognostic role of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in T1 glottic laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). T1 glottic LSCC patients (n = 174) treated at five Finnish university hospitals between 2003 and 2013 were included. Tissue microarray (TMA) blocks were used for PD-L1 immunohistochemistry. TILs were scored from intratumoral and stromal regions in whole tissue sections. Of 174 patients, 92 (53%) had negative, 66 (38%) intermediate, and 16 (9%) high PD-L1 levels. Of 80 patients whose TILs were analyzed, 50 (63%) had low and 30 (38%) high stromal TIL density. Patients with a local recurrence or a new primary tumor of the larynx had lower TIL density than had other patients (p = 0.047). High PD-L1 expression with low stromal TIL density was associated with inferior 5-year disease-specific survival (85% vs. 100%, p = 0.02). In conclusion, in patients treated for T1 glottic LSCC, low stromal TIL density was associated with local recurrences and new primary tumors of the larynx. High PD-L1 expression with low stromal TIL density may be associated with worse survival in T1 glottic LSCC.Peer reviewe
Hemap: An nteractive online resource for characterizing molecular phenotypes across hematologic malignancies
Large collections of genome-wide data can facilitate the characterization of disease states and subtypes, permitting pan-cancer analysis of molecular phenotypes and evaluation of disease contexts for new therapeutic approaches. We analyzed 9,544 transcriptomes from over 30 hematologic malignancies, normal blood cell types and cell lines, and show that the disease types can be stratified in a data-driven manner. We utilized the obtained molecular clustering for discovery of cluster-specific pathway activity, new biomarkers and in silico drug target prioritization through integration with drug target databases. Using known vulnerabilities and available drug screens in benchmarking, we highlight the importance of integrating the molecular phenotype context and drug target expression for in silico prediction of drug responsiveness. Our analysis implicates BCL2 expression level as
important indicator of venetoclax responsiveness and provides a rationale for its targeting in specific leukemia subtypes and multiple myeloma, links several polycomb group proteins that could be targeted by small molecules (SFMBT1, CBX7 and EZH1) with CLL, and supports CDK6 as disease-specific target in AML. Through integration with proteomics data, we characterized target protein expression for pre-B leukemia immunotherapy candidates, including DPEP1. These molecular data can be explored using our freely available interactive resource, Hemap, for expediting therapeutic innovations in hematologic malignancies
Characterization of non-collagenous extracellular matrix proteins in cardiac and aortic valve remodelling
Heart failure (HF) and aortic valve stenosis (AS) are complex disorders affected by functional alterations and actively regulated remodelling of the heart and the aortic valve, respectively. In addition to structural proteins, such as collagens and elastin, the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the heart and the aortic valve comprises non-collagenous factors that are not strictly involved in the architecture but may modulate cardiac and valvular remodelling. In the present study the expression of non-collagenous fibrosis- and calcification-related ECM proteins was investigated in HF-associated cardiac remodelling from different origins as well as in fibrocalcific aortic valve disease leading to AS.
The experimental models of pressure overload, myocardial infarction (MI) and chronic renal failure were used to study the cardiac expression of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2, BMP-4, bone sialoprotein, matrix Gla protein (MGP), osteoactivin, osteopontin, periostin and/or pleiotrophin in vivo in cardiac remodelling. Human aortic valves, obtained from patients undergoing valve replacement, were studied to characterize the valvular expression of BMP-2, BMP-4, bone sialoprotein, MGP, osteoactivin, osteopontin, osteoprotegerin, periostin, pleiotrophin, and thrombospondins (TSPs) 1-4 in the different stages of fibrocalcific aortic valve disease.
Left ventricular (LV) MGP expression was upregulated in vivo in non-uremic cardiac remodelling. In vitro results indicate that angiotensin II elevates MGP expression in cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts. Periostin gene expression was induced in cardiac but not in aortic valve remodelling and the cardiac induction in chronic renal insufficiency was associated with LV hypertrophy and blood pressure as well as the cardiac gene expression of other fibrosis-related genes. Bone sialoprotein and osteopontin were expressed in the aortic valves in parallel with calcification, and also in distinct models of cardiac remodelling. Osteoprotegerin protein expression in stenotic valves was weak regardless of a simultaneous increase in gene expression. BMPs were downregulated in AS and no change in LV gene expression was detected in uremic cardiac remodelling. All the studied TSPs were expressed in human aortic valves, and especially the expression of TSP-2 was shown to increase in fibrocalcific aortic valves simultaneously with decreased activation of the Akt/nuclear factor (NF)-ÎșB-pathway.
This study delineates distinct expression patterns of non-collagenous ECM proteins in pathological tissue remodelling in the heart and in the aortic valve, and thus emphasizes the role of ECM proteins as an important modulator of cardiac and aortic valve remodelling.TiivistelmÀ
SydÀmen vajaatoiminnan ja aorttastenoosin taudinkuvaan kuuluvat toiminnallisten muutosten ohella aktiivisesti sÀÀdellyt soluvÀliaineen muutokset sydÀmen ja aorttalÀpÀn rakenteessa. SoluvÀliaineen rakenteen muodostavien kollageenien ja elastiinin lisÀksi soluvÀliaineessa on rakenteeseen kuulumattomia proteiineja. TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa tutkittiin sidekudoksen kertymiseen ja kudosten kalkkiutumiseen osallistuvia soluvÀliaineen proteiineja sydÀmen vajaatoiminnassa sekÀ aorttastenoosiin johtavassa kalkkiuttavassa aorttalÀppÀviassa.
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin sydÀmen soluvÀliaineen proteiinien ilmentymistÀ painekuormituksen, sydÀninfarktin ja pitkÀaikaisen munuaisten vajaatoiminnan koemalleissa rotalla. Tutkittavia proteiineja olivat luun morfogeneettiset proteiinit 2 ja 4, luun sialoproteiini, matriksin Gla proteiini (MGP), osteoaktiviini, osteopontiini, periostiini ja pleiotropiini. EdellÀ mainittujen proteiinien lisÀksi osteoprotegeriinin ja trombospondiinien 1-4 ilmentymistÀ tutkittiin kalkkiuttavan aorttalÀppÀvian eri kehitysvaiheissa. AorttalÀpÀt oli kerÀtty tekolÀppÀleikkauspotilailta.
SydĂ€messĂ€ MGP:n ilmentyminen lisÀÀntyi kaikissa muissa paitsi munuaisten vajaatoiminnan koemallissa. Angiotensiini II nosti MGP:n ilmentymistĂ€ sydĂ€nlihassoluissa ja sidekudossoluissa. Periostiinin ilmentyminen lisÀÀntyi sydĂ€men uudelleenmuovautumisessa, muttei aorttalĂ€ppĂ€viassa. LisĂ€ksi munuaisten vajaatoiminnan aiheuttama periostiinin ilmentymisen muutos sydĂ€messĂ€ liittyi sekĂ€ sydĂ€men kasvuun, verenpaineen nousuun ettĂ€ muiden sidekudosta muokkaavien proteiinien ilmentymiseen. Luun sialoproteiinin ja osteopontiinin ilmentymiset erosivat toisistaan erilaisissa sydĂ€men vajaatoiminnan malleissa, mutta aorttalĂ€pissĂ€ niiden molempien ilmentyminen oli suhteessa lĂ€pĂ€n kalkkiutumiseen. Osteoprotegeriinin geenin ilmentyminen lisÀÀntyi kalkkiutuneissa aorttalĂ€pissĂ€ vaikkakin proteiinin mÀÀrĂ€ pysyi vĂ€hĂ€isenĂ€. Luun morfogeneettisten proteiinien ilmentyminen oli alentunut sairaissa lĂ€pissĂ€, muttei sydĂ€messĂ€ munuaisten vajaatoiminnan aikana. AorttalĂ€pissĂ€ ilmennettiin kaikkia trombospondiineita, joista trombospondiini-2:n ilmentyminen kasvoi sairaissa aorttalĂ€pissĂ€. Kalkkiutuneissa lĂ€pissĂ€ solunsisĂ€inen Akt/NF-ÎșBâsignaalinvĂ€litysjĂ€rjestelmĂ€ oli vaimentunut.
Tutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ soluvÀliaineen proteiinien ilmentymistÀ sÀÀdellÀÀn eri tavoin sydÀmen vajaatoiminnassa ja aorttastenoosissa kudoksen uudelleenmuovautumisprosessin aikana
Expression of BCL6 in paediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and association with prognosis
B-cell lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL) is the most common paediatric malignancy. Transcription factor B-cell lymphoma 6 (BCL6) is essential to germinal centre formation and antibody affinity maturation and plays a major role in mature B-cell malignancies. More recently, it was shown to act as a critical downstream regulator in pre-BCR+ B-ALL. We investigated the expression of the BCL6 protein in a population-based cohort of paediatric B-ALL cases and detected moderate to strong positivity through immunohistochemistry in 7% of cases (8/117); however, only two of eight BCL6 cases (25%) co-expressed the ZAP70 protein. In light of these data, the subtype with active pre-BCR signalling constitutes a rare entity in paediatric B-ALL. In three independent larger cohorts with gene expression data, high BCL6 mRNA levels were associated with the TCF3-PBX1, Ph-like, NUTM1, MEF2D and PAX5-alt subgroups and the âmetageneâ signature for pre-BCR-associated genes. However, higher-than-median BCL6 mRNA level alone was associated with favourable event free survival in the Nordic paediatric cohort, indicating that using BCL6 as a diagnostic marker requires careful design, and evaluation of protein level is needed alongside the genetic or transcriptomic data
Hemap : An Interactive Online Resource for Characterizing Molecular Phenotypes across Hematologic Malignancies
Large collections of genome-wide data can facilitate the characterization of disease states and subtypes, permitting pan-cancer analysis of molecular phenotypes and evaluation of disease context for new therapeutic approaches. We analyzed 9,544 transcriptomes from more than 30 hematologic malignancies, normal blood cell types, and cell lines, and showed that disease types could be stratified in a data-driven manner. We then identified cluster-specific pathway activity, new biomarkers, and in silico drug target prioritization through interrogation of drug target databases. Using known vulnerabilities and available drug screens, we highlighted the importance of integrating molecular phenotype with drug target expression for in silico prediction of drug responsiveness. Our analysis implicated BCL2 expression level as an important indicator of venetoclax responsiveness and provided a rationale for its targeting in specific leukemia subtypes and multiple myeloma, linked several polycomb group proteins that could be targeted by small molecules (SFMBT1, CBX7, and EZH1) with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and supported CDK6 as a disease-specific target in acute myeloid leukemia. Through integration with proteomics data, we characterized target protein expression for pre-B leukemia immunotherapy candidates, including DPEP1. These molecular data can be explored using our publicly available interactive resource, Hemap, for expediting therapeutic innovations in hematologic malignancies.Peer reviewe
Clinicopathological features and prognostic value of SOX11 in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is marked by aberrant transcriptional features that alter cell differentiation, self-renewal, and proliferative features. We sought to identify the transcription factors exhibiting altered and subtype-specific expression patterns in B-ALL and report here that SOX11, a developmental and neuronal transcription factor, is aberrantly expressed in the ETV6-RUNX1 and TCF3-PBX1 subtypes of acute B-cell leukemias. We show that a high expression of SOX11 leads to alterations of gene expression that are typically associated with cell adhesion, migration, and differentiation. A high expression is associated with DNA hypomethylation at the SOX11 locus and a favorable outcome. The results indicate that SOX11 expression marks a group of patients with good outcomes and thereby prompts further study of its use as a biomarker