28 research outputs found

    Bijective rigid motions of the 2D Cartesian grid

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    International audienceRigid motions are fundamental operations in image processing. While they are bijective and isometric in R^2, they lose these properties when digitized in Z^2. To investigate these defects, we first extend a combinatorial model of the local behavior of rigid motions on Z^2, initially proposed by Nouvel and RĂ©mila for rotations on Z^2. This allows us to study bijective rigid motions on Z^2, and to propose two algorithms for verifying whether a given rigid motion restricted to a given finite subset of Z^2 is bijective

    Topological alterations of 3D digital images under rigid transformations

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    National audienceRigid transformations in R^n are known to preserve the shape, and are often applied to digital images. However, digitized rigid transformations, defined as digital functions from Z^n to Z^n do not preserve shapes in general\string; indeed, they are almost never bijective and thus alter the topology. In order to understand the causes of such topological alterations, we first study the possible loss of voxel information and modification of voxel adjacencies induced by applications of digitized rigid transformations to 3D digital images. We then show that even very simple structured images such as digital half-spaces may not preserve their topology under these transformations. This signifies that a simple extension of the two-dimensional solution for topology preservation cannot be made in three dimensions

    DĂ©placements sur des espaces discrets

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    In digital geometry, Euclidean objects are represented by their discrete approximations, e.g. subsets of the lattice of integers. Rigid motions of such sets have to be defined as maps from and onto a given discrete space. One way to design such motions is to combine continuous rigid motions defined on Euclidean space with a digitization operator. However, digitized rigid motions often no longer satisfy properties of their continuous siblings. Indeed, due to digitization, such transformations do not preserve distances, while bijectivity and point connectivity are generally lost. In the context of 2D discrete spaces, we study digitized rigid motions on the lattices of Gaussian and Eisenstein integers. We characterize bijective digitized rigid motions on the integer lattice, and bijective digitized rotations on the regular hexagonal lattice. Also, we compare the information loss induced by non-bijective digitized rigid motions defined on both lattices. Yet, for practical applications, the relevant information is not global bijectivity, but bijectivity of a digitized rigid motion restricted to a given finite subset of a lattice. We propose two algorithms testing that condition for subsets of the integer lattice, and a third algorithm providing optimal angle intervals that preserve this restricted bijectivity. We then focus on digitized rigid motions on 3D integer lattice. First, we study at a local scale geometric and topological defects induced by digitized rigid motions. Such an analysis consists of generating all the images of a finite digital set under digitized rigid motions. This problem amounts to computing an arrangement of hypersurfaces in a 6D parameter space. The dimensionality and degenerate cases make the problem practically unsolvable for state-of-the-art techniques. We propose an ad hoc solution, which mainly relies on parameter uncoupling, and an algorithm for computing sample points of 3D connected components in an arrangement of second degree polynomials. Finally, we focus on the open problem of determining whether a 3D digitized rotation is bijective or not. In our approach, we explore arithmetic properties of Lipschitz quaternions. This leads to an algorithm which answers whether a given digitized rotation—related to a Lipschitz quaternion—is bijective or notEn gĂ©omĂ©trie discrĂšte, les objets euclidiens sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par leurs approximations discrĂštes, telles que des sous-ensembles du rĂ©seau des points Ă  coordonnĂ©es entiĂšres. Les dĂ©placements de ces ensembles doivent ĂȘtre dĂ©finis comme des applications depuis et sur un espace discret donnĂ©. Une façon de concevoir de telles transformations est de combiner des dĂ©placements continus dĂ©finis sur un espace euclidien avec un opĂ©rateur de discrĂ©tisation. Cependant, les dĂ©placements discrĂ©tisĂ©s ne satisfont souvent plus les propriĂ©tĂ©s de leurs Ă©quivalents continus. En effet, en raison de la discrĂ©tisation, de telles transformations ne prĂ©servent pas les distances, et la bijectivitĂ© et la connexitĂ© entre les points sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement perdues. Dans le contexte des espaces discrets 2D, nous Ă©tudions des dĂ©placements discrĂ©tisĂ©s sur les rĂ©seaux d'entiers de Gauss et d'Eisenstein. Nous caractĂ©risons les dĂ©placements discrĂ©tisĂ©s bijectifs sur le rĂ©seau carrĂ©, et les rotations bijectives discrĂ©tisĂ©es sur le rĂ©seau hexagonal rĂ©gulier. En outre, nous comparons les pertes d'information induites par des dĂ©placements discrĂ©tisĂ©s non bijectifs dĂ©finis sur ces deux rĂ©seaux. Toutefois, pour des applications pratiques, l'information pertinente n'est pas la bijectivitĂ© globale, mais celle d'un dĂ©placement discrĂ©tisĂ© restreint Ă  un sous-ensemble fini donnĂ© d'un rĂ©seau. Nous proposons deux algorithmes testant cette condition pour les sous-ensembles du rĂ©seau entier, ainsi qu'un troisiĂšme algorithme fournissant des intervalles d'angles optimaux qui prĂ©servent cette bijectivitĂ© restreinte. Nous nous concentrons ensuite sur les dĂ©placements discrĂ©tisĂ©s sur le rĂ©seau cubique 3D. Tout d'abord, nous Ă©tudions Ă  l'Ă©chelle locale des dĂ©fauts gĂ©omĂ©triques et topologiques induits par des dĂ©placements discrĂ©tisĂ©s. Une telle analyse consiste Ă  gĂ©nĂ©rer toutes les images d'un ensemble du rĂ©seau fini sous des dĂ©placements discrĂ©tisĂ©s. Un tel problĂšme revient Ă  calculer un arrangement d'hypersurfaces dans un espace de paramĂštres de dimension six. La dimensionnalitĂ© et les cas dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s rendent le problĂšme insoluble, en pratique, par les techniques usuelles. Nous proposons une solution ad hoc reposant sur un dĂ©couplage des paramĂštres, et un algorithme pour calculer des points d'Ă©chantillonnage de composantes connexes 3D dans un arrangement de polynĂŽmes du second degrĂ©. Enfin, nous nous concentrons sur le problĂšme ouvert de dĂ©terminer si une rotation discrĂ©tisĂ©e 3D est bijective ou non. Dans notre approche, nous explorons les propriĂ©tĂ©s arithmĂ©tiques des quaternions de Lipschitz. Ceci conduit Ă  un algorithme qui dĂ©termine si une rotation discrĂ©tisĂ©e donnĂ©e, associĂ©e Ă  un quaternion de Lipschitz, est bijective ou no

    copyme/RigidMotionsMapleTools 0.1

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    The first release comes after we succeeded to compute neighborhood motion maps of 18-neighborhood

    Lipschitz quaternions in the range [−10, 10]^4, which induce bijective 3D digitized rotations

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    <p>The file contains Lipschitz quaternions in the range [−10, 10]^4, such that they induce bijective 3D digitized rotations. It is a comma-separated values file format such that each line contains a different quaternion.</p

    CataEx - Export Code for Google Earth Engine

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    &lt;p&gt;Please read &lt;strong&gt;CataEx_readme.txt&lt;/strong&gt; includedd in the ZIP-file.&lt;/p&gt;This work is part of the project "Global Assessment of Glacier-Landslide Interactions and Associated Geo-Hazards" (2021/42/E/ST10/00186), funded by the Polish National Science Center (NCN)

    Bijective digitized rigid motions on subsets of the plane

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    International audienceRigid motions in R2\mathbb{R}^2 are fundamental operations in 2D image processing. They satisfy many properties: in particular, they are isometric and therefore bijective. Digitized rigid motions, however, lose these two properties. To investigate the lack of injectivity or surjectivity and more generally their local behavior, we extend the framework initially proposed by Nouvel and R\'emila to the case of digitized rigid motions. Yet, for practical applications, the relevant information is not global bijectivity, which is seldom achieved, but bijectivity of the motion restricted to a given finite subset of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2. We propose two algorithms testing that condition. Finally, because rotation angles are rarely given with infinite precision, we propose a third algorithm providing optimal angle intervals that preserve this restricted bijectivity

    Quadric Arrangement in Classifying Rigid Motions of a 3D Digital Image

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    International audienceRigid motions are fundamental operations in image processing. While bijective and isometric in R3\mathbb{R}^3, they lose these properties when digitized in Z3\mathbb{Z}^3. To understand how the digitization of 3D rigid motions affects the topology and geometry of a chosen image patch, we classify the rigid motions according to their effect on the image patch. This classification can be described by an arrangement of hypersurfaces in the parameter space of 3D rigid motions of dimension six. However, its high dimensionality and the existence of degenerate cases make a direct application of classical techniques, such as cylindrical algebraic decomposition or critical point method, difficult. We show that this problem can be first reduced to computing sample points in an arrangement of quadrics in the 3D parameter space of rotations. Then we recover information about remaining three parameters of translation. We implemented an ad-hoc variant of state-of-the-art algorithms and applied it to an image patch of cardinality 77. This leads to an arrangement of 81 quadrics and we recovered the classification in less than one hour on a machine equipped with 40 cores

    Bijectivity certification of 3D digitized rotations

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    International audienceEuclidean rotations in R^n are bijective and isometric maps. Nevertheless, they lose these properties when digitized in Z^n. For n=2, the subset of bijective digitized rotations has been described explicitly by Nouvel and R\Ă©mila and more recently by Roussillon and Coeurjolly. In the case of 3D digitized rotations, the same characterization has remained an open problem. In this article, we propose an algorithm for certifying the bijectivity of 3D digitized rational rotations using the arithmetic properties of the Lipschitz quaternions