286 research outputs found

    Direct and indirect speech in Tagalog

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    Tagalog is an Austronesian language of the Philippines. It is the basis for one of the two official languages of the Philippines, Pilipino, and as such potentially spoken by 81 million people, though there are many sub-varieties

    Minority languages of China

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    This chapter looks at language endangerment in the People's Republic of China, focusing on three of the main factors that influence language maintenance in China today: increased contact due to population movements and changes in the economy; the population policies of the government, particularly the identification of nationalities and languages; and the education system, particularly bilingual education. Finally, we give a brief account of the major efforts to document endangered languages

    On describing word order

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    One aspect that is always discussed in language descriptions, no matter how short they may be, is word order. Beginning with Greenberg 1963, it has been common to talk about word order using expressions such as "X is an SOV language", where "S" represents "subject", "0" represents "object", and "V" represents "verb". Statements such as this are based on an assumption of comparability, an assumption that all languages manifest the categories represented by "S", "0", and "V" (among others), and that word order in all languages can be described (and compared) using these categories

    A re-examination of the kinetics of dissolution of tin in hydrochloric acid.

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    A study of blood and gastro-intestinal parasites in Edo state

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    A four-year study to determine the prevalence of both blood and gastro-intestinal parasites of man was done in all the eighteen local government areas of Edo State, Nigeria. The study, which commenced in January of 2000, ended in December of 2004. Of the 136,360 samples examined, 1000 that is 0.7% had parasites. A total of eleven parasites species were identified. A seasonal pattern of parasitic infection was noted with a high prevalence in the rainy (wet) season months of April to November and a low prevalence in the dry season months of December to March. The prevalence was significantly higher in September, October and November at 22, 10 and 10% respectively (

    Electron field emission from carbons and their emission mechanism.

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    This thesis is concerned with the research of the electron field emission properties of carbon based materials. Low emission threshold fields have been observed from both amorphous carbon thin films and carbon nanotubes. The emission mechanism can be subdivided into two groups depending on the type of electric field enhancement. These are the amorphous carbon flat films with non-geometric field enhancement and carbon nanotubes with high surface geometric field enhancement. Amorphous carbon thin films are deposited using an rf-plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition technique. Changing the deposition conditions such as the addition of Argon or Nitrogen modifies the electronic properties. This induces variations in the sp2 concentration and its distribution within the films. The electron field emission properties from amorphous carbon thin films show a close relationship to its sp2 configuration. A model based on non-geometric field enhancement is proposed to explain the variation in the field emission characteristics. Nano-structured amorphous carbon films custom "designed" using ion beam assisted deposition with sp2 cluster sizes of around 60 nm have also been investigated. The field emission threshold field was shown to be controlled by the film's intrinsic stress and the local carbon density. With increasing stress, there is a concomitant increase in the local density, which is postulated to decrease the distance between the carbon graphitic "planes". This results in enhancement of the electron emission at lower fields. Stress within the films also induces changes to the band structure of the nano-structured carbon which are beneficial to the field emission process. Field emission from carbon nanotubes that are embedded in a polymer matrix has been investigated. The emission threshold fields are observed to be dependent on the nanotube density. The effect of electric field screening is used to explain the reduction of field enhancement observed in these films with increasing nanotube density. The field emission properties are compared with those films which have vertically aligned and in e-beam fabricated nanotube arrays. Results indicate that field emission properties from non-aligned nanotube films are comparable in performance to the best designed arrays in the literature. Although this study shows carbon based materials to have superior field emission properties, integrating the cathodes to fabricate commercial devices could prove to be very challenging

    Hubungan Konsentrasi Kromium (Cr) dalam Air Sumur dengan Konsentrasi pada Urin dan Rambut Warga Dusun Banyakan Yogyakarta

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    Aktivitas pembuangan limbah cair industri penyamakan kulit di dusun Banyakan memiliki dampak negatif bagi lingkungan. Masuknya pencemar kromium kedalam air sumur adalah salah satu dampak negatif tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi kromium dalam air sumur, rambut dan urin warga setempat. Penelitian dilakukan di Dusun Banyakan, Kabupaten Bantul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel yang diambil adalah sampel air sumur, urin dan rambut. Ektraksi sampel menggunakan metode destruksi aqua regia (3HNO3 + HCl) selanjutnya analisa konsentrasi kromium menggunakan instrumen AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry). Pencemar kromium ditemukan pada semua sampel, baik air sumur, rambut dan urin. Sampel rambut memiliki konsentrasi kromium paling tinggi dengan rerata sebesar 0,4685 Mg/Kg, diikuti sampel urin dengan rerata 0,0007 Mg/L dan terendah pada sampel air sumur dengan rerata 0,0007 Mg/L. Konsentrasi kromium pada rambut dan urin didapati melebihi standar baku mutu. Paparan yang diterima warga rata-rata per harinya adalah 0,10125 ?g/L serta tidak ada hubungan antara asupan harian kromium dengan konsentrasi kromium pada urin dan rambut. &nbsp


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    Speech delay adalah masalah yang mengganggu bagian komunikasi dimana permasalahan tersebut sering terjadi pada anak-anak. Banyak orang tua yang masih menganggap remeh mengenai hal ini sehingga banyak orang tua yang mengabaikan gejala speech delay ini, dan membuat anak yang membutuhkan interaksi dari dua arah pada saat masa tumbuh kembang nya jadi terabaikan, karena hal tersebut permasalahan speech delay ini terus bertambah tiap tahunnya. Dari hal tersebut maka dibutuhkannya sebuah media yang dapat menyampaikan informasi mengenai speech delay mulai dari gejala, pengertian, sebab akibat dan apa yang harus dilakukan jika sudah muncul gejal dari speech delay, dan dibuatnya media edukasi berupa motion graphic yang sudah disesuaikan dengan target yang dimana supaya informasi yang ingin disampaikan dapat tersampaikan dengan baik dan permasalahan speech delay dapat berkurang karena orang tua dan calon orang tua mulai mengerti dan waspada terhadap permasalahan speech delay tersebut. Kata kunci : Motion Graphic, Speech delay, Pola asuh
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