8 research outputs found

    The emission consequences of using biodiesel and bio ethanol as a fuel for road transport in Denmark

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    This article explains the emission consequences of using biodiesel and bio ethanol as a fuel for road transport in Denmark calculated in the REBECa project. For the years 2004, 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030, two fossil fuel baseline scenarios (FS) are considered characterised by different traffic growth rates. For each FS, two biofuel scenarios (BS1, BS2) are considered with a 5.75 % biodiesel/bio ethanol share in 2010 as a common starting point. From 2010, linear growths are assumed for BS1 (10 % in 2020) and BS2 (25 % in 2030). The emissions presented in this study are vehicle based; a separate Well to Wheels (W-t-W) assessment of the total emission consequences of producing and using biofuels has been conducted in a different part of REBECa. The maximum CO2 emission difference between FS and BS2 becomes 26 % in 2030. The NOx and VOC emission variations between FS and both biofuel scenarios are 3 % or less. For CO and TSP the largest emission differences, 5 % and -12 %, respectively, occur between the FS and BS2 scenarios in 2030. The biofuel emission impacts are insignificant for NOx,VOC, CO and TSP compared to the generally large emission reductions predicted in all scenarios driven by the gradual strengthened emission standards for new vehicles, by far outweighing the emission influence from biofuels and traffic growth. The emission estimates for NOx, VOC, CO and TSP presented in this study are less certain than for CO2 due to the relatively scarce biofuel emission data implemented in the calculations. As a consequence, the obtained emission results must be assessed with care. Bearing in mind these uncertainties, the calculation approach for emissions from biofuel usage presented in this study can be used as a tool to carry out sensitivity analysis, environmental impact assessment studies, or for research purposes as such

    The Emission consequences of using biodiesel and bio ethanol as a fuel for road transport in Denmark

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    This article explains the emission consequences of using biodiesel and bio ethanol as a fuel for road transport in Denmark calculated in the REBECa project. For the years 2004, 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030, two fossil fuel baseline scenarios (FS) are considered characterised by different traffic growth rates. For each FS, two biofuel scenarios (BS1, BS2) are considered with a 5.75 % biodiesel/bio ethanol share in 2010 as a common starting point. From 2010, linear growths are assumed for BS1 (10 % in 2020) and BS2 (25 % in 2030). The emissions presented in this study are vehicle based; a separate Well to Wheels (W-t-W) assessment of the total emission consequences of producing and using biofuels has been conducted in a different part of REBECa. The maximum CO2 emission difference between FS and BS2 becomes 26 % in 2030. The NOx and VOC emission variations between FS and both biofuel scenarios are 3 % or less. For CO and TSP the largest emission differences, 5 % and -12 %, respectively, occur between the FS and BS2 scenarios in 2030. The biofuel emission impacts are insignificant for NOx,VOC, CO and TSP compared to the generally large emission reductions predicted in all scenarios driven by the gradual strengthened emission standards for new vehicles, by far outweighing the emission influence from biofuels and traffic growth. The emission estimates for NOX, VOC, CO and TSP presented in this study are less certain than for CO2 due to the relatively scarce biofuel emission data implemented in the calculations. As a consequence, the obtained emission results must be assessed with care. Bearing in mind these uncertainties, the calculation approach for emissions from biofuel usage presented in this study can be used as a tool to carry out sensitivity analysis, environmental impact assessment studies, or for research purposes as such

    Modelling ultrafine particle number concentrations at address resolution in Denmark from 1979 to 2018 - Part 2: Local and street scale modelling and evaluation

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    Modelling of ambient particle number concentrations (PNC) has been implemented in the Danish air quality modelling system DEHM/UBM/AirGIS and evaluated with long-term measurements. We implemented particle dynamical processes in the regional scale model DEHM using the M7 aerosol dynamics module (presented in the accompanying article by Frohn et al., 2021), and we developed models for PNC at the local scale (UBM) and street scale (OSPM), in a first approximation without including the particle dynamics as presented in this article.Outdoor concentration estimates are provided at the front door of all residential address locations in Denmark for the past 40 years (1979–2018) with a spatial resolution of 1 km × 1 km taking all emission sectors in Denmark into account and additionally at the street location, with significant traffic (>500 vehicles/day).We evaluated our model with up to 18-year long measurement time series of particle number size distributions (PNSD) at Danish street, urban and rural background stations. Two particle size ranges were used for evaluation: PNC>10 (count of particles with diameter larger than 10 nm) and PNC30_250 (diameter range 30–250 nm), in order to exclude nucleation events from the measurements and to obtain a consistent long-term measured time series.When comparing our model estimates with PNC30_250 measurements, we obtain Pearson correlation coefficients (Rp) in the range 0.39–0.95 depending on station location (street, urban background, rural) and averaging time (hour, day, month, year). The highest correlations were found for yearly averages at a monitoring station located at a street with dense traffic (Rp = 0.95) whereas shorter time averages and comparisons with monitoring stations at urban and rural background locations provided lower correlations. The model performance for PNC in terms of correlation coefficients with respect to measurements is comparable to the performance for other pollutants such as NOX, PM2.5 and better than the performance for PM10.The model generally overestimated the observed concentrations, Normalized Mean Bias (NMB) was in the range 6%–190% compared to PNC>10 and 90%–290% compared to PNC30_250. These relatively high NMBs are probably caused by uncertainties in the modelling process, especially the estimation of particle number emissions, which largely determine the ambient concentrations of PNC. Furthermore, uncertainties might as well originate from the complexity of modelling particle dynamical processes accurately and the great challenges in performing long-term PNC measurements.The presented model can estimate PNC at all Danish addresses over the last 40 years with a 1-h time resolution. The data seem to provide a good indication of the relative differences in PNC at Danish addresses

    The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities

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    Residential wood combustion (RWC) is an important contributor to air quality in numerous regions worldwide. This study is the first extensive evaluation of the influence of RWC on ambient air quality in several Nordic cities. We have analysed the emissions and concentrations of PM2.5 in cities within four Nordic countries: in the metropolitan areas of Copenhagen, Oslo, and Helsinki and in the city of Umeå. We have evaluated the emissions for the relevant urban source categories and modelled atmospheric dispersion on regional and urban scales. The emission inventories for RWC were based on local surveys, the amount of wood combusted, combustion technologies and other relevant factors. The accuracy of the predicted concentrations was evaluated based on urban concentration measurements. The predicted annual average concentrations ranged spatially from 4 to 7 µg m−3 (2011), from 6 to 10 µg m−3 (2013), from 4 to more than 13 µg m−3 (2013) and from 9 to more than 13 µg m−3 (2014), in Umeå, Helsinki, Oslo and Copenhagen, respectively. The higher concentrations in Copenhagen were mainly caused by the relatively high regionally and continentally transported background contributions. The annual average fractions of PM2.5 concentrations attributed to RWC within the considered urban regions ranged spatially from 0 % to 15 %, from 0 % to 20 %, from 8 % to 22 % and from 0 % to 60 % in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Umeå and Oslo, respectively. In particular, the contributions of RWC in central Oslo were larger than 40 % as annual averages. In Oslo, wood combustion was used mainly for the heating of larger blocks of flats. In contrast, in Helsinki, RWC was solely used in smaller detached houses. In Copenhagen and Helsinki, the highest fractions occurred outside the city centre in the suburban areas. In Umeå, the highest fractions occurred both in the city centre and its surroundings