1,006 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to analysis team cooperation and creativity have influence to manager performance. Data that used in this research is primary data in form of quesioner with semantic differential scale. As responder is manager and assisten manager of PT. Jesslyn K. Cakes Indonesia Branch Surabaya, with sample 26 responder. While to analysis influence between team cooperation and creativity to manager performance using Technique Analysis Doubled Linear Regression. Result of analysis indicate that team cooperation and creativity have an effect to manager performance its truth, this indicated from value of R2 is 0,671 meaning that team cooperation and creativity by simultaneous can explain variation of manager performance as 67,1% and the rest equal to 32,9% explained by other variable which do not be studied at this research. And can also seen from correlation value is 0,819 showing very strong correlation between team cooperation and creativity with manager performance that is equal to 81,9 %

    Notes on food and feeding habits of milkfish (Chanos chanos) from the sea

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    Study on the natural food of adult milkfish was made from specimens caught from the open sea. The contents of guts from 15 specimens were qualitatively analysed, and both planktonic as well as benthic forms were encounted. The relationship between the gut length and body length has been worked out. Ten out of 15 milkfish examined were also found to be infected with Acanthocephalan parasites confined mainly to the anterior part of the intestine


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    Traditional "Batik Tulis" are one of Indonesia's proud creative products. When the traditional "BatikTulis" creative business is unable to compete with "Batik Manufaktur" products, then the pride is lost.Therefore, the traditional "Batik Tulis" existence needs to be maintained by caring for intangibleresources behind traditional "Batik Tulis" products. The purpose of this paper explains how to takecare of the intangible resources behind a traditional "Batik Tulis" cloth. Research location inBanyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. Type of qualitative research. Informant is theowner of batik creative business. Data collection using in-depth interviews and focus groupdiscussions. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The research findings show that creative batikbusiness is able to adapt in a very tight competition situation but can erode its position in the marketby "Batik Manufaktur" product. How to take care of sustainable intangible resources as a source ofcreating a competitive advantage is to apply a strategy of inheritance. The intangible resourceinheritance strategy is discussed in this paper

    Analysis of the Protection of Input Subsidies Policy (Fertilizer and Seed) and Production Output in Rice Plant Agriculture in Indonesia

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    The background of this research was on policy issues of continuing increased subsidies for fertilizer and seed rice from year to year, which was also faced the problem of inefficient economic and government budget allocations, the price disparity between input and output and its derivatives result and also the creation of unreal competitiveness as a result of the use of subsidized inputs. This study aims to determine the “protection coefficient” of subsidized inputs (fertilizer and seeds) and output in agriculture rice plants in Indonesia. Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) is used to analyze the impact of subsidies on rice crop farming system in Indonesia. The analysis result of the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM), shows that (1) the rice farming system has the profit of market prices and social prices, (2) government policies are simultaneously protective to the production capability, (3) It has a competitive and a comparative advantage.Keywords: Subsidies on Fertilizer and Rice Seeds, Protection Coefficient, The Policy Analysis Matrix

    Pengaruh Gigi Impaksi Molar Ketiga Terhadap Ketebalan Angulus Mandibula Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin

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    Fraktur mandibula sering terjadi pada praktek kedokteran gigi. Fraktur biasanya terjadi di daerah angulus mandibula tepat di daerah yang terdapat gigi impaksi. Masalah yang ditimbulkan akibat fraktur mandibula, yaitu hilangnya keseimbangan, terputusnya komponen neurovascular dan cedera pada jaringan disekitar fraktur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan ketebalan tulang angulus mandibula antara kelompok yang memiliki gigi impaksi dengan kelompok yang tidak memiliki gigi impaksi serta jenis kelamin berdasarkan radiografis. Jenis penelitian deskriptif analitik menggunakan 40 sampel foto rontgen panoramik. Hasil penelitian terdapat perbedaan rata-rata antara pasien yang memiliki gigi impaksi dan tanpa gigi impaksi yaitu 1,44. Pada pasien impaksi gigi molar ketiga menurut jenis kelaminmenunjukkan perbedaan rerata ketebalan angulus mandibula sebesar 1,19 pada laki-laki dan 1,16 pada perempuan serta pasien tanpa impaksi menunjukkan nilai rerata ketebalan angulus mandibula sebesar 1,48 pada laki-laki dan 1,40 pada perempuan. Berdasarkan perhitungan T-test terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (ρ<0,05). Kesimpulan bahwa adanya perbedaan signifikan ketebalan angulus mandibula pada pasien dengan gigi impaksi molar ketiga rahang bawah dan kelompok pasien tanpa gigi impaksi molar ketiga rahang bawah, serta jenis kelamin. Effect of impacted teeth on thickness of the angle of mandible based on gender. Mandibular fractures often occur in dental practice. Fractures usually occur in the angle of the mandible within the area of the impacted tooth. Some problems that are caused by mandibular fractures area are, the loss of balance, the breaking of neurovascular components and injury to the tissue surrounding the fracture. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in bone thickness of the angle of the mandible between the groups that have an impacted tooth with the group that does not have an impacted tooth with different gender based on radiographic. This analytic descriptive study used 40 samples of panoramic radiographs. The study results show that the average difference between patients that have impacted tooth with patients that do not have is 1,44. Patients with impacted third molar based on gender show an average difference of the thickness of mandibular angle of 1,19 for men and 1,16 for women and patients with no impaction show an average thickness of the mandibular angle of 1,48 for men and 1,40 for women. Based on T-test calculation, there is a significant difference (ρ <0.05). The conclusion of study is that there is significant differences in the thickness of the angle of the mandible based on group of patients with impacted mandibular third molar, with the group of patients without impacted mandibular third molar


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    The viscera are usually wasted in the processing of cowtail ray, although they may contain many valuable substances such as proteolytic enzymes. This study investigates the possibility of using these enzymes to produce fish protein hydrolysate


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    The resorption of alveolar bone in the edentulous area can lead to reduced prosthetic support and loss of periodontal tissue attachment, and reduce aesthetics. Dental implants are an alternative treatment option for patients with partial or complete loss of teeth. Not all dental implants provide good results, especially in relation to bone contact with implants. One way to overcome alveolar bone deficiency is implant placement with bone grafting procedures. Bone Tissue Engineering (BTE) can be performed in the edentulous area that experiences alveolar bone resorption, to replace lost bone (osteoconduction) and stimulate new bone formation (osteoinduction), so that the denture in the edentulous area is better with adequate support, and more aesthetics. Osteon (Biphasic Calcium Phosphate) is one of the unique products made from marine coral, which contains Calcium Carbonate in the structure of Calcium Hydroxyapatite. The advantage of this material is that the structure of the sea coral is similar to trabecular bone. Biphasic Calcium Phosphate has several disadvantages, namely slow degradation rates, weak resistance to fractures, high crystallinity, and has limitations in stimulating the regeneration of bone cells; and coated with collagen, so that it can enable immunological / allergic reactions in patients who have hypersensitivity


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    There are many oral surgery procedure that uses a variety of flap. The flap is opening of mucosa and gingival separated from the underlying tissue to expand the field of view and access to the bone and root surface. There are several designs of fullthickness flap, partial, high semilunar flap, flap mid-level and the envelope flap. Each design of the flap has the thickness flap position advantages and disadvantages that can be used in a wide variety of surgical procedures. Flap design is determined by the operator, and also depends on the purpose of the surgery. The entrance to the bone and root surface tissue, as well as the final position of the flap must be considered in designing the flap. By knowing the technique of flap design will help to minimize surgical trauma that would happen later

    Kegiatan - Kegiatan yang Memerlukan Izin di Kota Semarang

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