12 research outputs found
ARES. III. Unveiling the Two Faces of KELT-7 b with HST WFC3*
We present the analysis of the hot-Jupiter KELT-7 b using transmission and emission spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope, both taken with the Wide Field Camera 3. Our study uncovers a rich transmission spectrum that is consistent with a cloud-free atmosphere and suggests the presence of H_{2}O and H^{â}. In contrast, the extracted emission spectrum does not contain strong absorption features and, although it is not consistent with a simple blackbody, it can be explained by a varying temperatureâpressure profile, collision induced absorption, and H^{-}. KELT-7 b had also been studied with other space-based instruments and we explore the effects of introducing these additional data sets. Further observations with Hubble, or the next generation of space-based telescopes, are needed to allow for the optical opacity source in transmission to be confirmed and for molecular features to be disentangled in emission
Detecting H2O with CRIRES+: WASP-20b
International audienc
ATMOSPHERIX: I- An open source high resolution transmission spectroscopy pipeline for exoplanets atmospheres with SPIRou
Atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets from the ground is an actively growing field of research. In this context we have created the ATMOSPHERIX consortium: a research project aimed at characterizing exoplanets atmospheres using ground-based high resolution spectroscopy. This paper presents the publicly-available data analysis pipeline and demonstrates the robustness of the recovered planetary parameters from synthetic data. Simulating planetary transits using synthetic transmission spectra of a hot Jupiter that were injected into real SPIRou observations of the non-transiting system Gl 15 A, we show that our pipeline is successful at recovering the planetary signal and input atmospheric parameters. We also introduce a deep learning algorithm to optimise data reduction which proves to be a reliable, alternative tool to the commonly used principal component analysis. We estimate the level of uncertainties and possible biases when retrieving parameters such as temperature and composition and hence the level of confidence in the case of retrieval from real data. Finally, we apply our pipeline onto two real transits of HD~189733 b observed with SPIRou and obtain similar results than in the literature. In summary, we have developed a publicly available and robust pipeline for the forthcoming studies of the targets to be observed in the framework of the ATMOSPHERIX consortium, which can easily be adapted to other high resolution instruments than SPIRou (e.g. VLT-CRIRES, MAROON-X, ELT-ANDES
ATMOSPHERIX: II- Characterising exoplanet atmospheres through transmission spectroscopy with SPIRou
In a companion paper, we introduced a publicly-available pipeline to characterise exoplanet atmospheres through high-resolution spectroscopy. In this paper, we use this pipeline to study the biases and degeneracies that arise in atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets in near-infrared ground-based transmission spectroscopy. We inject synthetic planetary transits into sequences of SPIRou spectra of the well known M dwarf star Gl 15 A, and study the effects of different assumptions on the retrieval. We focus on (i) mass and radius uncertainties, (ii) non isothermal vertical profiles and (iii) identification and retrieval of multiple species. We show that the uncertainties on mass and radius should be accounted for in retrievals and that depth-dependent temperature information can be derived from high-resolution transmission spectroscopy data. Finally, we discuss the impact of selecting wavelength orders in the retrieval and the issues that arise when trying to identify a single species in a multi-species atmospheric model. This analysis allows us to understand better the results obtained through transmission spectroscopy and their limitations in preparation to the analysis of actual SPIRou data
ARES. V. No Evidence for Molecular Absorption in the HST WFC3 Spectrum of GJ 1132 b
We present a study on the spatially scanned spectroscopic observations of the transit of GJ 1132 b, a warm (âŒ500 K) super-Earth (1.13 R â) that was obtained with the G141 grism (1.125-1.650 ÎŒm) of the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on board the Hubble Space Telescope. We used the publicly available Iraclis pipeline to extract the planetary transmission spectra from the five visits and produced a precise transmission spectrum. We analyzed the spectrum using the TauREx3 atmospheric retrieval code, with which we show that the measurements do not contain molecular signatures in the investigated wavelength range and are best fit with a flat-line model. Our results suggest that the planet does not have a clear primordial, hydrogen-dominated atmosphere. Instead, GJ 1132 b could have a cloudy hydrogen-dominated atmosphere, have a very enriched secondary atmosphere, be airless, or have a tenuous atmosphere that has not been detected. Due to the narrow wavelength coverage of WFC3, these scenarios cannot be distinguished yet, but the James Webb Space Telescope may be capable of detecting atmospheric features, although several observations may be required to provide useful constraints
ARES IV: Probing the Atmospheres of the Two Warm Small Planets HD 106315c and HD 3167c with the HST/WFC3 Camera
We present an atmospheric characterization study of two medium-sized planets bracketing the radius of Neptune: HD 106315c (R P = 4.98 ± 0.23 R â) and HD 3167c (RP = 2.740-0.100+0.106 Râ). We analyze spatially scanned spectroscopic observations obtained with the G141 grism (1.125-1.650 ÎŒm) of the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on board the Hubble Space Telescope. We use the publicly available Iraclis pipeline and TauREx3 atmospheric retrieval code and detect water vapor in the atmosphere of both planets, with an abundance of log10[NH3] = -4.3-2.0+0.7 (âŒ5.68Ï) and log10[H2O] = -4.1-0.9+0.9 (âŒ3.17Ï) for HD 106315c and HD 3167c, respectively. The transmission spectrum of HD 106315c also shows possible evidence of ammonia absorption (log10[NH3] = -4.3-2.0+0.7 âŒ1.97Ï, even if it is not significant), while carbon dioxide absorption features may be present in the atmosphere of HD 3167c in the âŒ1.1-1.6 ÎŒm wavelength range (log10[CO2] = -2.4-1.0+0.7, âŒ3.28Ï). However, the CO2 detection appears significant, and it must be considered carefully and put into perspective. Indeed, CO2 presence is not explained by 1D equilibrium chemistry models, and it could be due to possible systematics. The additional contributions of clouds, CO, and CH4 are discussed. HD 106315c and HD 3167c will be interesting targets for upcoming telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey
ARES. III. Unveiling the Two Faces of KELT-7 b with HST WFC3
We present the analysis of the hot-Jupiter KELT-7 b using transmission and emission spectroscopy from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), both taken with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3). Our study uncovers a rich transmission spectrum which is consistent with a cloud-free atmosphere and suggests the presence of H2O and H-. In contrast, the extracted emission spectrum does not contain strong absorption features and, although it is not consistent with a simple blackbody, it can be explained by a varying temperature-pressure profile, collision induced absorption (CIA) and H-. KELT-7b had also been studied with other space-based instruments and we explore the effects of introducing these additional datasets. Further observations with Hubble, or the next generation of space-based telescopes, are needed to allow for the optical opacity source in transmission to be confirmed and for molecular features to be disentangled in emission
ARES. II. Characterizing the Hot Jupiters WASP-127 b, WASP-79 b, and WASP-62b with the Hubble Space Telescope
This paper presents the atmospheric characterization of three large, gaseous planets: WASP-127 b, WASP-79 b, and WASP-62 b. We analyzed spectroscopic data obtained with the G141 grism (1.088-1.68 ÎŒm) of the Wide Field Camera 3 on board the Hubble Space Telescope using the Iraclis pipeline and the TauREx3 retrieval code, both of which are publicly available. For WASP-127 b, which is the least dense planet discovered so far and is located in the short-period Neptune desert, our retrieval results found strong water absorption corresponding to an abundance of log(H2O) = -2.71 +0.78â1.05 and absorption compatible with an iron hydride abundance of log(FeH) = â5.25+0.88â1.10, with an extended cloudy atmosphere. We also detected water vapor in the atmospheres of WASP-79 b and WASP-62 b, with best-fit models indicating the presence of iron hydride, too. We used the Atmospheric Detectability Index as well as Bayesian log evidence to quantify the strength of the detection and compared our results to the hot Jupiter population study by Tsiaras et al. While all the planets studied here are suitable targets for characterization with upcoming facilities such as the James Webb Space Telescope and Ariel, WASP-127 b is of particular interest due to its low density, and a thorough atmospheric study would develop our understanding of planet formation and migration. * ARES: Ariel Retrieval of Exoplanets School