4 research outputs found

    Care of the soul as a philosophical problem

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá péčí o duši. Cílem práce bylo vyjádřit, co myslíme péčí o duši, a připomenout její důležitost a úlohu v lidském životě, především pak v mládí. Pojem duše a způsoby jejího rozvíjení velmi úzce souvisejí s řeckým pojmem paideia, který je podrobně rozpracován v Platónově díle a který předznamenává vznik pedagogiky jakožto vědy. Proto se bakalářská práce zaměřuje i na výchovu a vzdělávání a snaží se znovu upozornit na jejich smysl a podstatu. Práce vychází z Platónových dialogů a Patočkových textů, zejména z jeho obsáhlých spisů a přednášek na téma péče o duši. Práce byla vypracována metodou analýzy vybraných Platónových a Patočkových textů za využití české i zahraniční sekundární literatury. Práce je členěna na 5 kapitol, z nichž první dvě přibližují čtenáři prostředí antických myslitelů a uvádějí ho do problematiky péče o duši, čímž vytvářejí teoretický úvod. Třetí kapitola se soustřeďuje na Platónovo dílo. Zejména se věnuje naukovému kurikulu představenému v Ústavě s poukazem na podobenství s ním související. Čtvrtá kapitola se věnuje dílu Jana Patočky, který bývá považován za nejvýznamnějšího českého myslitele zabývajícího se touto problematikou. Poslední kapitola je věnována možnostem sebepoznání. V závěru je zdůrazněn význam péče o duši a nutnost v této činnosti...This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of the care of soul. The goal of the work is to express what is meant by care of the soul and to remind its importance and its role in human life, especially at young age. The concept of soul and the ways of its development are very closely connected with the Greek concept of paideia, which is elaborated on in Plato's work and which foreshadows the beginning of pedagogy as a science. Therefore, the bachelor thesis focuses also on education and tries to pay attention to its meaning and essence. The thesis is based on Plato's dialogues and Patočka's texts, especially on his extensive writings and lectures on the topic of the care of soul. This work is written, when the key method is the analysis of selected texts using Czech literature as primary and foreign as secondary. The work is divided into 5 chapters. First two form a theoretical introduction to the context of the age of ancient thinkers and the issue of care of soul. The third chapter focuses on Plato's work itself. It deals with the educational curriculum introduced in the Republic with reference to the parable related to it. The fourth chapter looks on the work of Jan Patočka, who is considered the most important Czech thinker focusing on this issue. The last chapter is devoted to the possibilities...Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofiePedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    An Adsorptive Transfer Technique Coupled with Brdicka Reaction to Reveal the Importance of Metallothionein in Chemotherapy with Platinum Based Cytostatics

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    The drugs based on platinum metals represent one of the oldest, but also one of the most effective groups of chemotherapeutic agents. Thanks to many clinical studies it is known that resistance of tumor cells to drugs is a frequent cause of chemotherapy failure. With regard to platinum based drugs, multidrug resistance can also be connected with increased expression of low-molecular weight protein metallothionein (MT). This study aimed at investigating the interactions of MT with cisplatin or carboplatin, using the adsorptive transfer technique coupled with differential pulse voltammetry Brdicka reaction (AdTS DPV Brdicka reaction), and a comparison of in vitro results with results obtained in vivo. The results obtained from the in vitro study show a strong affinity between platinum based drugs and MT. Further, we analyzed extracts of neuroblastoma cell lines treated with cisplatin or carboplatin. It is clear that neuroblastoma UKF-NB-4 cisplatin-resistant and cisplatin-sensitive cell lines unlikely respond to the presence of the platinum-based cytostatics cisplatin and carboplatin. Finally, we determined the level of MT in samples from rabbits treated with carboplatin and patients with retinoblastoma treated with the same drug

    Care of the soul as a philosophical problem

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of the care of soul. The goal of the work is to express what is meant by care of the soul and to remind its importance and its role in human life, especially at young age. The concept of soul and the ways of its development are very closely connected with the Greek concept of paideia, which is elaborated on in Plato's work and which foreshadows the beginning of pedagogy as a science. Therefore, the bachelor thesis focuses also on education and tries to pay attention to its meaning and essence. The thesis is based on Plato's dialogues and PatoÄŤka's texts, especially on his extensive writings and lectures on the topic of the care of soul. This work is written, when the key method is the analysis of selected texts using Czech literature as primary and foreign as secondary. The work is divided into 5 chapters. First two form a theoretical introduction to the context of the age of ancient thinkers and the issue of care of soul. The third chapter focuses on Plato's work itself. It deals with the educational curriculum introduced in the Republic with reference to the parable related to it. The fourth chapter looks on the work of Jan PatoÄŤka, who is considered the most important Czech thinker focusing on this issue. The last chapter is devoted to the possibilities..