52 research outputs found


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    У статті досліджено торгово-економічні відносини країн СНД із латиноамериканським регіоном. Зроблено спробу визначити причинно-наслідковий зв’язок економічних взаємин внаслідок пост-комуністичних трансформацій, що відбулися в Білорусі, Україні і Російській Федерації після розпаду СРСР. Основна увага приділена обсягам імпорту та експорту, а також наголошено на найбільш важливих продуктах взаємної торгівлі. (In the article the author analyzes trade economic relationships of CIS and Latin American countries. There is an afford to identify causal links in economic relationships as a result of post communist transformation in Belarus, Ukraine, the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR. The author pays attention to import-export volume and to the most important items of mutual trade.

    Sweden-2022: the Evolution of the Political Landscape

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the elections to the Swedish parliament in September 2022. It shows the significance of these elections, which confirmed the transformation of the party-political system in this country, when stable inter-party unions were replaced by temporary coalitions of changing partners. The consequences of the significant strengthening of the nationalist Sweden Democrats party against the background of the weakening or stagnation of the old parliamentary parties are revealed. The discussed options and combinations of political parties applying for participation in the government are shown. The main features of the settlement of the current political crisis in Sweden are revealed, an explanation is given why exactly the renewed union of bourgeois parties gained an advantage and what is the role of the Swedish Democrats in the formation of the government. The author sees in the found formula for overcoming the political crisis only an intermediate stage in its resolution due to the complexity of the growing domestic and foreign policy problems


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    У розвідці висвітлено процес створення Тихоокеанського Альянсу як латиноамериканського регіонального геополітичного проекту. Детально проаналізовано стартові економічні можливості блоку, перспективи співробітництва з ключовими державами азійського регіону. Розглянуто позиції США до новоствореного блоку, а також проаналізовано економічний потенціал Тихоокеанського Альянсу в контексті не лише геополітичної ситуації в латиноамериканському регіоні, але й у рамках тихоокеанської економічної системи. (The survey highlights the process of creating Pacific Alliance as a new regional geopolitical project of Latin America. The article analyzes bloc’s starting economical capabilities and prospects of cooperation with crucial states of Asia. The US positions concerning the new bloc are considered. Furthermore, the article deals with the economical potential of Pacific Alliance in the context of geopolitical situations not only in Latin America but also in a part of Pacific economic system.


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    The article analyzes a set of problems related to Sweden’s planned accession to NATO. The author examines the impact on this process of various factors, both foreign and domestic, analyzes the processes of public opinion formation (pages dedicated to the annual representative security conference in January 2023 in Stockholm). Among them, Turkish-Swedish relations occupy a special place, since Turkey, as a NATO member, puts forward to Sweden a number of conditions dictated by the interests of the Turkish Republic itself and affecting Sweden’s immigration policy. They concern both the fate of the Kurdish community in Sweden, and the willingness or unwillingness of the Swedish authorities to adjust their actions against Muslim communities in this northern country under pressure from Turkey (in this regard, the immediate and long-term consequences of such provocative acts as the public burning of the Koran in Stockholm are being considered). The article also shows how the topical problems of Sweden’s foreign policy affect domestic political processes. The author comes to the conclusion that it is possible to analyze the problem of Sweden’s accession to NATO only in the context of analyzing the processes in the entire system of modern international relation

    The influence of U.S.-China relations on the current geopolitical situation

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    The complex interaction between the USA and China, which has developed into a real confrontation, greatly affects global politics and economics, significantly influencing the geopolitical situation. The political behaviour of most countries, delicate geopolitical balance, and the solution to global problems are now directly dependent on changes in U.S.-China relations. The study aims to determine the consequences of U.S.-China relations for global politics. The methodology of the study involved using a comparison method, graphical analysis of the characteristics of the role of the U.S. and China for the respective countries (adversary, rival, ally, partner), prognostic method and content analysis of German political declarative documents. Establishing optimal U.S.-China relations would help solve the problems of global recession, mass migration, environmental issues, Russian military aggression in Ukraine, and food security. The article reveals the pragmatic approaches of most countries to the competition between the U.S. and China. Identifying the critical goals of U.S. and China relations will help establish possible prospects for cooperation or increased conflict due to changes in the geopolitical situation. The study proves the need to develop and implement strategies to support stability, find standard solutions to global problems, and cooperate between the U.S. and China

    Динаміка торгово-економічних відносин країн Латинської Америки та Карибського регіону із Російською Федерацією періоду президентства В. Путіна (2000-2008 рр.)(Dynamics of trade and economic re latio-nships between Latin American and Caribbean countries and Russian Federation under the administration of President V.V. Putin (in the years of 2000-2008))

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    У статті йдеться про торгово-економічні відносини Російської Федерації із дієвими субрегіональними організаціями, економічними союзами Центральної і Південної Америки, а також із окремими державами серед яких: Бразилія, Куба, Коста-Ріка, Венесуела, Гондурас, Колумбія, Парагвай, Гайана і Болівія. Доведено, що у досліджуваний період контакти значно розширились і лягли в основу поглибленого розвитку і взаємовигідної співпраці між партнерами (In the article the author discusses the relationships in the area of trade and economy between Russian Federation and active subregional organizations, economic alliances of Central and South America as well as with separate countries such as Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Honduras, Columbia, Paraguay, Guyana and Bolivia. The author concludes that during the studied period trade and economic contacts substantially increased and became a ground for further development of mutually beneficial cooperation between partners

    Розвиток торгово-економічних відносин Республіки Білорусь із розвинутими країнами Латинської Америки протягом 2000-2009 рр.

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    У статті розглядається динаміка торгово-економічних відносин Республіки Білорусь із країнами латиноамериканського регіону, зокрема із Аргентиною, Бразилією, Венесуелою. Для порівняння досліджуються також Еквадор, Куба, Колумбія та Чилі Основна увага приділена обсягам імпорту та експорту, а також наголошено на найбільш важливих продуктах взаємної торгівлі (In the article the author studies the dynamics of trade and economic relationships of Belarus with developed Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela. For the purpose of comprising the author analyses statistical data of Ecuador, Cuba, Columbia and Chile. Main focus is made on the volume of export and import as well as major products of mutual trade.

    Effect of taxanes on the miR-106 and miR-200c expression in prostate cancer cells in vivo and in vitro

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    Introduction. A combination of antiandrogen and cytostatic drugs was justified in the neoadjuvant therapy of patients with high-risk prostate cancer (HiRPCa) in some clinical trials. The effectiveness of such therapy in each individual case depends on the sensitivity of cancer cells to the applied drugs. It makes possible the development of the new technologies to personalize therapeutic approach. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of regulatory molecules whose expression is altered in PCa cells and can be associated with the sensitivity/resistance of cancer cells to specific cytostatics, for instance, taxanes.Objective. To identify the potential-marker miRNAs of PCa cells sensitivity to taxanes.Materials and methods. Samples of PCa tissue (n. 56) obtained from patients underwent neo-adjuvant therapy (antiandrogen and taxanes) and radical prostatectomy; PCa cell lines (PC-3, DU-145, LNCap). Total RNAs isolation was carried out using miRNeasy FFPE Kit, LRU-100-50; miRCURY LNA miRNA Focus PCR Panel, All-MIR kits were used for semi-quantitative analysis of potentially marker microRNA molecules using sequential reverse transcription and PCR.Results. The effect of taxanes on PCa cells is associated with up-regulation of miR-106b expression and down-regulation of miR-200c expression in both in vivo and in vitro conditions.Conclusion. MiR-106b and miR-200c miRNAs are involved in the response of PCa cells to taxanes, and therapeutic modification of these molecules in PCa cells may present a potential strategy to increase their sensitivity to taxane-containing therapy. Appropriate innovative technology may be in demand in the treatment of HiRPCa-patients