30 research outputs found

    Exploring the behavioural approach for sustainable tourism

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    The behavioural approach to sustainable tourism has received considerable attention and interest from the academic community within various fields of study. It has particular value for developing sustainable social practices. In this article, we investigate the contributions of the behavioural approach in the economic sciences, psychology, and adult education. Our objective is to reinforce the notion that individuals have the capacity to alter their behaviour to achieve active participation in unity with nature that firmly favours both their own wellbeing and environmental protection. We distinguish the term tourism as not only as a leisure activity, but also as a turning or changing point (while individuals adapt their performance in tune with nature to find the ways to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium. Thereby, we make a further step to discussions on how exploration of the behavioural approach can support initiatives that promote environmental protection, and innovative tourism education programmes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Critical thinking, empathy and problem solving using a modern board game: A learning experience valued by physical therapy students

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    This study aimed at understanding how physical therapy students recognize a modern board game experience as an opportunity to train socioemotional skills. Thirteen physical therapy students participated in a learning experience using the Magic Maze board game and were assessed in terms of critical thinking, empathy, and problem-solving perceived experience. The facilitator’s perceptions were also registered. Students showed to be goal oriented focusing on choosing different solutions and reflecting critically on the most suitable one. Magic Maze was classified as a relevant learning method for other serious purposes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as a functional interhemispheric imbalance at the thalamic level

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    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves failures in two main inhibitory processes, namely cognitive (obsessions) and behavioral (compulsions). Recent research has supported two cortical-subcortical pathways on OCD pathogenesis: (a) the frontostriatal loop (dorsolateral-caudate-striatum-thalamus) responsible for impairments of behavioral inhibition; (b) the orbitofrontal loop (orbitofrontal, medial prefrontal and cingulate) responsible for impairments with cognitive inhibitory processes. These failures in both cognitive and motor inhibitory systems may mediate several neuropsychological deficits in these patients, namely memory, attention, planning and decision making. But are those deficits related to specific hemispheric effects, namely functional imbalance between hemispheres? In this article we hypothesize that: (1) OCD patients have an inter-hemispheric functional imbalance, probably due to inadequate filtering at the thalamic level; (2) the restoration of inter-hemispheric balance, will be correlative to symptomatic improvement

    Prolonged Hospitalizations in an Internal Medicine Ward

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    Introdução: As enfermarias de Medicina Interna acolhem doentes complexos, com múltiplas comorbilidades, idosos, frágeis, dependentes, frequentemente com problemas sociais, podendo condicionar internamentos longos. Pretende-se caracterizar a população com internamentos prolongados (IPs), avaliando se foram adequados à situação clínica ou relacionados com questões socioeconómicas. Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo realizado durante o ano de 2014 numa enfermaria de Medicina Interna e que incluiu doentes com internamentos superiores a 20 dias. Os IPs foram classificados como apropriados pela complexidade do quadro clínico, intercorrências ou iatrogenias, e inapropriados se relacionados com falta de condições pós-alta. Resultado: Cento e setenta e sete IPs (10,4% do total de internamentos); 53 homens, idade média 76 anos. Média de internamento 33,8 dias; 39% tiveram previamente alta clínica - dias de alta protelada: 1653. À admissão, 36% parcial- e 17% totalmente dependentes. Comorbilidades: hipertensão (75%), doença cerebrovascular (52%), diabetes (35%), demência (28%). Diagnósticos principais mais prevalentes: acidente vascular cerebral (21%), pneumonia (14%), neoplasia (11%); 14% com necessidade de cuidados intensivos/intermédios. Em 64% o factor de prolongamento preponderante foi clinicamente apropriado - 77% pela complexidade e 15% por infecções nosocomiais. Foram referenciados à Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados 23%. Mortalidade 13,0%. Nos 36 meses pós-alta, 59% foram internados, 23% apresentaram IPs e 57 doentes faleceram - mortalidade 37% aos 3 anos. Conclusão: Os doentes com IPs são heterogéneos em relação aos diagnósticos e necessidades específicas. Apesar de 36% dos IPs ser condicionada pelas condições pós-alta, a maioria foi apropriada à gravidade, complexidade clínica ou intercorrências no internamento.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ongoing monkeypox virus outbreak, Portugal, 29 April to 23 May 2022

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    Up to 27 May 2022, Portugal has detected 96 confirmed cases of monkeypox. We describe 27 confirmed cases (median age: 33 years (range: 22–51); all males), with an earliest symptom onset date of 29 April. Almost all cases (n = 25) live in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley health region. Most cases were neither part of identified transmission chains, nor linked to travel or had contact with symptomatic persons or with animals, suggesting the possible previously undetected spread of monkeypox.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustainable Customer Digital Engagement Strategies for the Tourism Recovery Perspective

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    The tourism sector has continued to be one of the most affected business units in 2020 in connection with a global pandemic. Numerous regions and tourist destinations, tourist hotspots, and accommodations have been subjected to serious changes with a substantial economic impact. Thereby, the question arises as to whether the capacity to respond to customers' needs through functional digital engagement strategies is efficient for supporting the recovery and sustainable development of the tourism industry. This article comments on and provides a critical analysis of the recent online strategies related to content marketing applied to the tourism sector due to a global pandemic and the need to implement a different attitude towards tourism-oriented projects. The article proposes some examples of efficient policies that fit in with changes in the world tourism market.publishersversionpublishe