12,294 research outputs found

    The assessment of science: the relative merits of post- publication review, the impact factor, and the number of citations

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    The assessment of scientific publications is an integral part of the scientific process. Here we investigate three methods of assessing the merit of a scientific paper: subjective post-publication peer review, the number of citations gained by a paper, and the impact factor of the journal in which the article was published. We investigate these methods using two datasets in which subjective post-publication assessments of scientific publications have been made by experts. We find that there are moderate, but statistically significant, correlations between assessor scores, when two assessors have rated the same paper, and between assessor score and the number of citations a paper accrues. However, we show that assessor score depends strongly on the journal in which the paper is published, and that assessors tend to over-rate papers published in journals with high impact factors. If we control for this bias, we find that the correlation between assessor scores and between assessor score and the number of citations is weak, suggesting that scientists have little ability to judge either the intrinsic merit of a paper or its likely impact. We also show that the number of citations a paper receives is an extremely error-prone measure of scientific merit. Finally, we argue that the impact factor is likely to be a poor measure of merit, since it depends on subjective assessment. We conclude that the three measures of scientific merit considered here are poor; in particular subjective assessments are an error-prone, biased, and expensive method by which to assess merit. We argue that the impact factor may be the most satisfactory of the methods we have considered, since it is a form of pre-publication review. However, we emphasise that it is likely to be a very error-prone measure of merit that is qualitative, not quantitative

    Electro-Optic Modulation of Single Photons

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    We use the Stokes photon of a biphoton pair to set the time origin for electro-optic modulation of the wave function of the anti-Stokes photon thereby allowing arbitrary phase and amplitude modulation. We demonstrate conditional single-photon wave functions composed of several pulses, or instead, having gaussian or exponential shapes

    Supervised and Unsupervised Categorization of an Imbalanced Italian Crime News Dataset

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    The automatic categorization of crime news is useful to create statistics on the type of crimes occurring in a certain area. This assignment can be treated as a text categorization problem. Several studies have shown that the use of word embeddings improves outcomes in many Natural Language Processing (NLP), including text categorization. The scope of this paper is to explore the use of word embeddings for Italian crime news text categorization. The approach followed is to compare different document pre-processing, Word2Vec models and methods to obtain word embeddings, including the extraction of bigrams and keyphrases. Then, supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning categorization algorithms have been applied and compared. In addition, the imbalance issue of the input dataset has been addressed by using Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) to oversample the elements in the minority classes. Experiments conducted on an Italian dataset of 17,500 crime news articles collected from 2011 till 2021 show very promising results. The supervised categorization has proven to be better than the unsupervised categorization, overcoming 80% both in precision and recall, reaching an accuracy of 0.86. Furthermore, lemmatization, bigrams and keyphrase extraction are not so decisive. In the end, the availability of our model on GitHub together with the code we used to extract word embeddings allows replicating our approach to other corpus either in Italian or other languages

    Contribution of microfinance in enhancing food access and coping strategy in AIDS-affected households in Kakamega county, Kenya

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    Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic increases a family’s food insecurity by reducing the family’s ability to produce food, which compromises their output and income. This reduces their food availability, accessibility and acquisition, and interferes with regular nutritional intake. In response, households develop various coping strategies, especially in the context of food shortages. Arguably, microfinance (MF) has been advocated by many as an antidote to disasters affecting the households in different disaster contexts, such as famine, poverty, and tsunami occurrences. This study, therefore, sought to find out the contribution of MF to AIDS-affected households in terms of food access and coping strategies in Kakamega County, Kenya. Specifically, the study determined the effect of MF on the proportion of income spent on food, and number of meals consumed in a day. It also sought to illuminate the coping strategies adopted by AIDS-affected households with and without MF in the context of food shortages. This study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches with an experimental framework. A sample of 404 AIDS-affected household heads was included in the study. Findings from descriptive and inferential analyses revealed that over 50% of AIDS-affected households before MF were spending their income on food irrespective of loan status, and there was a highly statistically significant difference in the proportion of income spent on food by affected households with and without MF. Those households with MF spent almost twice of their income on food compared to those without MF. There was also a highly statistically significant difference in the number of meals consumed between those households with and without MF, in favour of those with MF. Households with MF took relatively more meals. Lastly, households without MF adopted more severe coping strategies when faced with food shortages. The study concluded that affected households with MF had easy access to food, ate the required number of meals and adopted less severe coping strategies. This was because MF services came as a package of money, training and advisory on business and health-related issues, which did not only improve household income but also enhanced food access and enabled adoption of less severe coping strategies in AIDS-affected households in Kakamega County.Key words: AIDS, Microfinance, Food, Security, Access, Affected, Non–affected,Coping strateg

    Towards Multi-class Object Detection in Unconstrained Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Automatic multi-class object detection in remote sensing images in unconstrained scenarios is of high interest for several applications including traffic monitoring and disaster management. The huge variation in object scale, orientation, category, and complex backgrounds, as well as the different camera sensors pose great challenges for current algorithms. In this work, we propose a new method consisting of a novel joint image cascade and feature pyramid network with multi-size convolution kernels to extract multi-scale strong and weak semantic features. These features are fed into rotation-based region proposal and region of interest networks to produce object detections. Finally, rotational non-maximum suppression is applied to remove redundant detections. During training, we minimize joint horizontal and oriented bounding box loss functions, as well as a novel loss that enforces oriented boxes to be rectangular. Our method achieves 68.16% mAP on horizontal and 72.45% mAP on oriented bounding box detection tasks on the challenging DOTA dataset, outperforming all published methods by a large margin (+6% and +12% absolute improvement, respectively). Furthermore, it generalizes to two other datasets, NWPU VHR-10 and UCAS-AOD, and achieves competitive results with the baselines even when trained on DOTA. Our method can be deployed in multi-class object detection applications, regardless of the image and object scales and orientations, making it a great choice for unconstrained aerial and satellite imagery.Comment: ACCV 201

    A Pseudo Random Numbers Generator Based on Chaotic Iterations. Application to Watermarking

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    In this paper, a new chaotic pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) is proposed. It combines the well-known ISAAC and XORshift generators with chaotic iterations. This PRNG possesses important properties of topological chaos and can successfully pass NIST and TestU01 batteries of tests. This makes our generator suitable for information security applications like cryptography. As an illustrative example, an application in the field of watermarking is presented.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, In WISM 2010, Int. Conf. on Web Information Systems and Mining, volume 6318 of LNCS, Sanya, China, pages 202--211, October 201

    A mathematical formalism for the Kondo effect in WZW branes

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    In this paper, we show how to adapt our rigorous mathematical formalism for closed/open conformal field theory so that it captures the known physical theory of branes in the WZW model. This includes a mathematically precise approach to the Kondo effect, which is an example of evolution of one conformally invariant boundary condition into another through boundary conditions which can break conformal invariance, and a proposed mathematical statement of the Kondo effect conjecture. We also review some of the known physical results on WZW boundary conditions from a mathematical perspective.Comment: Added explanations of the settings and main result

    Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: testing realistic comptonization models

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    Mrk 509 was observed by XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL in October/November 2009, with one observation every four days for a total of ten observations. Each observation has been fitted with a realistic thermal Comptonization model for the continuum emission. Prompted by the correlation between the UV and soft X-ray flux, we used a thermal Comptonization component for the soft X-ray excess. The UV to X-ray/gamma-ray emission of Mrk 509 can be well fitted by these components, pointing to the existence of a hot (kT ∌ 100 keV), optically-thin (τ ∌ 0.5) corona producing the primary continuum. In contrast, the soft X-ray component requires a warm (kT ∌ 1 keV), optically-thick (τ ∌ 10-20) plasma. Estimates of the amplification ratio for this warm plasma support a configuration relatively close to the “theoretical” configuration of a slab corona above a passive disk. This plasma could be the warm upper layer of the accretion disk. In contrast, the hot corona has a more photon-starved geometry. The high temperature (∌ 100 eV) of the soft-photon field entering and cooling it favors a localization of the hot corona in the inner flow. This soft-photon field could be part of the comptonized emission produced by the warm plasma

    Proximate and Mineral Composition of the Pulp of Chrysophyllum albidum Fruit

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    The proximate composition of Chrysophyllum albidum fruit pulp was determined. Mineral elements were determined using a tri-acid digestion method. The result of the proximate composition of the fruit pulp showed moisture content (64.00 ± 0.02%), ash (3.00 ± 0.02%), lipids (8.50 ± 0.02%), crude fibre (4.00 ± 0.02%), crude protein (0.24 ± 0.03%) and soluble carbohydrate (20.26±0.03%). The energy value of the fruit was found to be (663.12±0.60%kJ/100g) in the fruit pulp. Similarly, mineral analysis revealed potassium with (256.57± 5.77mg/100g), sodium (40.00 ± 0.00mg/100g), phosphorus (2.21 ± 0.03mg/100g), calcium (61.67±5.77mg/100g), magnesium (33.33 ± 20.21mg/100g), copper (0.94 ± 0.20mg/100g), zinc (0.26 + 0.10mg/100g), and iron (3.46+ 0.06). Others include heavy metal such as lead (0.09 ±0.08mg/100g), chromium (6.83± 6.26/100g) and cadmium was not detected. The pulp also contained appreciable amount of vitamin C (3.70 ± 0.17mg/100g). The results showed that the fruit pulp of Chrysophyllum albidum contained essential nutrients and mineral elements.Keywords: Chrysophyllum albidum, minerals, proximat
