253 research outputs found

    Lagrangian temperature and vertical velocity fluctuations due to gravity waves in the lower stratosphere

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    International audienceWave-induced Lagrangian fluctuations of temperature and vertical velocity in the lower stratosphere are quantified using measurements from superpressure balloons (SPBs). Observations recorded every minute along SPB flights allow the whole gravity wave spectrum to be described and provide unprecedented information on both the intrinsic frequency spectrum and the probability distribution function of wave fluctuations. The data set has been collected during two campaigns coordinated by the French Space Agency in 2010, involving 19 balloons over Antarctica and 3 in the deep tropics. In both regions, the vertical velocity distributions depart significantly from a Gaussian behavior. Knowledge on such wave fluctuations is essential for modeling microphysical processes along Lagrangian trajectories. We propose a new simple parameterization that reproduces both the non-Gaussian distribution of vertical velocities (or heating/cooling rates) and their observed intrinsic frequency spectrum

    Observations of Tropical Tropopause Layer clouds from a balloon-borne lidar

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    Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) clouds have a significant impact on the Earth’s radiative budget and regulate the amount of water vapor entering the stratosphere. During the Strateole-2 observation campaign, three microlidars were flown onboard stratospheric superpressure balloons from October 2021 to late January 2022, slowly drifting only a few kilometers above the TTL. These measurements have unprecedented sensitivity to thin cirrus and provide a fine-scale description of cloudy structures both in time and space. Case studies of collocated observations with the space-borne lidar Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) show a very good agreement between the instruments and highlight the unique ability of the microlidar to detect optically very thin clouds below CALIOP detection capacity (optical depth τ < 2 · 10−3). Statistics on cloud occurrence show that TTL cirrus appear in more than 50 % of the microlidar profiles and have a mean geometrical depth of 1 km. Ultrathin TTL cirrus (τ < 2 · 10−3) have a significant coverage (16 % of the profiles) and their mean geometrical depth is below 500 m

    Plasmidic qnrA3 Enhances Escherichia coli Fitness in Absence of Antibiotic Exposure

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    The widespread presence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinants, particularly qnr genes, has become a current issue. By protecting DNA-gyrase from quinolones, Qnr proteins confer a low level quinolone resistance that is not sufficient to explain their emergence. Since Qnr proteins were hypothesized to act as DNA-binding protein regulators, qnr genes could have emerged by providing a selective advantage other than antibiotic resistance. We investigated host fitness of Escherichia coli isogenic strains after acquisition of the qnrA3 gene, inserted either alone onto a small plasmid (pBR322), or harbored on a large conjugative native plasmid, pHe96(qnrA3) found in a clinical isolate. The isogenic strains were derived from the susceptible E. coli CFT073, a virulent B2 group strain known to infect bladder and kidneys in a mouse model of pyelonephritis. In vitro experiments included growth analysis by automatic spectrophotometry and flow cytometry, and competitions with CFU enumeration. In vivo experiments included infection with each strain and pairwise competitions in absence of antimicrobial exposure. As controls for our experiments we used mutations known to reduce fitness (rpsL K42N mutation) or to enhance fitness (tetA deletion in pBR322). E. coli CFT073 transformed with pBRAM(PBR322-qnrA3) had significantly higher maximal OD than E. coli CFT073 transformed with pBR322 or pBR322ΔtetA, and in vivo competitions were more often won by the qnrA3 carrying strain (24 victories vs. 9 loss among 42 competitions, p = 0.001). In contrast, when pHe96(qnrA3) was introduced by conjugation in E. coli CFT073, it exerted a fitness cost shown by an impaired growth observed in vitro and in vivo and a majority of lost competitions (33/35, p<0.0001). In conclusion, qnrA3 acquisition enhanced bacterial fitness, which may explain qnr emergence and suggests a regulation role of qnr. However, fitness was reduced when qnrA3 was inserted onto multidrug-resistant plasmids and this can slow down its dissemination without antibiotic exposure

    Comparative Molecular and Microbiologic Diagnosis of Bacterial Endocarditis

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    Sequencing of 16S rDNA, and of sodAint and rpoBint in some cases, was applied to DNA from heart valves of 46 patients (36 with definite and 10 with possible endocarditis). Sequence-based identifications were compared with those obtained with conventional methods. Among the 36 definite cases, 30 had positive blood cultures and 6 had negative cultures. Among the 30 positive cases, sequencing of 16S rDNA permitted identification of species (18), genus (8), or neither (4); sodAint and rpoBint sequencing was necessary for species identification in 8 cases. Species identifications were identical in only 61.5%, when conventional techniques and DNA sequencing were used. In five of the six blood culture–negative endocarditis cases, sequencing identified Bartonella quintana (3), B. henselae (1), and Streptococcus gallolyticus (1). Our results demonstrate a clear benefit of molecular identification, particularly in cases of blood culture–negative endocarditis and of possible endocarditis, to confirm or invalidate the diagnosis. Moreover, in 19.4% of the definite cases, the improvement in species identification by sequencing led to improved patient management

    Gravity Wave Spectra in the Lower Stratosphere Diagnosed from Project Loon Balloon Trajectories

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    Project Loon has been launching super-pressure balloons since January 2013 to provide worldwide Internet coverage. These balloons typically fly between 18-21 km and provide measurements of winds and pressure fluctuations in the lower stratosphere. We divide 1,560 Loon flights into 3,405 two-day segments for gravity wave analysis. We derive the kinetic energy spectrum from the horizontal balloon motion and estimate the temperature perturbation spectrum (proportional to the potential energy spectrum) from the pressure variations. We fit the temperature (and kinetic energy) data to the functional form T'2=T'o 2(omega/omega())lpha where omega is the wave frequency, omega() is daily frequency, T'o is the base temperature amplitude and alpha is the slope. Both the kinetic energy and temperature spectra show -1.9 +/- 0.2 power-law dependence in the intrinsic frequency window 3 - 50 cycles/day. The temperature spectrum slope is weakly anticorrelated with the base temperature amplitude. We also find that the wave base temperature distribution is highly skewed. The average tropical modal temperature is 0.77 K. The highest amplitude waves occur over the mountainous regions, the tropics, and the high southern latitudes. Temperature amplitudes show little height variation over our 18-21 km domain. Our results are consistent with other limited super-pressure balloon analyses. The modal temperature is higher than the temperature currently used in Lagrangian model gravity wave parameterizations

    A simple model to assess the impact of gravity waves on ice-crystal populations in the tropical tropopause layer

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    The role of gravity waves on microphysics of tropical cirrus clouds and air-parcel dehydration was studied using the combination of Lagrangian observations of temperature fluctuations and a 1.5D model. High-frequency measurements during isopycnal balloon flights were used to resolve the gravity-wave signals with periods ranging from a few days to 10 min. The detailed microphysical simulations with homogeneous freezing, sedimentation, and a crude horizontal mixing represent the slow ascent of air parcels in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). A reference simulation describes the slow ascent of air parcels in the tropical tropopause layer, with nucleation occurring only below the cold-point tropopause with a small ice-crystal density. The inclusion of the gravity waves drastically modifies the vertical profile of low ice concentration and weak dehydration found during the ascent alone, with the increased ice-crystal number and size distribution agreeing better with observations. Numerous events of nucleation occur below and above the cold-point tropopause, efficiently restoring the relative humidity over ice to equilibrium with respect to the background temperature, as well as increasing the cloud fraction in the vicinity of the cold-point tropopause. The corresponding decrease in water vapor is estimated at 2 ppmv around the cold-point tropopause.</p

    Effect of gravity wave temperature fluctuations on homogeneous ice nucleation in the tropical tropopause layer

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    The impact of high-frequency fluctuations of temperature on homogeneous nucleation of ice crystals in the vicinity of the tropical tropopause is investigated using a bin microphysics scheme for air parcels. The imposed temperature fluctuations come from measurements during isopycnic balloon flights near the tropical tropopause. The balloons collected data at high frequency, guaranteeing that gravity wave signals are well resolved.With the observed temperature time series, the numerical simulations with homogeneous freezing show a full range of ice number concentration (INC) as previously observed in the tropical upper troposphere. In particular, a low INC may be obtained if the gravity wave perturbations produce a non-persistent cooling rate (even with large magnitude) such that the absolute change in temperature remains small during nucleation. This result is explained analytically by a dependence of the INC on the absolute drop in temperature (and not on the cooling rate). This work suggests that homogeneous ice nucleation is not necessarily inconsistent with observations of low INCs.</p

    Seeding and Establishment of Legionella pneumophila in Hospitals: Implications for Genomic Investigations of Nosocomial Legionnaires' Disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Legionnaires' disease is an important cause of hospital-acquired pneumonia and is caused by infection with the bacterium Legionella. Because current typing methods often fail to resolve the infection source in possible nosocomial cases, we aimed to determine whether whole-genome sequencing (WGS) could be used to support or refute suspected links between cases and hospitals. We focused on cases involving a major nosocomial-associated strain, L. pneumophila sequence type (ST) 1. METHODS: WGS data from 229 L. pneumophila ST1 isolates were analyzed, including 99 isolates from the water systems of 17 hospitals and 42 clinical isolates from patients with confirmed or suspected hospital-acquired infections, as well as isolates obtained from or associated with community-acquired sources of Legionnaires' disease. RESULTS: Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that all hospitals from which multiple isolates were obtained have been colonized by 1 or more distinct ST1 populations. However, deep sampling of 1 hospital also revealed the existence of substantial diversity and ward-specific microevolution within the population. Across all hospitals, suspected links with cases were supported with WGS, although the degree of support was dependent on the depth of environmental sampling and available contextual information. Finally, phylogeographic analysis revealed that hospitals have been seeded with L. pneumophila via both local and international spread of ST1. CONCLUSIONS: WGS can be used to support or refute suspected links between hospitals and Legionnaires' disease cases. However, deep hospital sampling is frequently required due to the potential coexistence of multiple populations, existence of substantial diversity, and similarity of hospital isolates to local populations