113 research outputs found

    Public hybrid spaces as a component of contemporary cities

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    The main objectives of research work presented in the paper are: 1/Exploring the urban design solutions of public hybrid spaces in contemporary cities, which are the outstanding examples of expressive identity, 2/Carrying out the modern interpretation of principles of composition of hybrid public spaces (in urban scale), 3/Exploring the urban design solutions of public hybrid spaces, on the example of student’s works realized at The Faculty of Architecture, The Warsaw University of Technology, in The Chair of Urban Design and Rural Landscape - the detailed studies concerning spatial forms, functions and transport system. The research work has been realized with taking into consideration existing state of knowledge and use of methods proper for morphological investigations of city space. There have been used various research methods: method of analysis and critique of sources (planning documents, design projects and literature), observation method, comparative method, etc. The main conclusions: 1/The development of public hybrid spaces is connected with limiting of territorial growth of cities and supporting the development of their inner areas, what contributes to creation of the efficient spatial form and sustainable development of contemporary cities, 2/Public hybrid spaces contribute to a high degree to preserve or to create cultural identity of the city. In the face of broadening phenomenon of making uniform of the townscape of contemporary cities, shaping their identity should become a basic need of every city

    Variation of cloudiness in the mountain region on the example of the Sudetes

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    The purpose of the study is to present a comparison of cloudiness at different levels of a mountain region and to emphasize the specific characteristics of cloud cover observed in valleys and on mountain summits, based on the example of the Sudetes. The analysis is based on cloudiness observations made in Jelenia Góra and on Mt Śnieżka in the years 1971–2015. The results obtained in the study demonstrate that the average cloudiness generally increases with altitude in the Sudetes. However, in the colder half of the year, in anticyclonic weather and thermal inversion conditions, this system may be inverted. There are more cloudless and clear days on average in the valleys and more overcast and cloudy days recorded at the tops of the Sudetes. The annual cloud cover amount is similar, due to atmospheric circulation. The diurnal pattern varies as an effect of the influence of local conditions. The increase in cloudiness during the period from 1971–2015 is more significant in Jelenia Góra than on Śnieżka.6820522

    Evaluation of thermal conditions in Jeziory (the Wielkopolski National Park)

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    The purpose of this paper is to present selected methods of evaluation of thermal conditions in the Wielkopolski National Park and their initial characterization. The analysis was based on data from the automatic meteorological station in Jeziory measured during the period 2001–2010. The calendar of thermal classes graphically shows the variation in thermal conditions for each month and deviation from the standard adopted for the period concerned (Table 2). A good complement to the calendar seems the graphs of mean daily air temperature for months above and below the standards that enable their connection with the peculiarities of weather occurring in the area of Central Europe (Fig. 1). In addition to complete characterization of thermal conditions, specific number of days according to the average daily temperature ranges (Tavr): tavr. < 10°C, tavr. 10.1–15.0°C, tavr. 15.1–20.0°C, tavr. 20.1–25.0°C, tavr. 25.1–30.0°C and interdiurnal changes of average daily temperature (ΔTavr): Δtavr. 6.0°C were calculated (Table 3, 4). They were the basis for separating the year into thermal seasons (Table 5, Fig. 2). Ward’s method was used giving the best results in the case while both Tavr and ΔTavr were taken into consideration. The results obtained allow concluding that different methods of evaluation of thermal conditions applied separately do not give a full picture of thermal conditions of the area. Only a combination of results obtained using the Ward’s and calendar methods can give a complete thermal conditions characterization

    The period of intense vegetation growth and maturing of plants in north-western Poland

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    The objective of the study consisted in determining the changeability of the dates of commencement and termination of the period of intense vegetation growth and the period of maturing of plants in north-western Poland, and also the respective durations thereof. Use was made of data concerning average monthly air temperatures for the years 1966–2015, which were obtained from the collections of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute. The period of intense vegetation growth has been defined as a period with average daily air temperature of ≥ 10oC, whereas the period of maturing of plants as one with an average daily air temperature of ≥ 15oC. The dates of commencement and termination of the aforementioned periods were determined using mathematical formulae proposed by Gumiński. On average, the period of intense vegetation growth commenced 3 days/10 years earlier and terminated 1 day/10 years later. In turn, the period of maturing of plants commenced on average 2 days/10 years earlier and terminated on average 2 days/10 years later. Research also revealed an increase in the duration of both the period of intense vegetation growth, and the period of maturing of plants in north-western Poland

    Professor Wojciech Kosiński and beauty

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    "Profesora Wojciecha Kosińskiego poznałam w połowie lat 90. na konferencji w Krakowie, w czasie, kiedy rozpoczynałam działalność naukową i prezentowałam publicznie pierwsze przemyślenia dotyczące wyników moich badań. Profesor był także częstym gościem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej jako prelegent na konferencjach i recenzent rozpraw doktorskich. W okresie późniejszym regularną wymianę myśli umożliwiły mi spotkania podczas konferencji organizowanych w różnych ośrodkach akademickich pod nazwą Forum Architektury Krajobrazu oraz cykl międzynarodowych konferencji naukowych poświęconych miastu, organizowanych od 2004 roku przez Instytut Projektowania Urbanistycznego Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej."(...

    Patterns in the multiannual course of growing season in Central Europe since the end of the 19th century

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    The research identified patterns in the multiannual course of start and end dates, and length of growing sea son (GS) in Central Europe since the end of the 19th century in selected cities of Central Europe in the period 1893-2020. GS start in the analysed stations was characterised by high year-to-year variability, particularly in those located more southwards, i.e. in Prague and Vienna. A smaller variability occurred in GS end dates. The GS was subject to prolon gation, although these changes in particular cities were uneven and had different causes. In Toruń and Potsdam, its increase was caused by a greater shift of the end date, and in the remaining stations, it was determined by its earlier start date. Two subperiods were distinguished that differ in terms of intensity of changes of the start and end dates, as well as the length of the GS. The intensification was observed recently

    The black protests : a struggle for (re)definition of intimate citizenship

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    Próby zmiany prawa regulującego dostęp do aborcji w Polsce, podjęte przez polski Sejm w 2016 i 2018, zainicjowały intensywną społeczną mobilizację i szerokie protesty społeczne, określane wspólną nazwą "Czarne Protesty". Tę mobilizację traktujemy jako próbę (prze)definiowania obowiązujących pojęć obywatelstwa, a w szczególności, jako wyraz poszukiwania nowego modelu obywatelstwa intymnego, czyli publicznego przedefiniowania praw dotyczących prywatnej/intymnej sfery. Celem artykułu jest analiza wspomnianych (re)artykulacji intymnego obywatelstwa. W pierwszej części artykułu opisujemy czym były Czarne Protesty oraz Ogólnopolski Strajk Kobiet oraz przybliżamy kontekst ich powstania oraz postulaty. W drugiej części definiujemy rozumienie obywatelstwa, a w szczególności obywatelstwa intymnego. Następnie przybliżamy metodologię naszych badań. Ostatnia, analityczna część artykułu rekonstruuje wizje obywatelstwa intymnego wyłaniające się z analizowanego materiału empirycznego.This article focuses on analysis of redefinitions of intimate citizenship visions in the arenas created by recent women’s protests in Poland. The 2016 and 2018 attempts by the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish Parliament, to introduce amendments to the existing law regulating access to abortion in Poland stirred dramatic social mobilisation and widespread social protests labelled with the umbrella term "Black Protests". We see these mobilisations not only as a protest, but also as attempt to (re)define dominant notions of citizenship, and in particular, as a quest for a new model of intimate citizenship, i.e. public reconceptualisation of rights regarding the private/intimate sphere. Our article offers the in-depth analysis these reconceptualisations. It unfolds in the following way. Firstly, we discuss the phenomena of the Black Protests and Polish Women’s Strikes and present the context of their emergence as well as their agenda. Secondly, we briefly discuss the issue of intimate citizenship. We then present the methodology, as well as discussing the empirical material used for our analysis. In the final part we reconstruct the visions of (intimate) citizenship emerging from the collected material

    IV Ogólnopolski Studencki Konkurs Wiedzy z Zakresu Prawa Wyznaniowego, Opole, 9 kwietnia 2021 r.

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    IV Ogólnopolski Studencki Konkurs Wiedzy z Zakresu Prawa Wyznaniowego, Opole, 9 kwietnia 2021 r

    Warunki pluwialne w Poznaniu w latach 1981-2015

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    The study covers the characteristics of pluvial conditions in Poznań in 1981–2015. There is a slight increase in the multiannual precipitation course, while the number of days with precipitation is decreasing. There is a significant growing trend of precipitation over 5 mm and 10 mm. Throughout the years, summer precipitation with a maximum in July and the smallest totals in the winter with a minimum in February prevail. The spring precipitation outweighs that in the autumn. In the course of annual daily precipitation totals, the interval of 1.1–5.0 mm tends to be least varied and occurs with an equal frequency throughout the year. Precipitation in the 0.1–1.0 mm range usually takes place in January and December. Precipitation over 5 mm usually occurs in the summer. July has the biggest frequency of moderately strong, strong, and very strong precipitation. According to the pluvial classification, July is the most frequently humid, very humid and extremely humid month while February – the driest one.723925618Badania Fizjograficzn