483 research outputs found

    Socio-Psychological Situation as a Characteristic of the Educational Institution Uniqueness

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    This paper analyzes the representations of the major educational process participants (students, teachers and representatives of the school administration) concerning the various elements of the socio-psychological situation in the educational institution. We assumed that the substantive characteristics of socio-psychological situation are reflected in the representations of the major participants of the educational process, which can help to define the degree of homogeneity of representations in students and teachers, as well as the uniqueness of socio-psychological situation in an educational institution. We describe the progress and the results of research conducted in Moscow on the basis of state educational institutions of various profiles (gymnasium with intensive study of English secondary school with ethno-cultural component), which was attended by 308 people, 235 of whom were students, and 73 were teachers and representatives of the school administration. We reveal the features of representation of different participants of the educational process about such elements of socio-psychological situation as leadership style, the type of organizational culture and the parameters of social and psychological climate in the educational institution. We describe significant differences in the expression of the elements of social and psychological situation in educational institutions of various types

    The evolution of early Spermophilus in eastern Europe and the antiquity of the Old World ground squirrels

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    Spermophilus is the most diverse and abundant genus of Eurasian sciurids. Even though many species have been described, the early evolution of the group is poorly understood. Here we present a review of the evolution and taxonomy of early Spermophilus, based on analysis of more than 1500 specimens from the late Pliocene and Early–Middle Pleistocene of Ukraine and European Russia, representing the most complete and continuous fossil record of the early Old World ground squirrels known to date. In addition to documenting previously unpublished specimens of Spermophilus nogaici, we describe a new species, Spermophilus praecox sp. nov., the oldest member of the genus, from the late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene (middle Villanyian to earliest Biharian) of southern Ukraine. It is intermediate in size between a somewhat smaller Spermophilus nogaici and larger Spermophilus polonicus and Spermophilus primigenius. Morphologically, the new species can be distinguished from all known Spermophilus by the retention of primitive traits including a small P3; rudimentary lingual metaloph; large metaconule and mesostyle; presence of P4–M2 endoloph; and premolariform p4 lacking a lingual metalophid. The patterns of dental evolution in eastern European early Spermophilus throughout 2.15 My indicates the existence of a single gradually evolving S. praecox–S. nogaici lineage characterized by a decrease of molar size but enlargement of premolars; the tendency toward high-crowned teeth with more expanded anterior and reduced posterior lobes; well-developed transverse ridges and anterostyles; reduced endolophs, anteroconules, metaconules, and mesostyles of P4–M2; molariform p4; complete m1–m2 metalophids; and stronger m3 hypoconid, hypoconulid, and entoconulid. Dental character regression suggests that Spermophilus evolved from a relatively large-sized sciurid having generalized Otospermophilus-like dentition, probably an unknown North American member of stem Marmotina. Copyright © 2019 M.V. Sinitsa and N.V. Pogodina. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (for details please see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationWe would like to thank Dmitry V. Ivanoff, Oleksandr M. Kovalchuk, Vadym O. Yanenko (all National Museum of Natural History, Kiev, Ukraine), Olga V. Makarova (Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia), Mihály Gasparik and Piroska Pazonyi (both Hungarian Museum of Natural History, Budapest, Hungary) for access and guidance during MVS’s visits to their respective institutions. We are also grateful to Alexey S. Tesakov (Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) for discussions on fossil ground squirrels and southern Ukraine stratigraphy. Finally, we thank Thomas H. Goodwin (Andrews University, Berrien Springs, USA), William W. Korth (Rochester Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology, New York, USA), and the Editor, Olivier Lambert (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium) for their constructive comments that greatly improved the manuscript. The research was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract No. 02.A03.21.0006; and by INQUA Project 1606:‘Ground Squirrels on the March: Expansion and Speciation in the Quaternary of the Circum-Pontic Area and Surroundings’

    Plio-Pliocene vole fauna from Zverinogolovskoye locality (Southern Trans-Urals region)

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    The Plio-Pleistocene arvicoline fauna of Zverinogolovskoye is revised. The molar morphology of Pliomys sp., Borsodia praehungarica, Pitymimomys ex gr. inceptor, Pitymimomys baschkiricus, Mimomys ex gr. hajnackensis, Mimomys polonicus, Mimomys hintoni, and M. cf. reidi is described. Biozones of most forms indicate the Late Pliocene-earliest Pleistocene interval (Villanyian European Land Mammal Age, zones MN16 to MN17). The vole fauna includes common species occurring in Western Europe, the Russian Plain, and West Siberia. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA

    News Feed Classifications to Improve Volatility Predictions

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    This thesis analyzes various text classification techniques in order to assess whether the knowledge of published news articles about selected companies can improve its' stock return volatility modelling and forecasting. We examine the content of the textual news releases and derive the news sentiment (po­ larity and strength) employing three different approaches: supervised machine learning Naive Bayes algorithm, lexicon-based as a representative of linguistic approach and hybrid Naive Bayes. In hybrid Naive Bayes we consider only the words contained in the specific lexicon rather than whole set of words from the article. For the lexicon-based approach we used independently two lexicons one with binary another with multiclass labels. The training set for the Naive Bayes was labeled by the author. When comparing the classifiers from the machine learning approach we can conclude that all of them performed similarly with a slight advantage of the hybrid Naive Bayes combined with multiclass lexicon. The resulting quantitative data in form of sentiment scores will be then incorpo­ rated into GARCH volatility modelling. The findings suggest that information contained in news feeds does bring an additional explanatory power to tradi­ tional GARCH model and is able to improve it's forecast. On the...Tato práce analyzuje různé metody klasifikace textu za účelem zjištění, zda-li publikované novinové články o konkrétních společnostech umožňují lepší sim­ ulaci a predikci volatility akcií dané společnosti. V práci zkoumáme obsah textu publikovaných novinových článků a z toho vycházející sentiment (směr a síla) za použití tří různých přístupů: supervised machine learning Naive Bayes algoritmus, lexicon-based jako zástupce lingvistického přístupu a hy­ bridní Naive Bayes. V rámci hybridního Naive Bayes jsou uvažována pouze slova obsažená v daném lexikonu a nikoliv celý obsah článku. Pro lexicon- based přístup používáme nezávisle dva lexikony, jeden s binárním a jeden vícetřídním hodnocením sentimentu. Sentiment v trénovacím setu pro Naive Bayes byl přiřazen autorem. Z porovnání klasifikační metod založených na machine learning dojdeme k závěru, že všechny metody dosahují podobných výsledků z nichž nejlépe vychází hybridní Naive Bayes používající vícetřídní lexikon. Výstupní kvantitativní data ve formě hodnot sentimentu jsou pak dále zahrnuta do modelování volatility pomocí GARCH. Výsledky ukazují, že informace obsažené v novinových článcích přinášejí další vysvětlující prvek do tradičního GARCH modelu a jsou schopné zlepšit odhad. Nicméně, nejsme schopni získat dost podkladů pro určení nejlepší...Institut ekonomických studiíInstitute of Economic StudiesFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Anonymization Technologies of Cryptocurrency Transactions as Money Laundering Instrument

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    This article is devoted to the exploration of services of anonymizing transactions, based on the Mixer, CoinJoin and CoinSuffle technologies, as well as to the description of the core principles of operation of these technologies and technical details. It analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of different realizations of this service. It formulates the problem of cryptocurrency laundering through anonymization services and offers solutions to this problem.Keywords: cryptocurrency, blockchain, bitcoin, mixing service, mining, money laundering

    Panel Data Research on Corruption. Russia's perspective

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    Abstract(( The thesis assesses causes and consequences of public sector corruption, using panel data specification. The model presented in this work extends and updates the existing model, where new studies are incorporated and new methods for empirical evidence are used. Moreover, the analysis is expected to be more accurate and comprehensive than the existing one, since cross-sectional analysis is substituted by panel data analysis, which captures unobserved heterogeneity and country specific effects. The main correlations I am interested in are between the level of public corruption in a country and three other important variables: level of market competitiveness within economy, level of education in a country and the extent of democracy there. Hence, the topic is covered from both points of view: theoretical and empirical. Additionally, the model is applied for different samples of countries (developing and developed) in order to investigate if global tendencies hold for specific groups of countries or not. Furthermore, the work includes an example of Russian economy, where it is studied from theoretical and graphical perspective and only after that the proper inference is made, applying my general model for sample of developing countries. Empirical research shows that corruption and competition are...Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Исследование свойств самодвойственных комбинационных устройств с контролем вычислений на основе кодов Хэмминга

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    Рассматривается новый подход к синтезу самопроверяемых устройств, основанный на контроле вычислений контролируемыми объектами с помощью кодов Хэмминга, проверочные символы (контрольные биты) которых описываются самодвойственными функциями. При этом структура работает в импульсном режиме, что фактические основано на внесении временнóй избыточности при построении самопроверяемого устройства. Это, к сожалению, приводит к некоторому снижению быстродействия, однако существенно повышает характеристики контролепригодности, что особенно актуально для устройств и систем критического применения, входные данные для которых изменяются не столь часто. Дается краткий обзор методов построения схем встроенного контроля на основе свойства самодвойственности вычисляемых функций. Приведены основные структуры организации схем встроенного контроля. Отмечены предполагаемые пути развития теории синтеза схем встроенного контроля на основе проверки принадлежности вычисляемых функций классу самодвойственных булевых функций. Установлены все возможные значения числа информационных символов для кодов Хэмминга, которые будут обладать свойством самодвойственности функций, описывающих контрольные биты. Кодеры таких кодов Хэмминга будут являться самодвойственными устройствами. Так как функции, описывающие контрольные биты кодов Хэмминга, являются линейными, то для того, чтобы они были самодвойственными необходимо, чтобы в каждой из них использовалось нечетное количество аргументов. Доказано, что число разрядов кодовых слов кодов Хэмминга с самодвойственными контрольными функциями равно n=3+4l, l∈N0. Приводятся результаты моделирования самодвойственных устройств со схемами встроенного контроля по двум диагностическим признакам в среде Multisim. Предложен способ модификации структуры контроля вычислений по двум диагностическим признакам, позволяющий использовать любой линейный блоковый код (не обязательно код Хэмминга). Он основан на дооснащении кодера устройством преобразования функций в самодвойственные. Фактически это устройство для формирования модифицированного кода. Доказано, что для получения модифицированного кода Хэмминга с самодвойственными контрольными функциями для случаев n≠3+4l, l∈N0, достаточно сложить по модулю M=2 несамодвойственную контрольную функцию с функцией старшего информационного бита


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    The study results of life meaning, career orientations and emotional burnout syndrome among representatives of socionomic (helping) professions have been described. The purpose of the work was to identify the characteristics of emotional burnout, career and life meaning orientations of the personality and their relationships. To achieve the goal of the study, V. V. Boyko’s “Method for diagnosing the level of emotional burnout”, D. A. Leontiev’s test of “Life Sense Orientations” (LSO), and E. Shein’s “Career Anchors test” have been used. It has been established, that the “Resistance” phase is in the formation stage, the “Stress” and “Depletion” phases were not formed. The leading career orientation of specialists is “professional competence”. As a result of the study, the interrelation of indicators of emotional burnout, career and life meaning orientations, has been identified. High scores on the scales of the LSO: “goals in life”, “life process”, “locus of control – life”, “locus of control – I” have been found. It has been established that career-oriented industrial professionals are more susceptible to emotional burnout. The article is a contribution to the study of various aspects of helping a person experiencing emotional burnout syndrome

    Transformations of Consumer Behaviour In The "New" Economy

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    The aspects of the "new" economy development at the macro level and in individual companies have been addressed in the works by leading researchers (G.B. Kleiner, D.E. Sorokin, M. Castells, P. Himanen). However, the usual focus is on producers and not substantially on the transformations of consumer behaviour while changes in consumer motivations and behaviour factors transform producer patterns. The purpose of this paper is to establish the trends, motives, and factors of consumer behaviour in the emerging "new" economy and to analyse their influence on the Russian economic potential in implementing its major technology development priorities. Considering the above purpose, the paper addresses the following objectives: major aspects of the "new" economy are identified and profiled; key transformations of consumer markets in the world and in Russia are analysed; Russian consumer patterns are analysed; strategic ways to improve the competitiveness of Russian companies are substantiated, considering transforming consumer behaviours. The main methods of the study include the statistical, comparative, dynamic, coefficient, and structural research methods. The trends in consumer behaviour are identified, including the intensifying influence of moral, informational, technological, and intellectual principles. The paper analyses the sources and factors of consumer behaviour under the consistent implementation of information, technological, and innovation activities. The logical link is established between consumer behaviour and the competitiveness of companies. It is pointed out that most major companies in developed economies focus their competitive efforts not on inherent but rather acquired competitive advantages, such as intellectual and technological factors. This reflects the consumer focus on aestheticisation, symbolisation, informatisation, standardisation, humanisation, technologisation, and ecologisation of product consumption. Given the above trends, capital, as a production factor, gives way to information, knowledge, and intellectual capacities