21 research outputs found

    Aplicación proyectual de elementos estéticos, formales y comunicativos con tecnologías interactivas en arquitecturas remanentes Re significación de la arquitectura moderna en la manzana entre la cra 10° y las calles 19 y 20 en Centro de Bogotá para la reactivación e interacción social

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    "Los lugares inscritos en el paisaje urbano donde interactúa el individuo pueden ser visualmente atractivos o no, así mismo deberían ser contenedores de elementos estéticos y experiencias sensitivas. Conceptualmente los lugares menos atractivos pueden relacionarse con células muertas que muestran la huella del abandono y generan desfragmentación en la imagen de la ciudad. Los lugares mencionados se referencian en el presente trabajo como ""lugares remanentes"" por su naturaleza de obsolescencia física y funcional. Los lugares remanentes no están únicamente determinados por arquitecturas o espacios públicos recientes o contemporáneas, pues también corresponden a diferentes momentos de la historia, que en las últimas décadas y en particular sobre el eje de la Carrera décima (10°) entre calles diecinueve (19) y veintiséis (26), han presentado deterioro arquitectónico y social relevante para la ciudad. En la actualidad los lugares remanentes deben ser abordados e intervenidos respondiendo no sólo a las necesidades del mundo actual, sino también al desarrollo y evolución de las nuevas tecnologías a las que no se puede estar ajeno. ¿Será entonces posible crear un vínculo entre la arquitectura tradicional y el potencial exploratorio que entregan las nuevas tecnologías de la información y los procesos estéticos, artísticos y culturales? ¿Es la relación simbiótica entra la arquitectura moderna y las nuevas tecnologías interactivas un mecanismo para evocar la arquitectura a un nuevo concepto proyectual? Son estos cuestionamientos el punto de partida del presente trabajo de investigación proyectual que abarca la búsqueda del sentido del lugar, su resignificación a través de la implementación tecnológica.""The sites included in the urban landscape where the individual interacts can be visually appealing or not, so it should be containers aesthetic and sensory experiences. Conceptually less attractive places can interact with dead cells that display the sign of abandonment and defragmentation generated image of the city. The places mentioned are referenced in this paper as ""remaining places"" by nature of physical and functional obsolescence. The remaining places are not only determined by architectures or recent or contemporary public spaces, as they also correspond to different moments in history, which in recent decades and particularly on the axis of the Carrera tenth (10th) among street nineteen (19 ) and twenty (26) have presented architectural and social impairment relevant to the city. Currently the places remaining to be addressed and intervened not only responding to the needs of the world, but also the development and evolution of new technologies which can not remain indifferent. So is it possible to create a link between traditional architecture and delivering the exploration potential of new information technologies and processes aesthetic, artistic and cultural? Is the symbiotic relationship enters modern architecture and new interactive technologies a mechanism to evoke the architecture of a new design concept? These questions are the starting point of this project research work covering the search for sense of place, its redefinition through technology implementation."Arquitecto (a)Pregrad

    Future changes in the Dominant Source Layer of riparian lateral water fluxes in a subhumid Mediterranean catchment

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    The 'Dominant Source Layer' (DSL) is defined as the riparian zone (RZ) depth stratum that contributes the most to water and solute fluxes to streams. The concept can be used to explain timing and amount of matter transferred from RZs to streams in forest headwaters. Here, we investigated the potential impact of future climate changes on the long-term position of the DSL in a subhumid Mediterranean headwater catchment. We used the rainfall-runoff model PERSiST to simulate reference (1981-2000) and future (2081-2100) stream runoff. The latter were simulated using synthetic temperature, precipitation, and inter-event length scenarios in order to simulate possible effects of changes in temperature, rainfall amount, and rainfall event frequency and intensity. Simulated stream runoff was then used to estimate RZ groundwater tables and the proportion of lateral water flux at every depth in the riparian profile; and hence the DSL. Our simulations indicated that future changes in temperature and precipitation will have a similar impact on the long-term DSL position. Nearly all scenarios projected that, together with reductions in stream runoff and water exports, the DSL will move down in the future, by as much as ca. 30 cm. Shallow organic-rich layers in the RZ will only be hydrologically activated during sporadic, large rainfall episodes predicted for the most extreme inter-event length scenarios. Consequently, terrestrial organic matter inputs to streams will decrease, likely reducing catchment organic matter exports and stream dissolved organic carbon concentrations. This study highlights the importance of identifying vertical, hydrologically active layers in the RZ for a better understanding of the potential impact of future climate on lateral water transfer and their relationship with surface water quality and carbon cycling

    La responsabilidad ética, medioambiental y profesional como competencia transversal (CT07) en el Grado de Gestión y Administración Pública

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    [ES] Este documento recoge los resultados y reflexiones del trabajo de equipo realizado por el profesorado que imparte asignaturas que son punto de control para la evaluación de la Competencia Transversal 07: responsabilidad ética, medioambiental y profesional, dentro del Grado de Gestión y Administración Pública, en la Facultad de Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Entre los resultados de dicho trabajo destaca el aprendizaje activo como vía metodológica, concretado en tres tipos que se han aplicado: aprender haciendo, aprendizaje reflexivo y aprendizaje servicio. Así también, se sintetiza la experiencia y aprendizaje obtenido por los y las docentes en términos de potencialidades y limitaciones en la evaluación de dicha competencia.[EN] This document gathers the results and reflections of the team work realized by the professors that impart subjects that are control points for the evaluation of the transversal competence 7: Ethical responsibility, environmental and professional, included in the Grade of Management and Public Administration (GGAP), in the Faculty of Business Administration of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Among the results of this work, active learning highlights as a methodology, materialized in three types that have been applied: learn doing, reflective learning and service learning. Thereby, the experience and learning obtained by the teachers in terms of potentialities and limitations during the evaluation of this competence is synthesized.Sosa Espinosa, A.; Portillo Poblador, N.; Gonzalez De Julian, S. (2019). La responsabilidad ética, medioambiental y profesional como competencia transversal (CT07) en el Grado de Gestión y Administración Pública. En JIDDO. I Jornada de innovación en docencia universitaria para la dirección de organizaciones públicas y privadas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 168-179. https://doi.org/10.4995/JIDDO2019.2019.10236OCS16817

    Early-Career Coordinated Distributed Experiments: Empowerment Through Collaboration

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    Este artículo contiene 7 páginas, 1 tabla, 3 figuras.Coordinated distributed experiments (CDEs) enable the study of large-scale ecological patterns in geographically dispersed areas, while simultaneously providing broad academic and personal benefits for the participants. However, the effective involvement of early-career researchers (ECRs) presents major challenges. Here, we analyze the benefits and challenges of the first CDE exclusively led and conducted by ECRs (i.e. ECR-CDE), which sets a baseline for similar CDEs, and we provide recommendations for successful CDE execution. ECR-CDEs achieve most of the outcomes identified in conventional CDEs as well as extensive benefits for the young cohort of researchers, including: (i) receiving scientific credit, (ii) peer-training in new concepts and methods, (iii) developing leadership and communication skills, (iv) promoting a peer network among ECRs, and (v) building on individual engagement and independence. We also discuss the challenges of ECR-CDEs, which are mainly derived from the lack of independence and instability of the participants, and we suggest mechanisms to address them, such as resource re-allocation and communication strategies. We conclude that ECR-CDEs can be a relevant tool to empower ECRs across disciplines by fostering their training, networking and personal well-being.The authors were supported by the following founding: NC the support of the Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral program of the Government of Catalonia’s Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge (BP2016- 00215), EE by a predoctoral grant from the Basque Government (2014-2017), AB by a Generalitat de Catalunya—Beatriu de Pinós (BP-00385-2016), AMG-F by a predoctoral research grant (BES-2013-065770) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MAr by a postdoctoral grant from the Basque Government, MIA by a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral grant (FJCI-2015-26192), PR-L by a Margalida Comas postdoctoral contract (PD/031/2018) funded by the Government of the Balearic Islands and the European Social Fund, AP by a Ramón Areces Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship, and AL by a Kempe Foundation stipend. DOMIPEX project was founded by the First Call of Collaborative Projects among Young Researchers of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL; 2013-2015).Peer reviewe

    Metadata for Data dIscoverability aNd Study rEplicability in obseRVAtional Studies (MINERVA): Development and Pilot of a Metadata List and Catalogue in Europe

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    Purpose: Metadata for data dIscoverability aNd study rEplicability in obseRVAtional studies (MINERVA), a European Medicines Agency–funded project (EUPAS39322), defined a set of metadata to describe real-world data sources (RWDSs) and piloted metadata collection in a prototype catalogue to assist investigators from data source discoverability through study conduct. Methods: A list of metadata was created from a review of existing metadata catalogues and recommendations, structured interviews, a stakeholder survey, and a technical workshop. The prototype was designed to comply with the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable), using MOLGENIS software. Metadata collection was piloted by 15 data access partners (DAPs) from across Europe. Results: A total of 442 metadata variables were defined in six domains: institutions (organizations connected to a data source); data banks (data collections sustained by an organization); data sources (collections of linkable data banks covering a common underlying population); studies; networks (of institutions); and common data models (CDMs). A total of 26 institutions were recorded in the prototype. Each DAP populated the metadata of one data source and its selected data banks. The number of data banks varied by data source; the most common data banks were hospital administrative records and pharmacy dispensation records (10 data sources each). Quantitative metadata were successfully extracted from three data sources conforming to different CDMs and entered into the prototype. Conclusions: A metadata list was finalized, a prototype was successfully populated, and a good practice guide was developed. Setting up and maintaining a metadata catalogue on RWDSs will require substantial effort to support discoverability of data sources and reproducibility of studies in Europe

    Comparing the quantum use efficiency of red and far-red sun-induced fluorescence at leaf and canopy under heat-drought stress

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    Sun-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) is the most promising remote sensing signal to monitor photosynthesis in space and time. However, under stress conditions its interpretation is often complicated by factors such as light absorption and plant morphological and physiological adaptations. To ultimately derive the quantum yield of fluorescence (ΦF) at the photosystem from canopy measurements, the so-called escape probability (fesc) needs to be accounted for. In this study, we aim to compare ΦF measured at leaf- and canopy-scale to evaluate the influence of stress responses on the two signals based on a potato mesocosm heat-drought experiment. First, we compared the performance of recently proposed reflectance-based approaches to estimate leaf and canopy red fesc using data-supported simulations of the radiative transfer model SCOPE. While the leaf red fesc showed a strong correlation (r2 ≥ 0.76), the canopy red fesc exhibited no relationship with the SCOPE retrieved red fesc in our experiment. We therefore propose modifications to the canopy model to address this limitation. We then used the modified models of red fesc, along with an existing model for far-red fesc to analyse the dynamics of leaf and canopy red and far-red fluorescence under increasing drought and heat stress conditions. By incorporating fesc, we obtained a closer agreement between leaf and canopy measurements. Specifically, for red fesc, the r2 of the two variables increased from 0.3 to 0.50, and for far-red fesc, from 0.36 to 0.48. When comparing the dynamics of the quantum yield of red and far-red fluorescence (ΦF,687 and ΦF,760) under increasing stress, we observed a statistically significant decrease of both leaf and canopy ΦF,687 as well as leaf ΦF,760, as drought and heat conditions intensified. Canopy ΦF,760, on the contrary, did not exhibit the same trend, since measurements under low stress conditions showed a wider spread and lower median than under high stress conditions. Finally, we analysed the sensitivity of ΦF,687 and ΦF,760 to changing solar incidence angle, by comparing the variability of the measurements without and with mesocosm rotation. Our results suggest that the variation in ΦF,760 strongly increased with changing solar incidence angle. These findings highlight the need for further research to understand the causes of discrepancies between leaf and canopy scale ΦF,760. On the contrary, the underutilised and understudied ΦF,687 showed great potential in assessing plant responses to drought and heat stress.This research was supported by the Research Foundation— Flanders (FWO), and by The Research Council of the University of Antwerp. Sebastian Wieneke has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (ReSPEc, grant no 795299). Sílvia Poblador was financially supported by a Postdoctoral Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions - Seal of Excellence Fellowship of the Research Foundation – Flanders (MSCA SoE FWO, 12ZZ521N).Peer reviewe

    Comparing the quantum use efficiency of red and far-red sun-induced fluorescence at leaf and canopy under heat-drought stress

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    Abstract: Sun-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) is the most promising remote sensing signal to monitor photosynthesis in space and time. However, under stress conditions its interpretation is often complicated by factors such as light absorption and plant morphological and physiological adaptations. To ultimately derive the quantum yield of fluorescence (\u3a6F) at the photosystem from canopy measurements, the so-called escape probability (fesc) needs to be accounted for. In this study, we aim to compare \u3a6F measured at leaf- and canopy-scale to evaluate the influence of stress responses on the two signals based on a potato mesocosm heat-drought experiment. First, we compared the performance of recently proposed reflectance-based approaches to estimate leaf and canopy red fesc using data-supported simulations of the radiative transfer model SCOPE. While the leaf red fesc showed a strong correlation (r2 65 0.76), the canopy red fesc exhibited no relationship with the SCOPE retrieved red fesc in our experiment. We therefore propose modifications to the canopy model to address this limitation. We then used the modified models of red fesc, along with an existing model for far-red fesc to analyse the dynamics of leaf and canopy red and far-red fluorescence under increasing drought and heat stress conditions. By incorporating fesc, we obtained a closer agreement between leaf and canopy measurements. Specifically, for red fesc, the r2 of the two variables increased from 0.3 to 0.50, and for far-red fesc, from 0.36 to 0.48. When comparing the dynamics of the quantum yield of red and far-red fluorescence (\u3a6F,687 and \u3a6F,760) under increasing stress, we observed a statistically significant decrease of both leaf and canopy \u3a6F,687 as well as leaf \u3a6F,760, as drought and heat conditions intensified. Canopy \u3a6F,760, on the contrary, did not exhibit the same trend, since measurements under low stress conditions showed a wider spread and lower median than under high stress conditions. Finally, we analysed the sensitivity of \u3a6F,687 and \u3a6F,760 to changing solar incidence angle, by comparing the variability of the measurements without and with mesocosm rotation. Our results suggest that the variation in \u3a6F,760 strongly increased with changing solar incidence angle. These findings highlight the need for further research to understand the causes of discrepancies between leaf and canopy scale \u3a6F,760. On the contrary, the underutilised and understudied \u3a6F,687 showed great potential in assessing plant responses to drought and heat stress