709 research outputs found

    Open Source Software: facilitating Open Science at TU Delft

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    Unlocking teeth:Development and application of isotopic methods for human provenance studies

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    This PhD research was conducted as part of the international research project NEXUS1492 which studied the impacts of the colonial encounters in the Caribbean. As part of the second project that focused on the development and application of biogeochemical methods to address human mobility, this work combined the exploration of a new isotopic technique (Nd isotope analysis) and evaluated already established methods (Sr, O, C isotope analysis). Here, you find the following files: 1_UnlockingTeeth.pdf (the PDF file of the dissertation - EN/NL) UnlockingTeeth_print.pdf (the PDF file used for the physical copy - EN/NL) TandenOnstloten.pdf (the Dutch translation of the dissertation - NL) TandenOntsloten_Opname.mp3 (the recording of the Dutch summary - NL) Figure_8.1_data.csv (the data underlying Figure 8.1) Propositions (statements based on the work of the dissertation - EN

    Winstuitkering bij ziekenhuiszorg

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    __Abstract__ Er zijn belangrijke redenen om instellingen voor medisch-specialistische zorg vrij te stellen van het huidige verbod op winstuitkering, zoals het kabinet voorstelt. De voorwaarden in het voorliggende wetsvoorstel zijn echter deels weinig effectief in het voorkomen van mogelijke negatieve gevolgen en deels onnodig beperkend. Een naar zorgtype gedifferentieerde aanpak verdient de voorkeur

    The impact of a digitally enhanced peer learning program on peer teacher students’ academic performance: a study developed under Educational Design Research

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    21st century educational systems are expected to provide effective solutions to ever-lasting Education challenges, such as how to facilitate the way learners learn as well as to current issues of an ever-changing world permeated both by technological development and an urge of human attributes stemming from affective and social skills. Under the principles of social constructivism, peer learning seems to be a flexible solution for educational challenges, for encouraging learners’ autonomy, engagement and collaboration skills as well as for welcoming the incorporation of innovating strategies and digital technologies. According to literature review, extensive benefits of peer learning have been found under the affective, social, and cognitive dimensions, although more scientific evidence is needed to assess its impact on learners’ academic performance. This PhD project tries to provide a valid contribution to the scientific and educational communities, based on finding that the recognized potential of peer learning can be more systematically explored within the realm of teaching and learning practice in basic and secondary education. Under the methodological framework of Educational Design Research, this study aims to develop a digitally enhanced prototype of a peer learning program in the scope of English as a Foreign Language curricula for basic and secondary education and assess the impact of peer teacher students’ (PTS) voluntary participation under the cognitive (as for metacognitive skills), affective (regarding motivation), and social dimensions (considering collaborative and communicative skills). Results are expected to find evidence of peer learning positive impact on PTSs’ academic performance and facilitate its dissemination.publishe

    Pleidooi voor een Wet toezicht kwaliteit zorgsector

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    __Abstract__ De afgelopen jaren zijn verschillende malen voorstellen gedaan om een algemene Toezichtwet op het terrein van de zorg te maken. Deze voorstellen behelsden vaak niet meer dan een globaal idee. Tot nu toe is nimmer onderzoek verricht naar de mogelijke opzet en meerwaarde van een dergelijke Toezichtwet. In het kader van de onlangs door ons afgeronde thematische wetsevaluatie bestuursrechtelijk toezicht op de kwaliteit van zorg1 kwam dit onderwerp nadrukkelijk bovendrijven. Een van de conclusies van deze evaluatie is dat er goede gronden zijn voor de realisatie van een integrale Toezichtwet. Daarbij gaat het in het bijzonder over de positie van de ‘leidende’ toezichthouder op het gebied van de kwaliteit van zorg, de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg (IGZ). In deze bijdrage werken wij dit nader uit. In de eerste plaats gaan wij in op de lacunes in de huidige toezichtwetgeving op het gebied van de kwaliteit van zorg. Daarna besteden wij aandacht aan eerdere discussies met betrekking tot een Toezichtwet in de zorg. Vervolgens maken wij een uitstapje naar een integrale toezichtwet in een andere maatschappelijke sector, namelijk het onderwijs. Dit alles mondt uit in een pleidooi voor een nieuwe Wet toezicht kwaliteit zorgsector en in een hoofdlijnenschets van deze wet

    Nonlinear Dynamics of the Perceived Pitch of Complex Sounds

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    We apply results from nonlinear dynamics to an old problem in acoustical physics: the mechanism of the perception of the pitch of sounds, especially the sounds known as complex tones that are important for music and speech intelligibility

    Optical genome mapping and revisiting short-read genome sequencing data reveal previously overlooked structural variants disrupting retinal disease-associated genes

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    Purpose: Structural variants (SVs) play an important role in inherited retinal diseases (IRD). Although the identification of SVs significantly improved upon the availability of genome sequencing, it is expected that involvement of SVs in IRDs is higher than anticipated. We revisited short-read genome sequencing data to enhance the identification of gene-disruptive SVs. Methods: Optical genome mapping was performed to improve SV detection in short-read genome sequencing-negative cases. In addition, reanalysis of short-read genome sequencing data was performed to improve the interpretation of SVs and to re-establish SV prioritization criteria. Results: In a monoallelic USH2A case, optical genome mapping identified a pericentric inversion (173 megabase), with 1 breakpoint disrupting USH2A. Retrospectively, the variant could be observed in genome sequencing data but was previously deemed false positive. Reanalysis of short-read genome sequencing data (427 IRD cases) was performed which yielded 30 pathogenic SVs affecting, among other genes, USH2A (n = 15), PRPF31 (n = 3), and EYS (n = 2). Eight of these (>25%) were overlooked during previous analyses. Conclusion: Critical evaluation of our findings allowed us to re-establish and improve our SV prioritization and interpretation guidelines, which will prevent missing pathogenic events in future analyses. Our data suggest that more attention should be paid to SV interpretation and the current contribution of SVs in IRDs is still underestimated
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