46 research outputs found

    Self-trapped exciton state in Si nanocrystals revealed by induced absorption

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    We report results of time-resolved induced absorption (IA) spectroscopy on Si nanocrystals (Si NCs) embedded in a SiO 2 matrix. In line with theoretical modeling, the IA amplitude decreases with probing photon energy, however only until a certain threshold value. For larger photon energies, an increase of IA is observed. This unexpected behavior is interpreted in terms of the self-trapped exciton state whose formation in Si NCs was put forward some time ago based on theoretical considerations. Here, we present a direct experimental confirmation of this supposition. © 2012 American Physical Society

    Carrier dynamics in Si nanocrystals in an SiO<inf>2</inf> matrix investigated by transient light absorption

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    We report on investigations of optical carrier generation in silicon nanocrystals embedded in an SiO2 matrix. Carrier relaxation and recombination processes are monitored by means of time-resolved induced absorption, using a conventional femtosecond pump-probe setup for samples containing different average sizes of nanocrystals (dNC = 2.5-5.5 nm). The electron-hole pairs generated by the pump pulse are probed by a second pulse over a broad spectral range (Eprobe = 0.95-1.35 or 1.6-3.25 eV), by which information on excited states is obtained. Under the same excitation conditions, we observe that the induced absorption intensity in the near-infrared range is a factor of ∼10 higher than in the visible range. To account for these observations, we model the spectral dependence of the induced absorption signal using an empirical sp3d5s* tight-binding technique, by which the spectrum can be well reproduced up to a certain threshold. For probe photon energies above this threshold (dependent on nanocrystal size), the induced absorption signal is found to feature a long-standing component, whereas the induced absorption signal for probe photon energies below this value vanishes within 0.5 ns. We explain this by self-trapping of excitons on surface-related states. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Direct characterization of a nonlinear photonic circuit's wave function with laser light

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Integrated photonics is a leading platform for quantum technologies including nonclassical state generation 1, 2, 3, 4, demonstration of quantum computational complexity 5 and secure quantum communications 6. As photonic circuits grow in complexity, full quantum tomography becomes impractical, and therefore an efficient method for their characterization 7, 8 is essential. Here we propose and demonstrate a fast, reliable method for reconstructing the two-photon state produced by an arbitrary quadratically nonlinear optical circuit. By establishing a rigorous correspondence between the generated quantum state and classical sum-frequency generation measurements from laser light, we overcome the limitations of previous approaches for lossy multi-mode devices 9, 10. We applied this protocol to a multi-channel nonlinear waveguide network and measured a 99.28±0.31% fidelity between classical and quantum characterization. This technique enables fast and precise evaluation of nonlinear quantum photonic networks, a crucial step towards complex, large-scale, device production

    Sum-frequency generation and photon-pair creation in AlGaAs nano-scale resonators

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    ©2017 IEEE We demonstrate experimentally sum-frequency generation in AlGaAs nano-resonators, establishing a quantum-classical correspondence with spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We predict that AlGaAs nano-resonators can be utilized as high-rate sources of photon pairs with non-classical correlations

    Lower bound for the spatial extent of localized modes in photonic-crystal waveguides with small random imperfections

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    Light localization due to random imperfections in periodic media is paramount in photonics research. The group index is known to be a key parameter for localization near photonic band edges, since small group velocities reinforce light interaction with imperfections. Here, we show that the size of the smallest localized mode that is formed at the band edge of a one-dimensional periodic medium is driven instead by the effective photon mass, i.e. the flatness of the dispersion curve. Our theoretical prediction is supported by numerical simulations, which reveal that photonic-crystal waveguides can exhibit surprisingly small localized modes, much smaller than those observed in Bragg stacks thanks to their larger effective photon mass. This possibility is demonstrated experimentally with a photonic-crystal waveguide fabricated without any intentional disorder, for which near-field measurements allow us to distinctly observe a wavelength-scale localized mode despite the smallness (∼1/1000 of a wavelength) of the fabrication imperfections

    An antenna model for the Purcell effect

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    The Purcell effect is defined as a modification of the spontaneous emission rate of a quantum emitter at the presence of a resonant cavity. However, a change of the emission rate of an emitter caused by an environment has a classical counterpart. Any small antenna tuned to a resonance can be described as an oscillator with radiative losses, and the effect of the environment on its radiation can be modeled and measured in terms of the antenna radiation resistance, similar to a quantum emitter. We exploit this analogue behavior to develop a general approach for calculating the Purcell factors of different systems and various frequency ranges including both electric and magnetic Purcell factors. Our approach is illustrated by a general equivalent scheme, and it allows resenting the Purcell factor through the continuous radiation of a small antenna at the presence of an electromagnetic environment

    Quantum tomography of a nonlinear photonic circuit by classical sum-frequency generation measurements

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    © 2017 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. All rights reserved. We propose and demonstrate a new method for the characterization of nonlinear multimode integrated devices that reconstruct the biphoton state produced trough spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) using classical sum-frequency generation measurements. The proposed method is experimentally demonstrated by predicting the state generated from a multi-channel integrated nonlinear waveguide device