4,870 research outputs found

    Higgs Boson Discovery and Properties

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    We outline issues examined and progress made by the Light Higgs Snowmass 1996 working group regarding discovering Higgs bosons and measuring their detailed properties. We focused primarily on what could be learned at LEP2, the Tevatron (after upgrade), the LHC, a next linear \epem collider and a \mupmum collider.Comment: 47 pages, full postscript file also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ucdhep.ucdavis.edu/gunion/summary_snowmass96.ps To appear in ``Proceedings of the 1996 DPF/DPB Summer Study on New Directions for High Energy Physics''. Minor revisions of references and wording have been made in a few place

    Entre massification et innovations : La communication de la CGT durant le Front populaire

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    National audienceLes annĂ©es 30 et le Front populaire particuliĂšrement, marquent un tournant dans l'histoire du mouvement ouvrier oĂč la CGT tend Ă  redĂ©finir son rapport Ă  la sociĂ©tĂ©, Ă  s'affirmer en tant qu'acteur social de la nation grĂące Ă  sa reprĂ©sentativitĂ© nouvellement acquise dans le cadre d'une expĂ©rience unique du syndicalisme de masse et qui s'accompagne d'une attention croissante portĂ©e par la CGT Ă  sa communication et Ă  ses outils de diffusion. C'est dans ce contexte que nous nous proposons donc d'Ă©tudier la communication confĂ©dĂ©rĂ©e et ses principales Ă©volutions dans le domaine des techniques et du discours. Nous aborderons tout d'abord la presse, outil traditionnel de la propagande syndicale, touchĂ©e par un accroissement sans prĂ©cĂ©dent de ses tirages et par l'apparition de nouveaux titres. Nous verrons dans un second temps que le Front populaire permet aussi Ă  la CGT d'innover et de s'essayer aux nouveaux mĂ©dia de l'Ă©poque, que sont le cinĂ©ma et la radiodiffusion. L'Ă©tude de ces diffĂ©rents niveaux (contenu/diffusion/destinataire) devra nous permettre d'obtenir une vue d'ensemble de la communication confĂ©dĂ©rĂ©e durant cette pĂ©riode, en soulignant ses succĂšs et ses limites

    Sicily’s historical traumas: Luigi Pirandello’s “l’altro figlio” and its cinematic rendition by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani in Kaos (1984)

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    Il saggio prende in esame una novella pirandelliana e la sua resa cinematografica. In “L’altro figlio”, Maragrazia, la protagonista, vive completamente e tragicamente emarginata dagli abitanti di Farnia (Sicilia) che la considerano una vecchia pazza. Causa della sua apparente pazzia sembra essere la lontananza dei suoi amati figli, emigrati da anni in America come tanti concittadini, con i quali ha perso ogni contatto. Un giovane medico appena arrivato a Farnia ha pena di Maragrazia e, interessandosi del suo stato mentale, decide di farsi raccontare la storia della sua vita. Viene cosĂŹ a scoprire che il marito della povera donna era stato ucciso da una banda di briganti, usciti di prigione grazie ad un decreto di Garibaldi, e che lei stessa Ăš stata violentata e tenuta prigioniera per mesi da uno dei briganti dal quale avrĂ  un figlio che perĂČ non riuscirĂ  mai ad accettare. Attraverso l’analisi ‘transmediale’ della novella, il saggio si concentra sull’esame della narrativizzazione e resa cinematica del trauma storico collettivo Siciliano.Keywords: Historical trauma, Garibaldi, emigration, mafia, Italy’s unificatio

    Recent beam tests of CMS MSGC tracker prototypes

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    The performance of the MicroStrip Gas Chamber ( MSGC) prototypes, developed for the barrel Tracking Detector of the Compact Muon Solenoid ( CMS) experiment at LHC, has been extensively tested over the last years. We report the results from the most recent beam tests, illustrating the standard performance of the detectors and the robustness of the MSGC technology in LHC-like beam conditions

    Sicilian Intellectual and Cultural Resistance to Piedmont\u27s Appropriation (1860-1920)

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    Through my analysis of literary works, I endeavor to bring to the fore a cultural and intellectual counter-hegemonic discourse that came to be articulated by three Sicilian writers in the years following Italy’s unification. Their intent was that of debunking a national discourse that constructed Italian Southerners as “Otherness.” My study focuses on six primary texts, five short stories, and one novel, written at the turn of the twentieth century. These texts include Giovanni Verga’s “What is the King?” and “Freedom”; Luigi Pirandello’s “Madam Mimma,” “The Black Baby Goat,” and “The Other Son”; Luigi Capuana’s Rabbato’s Americani. In order to expand my discussion and bring it to present-day Italy, I also analyze three films: Florestano Vancini’s Bronte: a Massacre that History Books never Reported, Emanuele Crialese’s Golden Door, and the Taviani brothers’ Chaos. My investigation of these works draws upon theories of many different fields of study like postcolonialism, narrative and trauma studies, new historicism, film studies, border studies, and critical race theory. Consequently, the secondary texts I consulted are by many and diverse authors, such as Homi Bhabha, Shail Mayaram, Antonio Gramsci, Michel Foucault, Stuart Hall, Etienne Balibar, Russ Castronovo, Cathy Caruth and KalĂŹ Tal, and Laurie Vickory, Henri Bergson just to mention a few. Above all, I premise my analysis of the literary texts on Michael Rössner’s theorization that the texts by Verga, Pirandello, and Capuana are conducive to be read through the postcolonial lens because of their authors’ subaltern position within the newly formed Italy. I give a postcolonial reading to my primary texts to uncover a counter-hegemonic discourse that, by discrediting the process of unification as a story of freedom and success for all, constructs the piemontizazione, as a colonization of southern territories. I, then, demonstrate how this counter-hegemonic discourse aimed also to debunk a race rhetoric that had been taking shape in nineteenth-century Europe, and created taxonomies of superior and inferior peoples. In Italy, the local race discourse created Southerners as racialized “Otherness” on which Italy’s failures could be conveniently dumped, and against which the real and pure Italian race was to be constructed. Finally, I finish with the analysis of Sicilians’ emigration to America that can be interpreted as resistance, exile, and trauma. Emigration can be read as resistance insomuch as it was the only possible way to defeat any racial construction of Southerners as intrinsically Italy’s “losers.” Likewise, emigration can be read as Sicilians’ exile that is as their punitive banishment from their own island and the trauma that it entails

    The NOMAD experiment at the CERN SPS

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    The ‘third space’ in Luigi Capuana’s Gli americani di Ràbbato

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    Il romanzo di Luigi Capuana Gli americani di RĂ bbato (1912) suscita interesse per la sua trattazione di ciĂČ che Homi Bhabha definisce il ‘Third Space’, cioĂš il luogo di incontro di diverse culture che dĂ  forma ad un’identitĂ  ibrida. Il saggio illustra come Il romanzo mostri la creazione di soggetti di cultura ibrida sia a New York che a RĂ bbato in Sicilia, attraverso le vicissitudini della famiglia Lamanna. A New York, dove i rabbatani emigrano en masse sedotti dalle immagini dell’America – costruita dagli emigrazionisti come ‘terra della cuccagna’ – i siciliani, acquisiscono, per la prima volta dall’unitĂ  d’Italia, un’identitĂ  italiana, e, in un secondo tempo, anche una italo-americana. A RĂ bbato, invece, il ritorno degli emigrati – cambiati dall’esperienza americana, tanto da fargli acquisire il soprannome di ‘americani’ – finisce per influire sulla cultura e urbanistica locale, modificandole visibilmente. Il contributo sottolinea come Capuana, attraverso le parole del dottor Liardo, sembri auspicare la creazione di una classe sociale nuova, influenzata dallo spirito del self-made man acquisito dai rabbatani negli Stati Uniti, che possa sostituire la classe dei ‘galantuomini fannulloni’. In questa analisi si evidenzia come da Gli americani emerga cosĂŹ un’immagine dell’emigrazione sia come fenomeno ineluttabile per la Sicilia – che il progetto di unitĂ  nazionale aveva reso economicamente emarginata e subalterna al Nord – e per i siciliani, giĂ  etichettati ‘razza maledetta’ dal discorso nazionale; e sia anche come fenomeno necessario per trasformare i siciliani in italiani, cioĂš per portare a termine il progetto nazionale che oltre a ‘fare l’Italia’ avrebbe dovuto ‘fare gli italiani’.Keywords: Third space, hybrid identity, Sicilian peasants, galantuomini, emigration, rac

    Università e territorio. Studi e progetti per l’ambito urbano lecchese nel decennale del corso di laurea ingegneria edile-architettura

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    ll volume, realizzato a integrazione e supporto dell’omonima mostra ideata e realizzata da Marco Muscogiuri e Piero Poggioli (Lecco, Scuderie di Villa Manzoni, Febbraio-Marzo 2009), raccoglie i testi redatti dai docenti del Politecnico di Milano e documenta il lavoro di studio, di analisi e di progetto, sviluppato sul territorio lecchese nell’ambito della didattica e della ricerca universitaria

    Assessment of Identity Disturbance: Factor Structure and Validation of the Personality Structure Questionnaire in an Italian Sample

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    here are few brief measures of identity disturbance for use in clinical practice that have been subject to any cross - culturally validation . This study investigated the construct validity of the Personality Structure Questionnaire (PSQ) in Italian clinical (N=237) and community ( N=296) samples . Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to investigate the internal structure of the PSQ. A three – factor structure (i.e., differing self - states, mood variability and behavioral loss of control) including a second - order factor provided the best fit to the data . This structure was demonstrated to be invariant across sex and clinical diagnosis , with clinical diagnosis significantly predicting increased PSQ scores . A g lobal PSQ score of between 26 - 28 was found to be an appropriate cut-off for assisting in diagnostic processes. Implications for the assessment and treatment of psychological disorders with a marked identity disturbance component are discussed
