52 research outputs found

    Mecánica elástica, por A. Peña Boeuf. noventa años después

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    En el número 2427 de la Revista de Obras Públicas, correspondiente al año 1925, apareció un breve artículo1 escrito por un desconocido M. donde se glosaba la notable obra de Mecánica Elástica escrita por el reputado Ingeniero de Caminos, profesor de la Escuela Especial del Cuerpo, D. Alfonso Peña Boeuf. Pasados 90 años y, a la vez que recuperando el artículo, se referencia la importancia de dicho libro en la docencia y aprendizaje del cálculo estructural visto el prisma del tiempo discurridoPostprint (author's final draft

    From Galileo to Navier and Clapeyron. The intuition of a genius versus engineering rigour

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    Galileo (1564-1642), in his well-known Discorsi (Galileo, 1638),briefly turning his attention to the fracture of a beam, starts an interesting discussion on the beam’s breakage as well as its location. Could the section and breaking point of a beam have been determined beforehand? Furthermore, is it specific to the material? What Galileo did was not merely challenge a physics problem, but the prevailing knowledge of his time: namely, Aristotelianism on one hand, and Nominalism on the other. As a matter of fact, must the breakage of an element be treated as a universal or is it particular to a given material? The present essay aims to prove how Galileo, confronting the structural problem and bringing it into the realm of science, was not just raising a problem but, using Salviati’s words, he also established what actually takes place. Many years later, with the progress of physics, strength of materials and theory of structures, figures such as Claude Navier (1785-1836) and Benoît Clapeyron (1799-1864) confirmed once again that the Pisan turned out to be right. This article intends to combine technical fields such as strength of materials and theory of structures with others like the history of science and philosophy proper. A cooperative approach to these disciplines can be doubtlessly helpful to improve the knowledge, learning and teaching of their different curricula, giving the reader a global, holistic perspective.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::1 - Fi de la PobresaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::16 - Pau, Justícia i Institucions SòlidesPostprint (published version

    Com les TIC poden ajudar a l'ensenyament de la història de la ciència

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    L’objectiu de la present comunicació fora presentar, dins la temàtica de les TIC en la incorporació de la història de la ciència a l’ensenyament, com l’ús d’aquestes eines pot ajudar a mostrar a l’alumnat –acostumat sens dubte a aquest tipus de tecnologies– proposicions o formulacions fetes segles enrere. Aquesta implementació pot anar acompanyada en paral·lel, a l’aula, de les formulacions teòriques (de pissarra) de matèries com la física, la mecànica i fins i tot d’altres com podria ser la filosofia.Postprint (author's final draft

    The Hardy Cross method and its implementation in Spain

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    In May 1930, Hardy Cross (1885-1959) published an article called ‘Analysis of continuous frames by distributing fixed-end moments’ in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). This article proposed a new approach to Structural Theory, and its relevance could be compared to that of the Three Moments Theorem (also known as the Clapeyron Theorem). The Cross method, as this calculation methodology has been often called, had remarkable significance from the moment it came out until the 70s, when new calculation methods became popular. In the present article, we will be trying to evaluate its impact in locations far from its origins; in particular, how it was understood and formulated in Spain. As will be demonstrated, the importance of this method was extremely relevant for the construction of new buildings and the implementation of new industries, which started to appear in a decisive moment for the development of the country. Even though the Hardy Cross method was the most widely used methodology at the time, two other procedures were also available; namely, the Kani and the Takabeya methods, methods that would also appear in the technical bibliography of the time. Despite the infrequent implementation of these other methods, we have briefly referred to both of them in the present paper. This article aims to show the relevance of the Cross method as well as its early implementation in Spain, by using academic bibliography of that time.Postprint (published version

    The vierendeel truss: past and present of an innovative typology

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    In the late 19th century, Belgian engineer Jules Arthur Vierendeel registered the patent for a new type of beam. This would be later on better known as the Vierendeel truss. It is characterized by the frame’s lack of diagonal members, something which would appear to contradict conditions of steadiness and balance, along with its notable deformation and difficult calculation, caused technicians in his time to be skeptical about its applicability. Nevertheless, its application surged in popularity during the 20th century, being used both in civil engineering and architecture. What are the advantages of the Vierendeel truss as compared to other types, such as diagonal trusses? In this article, the Vierendeel typology will be introduced along with its main features, its calculation as well as its implementation in civil engineering and architectural works.Postprint (published version

    Graphical statics, past and present of a singular methodology

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    [ES] El procedimiento de la Estática Gráfica, aplicado a problemas de arquitectura e ingeniería civil, tuvo una gran importancia, especialmente, a finales del siglo XIX y gran parte del siglo XX. Su conocimiento por parte de los técnicos implicaba, sin duda, que era uno de los métodos de cálculo que se estudiaban en las escuelas técnicas. Pasados cien años, su uso ha desaparecido o bien ha manifestado un claro retroceso en gran parte de las mismas. Pero conocer este método es de gran importancia, ya que no sólo implica rescatarlo del pasado y poder entender cálculos históricos, sino que permite dar herramientas a los estudiantes para resolver de una manera ágil y sencilla problemas presentes y futuros. Así, este artículo quiere presentar el procedimiento de la estática gráfica, estudiar su pasado, a la vez que, planteando el presente, preguntarse por su viabilidad en un futuro.[EN] The method of Graphical Statics, as applied to problems in architecture and civil engineering, was of especially great importance from the late 19th century until well into the 20th century. Without any doubt, expertise by specialists implies Graphical Statics was one of the calculation procedures taught at technical colleges at the time. Over the past hundred years, it has either vanished or has its usage dwindled for the most part. However, being acquainted with this methodology is of great importance. It does not merely entail reclaiming it from the past and the ability to historical calculations; it also enables students with agile, simple means to solve present and future problems. With that in mind, this article seeks to provide an introduction to Graphical Statics, to study its past, while considering its present and enquiring about its future viability.Pons-Poblet, JM.; Arboix-Alió, A. (2020). La estática gráfica, pasado y presente de una metodología singular. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(39):132-143. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.12841OJS1321432539CEBALLOS PRADAS, G. 1957. Apuntes de construcciones metálicas. Barcelona: E.T.S.I.I.B.HENKEL, O. 1926. Estática Gráfica, primera edición española. Barcelona: Ed. Labor.HEYMAN, J. 2004. Análisis de estructuras: un estudio histórico; traducción de Santiago Huerta. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera.FORNONS, J. Mª. 1996. Teoría de estructuras. Barcelona: E.T.S.E.I.B. CPDA.PEY CUÑAT, A. 1960. Apuntes de construcciones industriales. Tarrasa: E.T.S.I.I.PONS Y BAS, R. Mª. 1941. Mecánica aplicada: mecánica de la Construcción (3ª edición). Barcelona: Casa Bosch.PONS-POBLET, J. Mª. 2014. De Gaudí a Miralles: cent anys d'estructura metàl·lica a Barcelona. Tesis doctoral. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (U.P.C). http://hdl.handle.net/10803/279396.PONS-POBLET, SIMÓ. 2017. El binomio geometría- tensión en las obras de los siglos XV y XVI. III Congresso Internacional do Tardo-Gótico: Da traça à edificaçao a arquitectura dos séculos XV e XVI em Portugal e na Europa.SALIGER, R. 1950. Estática aplicada al cálculo de estructuras y al hormigón armado. Barcelona: LaborTraité de Statique Graphique. Karl Culmann.https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb30290848s [Accessed 3 December 2019]Anwendungen der graphischen statik. W. Ritter.https://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara-20087 [Accessed 3 December 2019]Les Figures Réciproques en Statique Graphique. Luigi Cremona.https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k99712x?rk=21459;2 [Accessed 3 December 2019]Análisis estructural de edificios del siglo XX: la Cubierta de la Estación de Francia (2010). Parejo Rey, Carlos José. Director: Pons Poblet, Josep Maria. Proyecto final de carrera. https://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2099.1/10067 [Accessed 3 December 2019

    Andrea Palladio's legacy in the construction of the international bridge on the river Águeda (1887): Bridge typologies

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    El Decreto sobre las restricciones del hierro en la edificación. La norma olvidada

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    En el año 1936, se inició en España uno de los periodos más luctuosos de su historia reciente; la Guerra Civil. La contienda, que duró hasta el 1 de abril de 1939, conllevó un abundante número de muertos y heridos, así como una destrucción generalizada. Finalizada ésta, el régimen se encontró con la tarea de la reconstrucción nacional. Este hecho implicaba la utilización de unos recursos mate-riales que, en muchos casos, eran difíciles de obtener. Fuere el caso de los materiales férricos. Con la finalidad de regular el empleo del hierro en las construcciones, en julio de 1941 el Gobierno de la Nación aprobaría el Reglamento sobre las restricciones del hierro en la edificación. Los técnicos responsables tuvieron que implementar sus obras teniendo presente estas restricciones impuestas. Año 2021. Ochenta años después el presente trabajo rememora la génesis, las principales disposiciones así como las consecuencias que conllevaría esta normaPeer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::1 - Fi de la PobresaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::16 - Pau, Justícia i Institucions SòlidesPostprint (published version

    L'assignatura tallers a l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona. Els seus orígens

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    In the 1987-1988 academic year, the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB) began what is known as the 64 R Plan, which was a reform of the 1964 plan. This reformed plan, with a four-month structure which was unusual at that time, included the notable innovation of subjects of humanistic and technological nature (History of Science and Technology, and the Workshops course, respectively) in the first year. This paper aims to present the genesis of the Workshops course, together with the curriculum and its development.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::1 - Fi de la PobresaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::16 - Pau, Justícia i Institucions SòlidesPostprint (published version

    L'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona: l'arquitecte, l'edifici i l'estructura

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    El juny de 1959, l’arquitecte Robert Terradas i Via signava el “Proyecto de Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales en el núcleo universitario de Barcelona”. L’edifici actual de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona (ETSEIB) es construí a l’Avinguda Diagonal, 647. Corresponia al quart edifici (els altres tres havien estat l’exconvent de Sant Sebastià, la Universitat Literària i l’Edifici del Rellotge de l’Escola Industrial) on s’impartia la docència dels estudis d’enginyeria industrial. El present article vol fer un estudi de l’edifici de l’actual ETSEIB des de diversos punts de vista, començant pels de l’arquitecte que la va concebre i la seva època, amb les influències arquitectòniques, mètodes de càlcul i normativa del moment, i acabant amb la concepció de l’ETSEIB i la seva solució constructiva